Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/394

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»§ 296 ; TITLE 15.-cou halt o!__ one carat than the uneness indicstcdr by the ina: stamped; branded, engraved, or printed upon, any part of suc &1'dCl€,_01° izpon any tag; card, or label attached theretc, e upon any `bdx,< package, cpver, or wrapper. in which su< article is ipcaséd or inélosed; exécpt th:;t_ in thecasc ot watéj cases HH-d\H{1tSV&1°€, so made Aof gogd or ~qf any of its :111103 the actuafgl- Huencss of such gold `01·.al10y shall uotybe 1es3_ I more than `three one-thbusandth `parts' than the fineuess ind ‘ patgeki by. the mark stamped, branded, engraved, `_01?_ .[i1‘iI1t( upon such article, of upon any U18. ¢81d,_ or 'lgbel attach: ,_ theregto, dr upon anyhbox, package, cbver, br wrapper _-in' whi< ‘ such axjticle is-1£1c§Sed br ixiclosedz Provwedg That in nxiy te for the aséertai11ment’0f-the_.Huenem of any article mentizmc ix; this section, according to the foregoing stauda;·¢Ls, the pa

» ·- of thé article takén for the test; analysis,’ of assay shalli I

·such·part;- or portion us does not contain or have atfaqhc _ tkreréto any soldier 01* alloy bf il1fé1‘i01*,HD¢I.t€SS used for-·b1*a » ixig of uniting the `parts of said articlei frovided furtpc That in the case of any_ar1:ié1e·m•;gntioned in, this section; .5 addition to the roregoxug tests and standards, the actual. fin _' ness bf we entire quauugy of gold ·01‘-Of its qllqysa cpntaim in such articlginciuding a11`s01dcr·hng1 d110y`0f iIlfB1`i0l;`HI1 ness used for brdzing or uniting the parts of ‘such_ m··tic _} -(a1}[ such_ gold, alloys, 'annd soldier being assayed as_.oi1e piece shall riot be Jess by more tha;1 due; carat ; than the iineuea indicqtéd by the 1x§ark‘:stampéd, 'brdnded, engraved, or ix Y printed upegm such 8.l'tiC1€,··` or upondiny tag, card; br.1ab · pttachcd thereto, or"·up0h any b0x,`packz;ge,·c0vcr, or wrzipp in which subh 'articlejs inc§scd qr inclosed; if inteude that the stam1ards‘0t"iiuéness‘ and the tcéts or methods L ascertaining the gsame p1·0vided—· in this section I fdr articl. mentioned therein- shall be gpncurrent and .¤0t— altematij (June 13, 1906, c. 3289, § 2,, 34 Stat. 260.) , — _ . 296. Standard. of iiineness df silver arfiples; *_devjiation.=»1 the case of artjbles ct-merchandise made in whole or in pa of silverpr any of its alloys so imported iutd or exported fro the UnitedStates, or so deposited in th¢`United States mhi for transmission, of so delivered for transportation to ax common carrier, or so transported or caused»·t0 ibé ·trau`sp0rte as specified in secticin`294, the actual Qncness of the silver 4 allpy thereof of which Such article is wholly or partly cox posed shall not be ms by mbre than four 0heith0usqndth’ phr man the actual iiuencss ·ing1ica.te41_by ady mark {other than word "sterli1ig_" or thé w0_1*d_ ‘~‘ coin ") "qtgmped, branded, e gnzavéd, or briuted upon any pdrt of ‘such article, _0r upon xu tag, card, or lQbB1(~,&ttB.Ch9d thereto. or upon any box, packag cover, or wrapper in which such articlé is incaseil or inclcsq _ and that mi such article or tag, qard,-or label attached theret or box, package, c0ver,_or wrapper in whiclisuch article is' 1 cased or incloséd shall be marked, stamped, branded, eugrave or printed with the word " sterling " or " sterling silver " or ax - cvlorableimitation thereof, unless ·su¢h article or parts them purporting itc be silver contains niné hundred .and· twentyiw oucwhousxmdtb parts pure silver; and that iw such article, tn ca-rd,_lab01, boxnpackaxge, cqvcr,-up wrapper shall hé marker stam`ped,.braxid¤éd, engraved, or printed with the words "c0i¤ pr ·"c0iu silver" _0r colombia imitation thex·e0£.u¤les¤ sm t an·tic1c,q1·< parts thereof purporting to be silver contains hh hundred one-thousundtb parts pure silver: Pr01z&dcd, That : · the vase or ull sum articles whose mzexxems is indicated by tl _‘ .word " st€1jli11g" or the word "g0i¤." there $hall_ be _¤110we~d divorgc·m·e in the fmeuess of four one-lthousandth parts Im the fcnje·gui¤;z‘ standards: Provided, Tlnapin gmy tes]; mr tl sge=<·4»rminmént of the !ill6I1PSS of any éiich article xiieutiqmed 1 this :~=•~:·ti4>n according to the ihrcguinng étuxzdufds the-part 4 `the m·ii·L_-lc;· taken my the test, H`lllll}'SiS; 01··assp.y sha11`_bé suc p:gn·t,¤_»n· pur1i¤»u’a»·= dew; nur umtufn or hhva attachaddthare sunny +=e»i¢\<·x· or gnilcqc ¢·t° iu~fi~··•·i•»r liixyvxxcss uso}! fU!"\)f‘$`iZi1l{.£ • \lx,.:il€UL:§ ilw`p£1}1*t:~: _¤.f guvh !1tl’fi(.1t!Z_P}'0I*id€d·fuT{hC1`°, That `i

