Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2260

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, INI} Federal Reserve Banks-—C0ntinued ‘ Deposits- i _ F h _ Checks and drafts receivable at par, p. 2$,.§ 360 X Demand deposits, definition, p. 287, § 461 - Money or bullion constituting trust _ funds, p,. 1005, § 477 · l i - " ( Power to receive, p. 281. § 342 - - . - Reserves against deposits, amount required, p.‘ 285, § 413 »t . _ ‘ · Time. deposits`, d_etinitio11,_ p. 287, §_461 . 1 . Directors . _ i. ~ . ‘ '_ . By-laws. power toinake, p. 281._§ 341 1 Classes of directors, p. 278, §§_ 302, 304, 305 . Q 4 _CUlll§(!i\S8ti0Il,‘ p..279,`§ 307 ‘ . ‘ · _ Eiection or appointinent. p. 278, § 302 etseq. _ i V Eligibility. connection with other banking concerns, 3 ( p.Y353.§19* _ if .` .i_ . ., _ Interlocking directorates prol1ibited,`p.- 353, § 19 “ Xuiriberof directors, ‘p.>278, § 302 ‘ Ofiieers, poxver to appoint, p. 281, § 341 _ Powersand duties, [1.278, § 301 0 Q`u`alitieations,· p.° 278, § 303 -' ‘ · -- ·‘ Removal or suspension, p. 276, § 248 ( f) Term of office, p._ 279, '§ 308 U . i Yaeancies in oflice, p. 279, `§ 308 Discounts " . n v ? Acceptances, p. 282, § 346 . _ _ Bills to finance agsricultural shipments, p. 281,. §§ 344. J 345 _ U _' , n 1 i _· Limitation on 81]l0llllt,'[).‘·282, § 352 · `Obligations arising out of actual commercial transac- `tions, p.`281, §.343 - ‘ · ’ i Obligrationsfgivcn for agricultural purposes or Jbased on. livestock, of 282, §§ 348, 351 e · · r Rates of discounts,.authority to establish, p. 283, § 357 'Rediscount, for intermediute‘credifbanks of obligations . · given foriagricultural purposes, p. 282, §·3-19. ·——-—-limitation on amount; p. 282, § 352 ‘ —-of paper permittedfor required bymeservie board,. . " p. 276, § 248_(b)_ . _‘ " · ·—-··——restrietions, limitations. and regulations imposed , by reserve board. p. 283, '§ 361 · - ‘ Restrictions, liinitations, and ·reguiations` imposed by _ reserve board, p. 283, § 361 . . Dissolution, distribution of ass-ets, p,. 27 8, § 290 Districts, see Fromm. Rrzsnavn Disrmcrs “ _ Dividends on stock, p. 278, §_289 _ _ Duration of corporate existence, D, 281, § 341 Exaininations ‘ ‘_ - » A . . . By reserve board. at its discretion, 276, § 248. `(a) Examination at least"once a year, p. 288, —§_ 485 l l»}xemption from taxation,·p. 289,‘§ 531 Q · Federal farmloan bonds, authority to buy andsell, p. 312, § 043. ° e · . I·‘iscal agents for Government, p. 284, § 391 Foreign agencies, correspondence and accounts, p. 283, § 358 Goldeoin, bullion, .and_ccrtiiicates, authority to buy, sell, etc., p. 282,_§_354 _ - . , H ` Intermediate credit banks, purchase and sale of accepiances of, p. 283, § 359 i · · " ‘ Liquidation - · _ _ ‘ Distribution of assefs, p. 278, § 290 _ Power of Zremrre board, p. 276, § 248 (h)` Member banks a i . Acceptance of drafts or. bills relating to `shipments, · p. 283, §§ 372, 373 ‘ Q _ » `Advances to member banks by reserve banks, p. 282, 5 347 ‘ ”

