Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2040

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§144 TITLE 28.-J t¤111c·»1-11, ‘· the territory €*ll1llI‘llQ£’d OI] July 1. 1920. in the cmnmtics of Sevier, Howard, Little River.- Pike, Hcmiystcad, Millar. ,Lé1fayette, and Neijada; the El Dorado division, which shall, include the terrimry embraced OH §uch date in thei counties of Columbia, Ouachita, Union, Ashley, -Bmdle·y, and. Calhoun; the Fort Smith division, which shall include the territory embraced 011 such date in the counties of Pqlk, Scott. Logan Sebastian, I—`x·amkliu, (‘rawfo1*d. ·\Vl1S1liBgl0l1,.`B@AHt0U, and Jolmsoug the I{1l1'I‘1S0l1` divigion, whiclg shall include the te·rri.t0i·y embraced on $11;-11 datcviu the cknmtiés of B}1xtci·, Boone, Carroll, Madison, 31811011, Newton, and Searcy. _ _ · I ‘ . _ · (c) Terms of the district C0lll'lZ,fo1` the Texarkana division shall be held at Texarkana 011 tlncsecoxxd Mondays in May and November for the El Dorado division at-E1 Dorado tm the fourth 1`[<!ll(l¥‘i§’S»ill Japuary aiid Juuc for the Fort Smith division at Fort Smith on the second Mondays in January and —Juue`aud ·fm· tho Harrison division lat Harrison 0n—the Second Mondays l iu April and October; _ - · ‘ ’ —_

(<I» Tim clerk of the court for the western district · shgllj

maintain an uiiiccu in charge of himself .01° a deputy at Tex- arkzmu, Fort Smith, El Dorhdo, ang} Harrison. _`Suclr_ ofliccsj shall bc kept open at all times fof the transaction of tlié business Q <•ftl1c‘00u1‘t.` _ _ " · _ J _ _ `* (cl The eastern district, shall include four diéisicms constig mtcd as Igmowsz The castcqu division, which shall iuélindc the f territory embraced cn July 1, .1920,- ivix the counties of Dcshgi, 1 Lua. Phillips, Saint Francis, Cross, Monroe, and-Woodruff; the ncrtlncrn divisionfwhich shall include the territory embraced on such date iu`the· counties of Fulton, Independence, Cleburne, Stone,. Izard, Shgrp, and Jackson ;_th,e Jonesboro division, which `shall include the `térrit0r5*‘cmbrac·egd on stick date in the counties of Crittenden, _(}1§5‘, Craighead, Greene, Mississippi, Poinsett, Randolph, and Lawrence; and the western division, which shall include the territory embraced 'on such date in the counties of , A1ikau.~as,· Ghicot, Clark, Cleveland, Conway, Dallas, Ilrew, Faulkner, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Jclfcrscn, Lincoln, _Lgm(•ke, Montgomery, Perry, Pope, Prairie, Pulaski, Saline, Van Buren, White, a¤d`Ycll. , ` V · ` {I) Terms of the district court for the eastern division shqll he held at- Helena, 0:1 thelsecondt Monday in Much hud the first Monday in October; fb: the northern tlivléiony Qt Batesville an the '1'curth Mcudayju May and the second Monday in December; tc:·`t1nc` Jonesboro division, it Joncsbmjo on the first Monday 1¤iM8Y and the fourth Monday in Novembéri and for the wésterxl division, at Little Rqck gn, the Brat Monday in Apna ma me mam muinay an october. "‘ ., · `. · _(g) 1'hciclcrk of the ccixrt, {mj the cnstmria dmrlct shall main-· tain un_c$ca in charge of hixusclt or an deputy at Helena, Batesville, J0n%b01•0,- and Littlc Such `0 Shall be kept open at all times fcznthe trunuctiun of the business pt- the .¢·mu·t._ (R. 8, { 553; Mar. 3, 1911, c. $1, { 71, 36 Stat; 1106;_ Apr. 12,.1924, c, 87, § 1, 43‘Stat. $0; Fw.`17,·1925, c. 252, 43 Stat. 948; Apr.-16, 1926, c. 147, { 1, 44 St;§t.`.%6; Apr. 21, 1926, <·. 208. 44 Smt. v" l X ’ Scala 144 x Title 28 l_0$‘l‘s··*·····Jlldl¢1ll Code, { 71, constitutmg,5 144 ot, Title 28 ct thé·Ccdc, hu been amended by Act ct Apr. 16, 1926, c. 147 { .1, 44 Stat; 296, uid Act ot Apr, 21,1928, c. 2118.:14 Stat. 3434, to (cad at above. · . » _ Tim Act of Apr. 21, 1926, c. 168, 44 Stat. 30*1, Provide! as Iulicwu :_ “That Fulton Ccwad, oi the Joscshcrc divlimn ct tm castqru llistrict of the State of Arkawu, bc, md M Hm it hmeuy, detached {mm the Jcncébcm divmmn and attnchcd to and mum- n part of the Batesville dlvlgioa of the eastern district cf sam nyc: Pmcided, That this umu act amct mit: anim pcudingf - . _· . Bucs! •f rrhr Act•.——-——Scctio¤,2 ct Act at Apr. 16, 1928 c. 147, 44 Statx 296, provides as tpllcws; "'1'bc Icllswing Acta an hereby npealcd 1 * - "tay The Act entitled ‘A¤ Act tc hx tlsctlmc tczvthe holdin}! the term of the Qistrlct court In the Jig¤Mb0r0·dlvls10}~¤ of the eastern district of Arkansas} al»9r0%cd Sciiimbcr 8, 1914: and

vom; ,.12v1» .1;.*;:101.41:1* 2026 [ " {ll} The Act entitled ‘.\n Act to trsmwfvr cwrtniu vouxitios in

 the several judici:-xl elistricte in the State of Arkausamf nppruw··l

g March 4, 1915."

