Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/357

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343 , TITLE _14.-- e? · authorized, at such wavy yards as the Seeretary ot the Nev; ” ymajt deeimnte t (Mee 29. 1916, ¢- 417, w SML 601·) . i , l 58. 0&cers and crew of vacate.--·The Secretary ot the 'l‘reesm·y may` aeslgq, to eeeh Ooaet Guard cutter eueh omcer: as are h ary in ble opinlch te perform the dutles require; of that v%l. Vemls Shall have such number ofpetty omcer: l and other enlisted aren asju-the opinion ofjthe Secretary are peliulredi to `makc them ewzient for their eervlee. (RQ T3, ~ _! ·· 59. Detail of surgeons, etc., ·ef·_ Pulilic Health Service or Coast Guard cetteree-—The ·SéCl'€t§.l'Y of the Treasury is ehthor ized `te detail ter duty on_ Coast Gquard cfifters such surgeom

md‘g$tlie1‘·per§0n§ ot the Phhlic·YHeglth, Service *as’ he ma;

deem necessary. ·(J1me.24, 11:14, ‘e. 124, ee sm; ser.) l · e V 60. Aid te, vesicle. en lnk$.—···Thé Coast Guerdcutters on the nbrthern had lakes, ·when- put Qin commission shall be qzvecially charged with aiding veeeels in distress 01 the lakest {R. S. § Q759.) . ‘ ‘ _ _ _ ‘° 61. Aid te idnihi cresvee-—-In the discretion ot the Secretary er the‘Treesury, any of the Coast Guard cutters lu c0mmlseio1 mayzhe uxd to extend medical ahd surgieal eid to the. crew} et J American vessels engaged in the deep·eea§ fisheries; hhde: ‘ such reguletichs as the Secretary of the Treeshry- may fron time to time prescribe. (Jtihe 24, 1914, c. 124, `38-Stat. 387,j 62, Tug to vessels on north Pacihc ¢0&8Lt··*·A tlrsbclas n mee n-going tug, equlpbed with wireless-telegraph apperatus l su rfhoets, and such other meder1f’llie‘ and property saving ap pliances as_ may be deemed useful ih assisting vesselsendirescu ing perseais amt property from the perils of the see, mzumee mul "eperated `by the Coast Guard, under `such regulations `ti the Selxteretxlry of the Treamxry may prescribe, shell coopereb with the Coast Guerdgstrntion at or near Neel; Bay, in the Stat efwashlugtou. (Apr. 19, 1906,-ct -1640, §§'1·{3,·34 Stat. 123.) 63. Vessel for removal of derelicte, etc._—-A eteaml veese speelellyhtted for and adapted to service at sea lrrlmd weather fer. the purpose ot blowing up or otherwise destroying or tewin; imo port wrecks, derelictz,_and`·otl1er heating dangers to xmvi getiou, shell be operated and_mai¤tained· by.` the Coast Guam ' under such regulations as. the Secretary ot, the Treaehry ma; prescribe. (May 12, 1906, iz. 2454, 34 Stat. 190.·) · - . . Q64. and pe:;¢¤ fer Coast Guard cutters, etc. wi-ongfuldteplay by oéers; penalty.-~——-The cutters and boat e1npl0yed·i¤_the service of the Omet Guard shell be distim gulehed from other Vessels by ag euelgn and pexidauit, wit leech marks thereeh as shell be prwcrlbed -hy the l1’resldexi1 It may vmsel or boat., not employed ln_ the service ot the Goes Querd, shell, within the jurksdletle¤.of the United States, éarr `er heist may pendant or enema preecribed for vessels lin. nucl · evrvlee, the xueeterlotthe vmeel se o¤emling,she`ll be liable towneltr o¢.$100, {R. S; s 2104.) l I 65. Use of vessels for private purpose; penalty fer wrong ful eee.-00eet Guard euttere ehull·lie.ueed exclusively for th public service, and in no tray £or`"private_ pgrpoeee. Any pen epa using any veewlju the`Ooqst Guard torpriyete purposes ll1·Vl0l&tion et law, shell upon couvlctloh jhéreef be flned_’$1,Q0t (July 7.··188~1,‘ c. 332, 23 Stat. 199;_Jnx1. 28, 191.5, c., 20, S G, 3 Stat. 862.) ‘ " . · . I · _ ?_ 66. Custeims duties of efheers ef_cutters.·—··—-'1‘he officers of th Ceeet Guard cutters shell respectively phe deemed ohlcere e the customs, and. shall be subject to the direction of ·suc` celleetoxe ot the revehué, or other ~ o&cers thereof, as fro: time to time shell he_deeigm1ted for that purpose. They ehel go on board all vessels which arrive withlh·theiUnited State for within feur leagues of the coast thereof, lt bound Jer th Ul»·ft.ed Statee, and search and examixie the 881118, and ever part thereof, and shall demand, receive, and certify the mart feete `requlred `tzorbe on l>‘oar<l' certain vessels, shall zgfllx eh