é ·- 4 ·. uc;. 2246 i FederaljReserve Banks-Continued _ Member banks-+Continued I/_' . A _ _ — Agencyfor nonmember bank in getting discounts from ` reserve bank, p. 284, 374 . ' ‘ Ascertaimnent of balance to be kept in reserve, p,. 2¥f[',_ . Bank examiners, loans and gratuitiesprohibited, p. 2m_ §. 593 _ ‘ _ _. . . ` Bills of exchange. authority to accept. .p. 283, ·§§ 372, ::72 ` Qancellation of shares in reserve bank on iusolvem·y_ , - p.278,,§`287 L ·, I ‘ — · Certified checks, liability of certifying bank, of 2s8. § 5:s:: _ -——unlawful certification, p._291, 5 591 ‘ _ Checking against reserve balance, p. 287, § 464 5... ·. 4 Circulating notes, punishment for unauthorized i<<aQ·_ ‘p. 291,.§ 581 . " _ _ - —-—-retirement, p. 286,5 `441 et · _ petinition of member bank, p. 275, § 221 l _ Depositaries for Government funds, p. 5 392 · _ Deposits, rate of interest payable to directors, officcr_4_ ‘ etc., p.·284,· § 376. ., ;_` _» , . _‘ . - ··——u?ith State banks or trust companies, limitation` on _ . _ amount, p. 287, §".4(i3 ‘°, . `i H l Directors, eligibility; conne<·tion with other `bankim: _ concerns, p, 353, §' `19` · · ·_ . _ ° ‘ -—-purchases from or sales to, p. 284, § 375: p. 2**. g- rate_of interest allowable on deposits, p. 281, 5376 Discount of obligations by Federal reserve bank, war ` . finance corporation bonds as security,`p. 383, §_ 341 _ Drafts, autliority to accepf, p. 283, §§ 372, 373 I·}mbez_zlcn{ent by officers, penalty, p. 291, § .592 Employees, rate of interest allowable- on deposits, . p. 2:44, § 376’ _ . U ' Examination, p. 288. § 481 et. seq. __ » Federal `fahrm loan bonds, authority to buy andsell, p,312,§l943 -· . · w ‘ _. _ - Foreign banking corporations, membership prohibited, ’p.2a:s.§o22 _ _· -lf · _. _ . Gratuities to_ bank examiners prohibited, p. 291, § .595: -Increase ordecrease of stock in reserve bank, p. 27.5.

 §287·i ·   » . . “Q

Interest on deposits, rate of interestpayable to direc- . tors,·ofiicers, etc., p. 284, § 376 . - [ . ` l Loans to bank eranniners `prohibited. pi 291, §* 593 ·· ‘· . Offenses, unlawful certification of checks, p. 291,Y§ 591 Oflicers,- commissions and gifts for procuring loans pro- · hibited,_ p. 292.. _§ 595 · · · 4-——eligibilit3j, connection with other banking con- . . .eerns,_p. 353, § 19 ‘ . ‘ ——~=—-———e1nbezzlel1»e~nt, penalty, p. 291, § 592 g -———————members of Federal Reserve Board, p. 275, ’§ 242 ' -———-- rate of interest allowable on deposits, p, 284,`§ fiid ···-—-i-— unlawfuli certification of cheeks, penalty, p. 291. ` § 591 . · ‘ _ . .,` , _ Powers and duties. p. 283,. § 371 et seq. - · _ _ Purchases from directors, p. 284, § 375 ;_ .p. 288, § 503 · Reserves} amount to be kept on deposit; with reserve · bank,"p. 287, 462 . l '· ~ - Retirement ofrclrculating notes, p. 286,} 4.41 et__seq.` , ‘ ’ .Salcs todlrectors, ip. 284, § 375 ;_ p. 288, § 503 l State banks asmemhers, `p. 279;. { 321 et seq. . , Stock in national agricultural credit corporations. right _» to hold, p. 323, § 1251 _; » . Stock ln reserve bank, amount required, p. 277, § 282: _ ·p. 279, § 321 _ · - l · ‘ -T--—nonroting power, p.· 277, § 285 , - _ Surrender of shares in reserre banks, p. 278, 8 287