Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/42

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I//\TITLEe5.+·.EXEeCUTIVtE DEPARTHE; Sectiett 1,. A pplicetieu of pmviaiem of •:l·mme1s.--·'1?he mefisicns- of this empter emu upptylte the felluwieg executive ,d —  ; ;` ;;5 I j _ .· l ll l First. The Demrtmmztlof State; ·· I · Séwtad. ·The Demftmetxt of War; e , Third. The Befmrtment of the ,Tre:1sluryZ» 1 Feurth. The Depsuttment efelustice; Fifthi I The Pest (mice Department. 1 Sixth, . '1‘he`Bepertment anne Navi _ ‘ Seventh. Elie Depertment of the `interior; '· _. l Eiiibiiél" The ’I}0l)¥¥,l‘fH1€ilE et Atgticultur~eQ , u 1 Niatl;. The 13epa;'t111etat of Qemnaereef A ‘ _ _ , ‘ F Testi;. The 1>epm·tmem’ of —Le5mé. 1 S. § 158 ; 1·`¤b-‘ .9.

 122, § 1., e25,`Stet. 659; Fell 14, 1903, @{552,15 1, 3Z`Stat._
 1Iar."4,,1»913, ct ,141, § 1,37 Stat; 736.) 1 ‘  » { _ fc Q

2. Wed ~ "dep;rtme1tt .?‘-T11e ewerd " department ", wheuj lusef1 elem: Jin tleiecheptexi lend chapters 2, 3, 4,., 5; 7, 8, 9,10; tl eiid 11 ei ~ this title; m&&¤$`.YQi“¥€ ·<>f Th? .¤€Xé°¤¤Y€‘ d€P*¥*'tm?“tS» 'einumeieted le the preeedixig eecttcei ¤i,( Ry S. 52159:1 1 Feb. .9,-1 ,1889, c.”'1&, § 1, 25 SQtaf;_659`.; Fel}; _14,`1993, ¤.*l552,_ '§ M`? Swi- 825; sm-; 4,,19_13,· e. 141,,§.1;,_37,stet,73§.> 7 ;, = , “ 1 ` ~ `t of of tex __ the compené J r » tween cnf ieeiieds Gi Megetdéwmweewhé ere" membere I _ of the: Presidentjs _C8bi!l%t sl1all`be;°efth1eitate‘0t $15,000 per · annum; eaehQ°·`-IR. set 130; Feb. ,.26, 1907,. c. *1635, _ ,4,

   Lier.l-1,11925} c.§5iQ,·§T:4,  eStv££, 1301.) 1 M It   ·1.' j

. @4,. se ·-ef edepartméetrhcedsiflitesipcrarilyé QUE, i¤g.~—¥In¢ Ease ot the- dentli, reSi@tet,ie;1;’ebSent‘—e, et g sickness of the heed et i a¤y{_depert£ege1xt,e the §l'St_·0P s£;»lehassiStai1t,,.thete0f t shall, uetess etherwié e by Preswttt, as Ppi*0videtl _ by eectiee f6` of this title,. -§et·§0rm_’~the» dttt§es of such head ~ ui1tfi _ Je; successes `is, appeipted, 61**, such absence _0;·` sickness

M (8.8.,  17*3.) _1  ~ 1, ··‘     _1e·   · » ·‘i"`i’ §

` $· S¤@¤®M»¢¢T0E¢¢s·—+-—I¤ Qselef the`ldeath,`t 1··@gtnst1ea, L dbxuee, 1 er Qsiqekfxem cet the chief ef; any btiregu, or etc maj eHice1·,thereef, appeietmeizt, is {niet vested ·i1i··{ ?the»1:ad” et the ·~ mistixit eg iiemity of isHeh·_ chief ere; SI1Ch,0mé81’,lt)` f there be nene, then the ejgief .cle1·_E’i 1 et such, bm·eau,· shell; 'f1I1L€SS~ ethexiwise directed by the Priest- , dem, as pa·e.i¢1ed by section this title, §e1*form,the· duties R _ l •~0t_ sucky ez ·e1_jsueh l0{§t!§1' until ·a · successe1.·_' is gyspmutgu er such-gbscnee,ercl,sick¤ess shell _(eR._’S6f§e1e—78,)§ 1 1 . 6. Discretyuaryl IHu101#itj of t/President as tc vaéinciee.-—-—· 1 In any pfthecnses4:t1;exitletaed·,i¤`tt$e sectiotas end 5 _0f__t§1is A title except, the N’’’ H mth, reegnatltixn, ebse¤ce,, or§ sickness of the ’ Attemey efteneml, the I’x~eside11t may, .1,ni his dieeretmn, Aeu¥ ftherigae and direct the head of any othet edepertment et-, any

 ether` emeer luN} elther·_—depurfi1je1:gt, whose ippefitment is vested"

.1:2 Ytbe President, by mad with the advice lend eeuseut ct the Senate; te lgerfdxfrml the duties- of théwveeeht office until a

