Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/23

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9 TRTLE z.-—~—·—TH`E C R- gi if fer any sbrvlceb rwrlbred, the nature bf such service, I

     time mnployed, and the particular occasion or cause, tig
 rmi?. that remilcmd smh service necessary, and the amount tm
   {mm=r appropriations in carb case? on hand, eithér in gu]

d fr ~m=a:ry er in the hands of any disbursing oihccr or agent. i 1 _ zi txmvmunts shall exhibit, also, the several sums drawn Q an

 Swrzbcrary and Clerk, respectively, from, the Treasury, an

M tb tmzancbs, if any, remaining in their hands. (R. S, b bu

   $2%;} d » n _, - b rez

l mt, Reports, bf subbrdimnte disbursing 0$cers gf_Scnate and ‘_ iw limb m' Repmsentgtives.—The Secretary ot the Senate and 2 be

 m»;·1»;.o1i the Hcmsé of Representatives-shall each require ot A fel
 qrrmrsiaug omrers acting under their direction or authority, l of

W a·~mrn df precism and analytical statements uid receipts for .

 rs,· memeysxvhich may have been from time to time, during 1‘¤·
 m·;·.;r ‘prc<·<·¢ling year, expended by them; imdb the results vé

itz dbi; returns andthe sums total shall becommrmicated an- th<

,l;u§Ij—’ to C<mgresS, by the Secretary and Clerk, respectirely. an

éza&§G2.) ~ r ‘ ‘ ” __ .,—__Pt id:. Reports of all expcnditpresof Senate and Hcusébf Rep- 4811 w·r·z1tatires.~AIl·expenditures of the Senate and House of Rape SC

‘a·~x§l!l1l¥l\'€S shall be made up to the end of reach fiscal year, ·b ·l

mi rmzdi bc reported to Cpngress, it the commencement of each ,59 gtmlzrxr sressibn. ,(It,(S. { 63.) rb W ~_ ‘ r , d R? $@5. Preparation ind. contents; of statement of appropria- Sc? i¤ns.—-The statement of all appropriations, made during edch Cf nsw; of Cbligfws shall be prepu·ed° under the direction of ¢· at u§»mmittees» on Appropriations pt the Senate and H§;.11se ofv €i·”§·?'<‘$<*¥1i&til’€'8, and "said statement shall contain rono-, Cth aim; history of the rmulnr appropriation bills during ibm

 »»s~<io¤ for which it- isl prepared.   The statexherit {shall , d

mh-nm the amount ct contracts authorized. by gpproprlatiou th ak; in addition to appropriations IHQGQY therein, apd shall Al gw contain specidc reference to All `rlndemxitcr appropriations C4 zxmhrl each S€%i§)H, and shallbontaixx such additional informa- Ul wh <e¢»nce;·mug nad nppropriatidns as thecommittees d ‘ Mg: deem x; ary. (B. S. { 64; Oct. 19, 1888,,6, 1210,-,§ 1, 25 fa ism. 5257; July 19, _1®7, 9. 9, lr 1, 80 Stat. 136; June 7, 1924; S4 ?.3*¤`•3,§1,£3Stnt..5%,). · , · __ »_ A 4‘ `sé N6. Stationery (cr Sane ind Home of Repreuntatives; ds sdve rtisemeuts for.-—-‘1‘he Secretary. ot the Senate; and Glérk of tb iw llmasc of Represbntatlves shall gnmully advcrti$é, o:1cej¢€ 1 xwek for at least tour weeks, mr one or more ot the principal it;

.;q¤·a·s published ln the District of Columbia, for sealed pro- tls
z1s for supplying the Senate and House of Répreseiztativeu, in

¤·<,·>pe¤:1ively,, during the} next iesgicxn ct . Congrw jvith the 114 ¤~<·<·ssary, stationéry. The idvertlsement. must deséribcthe B< kim] of rtatjcnery gud must raqilirc that pP¢})0S£X8i f·= be acccmpsmied with, |u¤¥2{apt impurity for their .pgr— S4 fwmuxxcg, ¤(B. 8, |§ 65, 66; 1875,_¢. 80, Q 1, 18 Stat. ’ N [H13,) · r ‘ Y T", . ce

 107. Sgme; mvtice of a¢ccptn¤ée"¤f’prop¤¤nl• far.-·—-All such tf

s·¤*¢>;¤·sals shall bekept sealed until ttm day specmed lu auch bi ezeivorrisement for opening the game, whéu if W.»;¤e¤1, in the prwencelot gt ]&}tHtW6_§8i‘¢0¤B, »con·r ci iwft shall be fivan tp the lowest bidder, provided he skill vi zéwéd #€l£lSf8€{0llf gecurity to, perform —t§¤ Mme, under A for- ¤< _f#·ii11rn not gzcéedlug d(>Hb1$_£h8r¢Q¤¤‘§Ct pr1¢a‘h'¢lw@ of (ti fhllurc; and ln msg thelowwt bidder shall fail to rmttt il-lic r __ Mwlx rcemrragx; and give gm}: sgurlty, u ta M MSG in ¢¤ >u··h advertisement, than the wnuisct be dvenwtn tha next, w ··wr~st bidder, who phnll butler into QM [lv! l ~*=w·l¤ semrity. .»li1··qo;se; of by VU imo sup]; gontracx-zo lamb, h¢ IE5 ru mall bc liable for e forfeiture spedded in QI an liquidated dnxagem to fcrin the BLMQ cfltho Unltad st Mates.; (QB.; S. [ 67; Fab. 'LS, 1876, a. M, j 1, 18‘St1t. 816.) ,81

