Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/302

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§ 481 , _ ·, TITLE 12.-—··»-BANK, ° Federal- reserve bank or Federal reserve awat at the Treasury or at the Snbtreasury of the United Staten nearest tlmeplace of bnsioeee of such Federal reserve bank or anon Federal resere agent 2, P:·oo£ded,‘ however, That fany expense incurred in shipg ping gold to 6—rrroal__t1le Treasury or Snhtreaeuriee' in order to make such. payments, 01°`H$ a result of making such payments, shall be Paid by the Federal Reserve Board and assessed against. the, Federal reserve banks. The order used by the Federal Reserve, Board . in making such fpayments shall be signed by the governor or vice gOV(;`$I;HQ1‘,`O1‘ sneh otheroilleere or members as the hoard -may·_.hy regulation prescribe. The form of auelrorder iehallbe approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. “ · ·· · · · Q · The expenses neeessaril;r`tlnenrred in carrying ont these pro— ,__ . visions, i_{}CIHdillgfH1€ cost of the certidcateaor receipts issued for deposits received, and all expenses. ineident to the handling of such deposits shall- be paid by the Federal Reserve —B0argl and included in ite assessments — against the several Federal. reserve banks. ‘ , N ‘, . - _ _- _ i_ · Gold depoeits standing to, the credit ofbany Qederal reserve

 bank with. the Federal Reserve Board shall, at the option of

sold bank, .be·’eounted” ae part of the lawfn—l reserve whieh it is required to maintain.—again$.t ou_tstanding‘ Federal reserve notes, or as at part of the I`€S€1'\’§···.it is required to maintain against deposits." - V ¥— yhil ’ " n . ·iN()ulll1g in this sectiollishall beleonstruedms amending section 4:29 of title 31, Money and Finance, nexjshznll the provi- _ sions of this seetion be constrned to app1y··to the cloliosits made ` or to the receipts or certiiicates issued under that section. `(Jime 21, 1917, e. 328,5 8; 40 Stat."238.)` . . .· -- ` l BANK EXAMINATIONS . { 481. Appointment of examiners: examination of member banks, State banks, and trust companies; reportse-The Comptrollernofethe (T‘m·ren._;, rgitlx the approval of the Secretary og the Treasury, shall appoint examiners who shall Qliilllllllé every member `bank other than 111089 expressry éxceptedtby section 330 of ’this title. at least tvvioe in each calendar year and oftener if considered neeeesary: Prov·ided,. however, That the Federal Reserve Board may authorize examination by the State authorities to be accepted in the case of'State banks and trust eom—" ponies and may at any time direét the holding of a snpecinl examination of State banksor trust eompanies that are Stockholders in any Federal reserve bank'. “The examinei:._maki"ng the examination of any national bank, oroof any 0tllClL.lI1€lIlbC1' bank, shall have potyertto make a thorough examination of all the affairs of, the bank and in doing so he ahall have power tu administer oaths and to examine any of the oilieers and agents thereof under oath and shall make a full and detailed report of the condition, of eaid`-_’bank_to the-Coinptrol1er of the Currency. (R. S. § 5240.;. Feb; 19, 1875, e. -89, 18 Stat. 329 ;- Dec. 23, 1913, c. 6, § 21, 38‘Stat. 271.) " `» _» ” · 482. Salarieo of examinersrexpenee of ex,aminationa.—~Tl1e ' - Federal Reserve Board, upon the recommendation of the Comptroller of the Currency, shell Hx the salaries of aillhank exami- .ners.and“1jnake‘ report thereof to Congress. The pxpenée of the examinations herein provided for shall be aaeessed by the Comptroller of the Currency upon the banks examined ‘in ’ proportion, to'·asaets.or reaourceeheld. hy the banks upon the dates of examination of the various banks., (R. S. {5240 ; Feb. _' 1 1875, c. 89, 18 Stat. 329; Dec. 23, 1913, c. 6, 21, 38 Stat. 271. _ · · . ” “ · , _ Special examination of memberhalnlcog information of , {cen. _ tion furnished to Federal Reserve Board,·#——¥In addition to the exaullnntione made and conducted by the Con1ptroller’·oi the -Curren<:y, every Federal reserve bank may, with` the approval _ of the Federal reserve agent or the Federal Reserve Board, provide for special examination of member banks within

srgzvbn QANKING ESS ` jigs district,. expeuS@_¤f*Se¤€h# e$8;m¥¤~¤(i<>¤S Shell be 1%% ;- by the bank examined. Such exzkminetiems shell be SQ m.·;E_ dgeted ae te inform the Federeljreserve bank oi the`c<;·m1i'me'

  • 0f its member-banksb,e¤d;of· thelines of credit which are bein?

