Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/378

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§ 88 TITLE 15.-—-OOMME1 objecetions to registration, in such manner and upon such notice to these interested as the. commissioner may by rules ‘ prescribe. ~ U ° ’ . ' The commissioner may refuse to register the mark against the registration of which, objection is tiled, or may refuse to . register both of two interfering marks, or may register the mark, as a trade-mark, for! the person iirst to adept and use the mark; if otherwise entitled to register the`same,' unlesshxi K appeal is taken, as hereinafter provided for, from hisdecision, by a party interested in the proceeding, within such time (not _ less than twenty days) as the commissioner may prescribe. _ (Feb. 20, 1905, c..»592, § 7, 33 Stat, 726.); " ’ I , 88. Appeal from decision- of examincr.—·-Every applicant for ` The registration of a trademark, or for the renewal ‘0f the‘ registration of a trade-mark, which application. ig refused! or Q party to an interference". against whom a decision `has been rendered, O1; a party who has filed a notice ’0t 0`pp0$ltiqh_as m' a trade·mark, may appeal from the decision ot the examiner in charge of trademarks, Q: the examiner in charge of interferences, as the case may be, to the commissioner in person, lmvixlig once paid the fee foreuch appeals (Feb. 20, l905, c. 592, 5 8, 33 Stat. 726.) . ~, p i · ` 8Q. Apheal ‘frem decision of Commissioner [of Patents.-4 lf an applicant for registration of A trade-mark, 01·.a. party to an interference as to a. Cfildé-Il18l'.'k,‘ or a patty .wh0·`h¤s filed opposition to the registration ot u trademark, or party to en , application fo1·_the·cancellati0¤ ot the registration of e t~rade—' , mark, is dlssatieiied with the decision ot the-Commissioner of Patents, he may appml to the-Court ct Appmls ot the' District ct Gehimbiai, oh ·i:0mplyiug`with the cpuclitions required in case ot sm appeal from the deéision ot the commissioner by i ‘ en qpplicam for patent, or e perty ·to an interference as to ani l XDYGIIQHQH,-~&I1d. the mma rules ot practice &71d‘D1'0€€d\1l'8‘ shall geverh in every stage ct such proceedings, as far es the same may bé applicable; (Feb, 20, 1905, c. 592,—$ 9, 38 State 727.) I , _. Vw. A¤sig¤me¤te.——Every registered t.mde—-mark, and every mark t01·_ the yegistxetlcn of which application has been medcj itogether with the application for registration ee the sexine, shall be eesigxmbie in wgemiection with Athe good will 91 the business in which the megk is Such assignment must be by eu instrument in writing and daily acknowledged a.eeor:d ing to. the lexée of the éeimtry er. State in_‘whlch the seme is executed ;` any su ch‘·eezignmeht shall he void as IEHlI18f.&IlY subsequent purchaser for a valuable eohsidepatlion, without iiotice, gdiilesa it is recorded in the Patent Omee within three months {rom , date theme!.} The commissioner? shall keep e irecerd of I such assignments. _(Fch. 20, t $05; c.~592, Q. 19, 33 Stat. .727.) ; Y . _ 91. Certiheates of registratlem and reeord. the:.·eof.·-—Certm·· cates at f‘€g`i8t1‘8,¤0¥1 et trade-marks eheli be issued in the mma ni the United: &tates hi! ..§l¤€1‘iC8», mider the heal ot the Peteht Giiice, and fhheil either be signed by the Commleeicmer et I*utenti s or have hib heme printed thereon end attested by en' ‘ Aéseiatent Gcmmiséioxaexgef Bateuts or by m1e` of the law éx· emiznem duiydeslgwieted by the Cemmiesiener nt ’Peteh l:eQ and g __ rmgeqd thereof, 'wgether with pri¤ted`e0ples et_ the drawing

 and statement el the e?ppIice:it,`shnll be kept in boéksior that
  • purpose. The·ce;·tificete shell state the date on which the upplieetiqn ter x·»egistml.i011 was receiéed ln the Reteht; Omce.

_(;‘,ez·tlficetee ee x·egi$tratlgm of tmde·max·ke may be amen to the eseiguee of the - applicant, buf the assignment must met be entered ot gecerh in the Patent `(Feh. $9,. 1995, q. 5%, § 11, 33 Stat; 727; B{&l’._•$;,· 1025, c. 535, § 3. 43 Sint. f 92. Dnntlen of eeirti£¢ate1e( regieuntien, and me¤ew¤l.——-;·- A eeititieete 0{ registratiexi shall remaih in tome fer twenty yeers, except that in the use et trade·merke`previe¤é1y registered in dferteign cm1ntry.euch— mrtitlcutes shell cease to be in three lm the day dn which the 'tfédé-IIRRPK ceeseeto be protected in sgml; foreign éouutry, and shall in ncveaee rémelnju

