Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2425

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2-HI INDA Shipping ———- Continued Inspection of steam vessels—-Continucd _ i · Inspection in districts not having inspectors. p. 1496. .§ 438 . Inspections in avldition to annual inspection, p. 1496, § 435 .. . . Inspectors of boilers. number and salariesap. 1491. § 382 Inspectors, of hulls, number and salaries, p. 1491. 382 Instruments, stationery, and printing for inspectors, p. 1495, § 415 — · ‘ i { Interference by inspector with decision of inspector of - another district, p. 1496, § 437 Local inspectors, assistants and clerks, p. 149i, §, 382 ——-—-inspector of hulls and inspector of boilers to constitute board, p.— 1492, § 384, ——·-—number and salaries, p. 1491, § 382_ —————qualiIications. p. 1492, § 384 V —·~·——records and reports by, p. 1495. § 414 Marshal. payment of fees of, p. 1496, § 440 , Mississippi freight boats, steam pressure. allowed. p. 1492, § 394 . _ Notice by inspectors to make repairs or__correct. unlawful conditions, p, 1496, § 435 Penalty, for failure to comply with inspection statutes, , p. 1508, §§ 497,_-498 · - ·-1~•for failure to make repairs on notice. p. 1496. § 436 V ——-—for inspectors taking illegal fees. p. 474. § 196 ————for issuance of false certiticate by inspector, p._ 1493, § 403 _ _ -—·—-for wjiolating provisions as to certificates. p. 1493. . 5 402 · “W Person interested in patented article ineligible as inspector or assistant, p. 1492. § 385 . Reciprocal acceptance of foreign certiticates of inspection, p. 1489, § 362 · Registry, enrollment. or license not to be granted to vessels not complying with law. p. 1508, § 496 Regulations by Secretary of Commerce. p. 1493, _§ 416 _ Review of decisions -by `inspectors. pp. 1495. 1496. §§ 431-434 . · ‘ _· Revocation of certificate of inspection. p. 1496. ‘§. 435 Safety valves, control by inspectors. p.~ 1492. § 393 ———-—penalty for obstructing. p. 1495, § 413 . Seagoing barges, equipment with lifesaving appliances. p.‘ 1493, § 396 -——- inspection of, p. 1493. §§ 395--398 Small craft generally, inspection of. p. 149l. § 404 Steam registers, control by inspectors, pv. 1492. § 393 Supervising Inspector General, appointment and salary, p. 1490, § 371. ’ ———·duties, p. 1490, § `372` Supervising inspectors, appointment and salary, p. 1490, § 373 _ - · - —-—-—-—designation of olticer to perform dutiesof absent inspector, .p. 1490, § 374 ——-—duties generally, p. 1490, §§ 376-379 -————_qnaliilcations, p. 1490, 5 373 ‘ ————reports. to Supervising Inspector General. p. 1496; § 439 1 * . Traveling expenses of inspectors. p. 1-491, §§ 382. Tugboats, inspection of, p. 1494, § 405 United States Shipping Board vessels subject to inspection statutes, ·p. .1489, 5 363 · 1 Vessels navigating Irondequoit Bay subject to inspection statutes, p. 1489. § 365 What are stettmnyessels, p. 1489, § 361 What vessels are subject tu inspection statutes. p. 1tS9, I § 362

FGI Shipping —(.*ontinued 1nspection·of steam vessels—Contiuned Witnesses. payment of fees of. p. 1496. § 440 Yachts, inspection of, p. 1494. § 404 Lake Champlain steamboats, clearance of. p. 1466. § 102 License of vessels. see Enrollment a_nd license, supra Lien on vesselfor head tax imposed on aliens, p. 121, § 12%:2 Limitation of owner's liability { Act of God, liability of owner. etc,. for, p. 1475. § 192 1 Apportionment of compensation payable by owner between several claimants. p. 1474. § 184 Bills of lading. contents, p. 1475, § 193 ‘—————dutya to issue, p. 147 5. § 193 (.'ha—rterer may be deemed owner of. vessel. p. 1475. § 186 . ‘ — t U Dangers of the sea. liability of owner. etc.. for. p, 1175.- §192 _ . Errors of navigation. liabilityof owner. etc., for. p. 1475. § 192 - ° I Fire loss. liability for. p. 1474, § 182 Individual liability limited to proportion that inelividual share bears to whole, p. 1475, § 189 _ Interest of owner in vessel and freight. liability for loss not to exceed. p. 1474. §. 183 Liability for loss of property carried without notice r of character and value, p. 1474, §_ 181 Notice of character and value of property carried as essential to owner`s liability, p. 1474. § 181` I Not liable for losses after exercise of due diligence. p. 1475, § 192 A Penalties for. violation of statute to be lien on vessel, · p. 1475. § 194 [ Public enemies, liability of owner. etc., for acts of. p. 1475, §- 192 _ Remedies against niasterfoflicers. and seamen reserved, ' p.·_1475. 5 187 · Statutory provisions inapplicable to transportation of live animals. p. 1475. § 195 Stipulation relieving from exercise from due diligence ` in equipping vessels invalid·. p. 1475. ii 191 Stipulation relieving from liability for neg.:ligence invalid, p. 1475. § 190 I Transt‘er_of interest of owner to trustee for benelit of claimants, p. 1474. § 185 ‘ Vessels to which limitation of liability applies, p. 1475, · ti 183 ‘ Log books Eiitries to be made in. p. 1473, § 201 Entry of offenses, p. 1523. § 702 Mode of making entries, p. 1476, § 202 Penalty for` omitting entries, p. 1476, § 203 Mail carried by vessel without contract with Government. ’ mast_er`s duties and right to compensation. p. 485, § 323% Manifest. duty of master to have on board of arriving vessel, p. 582, §· 241 Maritime transactions ` Arbitration of disputes, p. 167. § 1 `- · Definition in arbitration law. p_ 167. § 1 Measurement of vessels. Enrollment and license, supra; Registry and recording, infra lilerchant marine act, 1920 American Bureau of Shipping, classitication of vessels to be recognized,.p. 1541, § SN1 _ ` Antitrust laws inapplicable to marine insurance companies, p. 1542, § 885 c ` Authority with respect to liouses, buildings. and land > under act of March 1. 1918, terminated, p..·1540, § S7! Citation of act, p. 1542. § 827 O