Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2024

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§1101 TITLE 26.-—-JNTE 1191. Same; notice af; 'nppea§ by mexegutcr llglmitatiom cm mxséssmexxt and ,m1léct%xfmqf ds§cie¤cy].·-·-It the commismmer determixxes thet there is aw <1_<.=e§éi@m:y id respect of the {fra; inipossd by this title, {tha? commissioner is authorized to sénii

mri£·<s izf smith d@§9ia11<~ry t0ft11e exec¤tm·.by registered  

Xlgimiu 60 Hays after suqh nctigé is guaéled (mt counting Sxmday as thesixtieth day); the executpr may me Q petition ss·im_ fhg Béard qf“? Tax Appeals fm; a réd»9tgrminé_;ioz;_ at the d+2§éienc*y.~ , Except as otherwise provided iii -subdivi§0x1 { d) as- (f) `af this sactian ortmia secticm 312 or 1001, do assasément

 Qfsa- dem- icm·y in réspect §f¥§he tax  »»by this titleand

xw disnaim; Mgr proceeding in court fof its coilecticm shall be aiade; begun, or prosécuted until sujch uotiee has been ·ma}1ed in the executor, (mr until the expiration of such 60-day period,. nar, if a petition has- been med with the bém;d,; until the decisicm at the _ beard has beccmp dual. Notwithstanding, they provisions at j section qt the Revised Statutes the making nf such Aaséesémeut or the Taegixmixig 01} such. propeedixig oxj distraim; during the time such »g,g0§ribit1o¤ is in force Piney be enjcimd by a proceeding in the pr0pe1··c0urt¢ (Feb.- 28; 1926, ‘<=· 27»%3¤3 <¤),.44.S¢¤it-75-)* ” * v` i Sée note as Ebegihning gtxgapt TSE! iusgéhapter. *4 __ " - _f‘Ti1is tiil¢,,f’,»h¢re§ E @:6:1 tc, constitutes ci 20 of thi; sgxpple-_ ments: title. Subdivlaiaus (d) and (I), ·m·cnt1oucd in the} text, are set out in H! 11Qla and 1101b,l respectively, 0{this supple! mental. title. Bectkm 312,_ mentiotied in the. text, is act out ji 1104, 110¤5,_n¤d 1131 qi this sui>p;emen¢a.1 title; J section 1001, dmiinriy menticnail, is set out in ,52- _122·L at this mzpplcxsgentsk title, ;¤.¤<!° Q 3224 at the Revised Statutes, nmilaxly mw;ioued,4 iq act out is! 1b54.c£ Title 26, Ixtmmur. Rmmwn. " ` 11615; §n¤c; waiver of i·estri¢ti<ms; ·mn aamssmmt and- cal-

 execgwr shall at any time have.the_right,·by h
 I19$»C€ Viifa writing med with the cqmpimioner, tb vgaivc

the rwtrictic~n§ pmvided in subdivision (a) not M this section my the =·.:~:w and ccllactgicxx; of the whole dr any mrc of the sesame;. < (1·*-ev. 2a, c. 21. s *308 (ay, 44 sm;. vc.) Qiewsecxloa., . ‘ . " § Sqbdiyisicn (a), mentiorned in `texit, is pct oqhhj 110; at jim mpplementnl -tit1e.· ’ '· ‘ " , , " _ lwlb. ;_ gdditiwal ¢!e§cie¤cy; *"mathematikgl erm!.-·——If after the eisaciment of ighis Aci: the commlissioneij has mailed to me icxegzutpr _.u9t;i¢e of 9, dé§éieency`. as pmvided in.subdis*i-1

 sian {zi), and the executér Qleé a. petition with. the  

y svithin the p;·&¢ribed in such subdivis40¤—,· the commissiwer shall bags right to kmtégming any additicixal demiexscy, cxgeegit the case of fI;&i1d, and gxcept ag jay sumiviaian {a) at this eqcticm or in subdividqn (c) yotsection Q · 312. It the exgcutor. is ¤cti¤éd that on accmint ct··'n` mnthmi mgtical mo: appearing upéu `thé face of the,retumQ an amount * _ at tax in excess éf that shown uippkx the isidue, had · that a.¤ as gat of thewtax hgs‘bée11‘¤r will be magle on the basis ct what would have been the correct amouitnt of ltnx but? fg! the méthemapiical &1'1’Q1’%_ guch notice shall but be considered, fb: the giuépcses of this subdivision ‘or ·<>t subdivision (ay ot this section, or caf segticu 319Q `aé a notice of a._ eQcie·1·;cy, and the émcutor sha1l_ have no right to me ·a pegftmn * with the Beard of Ta; Appeals basedlcwu wsuch !i0t1C8,; mv Bb&u’,.S`¤Qh agseasésczat or céiiacticm be p—mhi§ited ‘by qthe prcvk10i;;§.— or s;;;bdiv·1sic¤!(a) at this section, (Feb; 28, 19%, c. 27,1 308 (tj," 44 Stat. 75,) - ,. / Ngw 'secgicnf  » , V · ‘ ) K Subdivisgqus my énd (e), mepticxnedln the text; are net nut in FQ} 1101 and 11G?.a, respcctimly, of this s¤¤t11—tit1e. .Bub— glivmgu (c) ot. Q 312% simiinyly mentimmd, tggat putfln § 1104 of mid title, gn; { 319,"n1s¤ méutiqngd. in jet mt in I 11% of ` sqm fitie., i  » ‘ · ¤· , _ 1192. Samé; detérmixyitimx By Maul; my-`

