Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2439

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2425 1.v.o Supreme (`¢l1ll’t··•C011l`i1l\lt'd \ .1 ustices-——Continued . Security for peace and good behavior, authority to rcquire, p. 910, § 392 Traveling expenses of circuit justices, allowance, p. 908. r § 374 — ‘ . e · Law clerks for Justices, p. 904. § 328 _ Law library, see I.1nn.xaY or Coxom·:ss_ Marshal I . . Appointment, p. 903,.§ 325 ° Duties and salaries, p. 904. § 331 urders by less than quorum. p. 905. § 340 Original jurisdiction, p. 905. § 341 _ Practice in district courts,regulation by Supreme (`ourt, p. 935. § 730 A Printed transcript of record required. p. 945, § 866 Printing and binding for court, where done, p. 1421, § 111 Printing for court. by whom done. p. 907. §_354 ` Quorum Number constituting, p. 903, § 321 i Orders in absence of, p. 905, § 340 Records of old court of appeals, how kept. p. 904, § 329 Reporter - e Appointment. p. 903, 5 Duties, p. 904. § 332 ‘ Preparation of decisions for publication. p. 904, § 332 Printing and binding decisions of court, p. 904, § 3:12 Salary and allowances. p. .§' $%3: p. 2033, § 333 Reports of decisions Appropriations for printing, binding; and distributing, p. 905, 5 336 l i ‘ Number ot bound volumes and advance pamphlets to be printed.- p. 905. 5 335 D ` Printing. binding. and ddistrihution. p. 904. § 334: p. 2033. § 334 - ‘ Reprints, p. 905, § 335 Sale, price, p, 905, S ${5 Scire facias, power to issue, p. 9os. § 377 State courts. review of decisions ° Decisions reviewable by Supreme (‘ourt. p. 906.`§ 344 Precedence of writs of error to State courts, p. 907. l § 351 ~ Supreme Court of Philippine Islands, certiorari to review decisions, p. 907, 5 349 '1‘erm held annually. p. 905, § 338 Women admitted to practice. p. 907. § 353 Writ of error A - lmprovidently suing out writ of error instead of certiorari. elfect, p. 906, § 344 (c) . . Precedence of writs of error to State courts, p. 907. § 351 - ‘ Review of decisions of State courts, p. 906. § 344 Time to apply fur \Vl'lt,‘p. 907, 3 350 ·\\'t‘its Power to issue writs necessary to exercise of jurisdiction. p. 908. Si 377 _ Teste by Chief Justice, p. 934. S 721 Surety Companies ,. Appointment of agents to receive service of process, p. 83, § 7 Deposit with Secretary of Treasury of copy of charter and sworn statement as to assets and liabilities, p. 84, 5 8 Estoppel to deny corporate powers, p. 84, S 12 Foreign companies required to appoint local agents to re eeive service of process, p. 83. § 7 Forfeiture of right tu do business, nonpayment of j-udg-I ment, p. 34, § 11

l1·.'X Surety Co1npanies—~(`ontinued Penalty for failure to comply with statutory requirements, , p. 84. § 1:1 - _ ~ Premiums on bonds. rate, p. 84, § 14 Quarterly statements, filing with Secretary of Treasury, p. 84, § 0 Sufiiciency as sureties on undertakings required by law, ti. 8::. § 6 _ Venue of·actions against surety companies, p. S4, § 10 Suretyship See Boxes; L'$nr;izr.u·;1xos Surgeons · See Pnxsioxs Suspended Sentence See Cmims Axe Orrsxsns Swains Island Sovereignty of 1'nited States extended over Swains Island, .p. 10-14, § 1131 Swamp Lands See Pl`BL1(` Laxos Sweden‘ Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. salary, p. 645, § 32 Switches See TR.\NSl'0R'l`.\'1`l0N Switzerland _ Envoy extr:_tordinary and minister plenipotentiary,. sal}53 p. (H5, § 32 Tar See N.w-iL Storms Tariff See Customs Dvrizs Tariff Conunissiou 2 ' Appeal from findings as to unfair competition, p. 570, § 170 Appropriation for expenses, p. 531, § 100 _ Ascertaining cost of production, p. 530, § 102 Civil-service rules applicable to employees, p. 529. § 02 tjoinpeiisation of commissioners and employees, p. 520, § 02 t·oopt·¤·¤o1.;m with other departments, p. 530, § 101 (‘ost of production division of Commerce Department. transfer to Tariff (‘ommission, p. 520, § 00 ` Creation and organization, p. 520, § 01 Definitions. p. 530, § 104 I)ishursing clerk, p. 520, § 01 ( _ Discriinination by foreign countries against domestic vommission, duties of commission, p. 580, § 188 Information obtained in oflicial proceedings. disclosure prohibited, p. 530, § 105 Information to President and Congress. p. 520. § 07 Investigating tariff relations with foreign countries. p_ 5:30. § 08 " lnvestigation of Paris economy pact and other o¤·gaxii;»<a» tions. p. 5220, § 105 Investigation of unfair competition, findings. p. 570. ss 170. 177 A Investigations as to customs, p. 520, § 06 Utiiee of commission Establishinent of ottice at port of New York. p. 5:.20. § 03 Principal office, location in city of Waslnington. p_ 5221. § 02 _ ‘ - Powers and privileges of commission. p. 5310. § 10:1 Powers in conducting investigations, p. 5:.*0, § 100 Tax Appeals Board of Tax Appeals, see IN'Pl·ZRX.\l. Rl·l\'l·Z\l`l·}