Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2331

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2317 IND National Denfense—-Continued J Land for national defense purposes Appropriation chargeable with transportation cost incident to construction and maintenance of seacoast fortifications, p. 1700, § 179 -Attorney General's opinion as to·validity of title, p. 1700, § 175 l ‘ Construction of fortifications by contract, p. 1700, § 177 Erection of forts in emergency, p. 1700, §* 178 Expenditures and contracts for payments in excess of appropriation, p. 1700, § 174 Expenditures on docks, warehouses,`etc., on Hudson River, p. 1700, § 176 Land for quarters andbarracks in addition to sites for fortifications, p. 1700, § 173 Lumber, acquisitionof property for production of, p. .1700, § 172 4 Method of acquiring title, p. 1699, § 171 Maps and military surveys, p. 1695, § 81 - Mobilization of industries in time ofwat, p. 1694, §_ 80 Munltions, supplies and war material generally Arms and ammunition issued to protect public property, p. 1693, § 61 · Gauges, dies, and tools for manufacture of arms, procurement, p. 1694, § 78 g ` T Testing rifled cannon for Navy, p. 1693, 5 59 Transfer of naval ordnance to War Department., p. 1693. 5 60 ` Nitrate plants, establishment and operation, p. 1694, 5 79 Secrets atectlng national defense, see Espionage, supra Spies, see Espionage, supra Vessels in territorial waters of United States in time of war, regulation and control, p. 1701, 55 191-194 ‘ YVar material " See Munitions, supplies, and war material generally, · supra N , Procurement in time of war, p. 1694, 5 80 Willful destruction or injury, punishment, p. 1695, §§ 101, 102; p. 1696, 5 103 National Farm Loan Associations See also Fi¤:nss.u. Farm Lon: LAW Commissions on interest payments, p. 304, S 743 Interest on loans by land banks to associations, rate, p. :;:04, i 743 Loans by land banks to associations, p. 304, § 743 New members, p. 304, S 745 National Forests is _ See also Trusm Agricultural lands in forests, homestead entries. p. 423. 55 506-512 _ Black Hills National Forest, homestead entries subject to mining laws and appropriation of waters, p. 423, § 508 Bona fide settlers before reservation, protection, p. 392, 5-44 - Boundaries, establishment, p. 421, 5 488 Building material for public works, p. 421, 5 492 - Buildings for Forest Service, construction, p. 428, § 571 Bull Run National Forest, penalty for trespassing,"p. 468, 5 109 , Calavera Bigtree National Forest,-establishment, p. 421, 5 494 _ California, reservation of forest lands, p. 892, $5 44, 45 Claimants under patents granted before reservation, rights. p. 394, S 49 ’ Compacts between States for conserving forests, p. 420, §_552 Cvnesj purchase for experiments in tree planting, p. 423, 5 504 `

EX { National Forests ·—Contlnued . Creation of or additions to forestsin certain States prohibited, p. 1333, § 142 A Depredation, protection against, p. 426, § 551 Donations to United States of land for timber purposes, p. 428, § asa 7 Earth, stone, and timber for public works, p. 421, § 492 Elimination of private ownership, exchange of lands, p. 426, r § 483 et seq, Entry -within forest limits before reservation, effect, p. 392, § 44 Establishment, p. 418, § 471 Experiment stations, see Forest Service, infra Export of timber ami-other products, p. 421, § 491 ’ ° Fire protection Cooperation with States in forest tire protection. p. i27. §§ 563-565 Damage to equipment by nghting fire, reiinbursenient to owners, p. 422, § 502 ‘ Forest Service, duties generally, p, 426, § 553 Rules and regulations by Secretary of Agriculture, p. 426, § 551 ` Telephone lines, timber used for construction, p. 427, § 560 Forest tires, see Fire protection, supra Forest reserves in New Mexico and Arizona restricted, D. 1939, § 471b Forest revenues ‘ Contributions for cooperative work in forestry, disposal, p. 422, § 498 Funds from general sources, disposal, p. 422, § 499 Money received for leases for sanatoriums and hotels. disposal, p. 422, § 496 Payments to State for schools and roads, p. 422, § 500 Forest Service Aiding enforcement of State conservation laws, p. 426, § 553 i — Arrests for violation of laws and regulations, p. 426, § 559 Buildings required by service, construction, p. 428, § 571 ‘ Compensation of employees, contributions to payment permitted, p. 32, § 67 Expenses of service, use of appropriations, p. 426 § 556 Experiment station in California, p. 427, -§ 562 Experiment stations in Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, p. 1940, § 562 Experiment station in Pennsylvania, p. 1{H0, § 562 Headquarters and ranger stations, p. 426, § 555 Leaves of absence to employees, p. 426, § 558 Rzinezers, appointment, p. 426. § 554 Special fund for payment of expenses, p. 428, § 572 Supervisors, appointment, p. 426, § 554 Supplies, equipment, and subsistence for employees, p. 426, § 557 Telephone supplies, transfer by Secretary of War to Agricultural Department for use of 'Forest Service, p. 427, § 561 ` ————transfer from War Department, p. 427, § 561 Timber, use for telephone lines, p. 427, § 560 Funds received for leases of lands, disposal, p. 422, § 496 Homesteads, additional entries on lands in national forests, ‘p. 1342, § 222 Hotels ’ Lease of land tor. p. 422. S 495 Use of lands in forests permitted. p. 422, § 497 Jurisdiction of State courts, p. 420, § 480