Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2129

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. 2115 TITLE 48.—TERRITORIES A. . TITLE 48.—TERRITORIES A Sec. 39. Reindeer. .48. Same; return to legal residence or friends. 49. Persons admitted to hospitals. 50.·Insane persons; disposition of unclaimed funds. [New.] 51. Disposition of funds subject of claim. [New.]


2:23fx. Taking of fish or sbollfish fot'bnit,purpos`es. ‘ [Now.]

_ ItAILRO.~t11S,'Tl·2LEGR.=\I’HS, ANI) TIELEPIIONES ` `::o1. Railroads; location', construction`, and oporzition, h - 302. ’l`<-lograph and telephone lines. `

o3. 1`ownsitcs. _— . _ _
—;t;i4. '1‘orn1iu:1ls, stations, and rights of way. M. _

305. Pntonts to contain ·I'€‘S_t*l`\'P for right of way. y 306. Disposition of °px·ocoeds of lease or salo of pnl>·lic_lands. 307. Authority of President. -. ‘ ·. - , · 308. t)1liccrs,'ngt·uts, etc., to {nuke nnnunl report to President; trans- __mission to Congress· ’ Pl3BLlC LANDS IN ALASKA, ' GENERAI`. Pnovxstoxs ‘_ I fitil). Public lands"; leaso for fur farming; reservations. `[New.] ' intl. lisecntion_ of provisions of Act; authority- ?BSt—oretary’of. Into- _ rior,. {New.] ' _ _ IMS!. Indian or Eskimo lands set aside- on survey of townsito. [Now.] l initio. Extonsion of 'strcet or alloy across indian or Eskimo land. zztstuw. Survey of nonmineral pnblic.rnnds into lots and blocks. [New.] ‘;:•:9¢·. Rogulations by,Secrotary of the Interior. [Naw.] _ V { “HOMESTICADS ‘ ··

?9." Homestead claims; rectangular systmnof survoys; ¢le·;»m·tni-o on

account of local or topographic conditions. [Now.] . ‘ BRO. Soldiefs additional ,o,ntry;· trade or manufacturing sito; applica- _ tion for o@cial‘survc5·; deposit. [Now.;] 1 3241. IQ_isposition_of._de;>osit; rules. [Now]. 39. Reindeer. ·` “ _ _ Section 89 of Title 48 repented in `pnrt.-——~'1‘ho statutory. provision · aainstitutlng § *219 of Titlo 48 ot the Code has boon ropentod in part in .g<.·t.o£. May 19, 1926, c..`277,_§ 1, 44 Stat. 492. beginning with tha v.·ords‘ "’Tho Comniis. loner of Iiducntion." · · —· ~ . 48. Same; return to legal 1 lice 01: friends. . _ ~ Section 48 of Title 48·—.nnl•stgnti•l·ly repeated;-—'l`l1e lstatutorf provision of Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43—S;tnt. 1181, constituting § 48 of Title 48 of thelfodo, has boon substantially -r•·poated· in Act. (of May 10, 1926, c._`2‘i’7, Q 1, 44 Stat. 493. ‘ ` _49. Persons admitted. to hospitals. . `. Séctton 49 of Title 48 substantially; repented.=—~—-Tho statu`tory`-..p_ggvision constituting § 49 of"1`itlo 48 of the Code hss been sulistanft tial}; repented in Act of May lt), 1926, ci 277, §‘1, 44 Stat. 492. 50. Insane persons; disposition of unclaimed funds.-——Thnt rvlwroaftor all moneys belonging to lN:’l°SUllS logttlly Hdjllfltwil insane in the '1‘ori·itory of Alaskaand dopositenl. by. them with {ho person, firm, corporation, or institution undoxv contract with the Departtnant of- tho_[ntori0r for the caro of the Alaskan . insane who havn died in such institution, orxundor the cart: of such person, il1im,·or corporation, boon (]lSt‘l.l’Hl‘§.{t*(] tl_m}•s`· hsoni, or who have olopodand whose whereabouts is unknown, shall, if unolaime.-d¢»y said porson or thoir legal hcirs within tho -nt+riod_of tire years from tho time of death of tho. person . or tho data of the —lon`vlng of tho institution, uiithté t·sro of. nucl: person, iirm, or corporation,. lieoovorsd into tho 'L‘roasury ~ by tho·Socrntary of tho Ill,l.€l’ll)l’Z Iérorided, ]aon·<?ro1·,— That tho, lllimiililliid Hlfilwys belonging to those who have horotoforo died . or loft tho institution, or the csiro of such porson. tlrm. or coré iloration, prior to tltodtitolof this Act shall, at the mill of tivo . x·¢··ars,fro1i1 tho pnssnito of this A.<.·l.* alsoiha eiopositatl in tho T,1;(’·iiSUl°§°.’F‘¢llbj€{‘l',*hf?\\'Q\’(*·l’, to rt>e;·lnmntion l_•y·s~=u¢·h pnrsorls or

