Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2320

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_ IND _ Mechanical Colleges a X See AGRICULTURAL AND M1·;cHAN1cjAL Cor.r.mss Medals — , ° See Annu`: COAsr GUARD; RA1LaoADs Medical Administrative Corps ‘ ARMY · Medical Corps See Azur , Medical Department of Army _ See ARMY Medicines - See Dnvgcrsrs; Foon AND Davos Members 01 Congress .s i Seefoxoaass Memorials See AMmucAN BA'I"I`l.E MoxUmcNrs_ Couxussrou Merchant Marine Act, 1920 See Smrrmo e —' Merchant Marine Naval Reserve See NAVY W .Me-rchant Seamen See Surprise _ Mesa Verde National Park See NATIONAL PARKS Metric System ‘ V See Wxcmnrs AND Mr:AsUmcs° Metropolitan Police See WAsn11~:oroN Cxrr Mexican Border » _ Medals for national guardsmen for service on border, p. 223, §§ 1413,1-114 Mexican Pink Bollworm See Aemevrxruna Mexican \\'ar · l See Prixsioxs ’ Mexico ··" . -Ambassador extraordinary and pleuipoteutiary, salary,. p.6—15,§32 _ ~ g ' Exports to Mexico. reports by inspectors of customs, p. 528, § 61 , Immigration from Mexico, landing stations at points of entry, p. 141, 160 C Michigan _ —· See also LIINERAL LANDS AND Mimxo Representatives in Congress, number, p. 3, § 2 Microscope 0 · Mieroscopieal specimens supplied by Secretary of Agricul- . ture on application, p. 59, § 555 i ' Migratory Birds Protection. see \VlLD Ax1MA1.s AND Bums Mileage Tickets . See 'l‘nANsroRrAr1oN Military Academy o A Academic duties suspended on Sundays, p. 208. § 1044 i Band _ ‘ ° 1 Composition and rank of n embers, p. 212, § 1161 Pay and allowances of members, p. 211, § 1140 t Board of Visitors, p. 208, § 1051 et seq. “ (`adets Age for admission, p. 209, § 1094 , .. Appointment, p. 209, § 1091; p. 210, § 1098 1 Battalion of cadets, organization, p. 210, § 1105 Deficiency in one subject, right to reexamination, i p. 210. § 1103 L Discharge for deficiency, edect., p. 210, § 1103 Educational requirements for admission, p. 210, § 1097 linlisted men of"Regular Army and National .Guard,* · appointment to cadetsliips, ,p. 209, 8 1092

·114-Y 2300 Military Academy-—Continued U Cadets-Continued - · » /Examination as to preliminary education. p. 210. § ineu; Failureiof cadet to graduate as affecting admission uf 2 successor, p. 210, § 1100 i _ 1 Filipino cadets authorized. p. 209, § 1093 1 A Hazing, p. 212, § 1163 ( Increase in number of cadets at large, p. 1000, § 10015; Number of cadetsin corps, p. 209, § 1091 Oath or aiiirmation on admissionwp. 210. § /1000 Pay and allowances, p. 211, § 1146 et seq. `\ Period of cadetship not counted in determining •»fiicer—` length of service, p. 204, § 952 Period of service, engagement for, lp. 210. § 1101 Physical examinationof candidates, p. 209. § 11105 Place and character of service, p. 210, § 1102 Siamese cadets- authorized, p. 1909, § 1093:1- Status as part of Regular Army, .p. 160. § 4 Status as persons " subject to military law." p. 2:2%. ` § 1473 _ · Territorial distribution of appointments. p. 200. § 1001 ' Time forladmission, p; 210, § 1097 ` _ Uniforms, accouterments, and equipment, p, 210. § 110•; Chaplain A · _ A “ ` Appointment and term of office, p. 200, § 10s:l . Pay and allowances. p. 211, § 1137 Coast and Geodetic Survey, service at Military Academy not to be counted in computing service of officers, p. 1006, Course of instruction, p. 208. § 1043; K Departmencof economics. government, and history created. p. 1909, § 1077a ‘ _ · DlSbl]l;SlQ_gJ,Opflll‘€l7`S, payment in settlement of tr:¤nsa¤·tions of Military Acadeniy, p. 1007, §. 503 · I Enlisted men of Regular Army at academy. p. 210. §§ 1111, 1112 ° » . · " Faculty. p. 208. § 1061 et seq. _ Government of academy, p. 208. § 1042 ‘ Government publications, deposit in library of academy ' · p. 1420, °§ 87 D Graduates - Commissioning graduatesin Army. p. 187. § 486 Mileage to first station, p. 107 , § 744 ` Pay after' graduation and before qualitication under commission, p., 212, § 1150 Use as instructors at citizens' military training camps, . p. 185, g 44:y · Hazing. by cadets, p. 212, § 1163 _ `Intoxieants, instruction- as to nature and e!Tect, p. 010. § 111 _ - - Library, Government publications furnished, p. 212, § 1162: p. 1420; § 87 ‘ i , Military command, p. 208, § 1042 { Narcotics, instrtiition as to nature and eH`ect, p. 616, § lll Otiicers of academy, p. 208, § 1061 et seq. Pay and allowances _ Adjutant. p. 211, § 1132 Army officer serving as professor, p. 1910. § 11`Zl3a Cadets, p. 211, § 1146 et seq. Chaplain, p. 211, § 1137 Commandant of cadets. p. 211. § 1131 Enlisted men on special duty, p. 211_, § 1142 Leaves of absence, p. 211, § 1143 et seq. Military Academy band, p. 211, § 1140 Overseer of waterworks, p. 211, § 1141 Professors and instructors, p. 211, § 1133 et seq. Quarters. fuel and light for civilian instructors and employees, p. 211, §§ 1138, 1139