- extended·· by them.; Every ‘ Federal reserve bank shell mg ei; (imag furnish to the Fede1‘&1JReS¢¥‘_ve Beard Sméh i¤f¢;x·m;%;‘;§ ,H es may be dezxranded concerning the cendirion of any m<·ee,er _bqnk» within the district et tbé said Federa1`reeervg {>Q§§,;;{* ` ZQR, S, §_ 5240/; Feb. 19, '18'2'5, c. 89. 18·Sta¥S· 329; Dev. 23, 3:2;;;,

 6, § 21, 38 Stat;.¢2'{.1.) " » ·_ . r { , ’

.· 484. Limithtiam pri visiterial powers--1% bank shall he egg;}- ject teeny visitorial powers other then; sueh as hre'_21uth¤riz&<1 _ by law, or vestediip the courts of justice or such as elm? L5 or shall have been exercised or directed by Congress; by 2%.,+ either House thereof or by- ariy committee of Céegréss" ei? .{;g' _ either‘ duly eueuomea. (R. S, i 5240;_Feb. 19. isis? .c. 89, 18 StzgtF329l; Dec. 23,1913, c. 6. 5 21, 8teL 271.,) »

 485. Examination of Federal reserve banks}-The 1·`e»£e¢m .

Reserve Board shall, hi leest Once each Yéhr; mrder anbexaxeimtiem of each‘—'Federal"reeerve bank, and ppem Joint sp;»1i<Vm;eeb _ ·‘ of ten member bzmks ¢n2—»*Feeem;· Reserve Beerdehell may --a special examination and report of lthé eoxiditimz 0{amy Iam-·m1 reserve bank; (R. S. §‘ 5240; Feb; 19,,1875, c. ®, IS Stat. tiger; .·DecQ23,1Q13,c,6, s_ 21, es sm. 2'2;1.). ~ · ,,; _ CIVIL LIABIIZITY OF FEDERAL RESERVE AND MEMIQICH {


501. Liabilityfof. Federal reserve or member for certi- ’ fyihg eheck when ammmtef depesif was ihadeqaiate.~It’s}>;;iL . be unlawful for_a»¤y btiieer; Qirector, ége¤t,;_or e&p10yee ofmzyn _ Feder:11 reserve ‘bzmk, erof any member ben}; és deiinedin mis _ chapter, to éertify any ebeek drawn {upon such. Federal reseée - bank or member bank unless the pereen, Erm, er".i;erpomzi.;si draiwing the check has ob —dep0sit, with such Federal resw.·e bank or member bank, at the times `suéh cheek ig eertiime, ah Jan10unt.0if money rr0t_`1ese then the almemxt speeieed ix2—su<;%1 , cheek? Any pheck so bcrtitied bi ·a_duly* auiherized e»i¥i¤··r,_ __ direct6r,—rag:ent, or employee shall be a good and valid ob¥igeJ ‘ S? Htion `agaihst `Such Federa.1 reserve banli er member bank; mc theueta of any 0§icér,, director, agent, or- empleyee of any sum Federal reserxje_ bank. or.memher»bank·- in eielatiee of this . i secgicn Shall; in the `discretion of the Federal Reserre;B¤r»e¤·<i, 1 ~ subject sixcb Federal reserve bank to the penalties inxgmsed by section 248, subsection (h), and shell subject such mem§e»r " ` bank if a nabioxml bank. to the liabiiities and prekzeeélings be 5 the-part of ;11e'C<jmptr0ller of the Currency provided fur in

 se<;tiuu,192,_ and shell, in thé”·discretien of the Federal R•>s¢·rre _

Board, sixbject any ether member bank te »the._peeeILies irnxgnwri °by ésectionm331 for the rioleiicrn of any of the provisiens rei mis chapter} (R. S: ·§ 5208; Sept. 26, 1918, e. 177, `5..?,·40 Sxim 502.· Liability of "sharelieldcrs of geeervq banks ern cem- > tracts, etc.————·The rgbzxrelnelders or every Federal res€¢ri*e` l»m}k_ _ shall be held individually responsible, equally and reiably, uml 1 not che for another, fer all contracts, debts, &i1d_EBg8g€‘.IIit·IiE$ “ of such bank fo theeitent of the `emeunt of iheir rsi1becri;izi.>us‘ r to Such 'stoek at the pervulue thereof iuedclitieu fe the emeuizr . subscribed, whether such subscriptiexis here beenapaid up in ‘ · _W}1€}KQ‘ 0; in part, under the previeicxxs of this cbgpterr ((fl*<·<f· b_ 23, 1913, c. 6, § 2, 38 Stetl 252.) _ " » l M _ . . 503. Liability of ·directers"nnd 0§cers of member benke.~»—- . If the direcfiors Of Oméehrs of anylmembcr ben}: shall k;1»§>‘i\‘iM;—Y?F ’ vviolete vorpermit any of the egex1ts,·_e§cers, er directors of amy » member been to violate, any of the previsiens oteectiem xix, t Y. 376, 593, 594, 595 er reguletiims of me beerqrmade under 21**** · thority- thereof, every director. and officer perticipetiug in br »~ .3SSGI%t;llg to such`·vi0letie,n;shell be hold liable in his pen·:·=¤»n:1l’ n and‘individ1ia1‘ cepegity for atl damages which tbe`memL»er