  • ’_f;I.·‘l.'ct"’ should translated ffgeotions 59 and 5*1 of this title of

tho appondix," · · ‘ · _` . . K

Nu 1.\’,sLLA1¢ 1*0.s.s16.ss10xS §3Q4 O ND_ INSULAR POSSESSIONS their legal heirs. within five yvars ·1`i·0iii1 the date of this Abt} ('ADI'. 24, 1926, c. 177, § 1/, 4-ii Stat. 322.) i New séctionf Aét of Apr. 24, 1926, c. 177, 44 Staf. 322, Qitoid fu the text, was eiitxtlvd ".&u Act tu pmvidn ,fm·`thn" ciispositiou of memeys of `thv Ivgally adjmirzvd insann of Aiaska who have hom C{l1‘€d· for by the S¢<·im·_y of the Intcri<»r." I 51. Dispositiori of funds subject of Vclaimé-T11e·Secretuir5· ui the I1l[i‘I'1()1` is ziuilxurizegd smc] directed·umier‘ such rcgiiiatiorxs as_hc may ])1‘€S(‘1‘ih(§, tu make, or cause diligent inquiry tq be mz m cvmjy inst.:1`ucc}aft01·_tl1e death, <iischat‘ge,-of alonel1l(’_ oiQ—-any legally adjudged insane person uf. Alaska, {M {lS£'€‘['f&il1 his whercab0uts·,· or that of his or her legal heirs, ami '[ii(Pl*&‘iifY€i° turn` nyer toZtl1e_prupe·r piirty any moneys in the hands of the instituticm, person, iirm, 01* corpofutiozi, and sn i forth, to the creqit of such person. Claims may be p1‘e:<e11t0d_ to the SQ(‘1'(3i—8l‘}'_ of the Im:e·ri¢»r.11e¤re11n<ie·r at miy time, and ivheu cstuhlisliéd by vmupetent. proof in any case u10rc·th:m Iivo years after the ilcatin, disclmrgxc, or elopemem; of sm-ii i legally i1(lj\`U_i§.‘1'€(i iiiszme pe‘r·sui1 of Alaska,. shall bcmertiiied m ` Conigxress for croxisimlcmtion. mr. 24, 1926; of 177, § 2, 44

 Stat. 322.) _ _ P _ ‘ · _ . .