 · 150. `(Judicial Code, section 77, amended.) Ge0rgia.——

E (a) The State of Georgia is divi<le—<l in tlnree jxulieizxl distrit-ls, I. to be known as the xwrthernn, middle, m1Q__.s•»1zther1n districts uf [Georgia.- _ o _ ·‘ . (b) The nortlxeru district shall include tlnrov divisions, oohstituted (89 follows: The Gainesville division, which shall include the texrritory en1bmced on January 1. 1925, in ilu- cmm, Lies of Banks, Barrow,. Dawson, 1·`orsyth, Hul»é1·.sljam. Hell. Jackson, Lumpkizn, Rabtmj Steplnens, Towns, ['uion, and White; the Atlan a divisiim, which slmll include the territory _emhxf:1cedAn such date ih the counties of Gan1;i}bell,· Carr¤»l1,- Cherokee, Clzxytou, Cobb. Cnweta, ‘Dekalb, obopglzzs, Funuin, Fzxycttey 1~`ult<m, Gilmer, . Gwinnett, Heard, Hen—ry._ Milton, N€\\’l(il1; Pickens, R0ckdule,_Sp:1lcling, and Troupyaml tho Rome divisi0u,·which Shall include the ·t0r`ritnry nxxlwramel oi; such date ini the oemnties of _Bart¢iw, Catoosa, (‘lnattm»;;:a. Dutlo. Floyd, Gl)l'd0Il,_li2lI‘8.l>¤0ll·. Murray, Paulding, Polk, \\’al_k¤»-n·. and Wlxitfipld. - — ‘ - _. . · , ·(é) _Terms of the district Cf<lIl`l‘t_ for the Gaim·sville division shalllbe held at GainesviIlee_ on the fum·th` )IUI1(1Ll}'S.ii1 `April aud, November; for the Atlanta division at Atlanta on tho` ·se·<;0nd Monday `iu March undhthe first Monday in Q<·t¢»bs·a·; and for the Rome division at Rome on the tln§}·d' Momlay. in May uml November. _ ’ · ·` Z I (d) 1‘h0_iuiddle district shall include six divisions, constituted ;8S follows: The Athens division; which shell_im·lud•= the —territ0ry, embracedkln Jauuafi 1,· 1925,, ju the counties of Clqrke, Elbert, Fraultlin, ‘.Greene, Hart, Madison. Morgan; Oconee} Oglethorpe, and `Walton; the Macon division, ivhivh gshull include the territory embraced on such date in the counties of ;Baldwin, Bibb,· Bleckley, Bqtts, Crawford. ‘Ham·eock. Houston, Jasper, Jones, Lamar, Monroe, Peacli,‘Pik¢··, Pulaski. Putnam, "Twiggs, Upson, Washington, and -Wllkins=oh j the Co? lumbus di_visi0¤,_'which shall include the territory embnced on such date in tlfe counties of Chattahoochee, Cla§, Hai1*n*is.. Marl0h,—·MeHwéther, Mu _ Quitmam Randolph, Stewart. `Talbot, ;md·Thyl01·; the . qlvislohg which shall include the territory embraced on such date ln the counties of Crisp. Qooly; Lee, Macon; Schley, Sumter, Terrell; Webster, engl ·WiI- cox; the Albany QVi8l0B, which shall ihelude the territory embraced on smh date lh the counties of Baker, Calhoun. Demtur, Dougherty, Early, Grady, Miller, Mltohell, §emlnolo. Turner, and _Worth; Amd the `Valdoeta division, which shell include the terpltory embraced on such date in the counties of Berrieht Brooks, Colqultt, ‘ Cook, Echole,' kwin, Ll3l(#l‘,_ Lowndes, Thomas, and Tift. - _ ` (e) The terms ot the district · couit for the Athens dlviolon shell he held at Athens on the iiret- Mondays In Juno ao;1 December; for the Macon division et Macon on the met Mem- `dnys lu May and Novembu; fox? the Columbus division. at Coluhbu; on the mst Monqays `ln March sud September ;` for the Amerlcus divleloh at Awlcnml on the second Mondays in February and June: Pww¢d¢d,` That suitable rooms nnd_ a<·- commodations are furnished for holding court at `Amerlcue free of cost to ttm Government tmtll n puhllc huilding shall here erected or; put into (proper condition Jo: such pu_r· _ pose in mid city; for the Albany divleioh at Alhuhy on the mst Mondays ip April and Octoheé; and R; the valdosm division at Valdosta on the third Mondays in March and September. _, · . . · · · (f) The séhthem district shall include tour divlsiohé, 1:0 be constituted as tollows: The Augusta division, which Shall incltwe the fétfitory embrgced OQ Jahhniy i, 1925, in the comntiée ot·Burke_; Colhmhlh, Gluscock, Jeltereon, Linooln, McDufH¢—,· Biéhménd, Tuliaferm, Warren', and Wilkes ; the Dublin divisi<>¤.