Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2265

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2251 IND Food and Drugs-—Continued , , Ether, manufacture, withdrawal of denntured alcohol from X bond, p. 771, § 482. J — _ - l<`illeel..elieese, taxation. see Izwrrziznsn Iinvnzvun _ g 1'illed `milk _ ` · l Dotinition. p. 626, § 61 , ][£lllil`ft{CHl1‘(—§ und shipment in interstate (‘(llH11.lC1`C(`t pro- l1ilsiled.°p. 626. § G2 ’ 7 ’ - Penalty forviolntion of law, p. 626, § 63 , , ]·‘;,,m·_ ;n>;;;rio€§ni’ mixed flour, see INTm:Nn1, Rr:v1~:§i;1»; l"u·><l F ’ I i .\<iiilit’l’2lYt'(i articles, p.-622, § S _" Food " defined. p. 622. § 7 ‘ )lisl>r:1nde·d nrtieles, p._622, § 10 Iniimxion butter. see Butter, supra 1n<pe¢·ti<m - ‘ .Animals and C21l't°1iSSP§· of animals intend·ed—.for food, p. 627,_§K71 ct seq.] ‘ . ` Animals for export, p. 629, §§ SO——S2 -_ Articles intended for export to be inspected and certified, p. 624, § 24 z H · · Bribery of inspectors of meats and meuufood products, penalty, p. 629, § 90 — . ` Cortiiicates of inspection of anixnuls, meutsinnd meatxfood products, p. 629, § 86 — _ I . (`flxeniicnls in n1e:1t—food products us ground for condt‘ll1!l2ti.i()l],·`D, 628, § 74 _ — i Dniry products for export, p. 634, § 132 · . Destrur·t°ion of meat condemned __by inspectors, p. 627. § 72 ‘ · · . .- 7

 Disposal of animals showing 'symptoms of disease.

·p. 627, § 71 » ‘ - _ _ Dyes in meat-food products as ground for condemnation, .p. 628, § 74 ‘ "_ , _ , _ Export trade, ment-food products intended for, p. 628, 5 74 . _ · _ ‘ .. _ Farnners not within reqnirement‘as to inspection of r slaughtered animals, p. 630, 5 91 _ Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of inspectors marks or labels, p. 628, § 79 · Gifts (toinspectors-of. meats andernonbfood p_rodu<,·ts,“ - penalty for acceptance, p. 629, § 96, ’ ‘ Inspectors of animals, meets, and meat-food products, appointment and `duties,—p. 629, §i89` _ Inspectors, right of access to slaughtering and packing esmblishnaents, p. 628, § 74 . ` Labels on containers or coverings of meats and nicot- , food products inspected and passed, p._628, 5 75

 lkierking meat as " inspected and pi1ssed," or " inmected

and condemnedf p. 627, Q 72 Meat intended- for export, p. 626, 55 83485 Meet products prepared from inspected carcasses, p.

 ess, is vs, 74 t

_Mca.ts and meat prodiicts subject to inspection, p. 627, §71etseq. ‘ ~ ~ l · Overtime psy of employees of Bureau of Animal Industry employed in inspection work, rp. 117, 5 394 Penalty for noncompliance with inspection law, p. 629, i 588 l ` Permanent appropriation foxamest inspection, p. 636, Preservntives in meet food °produs:_ts;, condemnation, p. ezs, we - . » Reindeer, inspection law extended to, p. 630, ,5 94, _, Retailers meat not within requirements as to inspec tion, p. 630,591 , ‘ _ Q . · Slaughtering and packing establishments subject to { inspection, p, 628, § 76* \___

EX Food and `Drugs——»Co11tinue¤l Inspection~·(@Eontinued V Statement by Secretary of Agriculture as to persons

 employed in meat inspection, p. 630, § 93
 Time of day for inspecting meats and meat—food prod-

. ucts, p. 682, § 77 ’V.ii'1lS9S..ii(!Xl!`H,,S(}l`lllllS, etc., for domestic animals, importation, 634, § 153 I ' ` Meats and meat nfood products ~ { ` Chemicals'rendering articles uniit for food, con<l<·inna· ‘ tion, p. 628, § 74 _ ` Destruction of articles condemned by inspectors, —p. 627, § 72; p, 628,·§ 74. · _ I4 . Dyes rendering articles 'uniit for food, —comleim-tation. 11.,628, §. 74 . _ · _ Export trade, inspection of meats intended for, p. taxi}, §§ 83-85 ‘- “I { _ _ False or deceptive names, use prohibited, p. 628, § 75 Forgery, alteration, or unauthorized use of marks. la- . bels, etc., p. 628, § 79 · ‘ { , · Horse meat in interstate commerce, marking, `p. 6320,


I im Inspection and branding, p. 627, § 71 et seo. . Preservatives rendering articles uniit for food. condemnation, p. 628, § 74 , Sale of articles uniit for food, penalty, p. *630, § 92 . Slaughtering and packing establishments,sanitary inspection, p. 628, § 76 · ‘ I Trade names for food products, p. 628, § 75 Transportation of articles not properly labeled and . market], p. 628, § 78 · X l —€l`ranspor“tation orsale without complying with inspec- - a tionlaw, p. 629, §‘S7' ‘ .· "

 `Milk, see Filled milk, supra _ .

Misbranding, see Adulteration and misbranding, supra -Mixed‘ ilour, taxation, see Izvraanar. Ravenna ` Narcotic drugs . ~ ‘ ,, i ` Administration of law"l»y Treasui·y‘Departmeii’t. p. 635, i § 177 . · ’ ‘ _ Coca leaves, tax regulations, see Irrrrznxar.- Rrzvrmrn I Definitions, p. 635. §·171 _ _ ~ . ‘Deportation of 'alien convicted of violating law, p. tiiiiii, ` §_— 175 , t

 Exportation regulated, p. 635, § 171 et seq.; p. 636,

A §§ 182, 183 Y G ‘ C Federal Narcotics Control Board, p. 635, § 172 - Forfeiture of drugs illegallyiznported, p. 635, § 173 Importation regulated, p. 635, § 171 et set;. " 1 Instruction in certain schooisias to nature and ettect · of narcotics, p. 616. §§ 111;-$113 ` I Masterof vessel carrying drugs unlawfully importotl, penalty, p. *635, § 176 ____ _ I Opium, found in package of imported niewlnantlise, penalty, p.‘_6(l1, § 486 · { C .

 -·»——g-—~inipoiit:1ti<>n,t>y Chinese prohibited, p. 636, §_1tl1;

, Q p. ozrjg me .~ — —-—-=-—— provisions governing smoking, p. 635, § 178; p. 636, c —· “ §§ 179-181 _ r · p —-»---tanx regulations, see INTERNAL Rrzvmznn c ~——-+-etrafl*ic in China by citiaens of United States pro-., . hibited, p. 637, § 193 _ · Possession of drug as"evidence of —ynlawful·iniporta. " tion, p. 635, § 174 , _ ‘ Registration ot manufacturers, l{11]l01"t.€‘1§, and dealers, - T .p. 742, § 211; p. 1964, § 211 Seizure and forfeiture, p. 636, § 184 - I » Taxation, see Internat Rtzrnxua ` Oleoinargariineg see Butter, supra