COAST? GUARD. C 7 put propor fastépitlgs on the lmtchbs and other communica-¥ tl0D3··Wit¥1. the holy bf tuiy vesgél; ond · shall remain on board z_ sucp vessels until they urrivejat '“tho port or place ot their s_ dostlnatipn`. _(.R. S. § 2760.) c » .. · ‘ " l_ 67. Additional diatoms duties midor direction of Secrctsry s of Y1‘re¢stxry.~The_·oilicgrs of Coast Guard cutters shall. por-_ a_ form, in addition, to the duties horinbeforo proscribed, such 5 other duties for collection and security of thé rovemxo as from timo° to fiftlo shall, be 'dirocted by the Secretary. of t the Tmosury, not contrary Jto law. (R. S. §· 2762.) 0 ` - · 68. Stopping vessels; immuqtty of Coast -·G¤ard— o§cer.--— s _—Whonovor ‘¢ any vessel liable to seizure 'or cxamlriatioo docs y not bring·to, yn beiixg required to · do so, or on being chased _. by tiny cutter or boat which has displayed tho pendant and a ensigu -preqor1¤eo for vessels in the Uwst Guard, tho master H. " of such ctxtter or pmt may fire at or into such vmoel which ir doos·.not· briug·to,- utter such. pendant and eosin has been hoisted, and a· gmrhas heed Bred. by such cutter or boat as y_ a signal; and soch master, and ‘a1I—pers0¤s°acti¤g by.or__u11der_ n his direction, shall jbo indomnmogi from any ; penalties or· nos tions _1*or damages for scf doing. It ouyj person is killed _ or r wounded by such Bring,. and the master is prosecuted or orrt rested therefor, ho shall be forthwith ‘ aglmittegt to bail; .(R..- 8 _ 69. _ Sole. of useless cutters.-—·Tlm President mary from time s.' to time couséfsuch ot the Coast Guard cutters os have become i·_ uudt for turthor service to be mldy and the `proceeds shall lf be paid into the '.[.‘l1f%ssury:_ Provided, That the Socretnryf of li. the ¢'1‘roas*31ry."1;ioy`appIy, io the ·pm·chom` `oi·' gonstructiou of- S· _Cok1st Guard. cutters, guy"ti1iéxpondod_ balance oi the proceeds o· of Coast. Guard cutters sold by him umlor the authority of B"` this section. (R. S. § 2748.) " . 2 Q] _ .` _ _ ‘ 70. Reports to collector of customs, etc.-—·Thc commgmdtng el omcer ot any `Coast Guard cutter shall makoalwockly. return ?._ to the collector, of the transactions of the cutter, specifying 3 the vessels tl;ut__h;xvo been boarded, their names and descrio V tions, the names of tlno masters, from wl1at port or place they d `last soilodmvhother laden or ju ballast, to whot nation} boIo¤gQ Y ing. u_¤d_ whothorf they hayo the neccsmry manifests ot _ their ¢¤i‘8`0€8 ·0¤_ b¤3!'d. and gellorally all such matters as_it. may ·$ be necessary for tho officers of tho.- custoirns to know. '(R, S. Qt §‘2761·.)‘ * 1 " ` C = y

 Chapter 3.-4C0A.S'.l‘ GUARD STATIONS.

soo., · .` -  » __ . f 91; General duties of commaudzmt no regards stations.

    • 7 .02. Regulotioris (or stations generally.

Y., 93. Discontinuanco ot stations. ’ h 94. 8tatlo¤s·at_ lighthouses; _ _ _ a "95. Timo of manning statloiis, etc.; establishment, otc.,_ ot districts ` and divisions: ° ” _ . ` ` 98. Acqulsltlorrot sites for Coast Guard stations, etc. Ii 97. Transfer ot npparatus. · _ , · ` B 98. Dtvlsionxol Coast. Gusto stations into districts. [._ 99. Detail of omcers (or inspection ot stations. _ 100. District supm·1nte;.nden—t as chtet_omccr`ot district. . g' 101. District stiporlntondonts as dtsburslng and customs otllccrs; bond. )· ·102. Promotion to ml vscamcy ot district si1perl¤t•;ndont*and··o£ keeper. 8‘ .103. Appointment ot keepers. _ _ Y ‘ _ 104. I’0wors and duties ot keepers géuorslly; residence. 105. Appointments mags only for fitness. , . _ L8 l06. Gratitltics to widow or drpextdent ot doccasod omccr, ctc. rf 107. Transtor of `books from Treasury! Department librory_ for uso at h _ _`~stqtiono." _ ‘ ‘ ° ‘ n 108. Solo of condcmxiwd articles,. etc. 109. Disposition of prococds oi sale. " _ _ . . · u 110. Compensation of. volunteer crews and volunteers; dintlvs. es 111. jovostigation of shipwrocks accompanied with loss otlifc. ·' B 112. Ammunition for Lyle gun and repair 0t—8[l[)QF8tllS_1lt station on y _ Famllono Islagnds. ·‘ .'`` · °_ . · l-q Section 91. Goueratdutios of commandarnt as rogords stad· tions.-·»-It slmll be the drlty of tlno cmumumlmnt to Supervise the