Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2183

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2169 -0 Bnnkrtiptc;·—-—Conti111led _ , . Bankrupt—·—Contiuued · » ` `Insanity ot bankrupt as affecting proceeding, p. 245 Insurance companies, `p. 2~i5,‘§ 22 _ Municipal corporntionsh p. .245, § 22 u __ - Natural persons generally, p.~245, §, 22 · ‘ ’0i’£ense;s by bankrupt, p. 248, ·§ 52 (b) PartnerShipL·b. 2515,* § 23 — _ i ·- _ Persons who may become bankrupts, p. 245, —§ 22 Railroad companies, `p. 245, § I22 -- _ ‘\\'ago ea_rners,_ p. 245, Q 22 _ Bankruptcy courts, Cornrs or B.\NKRUl"I`(.'Y J _. Bonds of omcers, p. 251, § _78 _ ‘ _ _ Breacli of promise of marriage, discharge as affecting lla _ l»il,ity,‘ p. 246, § 35" " , ‘ . ‘ Bll$lll0§<§§iOf bankrupt, continuation by .lllHl°Silill_ or trustee p. 243,} 11 I `· · U, t _1 " ¢;‘ert'iiication to `Supreine Court, p._248.'§ 48 (0) , _ - Certliled coplesot orders and proceedings, admissihllity i‘ evidence, p._247, § 44 . ., ·* `A ¢*ertiora~rl from Supreme, Court, p. 248,- §` 48 (c) C§r<·ult ieourtzs. of appeals ‘ l I

 also Petition to revise, infra _

Appellate jurisdiction, ·p. 248, § 47 _ _ Superlntendence and revision in matters of law, p. `24£ - 547 (ll) _ ‘ 1 _» ·· _ ° %Claim.§ · ey ‘ A · · Allowance, see Proof and allowance of claims, intra Cost of administration, priority, p. 254, Q 104 (b) . Costs- in actions by or against bggnkrupt, p. %4,-§ 103 · Dianllowance, jurisdiction of; bankruptcy court, p. 2-li; §— 11 ‘ · “Y ° Expenses incurred `by`ci·co1mrs in recovering assets priority, p, 254, Q 104 (bl · _ “M Q _ ` ltxpenoes ot preserving estate after filling- of petlttor priority, p. 254, E 104 (b) · “ , False claims, punishment for maklng=or receiving pay jnaent,-.p. 2*18, § 52 (b) [ `, , Filing tees paid by creditors in involuntary — easel priority,-ps 25-1,5104 (b)._ _` ,` · up ‘ _ · Jurisdiction. of bankruptcyconrt, p.243, 5 11 ` Priority, p. %4, § 104. ty _ i . · ; _ _Proof. seeLProo! and allowance ot €l&ill}$» intra Provable claims, 25% { 1% ,· » “ 2 "Reconsideration `atter allowance or .dianllowance,` { 243, [,11 , , . ·· * . '1`nree owing by bankrupt, priority. p.-254, 5 10-1 (a) · Unllquidated claims, liquidntionf and allowance, p. 25e §°I03' ‘ A 7.~ . ‘ Wages due to workmen, »serva‘nte, etc., p, 254, S 104 (b Clerks of · A ` I .· ` n¤¢iee _,ge¤el·a1ay, p. 251; Q- 79 — _ _

 to keep records, p. 256. 5 -111 _ \

Fees. n,·252.§80; , , _. . Reference of case by clerk in absence of judge, p. 241 r !41(f.s>‘ ‘ - .· Collection ofasaeta, eee Administration of estate, supra , ‘° Commencement ot proceedings " by ··Hling petition, 1 243, I 1 · Q l ” A " . Compensation ot odlcera, °p. 251, § 76 Qompooitions _ * _ ° . Conilrxnation, p. 246, $.30 ‘ · Connrmation as discharge of bankrupt, p. 246, § 32 (c 'Golidrination, power ot conrtto order. p. 243. 5 11 ·` Notice of application for conilrmntion,i.p. 253, § 94 (a Rejection, power ot court to order, p. 243, $-11 M E

