Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/418

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§ 167 runs 16.—·——€’ON of the patented lands deeded to the Government in exchange, tg sueh excess shell be paid to the Secretary of the Interior by { the owners of the patented lands before any timber is removed, [ and shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury as mis- I eeilnneous receipts. The lands convegg to the Government 1 under this section and section -164 sha. become a part of the L tjéleeier National Park. (Mar. 3, -1917, c. 164, § 2, 39 Stat, 1 1122.) * - _ I · · . s 167. Same; exchange of timber for private holdings ju; re- 1 moral of timber.-——§All tinxber ment lands in the pa·r_k·_ 1 must be cut and rernovedunder re§fil?ltio11s`t0·be preecribed. g · by the Secretary of the Interior, and any damage which may Q result to the roads or any part of the park or the national. 1 forests in consequence of the cutting and removal of the tixn- C _ ber therefrom shall he borne by the owners of the patented { lends, Hll(l_b()Il(lS_SfitlSf1lCt0‘l`_Y to the Secretary fof the Interior S and thesecretary of Agriculture, jointly, must begiverr for_the E payment of such damages, if any, as ehalltbe determined by { the Secretary of the lnterior so far asthe same relates to 1 lands within. a national p:1rk'·_aud by the Secretary of Agriculture where the same relates t0»<1ands in the aational forests.  ! The Secretary of Agriculture and the Seeretar of the Interior I shall jointly report to Congress in detail the factors upon which t valuations were made. (Mar. 3, 1917, c. 1.64, 5 3, 39 Stat. 1122.) W 168. Same; part of judicialdistrict. of Montana; jurisdiction Y of district court.———Glacier National Park shall constitute a part I of; the United States judicial district of Montana, and the dis-. 8 trtct court of the United States inand for said district shall I, have jurisdlctloln of alloffenees committed Witlliil said bound- 1 aries. (Aug. 2, 1914, c. 264,"§ 2, 38 Stat. 699.) , _ ` — t ' 169. Same; criminal laws ap licable.—-———If any offense shall t be committed in the Glacier `Ngtptional Park, which offense is I ,not prohibited or the punishment -is not speciilcally provided 0 for (by any law of the United States, the offender shall be sub- I ject to the same punishment as the laws of the State of . Mon- t tana in force atthe time of the commission of tbe%ffense may uc provide. for a, like oEense’ in said State; and no subsequent repeal of any such law of the State of Montana shall aKect ,1 any prosecution for vsaid errénse committed vrithinjaid park. 8 (Aug. 22, l914, c. 264,‘§ 3, 38 Stat. 699.) · z ‘ » a 170. Same; hunting and halting; regulations; punishment.-- I All huntingor the killing, wounding, or capturlngat any time 1. of anybird or wild animal, except dangerous animals when it 8 is necessary to prevent them from destroying human lives or b lntlletlng personal finjnry, is prohibited within the lirnlts of F said park; nor shall any dah be talren out of the waters` of the fo park ln any other way than by hook and line, and then only dt ’ such swsons and in such times and manner as may be directed , by the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretaryof the Interior t" shall make and publish such rules end regulationa as hernay ° . deem necessary and proper for thermanagement and care of {1 the ’park‘ and for the protection of the property ·thereln, l eepeeially for the preservation from Injury or spollation of all; SQ timber, mineral deposlw other than those legally loeated prior tl to May 11, ,1910, `natural curiosltlu, or wonderful objects f lwithln said mrk, and for the protection of the animals and D birds ln the park from capture or destruction, and to prevent their being frightened or driven from the park. ‘ He shall make ¤ rules and regulations governing the taking of fish from the f' streams or lakes ln the park. Poesmlon rrlthln satd park of °‘ · the dead bodies, or any part thereof, ofany wild bird or ani- P mal shall be prirna facie evidence that the lemon or persons F having the aatne. are guilty of rlolatlng this aeétion. any per- 2 son or persons, or stage or exprm company, or . railway company, who knows or haeereaaon to believe that they were taken n or killed contrary to the provisions of this. eeetion and who ·l¤ receives for transportation, any of said animals, birds, or Am- 14 so killed. caught, or taken, or who shall violate any of tha i.

