Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2111

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2097 Y (TITLE .42.——PUn TITLE 43.-—PU] Chapter 1.-—GENERAL LAND OFFICE. ·` 10. Depnsitary acting for commissioner as receiver of public moneys: _ 4 24. Travel by. automobile. [New.] _ . ; 35, Rec;1;l;l0f land omce; transfer on closing of last otllce in State, 1 254:. Flgld notes and maps; transfer to- State on. closing of last land 1 emce in State. [New.] "' · 1 25b. ‘rro»~1s:o¤ by 'State for preservation and access. [New.] . { · lkfbepositary acting for commissioneras. receiver. of pub- • ` Secéoa ll of Title 43 repeated.-———The legislation constituting § _10 l of Title 43 of the Codewas repeated in the Act of May 10, 1926, 1 c. 277, Q 11, 44 Stat. 456, -. . . _ , . 24. Travel by 88t0l!\0bil€.‘··`Vll€H€V€lf the Commissioner of. l the General Land Omce shall find that the expense of travel can be reduced thereby, he may, ln lieu of actual operating, exg penses, under such regulations as he may prescribe, authorize 1 the payment of not to exceed. 7· cents per mile for anautomo-_ f bile used on `oillclal business. (May 10,f 1926, c. 277, §`1,· 44 _I Stat.456.)· . ° ., F ._ `° · ‘ ‘ " é - New section. _‘ . 1 · 25. Records of land odiee; transfer on- closing of last omce. ‘ in St8t£Q···;¤";ll€l1é\’·9l’ the last United States land office in any State has been or hereafter may be abolished the Secretary of ( the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to transfer to the 5 State whhln which such United States land office was or is/ situated such transcripts, documents, and records of the office 1 aforesaid as may not be required for use of the United States '_ and which the State may desire to preserve, (May 28, 1926, c. 415,. { 1, Stat. 672.) · ° “A A A _ I New •ection.— V K i 25a. Field notes, and maps; tranfer to State on closing of G last land ohce in State.-—-That when the public surveys in any { State have {been Soi far completed that in the opinion of the _2 Secretary ot the Interior it is no longer necessary to maintain t · a public survey, in said State, he may turn over to thef -t "_State,the·¤eld. notes, maps, plats, records, and all other papers I, appertalhlng to land tltlm ln` such public survey ofilce thatmay f_ mt be needml by the United States and-1 which. the State may _§ elect to receive. (May 28, 1926, c.,415, S 2, 44 Stat. 673.)* _ ’ ijlesrsectloa. - , ‘ 25b. Provision by State for preservation and necessa-The transcrlpts, documents, records, Held notes, maps, plats, and · e&er·papers mentioned insections 1 and 2 of this Act’· shall in no case be turned over to the authorities in any"ZState until » such State has provided by law for the reception and safekeeplng of same as publlcrecords, and for the allowance offree access t0··the same by the authorities of the United States., (May 28,.19%, c. 415, { 3, 44 Stat. 673.) A " · _ , New section. ‘ ` .,, —/ ( ghabter 2.—-GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ec. · . , 46. Exchange of old frelglrt-carrying vehicles as part phyment for news 5 47. Expggtgqnres for 'benedt of Indians; report; reimbursement. H ` 48. Disposition of amounts rceeivedfrom State, Territory. etc. {Neva,]. C 46. Eichange of old freighbcarrying vehicles as part par E `menytgornew. " _- A _"· · · ‘ ° ln _ _ M •! Title ll repc•t•tI.g—¥The.le.gimation constituting §· 46 V of Title 48 of the Code was repeatcdby the Act of May 10, 1926,_ . _ c. 277, | ,1, 44 Stat. 486. . v ‘ , l _ ‘“ Sections 1 and 2 of this Act " should be translated ‘.‘ sections 25 . lad 25a ofthis title in the appendix} Z °* 862*19*-—-26--132 ,.·


