Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2224

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' IND Crimes and OEenses-Centi11ue<l?- l . _ _; f · ., Bisloyalty, possewion er centrolwof property or papers in I I aid of foreign government, against United States, p. 466, § 98 » ` · _* _ ‘ ~ ` Disturbing friendly relations with foreign govermnents, p. g,65S,`§»231etseq. . .. t " _. . ,— ‘ ° I _ Deckyards, effenses cpmniitted in. p. 498, § 451 n ° Eleeitive franchise, see {)§enses against} elective franchise, infra ., ` ‘ ` Embezzlement . , , · Appropriation of Government money or. property, p. _ 467,§100 ·. ··. · Q i Banker reeeitjing nnnntliorizedt deposit of. public · ineneyp. 472, § 182 . ·‘ { I i Ba»nk.ofiieei;s and employees, punishment, p. 291,, `§ 592 Consular efficers, misappropriation of fees or effects e of American eitinens, p._6-19, § 102 _ ° · _ Cenversien by omcer. accepting. receiving, or trans- ., mitting false Yencher, p. 472, S 181 _ A _ Cenrt n§eers casing er failing to depfosit money. p.

 473, §.185 I ‘ ‘ ‘ _  

. Bepositnries failing to keep public deposits safely. p. , ‘ 472, §§ 174, 178 ‘ _ . . · . _-Evidence. prima facie effect of balance appearing on . beokzs andipreceedings of Treasury, p. 472, § 179 Evidence, refusal te pay draft, order, or. wm·ra»n’t_. “ ’ ~ driiwniby—proper_’ncco11nting officer, p. 472, § 180

·-·-——-—— transcripts fromboolgs and proceedings of. Treas-

"F nry Department, p. 931, § 668 ‘ · _ Failure of eiieer to deposit pul>lie.mone_y as required, f. p. 472, §§ 177, 178 f Q , “ . , ‘ Failure te aeeeunt for publi<;·—n1oney. p. -172. §$ 176. 178 ”* .Interne;l revenue nnicer, pennltym_for‘embezzlement, p. 6` 473,§183 t- »i ‘ ..1 ,Mail mettetypenalty for.appropriating.,,p. -1S;l,‘§_ 317 ` Militsary er naval equipment. supplies, or stores; p. -165, ’ ·§ 87 _ 1 _ p " _ Gnieere and einpleyeee of enrrier engaged in interstate er foreign eemmeree. p. -197»;_ § -112 ” . Q`- Fereons engaged in ndininistering Federal ifamn loan 9 > law,Qp;314,§9S·=1, W - ° Receiving lean fren; court oftleein ‘p. -173. 137 ‘, ” Requiring receipts fer snn1slarge·.1·_than lllll0\“lI`1l.O[ pay- 7 ment, p, 172, $172, ` n i . ” S»e z*1reli xvnrrnnt fer emhezzled property. p. 509. § 612 " _K.Il1ie£?$§'f1ll __nse_ of pulilie naoxiey by custoeliuns , §§ 175.·178. " . .- °‘ " ,_ , L

 ,,Unlae*fnl, use of public: nioney by lUt~·%l)lll`Sll1g”.(}H`lt‘€l‘P57
 .p:.·#172, §§ 173,178 _ _ . . i -` 1

e 2Enlis~ting te serve against l."ni·ted States, punislunent, p. 459, 7* Escape nf prieener, penalty fer zxlltiwinng. p. 477, § 24-1 et seq. · ix $,,1§epit:nege.lasx·, prolxibitecl nets., p. 1690, .§ 31 eteeq. ‘

 Exfertlna l   - , · .
 .1>e§nltion._p. ·172,e§ 171 ‘
 - iinetenie eftieere, p. $328, § 60,*

e `Inferznere, p; 47S ,_§- 250 A · . . . Iéenishment, ia. 472, § 171 _ A _ — , [

 Extrater1#iteri&a‘1 jurisdletion, see (“‘exetrr.An_C*-<>1:nrs

, False bl9i11,,]71°{}C{1i’*€1l1é‘13C, p. 476, § 233 ‘ k ' M False eertifleaxes. penalty fer making. e. 474, §- 195 . . I4"£11s·e demand en-fraudulent pewerlnf attorney, p. 464, § 79

 Fgnlse entries and false reports of publie er trust moneys

_ , er securities P: 473, § 189 · { I¤`nleel.5· psretending te be o@eer, p. -16-1, §§ 76, .77 , .Fe1~setly. etamping geld `er silver `er xnxnmfeetnres thereof, . . e·379·§291etSeq- ~ f ’ f ” 7 ‘ m Féxlse. persenatlen of holder of public `steeke: or pensioner, ’p.—16-1.%*73 · ’ ·2 Q

mr _ 2210 [ Crimes_at1d OKOIlS0$—Ct)llti1llI€(1 A

 Federalfarnx toons ‘ . — . · __
 U _Ac·ceptanee of loan or gratuity by land-bank examiner,

