Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2124

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. H §159 - ‘i·1r1.a‘+5.-. n 159. `Award and judgment thereon; efect of Act on individual .e§§eyee.—Fi1·ét4 Bilieg of award.-—The award of 3 beard of arbitration, having been acknowledged as herein- provided; Shall he Bled in- the c1erk’s Omilé of the district court, desig· I nated in the agreement to arbitrate. _ · - ‘ f · Second. Cenciiiaivcnesa of `e~wew·¢;` judgment.-·An` award acmowleéged and Bled. as Therein mevided shall M conclusive · en the parties as to the · merits and a facts ct the ,¢<mu·oversy i ' submittedm arbiuation, and un.1e$, within ten days after the t mingnt the award, a petition-to impeach theneward,. on the. grounds hereinafter set°·forth, shall be Hled in the iclerk’s, omee _e! the court in which the award has been med, the court shall! enter judgment. my the award,_` which judgment ehall _-be Hua! ~ and conclusive on the parties. · _ -· " . _

 { Thild.-ImF€&€h·9?!éH# of award; greémds.-—Such_ petition for,

the impmchment er ccntestqlng of ani/6*ard so tiled shall be entertained by the court only en one more of the iollowing grounds: " » -_ lp A F- · _ (a) That the award plainly dms not `c0nform·~t0 the 5ub=

  • stantive requirements laid -dqwn by this Act' for such awards,

or that the proceedings were not substantially Tin conformity with une Act;? I . __ “A » - (b)=’1‘hat the award does not c0nform,·n0r ceuiineitself, te the stipulations of the agffiément to arbitrate; or ° ° _ A (c) That a member of the board of arbitration rendering the award was guilty of fraudor. eormptien-§ or theta party to ·. the arbitration practiced fraud oi corruption whieh fraud or é‘5rru·pti0u a£ected the result of the arbitration: Pre vided, hbw-- —~ ever; That no e0urt¥she1l· entert.ain—any` such petition on the ground that an award is invalid for 'uncertainty; in sueh case the proper remedy shall be a suhmlséien ot such award to a- reeenvened Board, or subcommittee thereof, for interpretation, _ as provided, by this Act; ‘ Provided further, That an award · contested ae herein provided shall be construed liberally by the . eeurtgwith a view to Iavering `ite yalidity,. and that no award. i_ shall be set aside `fcr irregularity or_ clerical error, ` going only to form and not to substa.nce.‘  » __ · . r. Fourth. Epfect of partial ·&m:al·id€·ty of auéard.-—·If the court shall determine that a part et the award is- inyalid on some ground .er. grounds design-ated· in thi; section as 1 ground ot invalidity, but shall determine that _ a part off the award is valid, the court shall 'set aside the ‘·e¤tire qwhrdz Provided, 1wwever,"Ihat;_ it the parties ishall agree thereto, and if such valid and invalid parts are separable, the court shall mt aside

 the invalid part, and order judgment t0_St§l1d as_t9 the valid part.

· ‘ Fiftbe A 1;_ record.-At the expiration 1 of then days from the_ decision ei the district court upon. the petition `Bled as aforesaid, mxal judgment shall be entered din accordance with Jenin aeemmn, ¤g1eeS· during me . ten- am e1¢ue¤··pmy shall appwl therefrom to the circuit court et appeals. In such case uuly` such portion ot the-W record shal1 be transmitted he the appellate court as is necessary td the proper understanding and · eoasideratiea of the questions ct law px‘esenged_by said petition and te be decided. ’ `_ · ‘ · _ ‘ Sixth. Fiaality of decision of circuit wart of appealq.——The` determination of said circuit? court of appealé_up0n*'.said quésetiems shall be llnal, and, being certiHed_b5'_t.he clerk thereof to said <llstrlét' court; judgment pursuant therete shall thereubon he entered byeald district- court. I . ‘ Seventh. J1gdguu2:at‘w»hvr6 pctit£0ncr·'c contentions are susmim;·d.———·It the petitionefs. contentious are Qnally sustained, judgment ehelltbe emen*ed4 setting aeide the awa,rd`in whole "er, if the parties so agree; in wrt; but in auch ease the parties may _ agree upon a judgment to entered disposing of the subject matter of the izegxtrurersy, which judgment when entered shall have me same {eree_ and effect as judgment entered upen-an award. _ · 4 i, ‘ _ F }

  • ".Act" ehould be translated f‘‘er." D E ié M l

RAILROADS ·· 2110 t . Eighth. Deity of rcmployée tcicnder scrvlce consent; ·1·¢gh_t— td quét.-¥·—N6thing· in this Aét' shall. be `tn requirg hp individual employee to team hbcr or service with- .· out his consént, noxishall anythiugb th1¤·Act’ be wnstmed to · make me quitting ct his labor or by an mdiviéual ém. plqiee an illegal act; nor shall my mt m® my prow to ieqmpel me pqértormance by an individml employee wt such ‘ lgbot or sérvice, without his écmscnt. (Hay 20, 1§28, c. 347. 39,44sm.$s5.)._, - 2. ·_ · ‘ l