 47. Qxpcnditures for bene§t‘0f Indians; report; reimbursement.——Hgreaftei·, at the close of each fiscal year, the Director

of the Geological Survey shall submit to the Secretaxiy of the Interior a' statement ofall expenditures tr0m·tl1is appropriation during the previous year for the benatit of any Indian Eifibé or allottee, iH.COI1ll€(!ti0I1 with the. administration of the * lavysl relating to the operation of oil, oil shale, and gas leases md to the mining of minerals other than _0i1, oil shale, and gais an Indian lands,·kmd the Secretary of the Igterior shall transmit the Same »a_m1ually`"i£0_Co'ugress pn the iirst Monday in Dccembcf with 'a_ report `as to whetljér-or not there ate any funds available belonging- to. any beneiiciury `trom which the Treasury mighh be reimbursed therefor.- (May 10, *1926, c. 2T?,° 44 Smt.4s7F), · ‘ ° » ‘ __N0w section. _ _ _ .: 48. Disposition of amounts recéiycd from State, Territory, atc.-—jIu carrying bn work liuvolving cooperati<m.with any State, Territory, _0r‘ political subdiyision thereof, the amounts mceivéd; by the Geological Survey from any State, Territory; or political subdivision thereof shall be used t0.lT€iI1lbUl‘S€: the"appr6priatiou from which the expense of such work isapaid. (May 10, 1926, 2. 277, 44 Stat.`487:) ’ ” ‘ New section. / Chapter 4.—REGISTEBS. Sep. __ A · 75. Qaths administered by. .. . 90. Expenses incurred; authorization; [New.} . l08.· Abolmou or oMce. `[Ngw.] ‘ · » _ ` 75. Oaths administered by.—Th:1t a quaiiiiegl employee ot the Department ot the-; Interior who has beeix designated °t0 abt as wzgistcr _0t any United States lgnd (mee pursuant to the pmrigicms of tlne_Act of 0ct0ber 1921, "An Act for the cousclir lation 01* the omcés ct register and`receiver` in certain cases and br other. purposes " (Fcrtrsccond Stgtutes it Large; page !08),' mhy atall times ndministei mi? oath required by' law or he instructions of the General Land Omce in ccimectiqu with he entry 0;* purchase ot any tract of pnblic land, but he shall not charge 0: receive, directly ·or indirectly; any compensation or Rd’miiliSt€fiDg`SUCh oath. (R. S. 2246; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 §tsit.c,1_1-15; May 17, 1928, cz. 303, _44· Stat. 558.) · · Soctkm 75 •f.1‘it|• 43 nmmdcd.-—‘I‘he s¢nt1it0ry’provision constituting { 75 of 'Iitle,43 ot the Code has been amended by Acc of May 17,,1926, b. 303, '44 Stat. @58, fc rend as above. 90. Expenses incurred. · _ · . The statutory pr0;visi011_ constituting _§ 90 of Titie 43_ of the Qcglc has been repented in Act of May 10,,,_1926, c. 277, -44 Stat. 457.. _ . _ _ 108. Abolitioxiqf 0&ce. . _ . As to transfer ofrecords, utc.. on abolition ot Ras; oméc in a State, see §§ 25 to 25b.ot this tmc in ttggapvondix. · Zhapter 7.--HOMESTEADS. _ . 177. Patents for lands- in New Mexico held uhdcr color of itlc.---Wl1»enever it shall be shown to the `satisfactiu;1 ot `the . ie<;·retnry`ciI the Iu‘terio;· that A tract or tracts of public l:nml;\ . mt known to be—miuéral§ ix; the State of New .Me.xie:0, not exeeding in the aggregate one hundred and sixty uc·;·et·s, has or invabeén held in good faith `nnd in peaceful, adverse possession y ·a citizen of the United? States, his ancestors or grnptors, for new than twenty years `nmder `claim. or._c·0lm.· of t1tle,~und that aluablc improvements have been ptacrjed-01; such umd, or some mit thereof has"beeu mduced ‘t0_cultivati_on, the Secretary may, ’Tl1e·A.<!fo£'Oct·. 28, 1921, reteriwd tain the tcxét,. constitupesj _73 f_ $111:1 mh in the Code. ‘ · ~