Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2139

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i 2125 ‘ ri.1*1.E .:0.. TI'1WLE· 50. Chepter ·5.—ARSENALS, .ARM `MATERIAL GENERALLY. S1. Militéijy. surveys and nmaps i Section ~81 of Title 50. repeated. ‘ tuting —§ .*51 of Title 50·oi' the (

  • Ap»·._1·:¤, 1926. (-.-146. 'Iitle_.I. 44

_c1mp¢er 9.;A1R·CRAFT." _' q154. Purcheées and service mittee. for Aeronautics; I advertis section 3709 of the Revised Stem not be construed to npply toany for the N£1tionalYAdvisory Coinmi aggregate annount involved does i (Apr. 22, 1926, c. .1.71.514 Stat. — · ‘ New 'section. " .

  • " Section; ·3709_ of the Revised

should be translated “Section 35` of C

-—\|.'A1;'Z " o §154 ORIES; ARMS, AND \VARi gl .-—The gtatutory provision couetilogic has been repeated in Act of ·St:1t. *272. ‘ vs t0.Nt:1ti0]\8l Advisory Com-. »fng for proposg§$.·-4H¢»17e:zfz·er tes of the United States} .sh:1l_1 A

  • purchase orservice remleretl

ittee for Aer_om.1utics when the s~-not exceed—t:he _;sum of _._$50. 314.) A __ < ·;° Statutes of the United .States"’; title 41, PUBLIC COXTRAC'1`S.’°’? —