rbex ‘&nkr1rptcy·-Continntxed ’ Compositions-q-(.°·ontin11ed Q i, ' Setting aside eoiuposition; effect ns` to acquisitions by ` ‘ · bankrupt yvhile compoéition vttns. in, force, pj Y §104(c)°* o ' ° ` -——-—-power of court. pn 243, § 111 _ l · Setting oxide eozxiirmzntioixyp. 2·16.`§ 31 _Compromise·ot,'ol:1ims, nu`tl1o·.:ity'of trustee, p. 243, § 50 _ Comproxnises, notice of proposed compronnise, p, .253,- i 94,€a>` [ .. · 4 ~ — · Coneenlment by bnn,kri1pt .- · ' ‘Aet_¤r bmikmptcy, p. 244, 5 21 Detinition of “conce:1l." p. 243, § 1 . Punielmnent, p. 243, § 52* (lj) 1- _ Consolidation of cases, p. 249,} 55 _ » (‘ontempts,‘- punishment for contempts committed before >,~ - referees.·p. 243, § 11 _ . _ __C0ntimmtion of ‘l\lli1k1‘lH)t°S businesé by tnarelml or trustee, `

 p, 243; 5.11 » _ .· - · l

H ; Conveyances, see Transfers by `bunkrupt, infra g · Corporationey · , _ ‘ ‘ ‘ __ 2 _ “Directors` _~linbility— for corporate debts under State — · laws not a&`ecteti by bankruptcy of corporation, "p. 245, § 22. _ in . · · ` p Involuntnry bankruptcy, liability to, p, 2·l5,__§ 22 3, ‘ Stockholders? liability for corporate debts `nnder Stbte · . _ lows- not affected by bankruptcy of eorporotion, . _ 11.245, § 22 J, , ‘ ~ Union Pacllie Railroad not snbjeet to bankruptcy lows, U ·p.144.5,_§ 8r _‘ - ~_ u ‘ Wolttntary bankruptcy, rigbt to, p. 245, §_22 S, Costs - _· . , · · ` , Allowance out of estate. p. 25-1, §` 103 . _ . 3, ·· · , Disxnissal of petition by cretlitorn, p, 24-l, § 21 A Provableclnim ngaiunt bunkrnptsgp. 254, § 1%, 1, Taxation, p. 243, Q 11 _ ‘ ·‘ Coetsof administration. priority. p. 254, § 104. {ln) P *— , r-, Courts having appellate jurisdiction, euumertxtionr p, 2-13, _ s, Conrts of bankruptcy ._ , · · ‘ · · Ancillary ·}urisdlction,` p,` 243. 5 11 " Appellate ju°rie•;lietion; p. 2418, § 47 _ Chemlners, ezrercise. of powers in, p.· 243, § 11 · rEnnx.n&mtion of courts baring jurisdiction, p. 243, § 1 2 Jurisdiction, andpowers generally, pl 2—l3,`§ 11 ‘· ` 1. Nonreeidents, jurisdiction of local conrt, p. 243, § 11 _ Pr6perty‘»of._bankriipt witl‘1in·,territorinl lin1its` as n· _ · férrlng jurisdiction, p,,2-13,.5511 Y " L, ‘ Territorial jurietiiction, p. 243, 11 t . Vacation,»· ot powers during, p. 243, 5 11 )" · Creditore 1 _ ‘ "_ ` Dednitiou, 11.243, § 1 _ _ _· ' Joining in petition utter filing. p. 253. § 95 tf) · · A List of creditors, lnnnkrnpfs duty-to ile, p. 215, § 25 · —-·—~—-—exnrnlnntion by referee, p. 249, 5 67 _ e r; Meetings, seelieetinge ot creditors; intro _ v Notice to creditors dren by referee, p. 249, S 67. ' Number `required to join in involunt:1ry`proceé·<lings, L p. 253, 5 95 1 ‘ i . . Preferred creditors, ·p. 253, 5 96 _ _ ~ · Criminal conversation. tliwbnrgeo no affecting liability, p,. b 246,*535, ,·_ » ` Date of bankruptcy Qxed by tiling of petition. p. 243, ‘§ 1 )· Death of bankrnpt, e¤ect on proceeding, p. 245, § ‘ . Qebtsr ,_ " `· , “ · _ ) . See also Glohns, supra, IJiscbm·ge, intro; Dividends, . infra `