 Nei ¤e¢ti0¤.` See fcothote tdthis &apm. V

160. ·Emcrge¤cy· BBard.———If a diap*ute between a mrrier and » its employees be pot adjusted., under ~ foregoing pwvisiqns ot this Act ‘ and, should, in the jqdment at tho Board ot Mediation, threaten shbstamtially- to interrupt interstate commércé to u degree such as to deprive any section at `the ` -c9uutry ot essentidl transportation scrvicm thb &nrd not — Mediation shnllénotzlty they Presidét, who may th&pp~¤, in 1 his discretion, crgate wnboard to investigate and ins 811011 liispute. Such bond-shall be bt meh ]¤um= ber ot persons as to the President. may sem _¢esirab1e:lPmvidédt however; That no member appointed shall be pocunihrily `0i* otherwise interested in é¤y.%x11kgtiq¤_ct*empl0y;ecs`¢r any, czirrier.- The compensgtiou-of themémbérs of my mh boérd shall be Bxéd by the Prwideut, Such board shaH be ereéted _ separately in Each inistancé and `it shall imestlgte prémpuy‘ thetacts hs to the dispute.n¤d_‘make·g, report to the President; within thiftyxlays trbm the date or ltsczutlan. ` There isheréby authorized to be approtriatéd s¤& mmm may . be necessary for the- cxpéuseé ci; board, mcludig the compensation hud the necessary traveling expcw and gxpemes sc- ,tua11y mcutred for subsisténceiotthegcmbezs otthebqard. . All ` expenditures ot the —l>0ai·d shall be allowed and paid cm the xmasentstzion ot itemized vouchers thextetor-kpprcved by the &\i1'§&¤» . ‘ After the créatiim 0!·si1ch boardnad I0? Yhya after such board has made its report to `the `1’1‘¢Hide¤t, no change, except. by .— agreement, `bhall bé made by`_ the partie; wg the gqntroversy iq the conditions out of which dispute arose. (May 20, 1926, c. -34131 § 10,14 Stat, 586.) _ — 4 W _ .. New section] ‘8ee footnote ltc this cblptw. __ _ 161. EE•;ct qt imnwmy of Act.--11 any qt .t.hi¤.Act, or the ,8.|l§u¢8d0¤·thB1f¤Qfi tg any `pers<m¤¤s.· chamstanég in held inval§d,·tl1¢tremai¤der at the Act} am the ami- éntlou ot synch pmviéion tsgqther petsons cr ql;·cumsta@ asl! not be sdfgcted tmeby.- (May M, 1M6,c. 347, { 1.1,44 Stat. 587,) _ *· Nqvnaectien. 8ee?to¢m¤tp•t• tlpb gnwer tm- aecuén censutntinx Act xgterrcd tg ln seqztloa. ' · · t I - ‘ . 162;. Apprépridtim.-¥There in hereliy anthorlzed to be approtprlated such sums as my be necmary tor` expenditure by the 1 Board ot. Medmtiph in mrrying cnt the provisions ot this Act? K (Hay 20, 19%, c., 347, 612, 44 Stat. 587.) _ · 1 `

 Nui, motion.   fmtncte to- this chapter tc: sections cdbntitutiug Apt referred to in qcctioa.   .

163+ Repeal of prior lcgislatim; ciccptim.-·-¥Title HI of the tT:‘unspb1*tat1<m Act, 1920,** and the Act approved July 15, 19133* · ·Dl’01*'idiH§ for mgdiation, conciliation, ima! arbitration,} and all .Acm and 'parts of Acts ig conmct with the pmvisions_ ot this ~ Act are ihereby rep¢aled,.`-except that the memb€r& wérémtry. omcers, employees, and agents of éw Railroad Labor Board, in` bdllce upon 'the date of the passage of this Act, shall receive theixf salaries for q period of » 30 days from such date, in the same ixmuner as théugh this Act’,had not been (Mi}? 20,-1928, c. 347, Sill, 44 Stat. 587.) — ‘ New section. See Iobtuotc to tbislzhapter. W "‘Act " should be translate;} "¢>r." `_ ‘ _ · 1* Title _1II of the Transpcrtatfon _Act of 1920, mentioned in the text; mmtitniten chapter 7 of Title 45 ot_ the Code. -. · —~. V {The °A<:t' ol July 15,1913, similarly mentioned, is set opt in _S€<{·· tlom.101 to 125, incluslvcyct Title 45 of the Code. ·