}_ ‘p.a14,§981, o ; E Alteration of loan bonds, p; 314, § 982 -

 F Charging or receiving unauthorized fee or‘eommissm¤,

5:5- p. -314, § 983 "` I t _ ·e , (`ounterfeiting or fotging loan bonds or coupons, p. 314, ` Disclosing names of borrowers, p._ 314,-51983 Embezzlement, p. 314, §. 984 A · , False pretenses as to character of bonds or eouponé, 9 lp. 314,i§ 985 · _ ’ ‘ ,— _ 1 False stateinentsin opplieationé forlcians, p. 314, 5,981 · False statements. etc.; with intent of fraud, p. 314, § 98-1 Passing false loan bonds, p. 314. § 982 _ · ` Willful O\'(’l‘\;&l{l}lt10H' of land, p. 314, 5 %1 - Idederal .rene·rve aet, ot’fenses‘agai11st,‘See F.¤:¤i·tn.xt, R.¤:s1=:.nvn `BAxxs·i * ¤· Y · Felony, definition, p..504, §# 541 _ I·`ines,. F1Nm:s,» Pnxnrsrtns. Ayn FOR`I~°EIT`£YR!2;S;d _ Flag,-of l'ni_teeI States, detiletnent of, disrespect te, etc., p.25.§3“ - Foreign b8llklllg‘('0l'{E1‘8Yi()Il$. offenées by officers, p. _ si can F . _ . , , ‘ ‘FOI‘9ig‘ll eogrxmerve, offenses against. p. 491, § 381 etiseq. Forei;.·;n countries, proseentiun ,—2}I}€1’[¥lIi1iS[1H}€Il§ of offenses eonnnitted in, eseé (foxstrnna (‘ot:m·s·. . ~ W , Foreign diplomatie and eonsnlar omtgers, wrongful :1ssnmp.· . tion of elnaraieter. p, 659, 232 A ` ` I·`urfeituxje of estnte,_etfeet_ of ·com·i<·tien, p. 504. § 544 Forgery, see (‘onntet·feiting, forgery. and the lilte, snprzr Former jeegpartly. see Twro1·;`1‘x_ Juxentnnr ·FOI‘I]‘i•`iltl(Il1.__[!\lIl1ShIll€’IlT. p. 502, .§ 518 ` Fortn_and fertificaitions , Injuries to fov1'ti§(‘&Iti()lkS or lnn=l»or defenses, p. 4m,. . § 96 2 t _ ' UtlTe11ses·; eomniitted in forts, p._~19S, §Q·1~¤'i1 t Vnlnwfully entering nnilitnry. res_ervntion`, fort, or ` _ arsenal, p. +106, § 9'i’ __ · ‘ Free,tiae<nes.,is¤uaintee by canrier, p. 1651, § 1 (T.} » B Gift enterpx·iees,_ iniportim: de>;<·ripti_ve matter. p. -192, § 387 Gotternment. otfenses agaim·st,exi;=tes1e·ee of, gi, 459. 1 et se»g;_. Grain futureeg puniznlnnent for illegal ;n·aetiees. p; 89, · 1:;.. _1l1 — · o _ ‘ , , " Grain St$Illthl1'(1>i,‘ vi•»lntions"nf law regulating, [1. 93, § 853 `G°rent”Lake:·c :.1nd,c£>x1t1t+t¢ting} watera, crimes and otfenses ’ mmuritted on, p. +98. ’§ _4;§1 Q. · ~·=· 9 tx ‘ Gunno i_:·=l}.znd:~=, riwkx, and k*ey:~‘=, offensen ennnnitted on. gn. 49S.§451 W — _ · _" _ ,Head»= of depart·ment:~sfenxplenying elez·k:·=_,. ete., without ant thoi·ity of low, p, 31, 3**47 it F High seas , . . · J¤1n·in`di<·tlnn of offenses (f()IItllk`i"i[€‘(I on, p.` 498, § 451 Mnltreatnnent’ofcrew by oftieers of resnel, p. 500, 482 · ttlflkennett'deemetl etnntnitted on high aeaa, p, 501, § 500 ,I’iIffiC§` and other offenoes on seas, p. 500, § tai et Seq. Ilighways, false stntetnente or m,»»·t·»enm¢1tmS to obtain . · Federal nid, p. 669, § 46*. ; _ · , Homicide, see Matnslanghter, infra: Murder, lnf1=,a_ K Innnigrntion ln`ws=, offenses against, see IMMIGRA'F'l()N‘· _ t Klxnportntiotr of. nliens·:"for inxnnwal purposes, epnnimnnent, p.Zl33,"§138 · _ A " flneest, deHrj1iti<g_»f1 and puniahnnent, p. 50,2, § 517 . _ Inditinar . , “ · k i — · ‘ i h · `lI¥\(u1(°il'lf,I <·om·eynnees¤ of trust interests in lands, n. 468. ' ., 5.115 , < , . , { ' ‘ 0ffens<ea bytnml ngaxinst Intlinns, see Innrnxé