EOE AND TRADE $2;.} {gmc more than twenty ycars, unless renewed. Ccrtluqum ,,1; rcgistrutiop may bc, from time to time renewed for like pwilazs 011 payment of the renewal fees required by this; subdivi»;·»,, of this chapter, lxpoujcqucst by the registrant, his legal mlicscntatives, cr , trausfcrees of record in the Patent Ulll<·t·_ and such request may bc. made at any. time not more mm six months prior to the expiration of the period for wlmh the certificates of registration were issued or rcncvvcd. (M-- tiilcatcs of registration ln force on April`1,l190»5, shall ual.=~\ already lapsed cr canceled, remain In force for the pcriml xw.; which they were issucd,.but shall `bc jcncwahle on the sam;. ponditions and for_ the same periods as ccrtiilcatcs issmw under the provisions of this subdivision of this chagmw, am whcn so renewed shall have the same force, and affect e1s.¤·¤·r- tiiicatcs issued thereunder. (Feb. 20, 1905, c. 592, § 12. 2::: Stat. 727.)j` . _ A _ `_ ‘ · 93. ‘ Cahcellation df rcgistrntion.——Wheucvcr any _ person sh;i li deem himself injured by the registration of 11 tradcmmrk in u the Patent Oillcc he may at any time apply tc the C0lll!lllS· sioner of Patents to cancel the registration thereof. The mmmlssioner shall refer such application ta the cxanninvr in ·· charge of interferences, wlm is empowered to bca: and elelw- ‘mlne this question and who shall glvevuctlcc thereof fo tha , registrant. , It it appéar after a h@i•ing before `thé cxamimw , that the registrant was not entitled £0‘ the use of the iimrk at the date ot his application for rcglstratlcn thereof, or that the mark is not. used; by the registrant, or has been- abanllaml, and the examiner shall so decide, the! commissioner shall cmp _ cel fha-rcglstration. · Appeal may be takes to the c0mmis.<il»:l··r` in person from the daemon at examiner at interferences. (1—‘•~*». -.20, 1905, c. 592, Q 13, 33 Stat.__v728.) _ · ’ " _ , · 94. Fees;~rates,·——·Thc following shall be the rates for tramaxpark Icas: »_ . — `. v On ming each original application for rcgistratlémcot a tram)- maik, $10. ‘ _ N _ . ‘ _ E On filing eacbapplicatiou for renewal of the registration uf Va tradamark, $10, · I - * - - ‘ . On Bling notice of opposition to the registration- ot a tragicmark, $10. ” t _ i · ` On an appeal from the examiner in chargé of trade-marks t0‘the Commissioner of Patents, $15;; · · · ,

 ‘ On an appeal from the declsltm of the examiner in` chsmzc

at interferences, awarding cwricpshlp of a trademark cr ¢·¤m· cclingvtha rcgistration ot a· ttadc·mark, to the Gcmmlssloacr vf · x·¤tea;¤.$15; . . l J - _ _ _ For ccrtmed ai1d,u¤ccrtl¤c<l copies, ct écatltlbatcs of resistration anclcthar papers, and for rcc0i·diag‘transtcrs and ctlwr. · mxéers, the same tees as required by law°· such cupics •>f · mfénts and for racordlnglasslgpmeats and other `papcrs ralalf- _ lng to patents.: {Fal;. 20, ww, c. 592, § I4, 33_ Stat. 7,28.) _ " *95t Fees: mods af inymeat; ramadlng.-—Section 69 at Ti:l·~ $5, _PAY§‘$N‘l‘8, gelating to tha paymaatrof patent fees aud! M ‘ the repayment of {cas paid `by mlstakag are made appllcal»lg* to tradamark fees, {Fab. 20, 1905, tc, § 15, 33 Stat. 728.) 96J- Evidence of ownership} infringement, and dmagva . , therafar.·—-—The —1*misti·atlaa` pt a tg-a&a·m:u-k under the pm- · ylslous of this subdivision ot this chapter shall be prima fads - avidalxca of ownership. Any §ézsk>¤ who shall, ·Wif}lbll.t the cnn-. slant at the owner thereaf;"1’a§1·0d¤cc, counterfeit, copy, 01; colur- _

  • ably imltata any such trademark ahd atllxthe sauia tu ana

v_ chandlaa at sumtaxmally the. same qlcscrlptiva pfcparticsv as thm sat forth in tha rcgistratlca, ar to labels, slg1;s{pri1m=. _, n mckagas, vérapmrs, or receptacles intcadadtmabs ixsed `ngpon or ” iacqanéction with the sale of éaarchandlse at substantially tlw · same dascrlptlvé m·0pertlcs`as tlnasa set fapth in such r€s:lstn·u_- » thm, and shall usa, cr shall ,hgvc used, such rapmdactiml. · co1m_tarfait,,c0py,’a1•_c?l~m·al>la lalitatimn lu tgammcrca among im [ scvaral States, or with A {amiga nation, or with the Indian