snuvaaezooe QQ4 rther provisions of sections 163 and 168 to 177, inclusive, of his title, or any rule or regulation that may che promulgated yy the Secretary of the Interior with reference- to the marneggei ncntand care of pie park or for the protection of the property zherein, for the servation from injury or npoliation of timner, mineral deposits, other than those legally located priorto Hay 11, 19QO, natural curixosities, or wonderful objects withm aaid park; or for the protection of the animals, birds, or mh I1 the park, or who shall within said perk commit any tlanmco, njury, or gpoliation to or upon any building, fence, lncdgo,

ate,·guidepost, tree, wood, underwood, timber, garden, crops; vo;-

etables, plants; land, springs, mineral\dep0sits other than Ihtygagg egally located prior to. Ma , 1910, natural curiogities, or »ther matter ornthing growglor being thereon, or situated herein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall bc au-bject to a iine- of not more than $500,A0r‘impris0nmexxt oo; exceeding six monthé, ora both, and be adjudged to pay on costs of the proceedings. ~(Aug. 22,1914, c. 264, § 4, ·§tat,

  • 00:) ‘ » . . ·

`171. Same; hunting and fishing; forfeitures-and peixures of guns; traps; teams, and. so forth.-1tll guns, traps, teams, norses, or means of transportation of every nature or descrip-_ don, used by any person or persons within said park limits when engaged inkllling, trapping, ensnarlng, or capturing such vildbeasts, birds,Qor wild; animals shall be forfeited to the United States and may be seized by the ofllcers ian--said park and ·held pending the prosecution of any person or persons nrrested under charge df, violating the provisionstotlsections L09 and 114 to 123, inclusive, of’th_is title, and nponQconvlctfon mder mid sections of suehperson or persons usingeaid guns, - raps, teams, horses, or other means of transportation, such forfeiture shall be adjudicated as a penalty in addition to the »ther punishment provided under said sections. _Snch forfeited vroperty. shall be disposed of and accounted for by and under he authority of the Secretary of the Interior. (Ang. &, 1914, r. 264, { 5, 38 Stat. 700.) , 2 _ - _ A _ 172. Sante; conrmissioner; jurisdiction; powers and duties.- Phe United States districtcourt for the district of Montana ‘ hall appoint a commissioner, who shall ireside in the mrk, md who éhall have jurisdiction to hear and act upon all comdainte lmade of any violations of law or·_ of the rules and egnletiona made by the Secretary of the Interior for {IF: rovernment of the perk and for the protection- of the animals, drds; and deh, and objects of interest therein; and for other mrposes authorized brsections 163 and 1% to 177, inclusive. r this} title, _ · Q ~ t . ‘ Such commissioner shall have poorer, upon sworn i_oformalon, to issue pr_t¤;es»a in the name of the United States for the rrest ofnny pcrsonicharged with the cemlstsion of any‘mis—. lemeanor, or charged with a violation of therules and reguatione, or with a- violation of any of the provisions of said ections prescribed for the government of said park and for he protection of the animals, birds, and fiehén said park, and o try the person so charged, and, if found guilty, to impose Mnishnzent and to adjudge the forfeiture prescribed. ‘ ‘_ V —In all cases of conviction an appeal shall lie from the judgment of said commissioner to the United ·s•;a:eo’a1;o·1cc court. or the district of Montana, and the vomit States district ourt in said district shall prescribe the rules of procedure and ractlce for said commissioner in the trial of cases and for ppeal to said United States district court. (Aug. 22, 1914, cf 64, {8, 88A Stat. 70(L) l . . ‘ _ 173. Sa§o;·Yoommissioner;~ arrest of o6enders, éenétnement, nd ball.-4-Any such cemmiwiener shall. also have power to sane process as hereinbeford provided for the arrest of any pertm .yvlth the `commieelen, within said bvundaries, of ny criminal oienee notcovered by the provisions of section ;