Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2333

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2319· 1.VDl National Guard-——Continued Allowances———Continued Service schools, allowances for attending, p. 1042, S 146 Transportation on discharge from hospital, p. 1044, § 161 y _ Uniforms, accouterments, and equipment furnished to officers at cost, p. 1043, § 156 . . Warrant officers on active duty, p. 1189, § 23 Ammunition. see Armament, equipment, and supplies, infra Ancient privileges to be retained by certain corps, p. 1045, §§ 192, 193 ` Animals . A Care of animals, p. 1036, § 42 Purchase with National Guard funds, p. 1036, § 40 Appropriations- by Congress. see Funds, infra ‘ Armament, equipment. and supplies ` Aecouterments furnished to oil‘icers_at cost, p. 1043, § 156 ._ Ammunition. issue from reserve stores of Army, p. 1036, § 44 ·-—-5-supply for target practiee, p. ,1039, §-71 Animals, purchase fwith National Guard funds, p. 1036, § 40 · Automatic pistols, issue, p. 1035, § 36 . Care of animals, armament, etc., p. 1036, § 42; p. 2047. \§ 42 J Civilian caretakers, employment and compensation, p. 1036, § 42 Clothing, issue, p. 1036, § 44 Coast Artillery equipment, withdrawal in emergency, p. 1036, § 43 ~ Condemned, stores. disposal of proceeds of sales, p. 1036, § 45 _ · Cost of supplying new types of arms and equipment, p. 1035, § 35 ° Field Artillery materiel, issue, p. 1036, § 37 Horses, purchase with.National Guard funds, p. 1036, Q 40`. . Issue Ui"tIll‘IllS to National Guard, p. 1035, § 33 of seq. Issue of clothing, equipment, etc., p. 1036, § 44 issue of military property generally, inspector general’s report as liasls for decision, p. 1034, § 15 Loss, damage, or destruction, disposal of money col- . lected to reimburse Government, sp, 1636, § 45 ·——-— investigation and placing of responsibility. p. 1037, § 47 . New types of small arms, issuefp. 1035, §§ 34, 35 Purchase from War Department, p. 1036, § 39 Purchase of and accountability for arms and equipment, p. 1035, § 32 Purchase of animals, p. 1036, § 40 Requisition by Government of articles purchased from $ War Department, p. 1036, § 39 ‘ ltequisitions for supplying and exchanging infantryi equipment, p., 1036, § 38 Return of property replaced as obsolete or condemned, ¥ p. 1037, § 46 . Supplying and exchanging Infantry equipment, requisi- a tions, p. 1036, § 38 , Type of arms, equipments, and uniforms, p. 1035, § 31 Uniforms for officers at cost, p..1043, § 156 Unserviceable articles, disposal, p. 1037, § 47 Army of*United States, National Guard as component part, p. 169, § 2 Brigades L‘ommand. p. 1033. § 8 Organization, p. 1033, § 5

UX National Guard———Continued Call or drzfft into Federal service Call by President, Ip. 1039. § Sla Draft, authority of President, p. 1039. § 81 Law governing National Guard in Federal servhe, ` p. 1039, § 82 Philippine Militia, p. 1039, § S4 Physical examination, p. 1039. § 83 Clothing. issue from reserve stores of Army. p. 1034}. § 44 Coast Artillery, withdrawal of equipment in emergency,

 p. 1036. § 43

Command Joint entxanipments; and other exercises with lleuuiar Army, p. 1039, §'72 . · Of divisions and brigades. p. 1033. § 8 Conimissionedofficers, see Oiiicers, infra Composition and classes of militia, p. 1033, § 1 Composition of National Guard, p. 1033, § 4 Courts-martial ` Approval of sentence of dismissal from service, p. 1040. § 96 General courts-martial. p. 1040, § 92 Sentence to imprisonment in lieu of tine, p. 10to, § 95 Sentences, execution, p. 1040, § 97 Special courtsanartial, p. 1040. § 93 Summary courts, p. 1040, § 94 l System of courts—martial for National Guard. p. lllltj § 91 · K Warrants of arrest. power to issue, p. 1040, § 97 Damage to military property, see Armament, equipment, and supplies, supra Departments, correspondence to organization of Regular Army, p. 1033, § 9 } . Destruction of military property, see Armament. equipment, and supplies, supra Disbanding organizations, p. 1034, § 16 · —Disbursing otiicers, see Property and dishursing otii.·e;·s, `infra · x Discipline, see Instruction. trainingT’and discipline. intra `Divisions C See also Tactical units, infra Chiefs of stahl of divisions, detail of Regular Army officer, p. 1034, § 10 Command, p. 1033, § 8 Organization, p. 1033, § 5 Draft into Federal service, see Call or draft into Federal service, supra · Engineer materiel, issue from reserve stores of Army, p. *1036, § 44 Enlisted force Allowances to enlisted men, see Allowances. supra Cadetships at Blilitary Academy, p. 209. § 1092 Contract of enl,i‘st1nent, p. 1041, § 123 Discharge of yistcd n1en,"p. 1041, § 125 Number of enlisted men, p. 1041, §§ 121, 122 Oath of enlistment, p. 1041, § 123 t ` Pay, see Federal pay. infra Periods of enlistment, p. 1041, § 124 Rcenlistments, p. 1041., § 124 Strength of enlisted personnel, p. 1041, 121. 122 Federal pay ‘ l` See also Allowances. supra Administrative function pay of officers, p. 1043, § HS Armory drill pay, p. 1042. § 123; p. 1199, § 23; p. 2017, § 143a Armory drills, pay of officers and warrant officers, p. 1042, §`143