MERGE 4NI) TRADE 380. gk the cose of env article mentioned in this section., inisddition to zh the ztoregoing tests and standards, the actual nneness of `the or entire quantity. of silver or of lm alloys contained in such zh article; including all soldier andalloy of inferior Hneness used he for hrnzing `or uniting the ports of Such'a_rtic1eY(s.l1 7811;-}; ·s, silver, alloys, and soldier being assayed as one piece), ishnll >y not be less by more than ten one-thonsendth parts than the li· tineness indicated by the mnrk stamped, branded, engraved, or ed imprinted npon such article, or upon any tag, tard, or imno ad attached thereto, or upon any-box, package, coifeft or wrapper zh in which such article is Lncalsed or incloSed,·it beinpintennotx st that the standards- ot tlneness and the tests or `methods for - adp ascertaining the __saxne _.provi<Ied_” in this section for `artieh-s rt· mentioned therein, shall he? concurrent and not alternative. be (June 13, 1906, c. 3289, § 3,.`34VStat. 261.) '· -· ‘ · · ‘ ad, ‘ 297Q Stamping plated,.articl¤_; words " sterhng " or ·“ coin " z-- forhidde¤.¥-TI`11 the cone of ~ articles of ’merch:mdise· mode in

  1. 3 whole or. in part ottaninferior metnl, having deposited or plated

ill; thereon or brazed or otherwise .a$xed thereto n· plating, coverie- _ ing, or sheet composed of gold or silver, or of an alloy oteithes Bd or said metals, and kzfown in the market as rolledgold plete, __ oe- gold plate, gold tilted, silver plate, or gold or silver electro. le pla,te,_ or by any -8iII1illj.‘ designationhso imported into or cx- ),__ ported from therlinited States, or so deposited Cin the United SS States mails for transmission, `or so dellreredto any cttmmon " 11- cnrrier,.or so transported or caused to he transported nonspeci-

  • 9} tied in section ·294, no such article, nor nny-tag, card, or label

B1` Yatthehed thereto, nor any- box, package, cover, or wrapper-in Bd which such article jsr incnsedq or lnclosedg shall be &nmped. ¤1' fbranded, engraved, or imprinted with any word or cnnrh nsunlly BS' employed to indicate the oneness of gold, unless such word or ‘¤A mark be nccompnniedghy other words plainly indieatingthnt p _ isucnrsrncne or part thereof. is mode ot rolled old plate, gold In plate, or gold electroplate, or istgold jllled, as cose mayor, rf and no such article, nor any tag, card, or label ttached thereto, nn nor any box, package, cover, or wrapper in w ich such artielc lis is incased_ or inclosed, shell he stamped, be nded, engraved} iy· or imprinted with the word "sterling;*’ For the word` "coin," ed either ,nlone` or in conjunction with- other words orxnnrks. or .· (June 13,.1906,·c. 3289, 5 4, 351 Stat. 261.) _ _ ·‘ 11- . 298. Violations of law} pénqlty; jurisdiction__ of prosecuts tions.--·»Each and every person, ‘6Pl1l,`·t?0l’}l0P11tl0l1, or ;hsso`cie·tion,. he being a manufacturer of or gn wholesale or retail dealer in gold n- or silver jewelry, gold ware, silver goods, or silverware, who 1y or which shall knowingly violate any of the provisions ot, sec-` ze, tions 294 to 300, inclusive, and every officer,·mnr1nger, director, 1; or mnnnging‘ugent of any`su¢·h corporation or nmietion hov-

o, ing knowledge of such violation and directly. purtleimting inf

ns-·» such violation or consenting thereto, shall he deemed gniltyot d, a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of my the United Stutcsjhnving jurisdiction of crimes, within the disot trict in which such yiolntion was committed or through whichvej hos been conducted the transportation ot theorticle in respect ,g, to w=hioh.suoh vlolationhas been committed, shall be punished d, by a fine of not more than $500 or itnprisonment for not more l" than .th[ree,months, `or both, ot lthetdiscretion ot the court.

·h Whenever the offe`H"se is begun in one jurisdiction and comme pleted `in another it may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, dein termined, and punished in either jurisdiction in the same runnne ner as it the offense hndhcen actunlly‘nnd· wholly committed

a therein. (June`l3, 1906, c. 3289, 5 5; 34 Stat. 262.) _ “ m— ‘ 299. Expression " article of merchandise " deiine<l.·—-—-The ox; me pression "erticle`of morchnudise"_as used insoctions we to Ln 300, inclusive, shell signify any goods; wares. works of nrt,, of commodity, or other thing which may he lawfully kept or ofe zh {ered for sole, (June 13, 1906. c. 3289; §- 6, 34_ Stat, _ to , 300. Application of State Iaw`s,·———-·All articles of merclunndise ` or to which sections 294 to 300, inclusive, apply which shell have in been transported into: nnytltute, Territory- District, or posses- .