 ¤f:_ wiigctim éf   diuI1¤wed._;——-1t the executor

iiims a .petiti<.m_ wirh” tha board; the entrlm ammiut redeteréined as the dctlcicmey mr tlié. decision of thévboand which has ba;

FRLVAL IQEVBZYUE 2010. come gal shall be §¢sessed zmdqshail bef paid uponinotiqe and demand from ihe’cQ11ect0r.. No paft at this amount déezmiued 4 as a. dehdmcy by the ¢0mmiss}0¤cr pu; disallowed aé sugh by

the decisign of the Board which has" become Em! shui} be _

assessed or be collected bydistmint or by giroceeding in eww: with or withmzt: assessment. (Feb: 26, 2.1926, —c, 27,y§j 3QS (b), 44 Sta; _75.) X °` V ~ { <~ _ See nate at beginning ot Part I ét this chapter.

f 1102a. Samé; .x·edetermi11atima, by —b0ard.—-Z-—The board shém

have jmigdiéticu to redetermine the correct amount of the de· Hciency éiren if the amount sq iedétermined is gréatcr than the amount bt the de§cie¤}:y, notice 01 which has msiied mi

’ the executor, md to determiué whetmr any additional ummm:

or, additikm to the. Q: shoizld be & 8Bd, if claim therefwr is agserted by the commissioner at 0P* béfcre the hearing or a L reheaiing. "(Feb; 26, 1926, c. 27, { SOS _(€), 44 Stat. 75.) · __New‘s®ction. `· - { ’ _

 1102b., Same; when   nf board beeumcs Qual.--—F’m· the

purposes of this title. we date dn whichia decisive at the beard becoméépiinal shall bendetérmineil hcécrdinz R the provisions of section 1005, ‘(FebQ %, 1926, é. 27, Q 308 (g), 44 Stat. 753 ‘ / New "'·This t1t§e," herein Rfering ta, coastimtes g. za · at this. supplemental titig. Sg<·ti<m.106& mzationpd tu tw text, . ;i¤ pet 0¤t‘i¤·| IQQS of said title. __ , ·

 1103, Same; fgilureztu `§Ie appeal; sgswsment and payment V

of edwncy.-gl; the execqicr does not Sic a· petition with the boar thin the time six;. mbdivisicrn (a) of thig section,. the demsieucy, notigxefof which has been mailéd to the executor, shall be asscsscdyaud shall be paid upon notice and demand }rqm_the collector. 1926, c. 27, _! SGS (oz), 44sm1:.75.) ·‘ See note at bQih¤i¤g of Part l of this chapter. . , ~ ~ » Subdivisi<m`(s), mentkmed in the text, is set oqt in { 1101 at _ this ¤upp@cnt?1 tig;. _ _ T __ - 1104. Same; s §1e¤t md `cclléctieh of deiciczncj where deli)? would be d¤ggémm.·——-»(a)f It the `éomxdissiomzg; believes that thé gssesment. or collectiqn at a deuciencj will be jeopardized »by delay, he slaizill immediately) assxaqsuch de·§cie§cy _(t0- gether with all interest, .:¤dditi<>;mI% anggunts, or additions » té xlngjrax {provided for by law) gm} naxiceangl `demand shall be méde by the cbllectox for thé paymeizt thereof, . - ~ .' (b) It the jcopareiy amssmeut is made before any miie? in respect of the tax tow which: the jéopsrdyj assessme¤t relateé —has' ,bée;1_pailc-ed. imder sgxbdivisicn (a) cit seggticn 3%. mthen the `ccmmissicmer shall niail a notice gmdef such jstxbdiéisicm within 60 days attér Qhe making qt the asmmment, ° * ‘ (c) ~'1"he_je9pardy `gssessmem: may be mma in of a dedciehcy gréatef my less than thntixsqticc 01* wh~ii2»h`_ has been _.mai1ed to the executor, despite glxe pyovisicing of subdivision (1*) of section 3% mid {whether of mt the éxecawr lmé theretgiicre med a petition with the Bodrd of Tax Appeals. =The ctimmissibneg "sha.ll xiotify tpe board' of the ksmcunt rst such. ~assmsmam:, the petition is med witii the before the 'making qt theyaqsessment of is 811bsequent1y»‘¤Eed, and the _bo¤rd s1n¤,11,ha ve jurisdidzion tp mxmmme the entire amount ot the dehcieucy gud of all amounts nmmedéi; the same time · iinwcénueétion Qaémwith. " e -5 r

 (d) `It Q2 jeopardy a&ass§e¤t is "mnde after the kiocisicn

of the boafrd 15 ren§ered‘stxebia_éses¤s¤§gnt maybe, made only in réspect got the déaciency determined by- the board m_ _ its decisicnf ( i g \ _ . · ~

  • (9) A jwp&r§? assessment may pci be msde after; the de- K

Q-ciaicn of the bmrd has, becomé Engl or after the exécumr has " 4.

 meds petiticm to; fevicw, at thé declmézm <>£ the·b0md. J, `

i k (I) When n ieapardy entbns been made the executor, ` within $0 dayé mmce and demand Thom the icolleamr for } the,_pa.yment Qt the Qqoqnt M01 the émssmcmt, maypbtain a may Ng _