Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2388

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9 IND Postal Servicé—(7ontinued Railway Mail Servie:·———("ontinued Mail messengers. uniforms, p. 1274, § 63_8 " Nature of serxice required, p. 1267, § 529 New service, authorixation, p. 1270, § 564 Newspapers, delivery by railway postal clerks,. pi 1274. § 639 Orders of Interstate Commerce Conimission establish-4 in: rates. p. 1209. § 551 , " Plan for transportation, filing with Interstate Commerce Commission, p. 1268, §-5-16*; p. 1269, §§ 547--549 Postal agxeneies in (`hina and Japan, p. 1276, § 674 I"ost~oi1i··e ears. style, eonstruetion, and maintenance, p. izrs, t sca? · Promotion of employees generally, rules governing, _p. 1273, § 623 . I. ·` Proof of perforinance of service, p. 1269, § 556 Rates for carrying mails, fixing in accordance with charges in carrying express matter, p. 1,269,_ I § 557 -——-I1·¤terstate Commerce Commission to tix and de— termine. p. 1268, § -5-12 et seq. l —-—-rates of payment ·for classes of routes,`p. 1267, § 531 °?‘ ——-reexamination and adjustment, p. 1269, § 553 t . -————tra`nsportation by electric or cable ears, p. 1270, §§ 569, me J — _ · Ratings of clerks in charge of sections in- offices of ` division. superintendents, p. 1272,·§ 605 Reduetion or discontinuance of service, p. 1270, § 564 Refusal to perform service at rates or methods of compensation piavided by law, penalty, p. 1269, § 563 Restorationiafter reduction in grade, p. 1273, § 627 Return of supplies by Postinaster General, p. 1269,

 56o, 561 I #

Revenues' received by railroads from express com- I panics. Interstate (‘ornmerce (`onnnission to inform Postinaster General, p. 1269. § 557 Salaries of employees, p. 1271, § 602 et seq. Seeontl-class matter, carriage by freight, p. 1271. § 576 Service operated partly by railreatl and partly by steamlsoat, p. 1268. § 540 · ~ ‘ Service over leand-grant and other railroads,ceinpensation, p, 1270. § 566* Special contracts for transportation, 'p. 1270, § 565 Statement as to railway transportation, filing with I Interstate·('ommerce (Joinmission, p. 1268, § 545 Storage ear service, standard size and arrangement of cars, p. 1267, § 528 — · o " Supplies for service. p. 1269, §§ 560. 561 Trains to carry mails, selection, p. 1268, § 539 Trave_lin;.; expenses of assistant superintendents, p. 1271, § 6oR . \\`eighin;: mails. computations, p. 1269, § 562 -———-payment of expenses of computations, p. 1270, · § ms ——— reatljusting rates, p_ 1270,. §§ 572. 573 Rates nf postage. see 1’osta;:e and postage stamps, supra l`t•·:;ist•~retl mail _ » _(‘urr,en<·y in rezsistered letters. p. 1259, 5 385 1·`ees' for reaistration, p. 1259, § 384 Indemnity for loss of tirst-class matter, p. 1259, § 381 Intleznnity for loss of third and fourth class inatter, p. 1259, § 383 - Loss of re;:istere<l article, penalty for false Claim, p. 4sa. § xm . _ ‘ t Money in registered letters, p. 1259, 5 385

EX. / 2374 Postal Sex·vice——Continued \ Registered Illilll¥·COIll'llltl(’d . Payment of limited indemnity claims by postniastcrs, .p. 1259. § xsz Persons entitled to register. p. 1259, § 384 Receipt for delivery of registered matter, p. 1259, § Sm} System of registration, p. 1259, § 391 · · Removal of employees, lmeiubersbip in society or union, p. 65, § 052 _1teturn of undelivered letters. p, 1260. f 409 Revenues, see Accounts and revenues, supra- Revenne stamps. sale at post otiices. p. 807, 5 906 Rewards to employees for inventions and improvements in _ ’ service, p. 1285. §. 813 p Rewards toemployees prot.·urin;: convvictbm of or killing _ burglars or. robbers, p. 12::5, 9 . Robbery of mails, rewards for procuring conviction of or killing robbers. p. 1235, § 9 l Rural delivery maps, sale. p. 128-1. § 805 llural Delivery Service Additional compensation for carrying pouch inail to , intermediate office, p. 12-IH, § 205 Carriers. allowance for niaintenance of. equipment. p. 124%, § 206 i · -=-——- carriagxe of tnercliandise for hire, p. 1248, § 196 -—-—·- carrier on Lake Winnepesaukee. compensation, p 1248. § 20s _" . . . —--—conipensation on water routes, p. 121%, § 20t ————leaves of absence, p. 1248, § 203 . ———— required to furnish own equi_pinent,~ p. 1247, §§ 194. 195, , . -—-—--salaries, p. 12is. §§ 197-200 U ·—;tt‘Ill]l01‘il1')’ reduction of pay, p. 1248, § 207 Clerks, compensation. p. 1248. § 209 Expenses of employees. per diem allowance, p. 12t*. § 210 . ‘ . Motor Vehicles, use by (‘2ll'l`l¢*l'S. p. 1247, § 173 l)l)>t·t)"l('(‘ illF[}(’L"tUl`S, ttllil1`til‘lt5` lt) {I1lIllllllSlt'l° Htttlls to employeespp. 1248, § 211 _ Routes, classes, p. 12-17, § 192 Substitute carriers, eniploytnent, p. 124%, § 201 '———·pay, p. 1248, § 199 _ `_ Substitutes for carriers on leave of absence, p, 1::l<. ` § 20:; . . _ Temporary carriers, compensation. p, 124S,"§ 202 .Sala»ries of employees Accounting employees in S axe depositories and c·enti·al ecconntini: offices, p. 1241, § 92 Assistant postinasters lat _§ecoinl-class officcs. p. 1241. §· 88 . ~ A:-`sistant superintendents of classitied stations. p. 1241. . $595 _ . ` Assistant snperintendents of delivery. p. 1241, § 96 Assistant superintendents of free delivery, per diem allowance when traveling, p.‘1247, § 176 Auxiliary clerks in iirst and sei:ond—class oitices, p. 1242, § 113 - ('arriers and substitutes in village delivery service. p. 1242. § 106 _ Clerks, at distributing and separating ollices, p. 1240. . §s2 · --111 iirst and second class offices, p. 1242, § 103 -—-—-in third-class post oliiees, p. 1240, § 81 Cornputatien of [l{l_Y1ll(!ll'tS.Of salaries payable at annual or monthly rates, p. 1286, § 822 · . _ Credit to employees and substitutes for time served in World War,_p. 1242, § 107 `