Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2095

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2()8] TITLE 88.-—~PBNS1ONS, BON} ing the World War: Provided fwrtler, That the applicant dm mg his lifetime mbmts proof satistactory to the director shove ing that he is not totally and permanently disabled. . As a eo; dition, ho·wevc!{ to the acceptance ob an appllcatim for th minstatmmt of hired or canceled ymrly renewable ten insurance, where we requirementaas to thephysical conditio, of the applicant have not been complied with, pr, for the rei: statement of the United Statw Government life insurance (cor vm-ted insurawe), the applicantshall be required to psy.;] the bark m0n&ly premiums which would havesbccome payabl

  • -if such insurance had not lapsed, togetherwith interest'at—th

· R rate of 5 per centw ner annum, compounded annually, on eacl » premium from th€date said lHB1 is due by the terms o the policy: Pmddod farther,. That where within one year ·o this anandatory Act" all of the requirements for reinstate ment ot _ yearly renewable tern insurance under this sectim are complied with, except the payment of unpaid 'preinium u·ith_i1lt€l‘€St,_ and proof satisfactory to the .dlrcctor`_ is fm nished snowing the applicant, is unable *t0 payj such premiuin . " with interest or»so1ne'm..rt thereof,. the application may beep ° proved, and the amount of unmid prmimns with interest .a provided lnthis section shall be placed as. aninterestebearing indebtedness against the insurance, such indebtedness to bea interest at rateio! 5 per eentum per annum, compoundel annually, to {be deducted any settléxnent thereunder: Am pmvided fsirthar, hat no yearly? renewable term insurane shall be ·relnstated.atter July 2, 1927. (June 7, -1924, c. 320 § 304,43, Stat. 6%; liar. -4, 1925, c. 553, E 15, ,43 Stat. 1310 July 2,19%,c.7B,S15,44Stat.‘7®.) ‘ -7 T · Semen 515 •! 1‘H•It.¤•nd¤d.——-·-The statutory provision consti touting § 515 of Title 38 of th·e'Code has been amended by Act o: _‘ ‘ Jun Q, 1928, e..72a, §·1s,_ 44 stat 199. s ., an Q 516. Sate; a1a@It&ity of to revive insurance.--gWl§ere any · n A has heretofore " allowed his insurance to lapse, or has: canceled or all or“any 'part of suck insurance, while from a rompegsable dimbility io: · which" was not collected and dies or has dlcd,"o1

 or     and totally disabled ant

at the time of & deaw df Qyérdaneuttouil disability wsse! . is entitled to compeguen reuaining nncollected, then and it that evwt so m@ oi his insurance as said uncollected_‘·comnensatioa, competed in at the rate ·D~¤*oyided by tion @ QftlIB"Wl11° Risk, In¤n·ancénAct asamended December Q24, 1919,* would it amlied as premiums, when due shall not conddered as lapsed,. canceled or reduced; the United Statw Veterans' Bureau is hereby authorized nd _—sald soldier,) 'oinhis-benedciaries, as the mso may be, an amount oi said insuranm low gthe unpaid prmlunh and` interest at 5 mr centum per oomnouaaea la as provided by law: Provided, That imnra& revived under this section and 8w* byarmm or pamanent and total dlmbllify oréby deatn of the shall be paldfonly to the l»¤B\11’éd,‘hl$ wales; child or a s =~¢ ·r =,,¤ meteor or iathex, and in the order by tbe.lnsnred_d¤ri1¤8 his lifetime or by lam will and twtament. (June 7, 1924, ct 320. § 43 Stat..%: Jill? 2. 7%. 16»`44’$l€¤t. 799.). Sands ill •l Tide it t¤¤¤:» l S15 ot-'¤<tleM·~¤t’“¤a'T;‘3il¢ `Eubnn . by A¢t ef July 2, 19¤.·é,··72;,`§ lt, 44 Stat.-799, to nad_•• above. -- . 516aQ Sane; PQ!¤¤¢ Within me hit:-Wherevm" yearly Nfcnewalile texw lmrw or Government life “ “Tim aaiendatory Act" @1d be “·I¤l7 3. 1926-" ,_ ’¤"I~lerewtore•* he mnalataa “¤lac to hb 2. 1926-* _, ¥"‘Chapter 16. F|I¤`871.” pal lean; ln totes. '°" Section $@.7 ehomd he ¤·a¤dated_*‘ section 520 of this ¤tk·" “ 86270%-»26~·——131 ~ ‘ ‘ Q * l 7 e

