Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2190

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INDE Bulkheads _] See .NAV1GABLE` W.t*1ms . Bulletins - " ~ " _ ~- _ _· _ ‘ . " Bureau ofi Education, preparation and U publication of bulletins,_p. 609,`§ 3 _ Q — ` `Federal_'farm loan lair, benefit to‘farmers,~ p. 300, § 661 ` Printing and distribution- by .Dfrector_ of Census, p. 329, ·

§ 4- _. ° `

Bull Fights _ -- See CRIMES ANl1·OEh`ENSES' Bull Run National Forest ` , See N Arxoslu. Foiinsirs Q Bureau or Budget _ ° " 6 l See Nxriotun Bimcm Srsrrzu K nm·eaa.s: EHiciehcy.` - · j See Crim. Snavngn Cuznnssxon N] Bureau of Ethnology · . p ' - Col1ectibn°`of ethnological objects, deposit- in National { Museum, p. 614, § 59 " _ . _ Printing and distribution of bulletins., p. 1432, §§ 255, _256` " Students and investigators, right to use facilities of bureau, ` p. 615, § 91 ‘ ” “ i _ Bureau of Fisheries . z. , , , See Fxsn Ann F[SHERIE8_ F = _ _ ° · Bureau of·Foreign and Domestic`Commerce n" · - Annual reports: to Congress, p. 372, § 178 A Annual statements as to Americanshipping, ·pQ 373, §· 180 Annual Tstatexnents of condition of co1nmerce· and navigation, form, p._ 373, § 185 . _ ‘ ·· Coasting trade,·.collection of statistics, pg 373, § 186 Commercial statistics, collection, ·p. 372, _,§ 176 L » Cost of production, cost of living, etc., in foreign countries, duty of bureau to ascertain, p. 371, § 172 , Director _ - . _ __ _ Annual reports on statistics of commerce and naviga- _ tion, p. 371, §§ 173, 171 " g , Annual. statement as to names, tonnage, etc., of- dog . mestic vessels,_p. 373, §_' 180 _ ' _' . Annual statement'. ot merchandise shipped through United States to- foreign countries, p. 373, § 181 { Statistics of manufactures, collection, 373, .§ 182 Duties of bureau, p._-371,`§ 172 et seq. ‘ . - iqstablishment by consolidation of other bureaus, p. 371, · wm-· a M Information for manufacturers, duty to collect and dissemi-- ] ' nate, p. 372, § 175 · _ . , ;—_ 7 . Manufacturing industries, duty to foster`and"promote, ap. .1 372, § 175 ‘ . 9 Report on commerce and-navigation, printing, p. 373, § 184 Reports of foreign and interstate commerce and transportation, p. 372, § 178 ,. , . . · · ‘; 1 Sale ot lists of torelgn buyers, news bul1etins,`etc.,·p. 1929, · 5 18% . . _ _ l - , M `_ . . . Sale of publications, disposal of proceeds, p. 373, Q 192 ‘ ( Statements andtreports for collectors of customs and Treas- · ary Department, p. 373,} 192 p . · _ Statements of imports and exports, printing, p. 373, { 187 · . statistics as to foreign, manufactures,. duty ot bureau to obtain, p. 371, § 172` *" A . ~ _ _ Statistics of commerce and navigation, annual report by ( director of bureau, p.‘ 371,_ §§ 173, 17i = · Bureau qt Lighthouses and Lighthouse Service ( Sw Inonrrnonsn ·Sm¤v1cn_ ` Bureau of Manufactures ·- , ` Consolidationeiith Bureau ot_Statistics'to form -Bureau·of, ( Foreign and Domestic Commerce, p.- 371, { 171 “XP" · Bureau of Soils · n ( See Aonxcvnruu ~

'X. 2176 Suifeau of Standards _ Apprenticesypromotion; p. 379,} 280 Director - _ · " · · - ‘ Designation of officer toact during absence, p. 379, § 27a _ — Powers and duties, p. 378, § .27-1 e ' A Establishment_0f_bureau, p.`378, § 271 j-Fees for services, p. 3'Z8,`§ 276 _ Functions of bureau, ip.`378, §§ 272; 273 _ .· _O£iicers,ea11d;employées, appointment, 378, § 275 Regulations, p. 379, § 277 · »· Testing material for District of Columbia, p. 379. §·2S1 Visiting committee, p. 379,~§ 278 C ·_ ' Bureau of. Statistics _ . . , c Consolidation with Bureau of Manufactures to form Bu1··_·a».; ` of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, p.‘371, § 171. · .- Bureaus ¤ ‘ __ C ' See also Acmcm.·r_ rain. D1·:rAm·1.u·::<·r _ Accounts, see .1’0sf1?0rr1c1c Dsrnarhmzrr , `Agricultural Economics, see Aoarccixrrax- Animal Industry, see Aomcvrxrras, q — _ , Budget. Nyrroxar. Broom Srsrmt -Ce1isus Bureau, see CENSUS ·; · _` Currency Bureau, see Courrnormm or Ctsmuzxcr _ _ Customs Statistics Bureau, transfer from Treasury Dt-— partmentto Commerce Departxnent,.p. 373, § 194 'Dainzying, see A(iBlCULTURE‘ 4 ` Education Bureau, Enucnmoiv _ Federal Farm Loan`Bureau, Fr:m:1:Ar.,1·`Aau LoAS Law Fisheries Bureau, see.F1s¤ Axe, FISHEBIES B Immigration Bureau, see Inruxcaxrrohx Indian Affairs, see I§D_IAX8_ ‘ Insular Affairs, see Amar " Labor Bureaus, see Liteon Markets, see Acmcm.·ru1m· . _ Markets and Crop Estimates, see Aoaxctmrtqai ‘ Militia Bureau,.see Nxrxosnn Gtrnan ` p Mines, see Mmmm. Bases asn 'Mxsma ·Mlnt, see Misra ssn°AssAY Orricns Naturalization Bureau, see_NA·ma.aL1rmr1oN·` Navigation Bureau, see Smrrmo Pensions, see that title " 1 . 1 Public Printing; see Burma or ERGRAVING Ann Pmsrixc " Veterans Bureau, see Woaw Wan \’r:· Rama _ Weather Bureau, see that title Burial Expenses , · · _ _ See ‘Woa1.b Wan Vm·r¤utx_s’ Bmw M Buster _ · . S ° - See `VEIGHTB Ann Mmsmzns Business Leagues - Income tax eremption, p. 822, 5 982 “( 7 ) Bi-laws ‘ , ~ ‘ - ‘ _ Federal reserve banks, power to make bylaws, p. 281, § 3—ll Stable companies ‘ — _ e I . . ; ‘ ` See KISOCAPPBOPBIATIONS; Tmxmaarns asn Tnuzrnoxm _ g.-Cable company as common carrier within interstate comg

merceact,p.1651,§1(3)   e'  Y   ·

A Contracts with connnon carriers for exchange of services. pi i 1651, 5 1 (5) · le · 1 Beebe River . i _* See Mnsslssirrx Rmza Consussrogg Ziadetsg ‘ n _ SQQACOAST Gunn; ltiu.rr.Anr Aolxnnur; Nam;. _Acwnur · Flying cadetsfsee Amar _ Balavera Blgtree National Forest S€’€`SA'l‘10NAL Fomssrs, Jalcndars . - See Dxsralccr Carers.