New section. Se-c.n0te`t0 § 50 of thistitle of the af»;50ndix.‘ ._ · ATQASKA FISHERlES ·' 223a. Tzikinig of fish or shéllHsh·-fdr bait purp0ses.———T_héSe<;·- ret_21ry of C0l;Ill1l`0l'(?€ is hereby .;uit·h0rized to permit the taking Q, of fish opslielltigali, for bait purposes ‘0nly;‘at imy OF all Seasnns · in any or all Al:1skzm_»Territ0rial_ waters,. (Jima 18, 19%, 0. 62}, 44 Stat. 752.) i _· o ` Now S(•(_‘tiOFli,‘ _Ql‘his section mqristitutvs the prbviéo of Act of Jmw 18. 1%•236,' c. 621, 44 Stat. 752. 'i‘he_A<·t amendvd Act of June GQ 1924, c. 272, § 1, 43 Stat, {64, constituting 221-224 of ihiswitle of the- Coun. The anwnding Ac; did not ‘chm1ge the laxniguaigerof ,tl·iv_A<·t .un1c·m1<·d, but only added zz proviso thereto, iu the language of the text. - · Q _ ` RAILROADS, "TELEGRAPH, AND TELEPHONES ? . · O ° I n I N O ` 301. Railroads location, construction, and operation. _ ` ` Sectiom‘301 in 308 at Title 48 gmeridcd.--The ppovisions at Acta! Mar, 12, 1914,-9..37, 38 Stm.’“A305, constituting §§ 301—·3•}S uf . Title 48 or the Code, inavdbeetn mxiqnxded by Acta! Apr. H}, 1,926. · c. 114,- 44 `Sta¤t.,;2?;9, eixi,itled~ "Au Act to amend an Act emtitleei . · ‘An Act tp authorize thdlfresicimit of the United Stat¢· to locate. __ construct, mid 0`pemte railroads in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes,' upfujoved March 12, ISU4," as follows; _ 4 “Thg1t the Alaskan Railroad fgxvtj appruvvdi Hm·<·h’ 12, 1914, is he·rk·\»y zxmexicled so as topcrmit the issuance of passes t<>‘xnini¤ze~rs= éfweeligimn, traveling se·cre·ta1ries`0»f Ruiimnci Young Meds Ci1ri¤,=ti:u1 V .Ass0ch1tions, and persons exclusively pngaged. in charitable ami 0le0=n0sy1:mry_ work when `cfugixged in- their work in `Alaskafxtu _‘imli;.:¢»¤}, d&>stitu"t•e, and lxozuvlciss persons, iil!IH"tt(*S qi hospitals aim!

·l1a¤~ital»!o- and cleomusyimry instimtionnig and to such pvrscirig

wlwn trmispurtgcl by €h2]Pi{gi)lB'S()Ci('ti€S "c.»r imspiials, and the — r£ec¢·sm;1i·y agvnts g·mpl¤y¢·d in such transportation; to neyvsbcgs 011. traiinrse, penwmiis injured in i\‘!f•*t.‘k¤,·&iI1(]-flh}’§i¢‘iiil1S kind- nurses sit- - 'te-ruling? >:u.<·ii p•—x·>i¤;»us; the iuterciianigc ofK{t•:1se~w:·; f<>x· ttm ofiiwrs, _a;;<~ii}s, nm} mxapl-<»ye·•~s~'of mmmém carririrss and thsiir families; and tim c·arr;£ig· of }l$\S$€‘H,${€I"S fveb with ‘the— ub_i<‘*··*t of providing relief in ucznsus Q gzenwrzil ¢-pi¢iemic·,- p<·stii¢>nce, or other caiimnitgius ~s·i>;i:_:i· ‘ E, `ii0¤." '- ·_ _ _ i V `302. ’lIelégr3ph and telephone lingsQ Q W Secticm 362 of Title 48 nmendgd.~—~—~`Sm· rmtex tn"§ .301 bf this titiv nf me appendix. i ‘ 303. 'Tmvnsites. __ · i ’ — _ Section 393 af Title 48 ameuded.~ ~·r$¤·e nute to —§ IBM! of iiiis titlv of \ the uppmdix, · _ — 304. Terminals, stations, and rights of way. t i . Seetiem 304 dt Title 48 aménded.·-——-:<¢·•· u··n·· m § mil m` thi5'_iitl••_of the nppe·udix.·‘ ` i ` I _ ¤."A¢·t;’i shmiidibe mxuahxteil "aeutimzs 50 uml-Z»1_0f this tii!¢· ui; the 4npp€mii£.”‘ . - 4 _ l