USES,/AND VETERANS RELIEF §557 r- (converted) insurince. has herewtore lapked for the nénfmyment r- of preminms,and the insured has fqtwarded to the United States l- Vetemn8’ Burmq, not lam: than the seventh day of the month .¢ icllowing the month for which the unpaid premium_ was Que, n ·au. amount su@cient*0 to rcfnstage the inéurauce under bureau n heretofore Nornhereafter issued, `tlle director of the he bureau is `>hereb$¥ auth rized and directgéd to reinstate ;;m·h n-- insurance whenever ink shown to his satisfaction that the · [I insnired was at thé time`0f the makiné G! the remittance in 6 the State of health required by btxrcau regulations, {July 2, e 1926, c. 723,_§ 17,.44 Stat. 800,) ~ _ , h- - New lscgticn. _The stzitutory provision constituting J 519 of l-. lf Title 38 in the \appe¤dix_wgs adileé as Q 308 to Acct ot June 7, { 1024, ci 320, by Act_0i July 2, 1926, c. 323, §‘ 17, 44 Stat. 800. >- _ 516b.r Same"; applicationpf bonus to pu. hans.-- ¤ Where any person allowed his insurance tii lapse and died after 8 February 24, 1919, gud prior -t0 colleqtihg the, $69 bonus pm·

— _ Yidad~· by the Act ot February 24, '1919 (Fortieth Statutes at

s' Large, page 1151), then and in} that'ev¢¤t_his insurance shall

  • = npr be consjdercd as lépsed during such, period as said ¤u·

S- collected bonus would. if applied t0· the mymwtof premiums E. 'wl1en.due,, equal or exceed- lhe same, and tk United States rc Yetérzms‘ Bureau°is< hereby authorized énd direcged to pay to nl s his beneiiciariw under éaidpolicy the amcmth ci mid insupauce, rl less the, premiums myd interest thereon gt 5 per cemum ger an- 0 num, compounded annually, in installmwts, as` provided by P. law. _(Ju1jr_ 2, 1926, c; 7%, ,§ 18, 44·Stat. SOG.), _ i , ’ Néw · section. _ The statutqx:y··§r0»*i§10n" constituting § 520 ci! Q Title 38 at the Qppendix was added as i 309 to Lat c! June 7, __ _ 1924, c.~320, by Actof July 2, 1926, c.. 723, { 184, 44 Stay 800.* [ PAM IV.-—VOCATIONAL` REHABILIQATION __ · 537. Same; time after'-whicll training iw Zilhwanu sha!}

not be gran¢bda—-·—No focationgl t1'&iBiDg~8h§¥]'bE granled after

1 J uric 30, 1926, and `except as pmyidad by` section 404 he§e0£,°Y · P- _-no` training allowance shall théreyter be pgiq to my person: FQ Provided, That any person who is _ !· on Jung 30, 1926, may be continued in aguch uaiuini in Jsnmfal _ P 1, 1927, and amy person receiving educationil inpchoals · , ¤ `01·’ institutions. on June 30,-1920, may be é<mt.i¤ued_—ip trgining (cr ` j not more thari two yearé site; the passage bf this ¤mBw%i0F>" — Actf" and may be paid the maintenange and `suppcrt ailowmxée ' provided `by sec!ai0¤s 401 Md 404 hereof." Fd: p¤1'B&, of. { 'this ’. section `the unexpexided balance oi thB*8[lQ1foi)1‘i8£iG!1 for L évbcatiiamql xellabilltaticm for thé Bscal year, 1926. shall bé I available. (June 7, 1924,%:. § 406, Stgt. 8%; July, 2, l 19%, 9. 723, §_19, 44 Stat. 800.) ‘ _ 5 l · · _ Baum Sa': at ‘!‘itl¤‘a8_•n•m¢¤L—- -*1*he stsmgtggy- pms*islo:;_ consti- ¤ · tutins {587 cf»Tit1&-38-01 the Code hnsbeeh amendwrgl by Act qt. l . . July 2, 1920, c. 723, |` 16,,44 Stat. 800, to read as above. gactmn g `. mutex? is gizbstarihally ·¤mv.· _ . » · 4,} · L * ‘=’ _ X ,_;,,· ` ’ Pm V.——e-·PENAI{‘I‘IES , —»557; Applipswliky of title tg Hnilipmw Is1i1•d¤,—·-——'1`he pm4 _

 éidons at this tide shall be hpplicable to tm admlrllstnmiph

`ct t:his·Act_in" the Philippine Isluéds. (July 2, 1926, c. 723, § 2¢L— . 4·4_Stat.._®0.) » — lieu •ecti9_¤;;` Y.駧,Y{,,,m0nld be t;·a¤;1ate<l‘ _“ etmptor.°` The - · 0*0 §}bvi¤i¤T§ eonstiqnting { 557 of Tlth? 88 at the `apgwuclix ‘ was added as t 500 tc Act ot June! 7, 1924, c. 320, by Act of July 2, 1920, 4:..728, { 20, 44 8`tst. 800. , · j 0 ·’• 404 h¢re0t“ gbould be ugumtec *•mgl¤¤_ 5::5 Ut rhj¤ ` ¤.pt¤.”· Q ° l` . _ —» ·_ ,· ¤*‘8e¤tl0p• ,401 and 404 héfétltu would be transjated "S•·~cx¤uns 032 and 535 qt Fm.: •:hapt¤·." Q IJ)