mxeeeee § 1];; [08. Same; contracts fer separate parte of Ste3$i{)I1€I§'.··E;e*s‘· ns 106 and I0? of this title shall not prevent either the Sxrrrzwry or the Clerk from centremieg fer eepevete parte me me ppltes of stationery required te be fumiehed. (R. S5 § (9-; ; [09. American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate d Hmise of Representatiwes.~·T11e §$ec·r{-tzney of me Semme d the Clerk of the House of Representetives shell, in mersing the public moneys for the use of the Two ilejametg spectively, purchase 01115* articles thedgrmvth and nxemr:’.s¤»·~— re of the United States', provided the articles required een procured of sueh gr0wth~and,1ua¤uiac#ture upon as gomiA rms as to quality and price as are demanded fer Bke ertiekee foreign growth end manufacture. (R.- S. § 69.) 110. Purchase of piper, enveldpes, etc., for stationery cms of Senate mid House of Represeixtatives.-Pa;vr·:·, enlopes, and blank--books required by the statieeery reexne ef e Senate and House of Representatives for sale te Senators .d .Members for official use may be rpurchased from the 1blic_ Printer at actueltcost thereof end payment tbercfer all. be made before delivery. (June 5, 1920, c. 253, § 1, 41 at,1036.) e _ e , ,_ d ” t · V 111. Purchase of eupplics for Senate and House of Repre- ntt•tives.—-—Supp1ies for use ot the ,se¤¤¢e and the House ot · apresentzitives mey be purchased in eeecrdauce with the hedule. df centractearticles and prices of the General Supply"` >mmi.ttee authorized by section 7 of Title 41. (June 5,. 1920, 253,, s 1, 41,S,tat. 1036.) - · 112; Purchases of stationery and materials for folding.-——Pun rasee et stationery and materials for folding shell be made accordance with- sections 106 t0._1Q9 et thistitle. _ t All contracts »a;1d bends for purchases made under the auority-·0f t11is section shall be died with- the Qemmittee to udit and Control the Contingent of Senate er the nmmittee-eu Accounts of- the House act Representetiees respecvely. d (Mar. 3, 1887, e. 392, Q 1, 24 Stat. @6.) _ r e d 113. Detailed reported! receipts _,,, by ;sme- .ry of- Senate t and Clerk of of Re tives.-—~The aeretaryt of the senate and the Clerk the Heade et Repremtstiies, · reepectiveky, shell report te em Bret my of eech regular @ioe,· it the their rms det service, etull and eemplete·state;§e¤t,0£-all tmir redpts and expenditures gs such` emcers, shéwing emiief d =~= » ander the preperxpprebriacms, end g1¤o'¤hewi¤g_,the segregate met, and exhieitimg; ¤ u ci-ear had comipe manner the exact ci ei1~pub·

mqneys by them _ received, petd e_pt,r and 1¤\their

msesgion es such'c$cers.-ey (RB. S $0;) e ‘ W ` ,114. Fees fer ccpMe fren qid Kms J¤$II§l$•:—*—Th6 ecretery- of Senate and 1 Clerk of the; House et Repmentativies, respectively, ereventitled, for .tre¤eeribi@` mid srtifyinz extracts from the Jéumgl ei the Swete-er tbeexeceme Journal of the Senate when the injemtiee ot seerecy hes sen remeved, or from the lauren! or the House ei Repremtativea, except when auch- trenscripts {are required by ex;

 ot the United States in e matter relating to the duties

{M his ’ omce, to receive the .perse¤s*foe whom such tmnszripts"prepex*ed,t.b;e mm ef10 center for each sheet eennining one hundred words. (Be S. { 71.): _ h d 115. Indextn Home calendar.-·-The index to the daily nleudar of bueineeeshnll be printed ee§y en Monday et each

   (Mare 1, 1921, c.»89, $-1, 41 Stat. 1181.),  A e ’

116s`(AAcee¤1:ts of preperty.-—-’1‘°11e Secretary of 1the Sezmte, the lerk of the Heupe of Representatives, the Sergeant et Arms, me of the Senate and House et eltepresentetiws, nd the Doorkeeper ct the Hcmse. ct Representatives, shall, sverhlly, makejeut and return to Goegrem, on the Bret dey e ot te nchtregular session, and at the expiration ot their respective L