 Stzeexeetd is eepeintedt or the _Sick¤ess"or, absence fetethe `in··

cumbeetlshell eeam. (BQ S,e§,179, )·_ Z 2 __ 1 ’ __·‘_ _

 _7. `Te¤mn:·y~ eppeitttmeme je, vaeendes limitede-·-·—A ira-

· _¢am:y, Qsecasietxed by dentti mi @igD§€iGil meet not j tcmi pergriiy Blied under the piovisiens et sections*4,t_ 5, a:§"$_ ef this title iter e lctxger ported than tbgrty days. l ,(R. S. 1180; Feb. 6, ·1@1,; c. 113, 26 Stat, ,733.) > i " _— · l t ¤ ’ ° Z 1 8. Rmrictien an mmmer of tenépctgty appointments te Elle vggggeiee,-4-:Ne ·;e;11p0;*cry·. twpqimmenf, klesignttticti, 91.* ‘ swimvmetat of eee iefilcer t0·pe1:form’ theduties of e1·;etlger, in the ._ lceees coveted by sectieuse and et t}1lsgt§tte, ~;sbell be made-, _ omerww kthae es .p1*evliled by thme ékeewc to till n vucmtey hapgieeiuzextring ie et tee Se¤gteQ`°—(R; N .' Al ¤ ‘~ Q I ._'_ 4 · 5 , ...- Q " _. . W V; q E , 9{ Extra ecmpctmptlieh fen? detieé §erfe;·m&_.~·uhiIe.· Qlligg 1 ·veeamc§e¤ .—~4§:z ottleer, pér£e;=qing· the *d;;t1es, at lnnether emce, __

 detlug a sammy, as gt;therised`by mctlb¤s__4,I8 and 8`l”e·f~thtse',

ti”t1e,·*1e tiet by teuscixj theree£_~ex1ti·t1ed to any? etlfef com-

NTS, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES ·# ,28 'iggintie-n than that attached to his proper gf5ce_.: (R;1->S_l § I t 19- C¤m¤i¤$¥¢l¤<···—Thé Evwgléhii, ii nntherized tc make be; —. hand` deliver, afte1:.tl1e,'adjunr111nent nt the’Scnate, cnnxmissiuns Lmren11’,e¤leere whnee appointments hwveybeen advis.ed and tml eentedto by the Senate. .(B.S._§1773.} _ a_ · , t ; I ·  :§•,meW; Ender, iS€¢!‘f€$¥i€§_ of,ld¢mrtm.e¤ts.—;-»'1‘;;e qemmiesione et all nmcerernnder the éirectien am»e0ngrb1-gi. ? the.Secretary»~ef_£be·Trea8¤¥y, l.hc”&¢retary_¤f War, the _Sem;·- , tary of the Nevy, the interior, the Plintmnelw General, the Secretary of Commeree, the Secretary ot, I,gL»er,, . and the Secretary aéflgqienlttnre. shnllbe mndleent ami reeeyqgd in , the respective departments ~nnde;¥°which are in eerve, and thef-department theretv,/ani lawn to the eq;}- traryfnqtwithstanding. The said seal nlm!} unt be umm,} Im, any such commission, béfnre`l the unmet shall have been signed by the Presielent of the United, {Men, `(H&¤‘{3,l18’i'5, cv. 131, . l§ _14, 13-. Stat.;->420;;,M¤r[?=%, 1%ie;,_¢¥3, 29 34;;;, gg; ·H8,._ 3, cf, ,1e0as,ee.1422, n see:. n1¤r.,4,,1n13,ge.141,zflétez. ne,3 » Q t [ 12. Same.; ljwicial and nnéer Attgmter ‘_Qe;1eral.efl‘he~ c0mml$lbn$ nf _¤lI= jttéidnl including D18l#Sh&]8’8Bd»&tt0!Il@Y,S_·j0f__ the UnitedStates, appointed by the ,

 President, by_antlc·x%¤itl1.t.1re advice and cenee,nt—nf tbesenate, and ,

all other cemnmiseiens prepared print? re Anmst 8; -1888, at the PDepnrtmem;_ nr State ‘npen*`,tlxe.~re€§nisi,tien“ of theft Attorney r ·Ge¤er·;n, emu be mane bathe een an me nenmmem ,0f Jitstlce, and ;sl1all_be nndertbéeenl nfeaklétlepartgnént ent! `cnnntersigned t by the .Aft¢>1’§¢Y` (i6i¥€¤‘iU{ll¤¤Y ·l¤W¤¥t¤ thé <:<>n· T .tI*£tl’§"Il0t¥i?ilCl1SlZ&R{lltIl§;`l_ The shall netbe a§xe·J tb; nny. snghtcxniniaéinn before the Mme shall hare`·hcen· signed _"§ `.`by· theflresldent of the-United Btatcsi (Aug. ,8, 1888, e, 25 sm£r.,:se·z,)t 1* be t a *, j t l1a$»_N9ti§cnti¤¤ ref §pp®t¤ents,¢;¥§v’t;emver. the Preesglena- Mwit,hQnt— the advice ·a_nd_ cnneent nf. deelwatee, _ ’ e auth0i·i°zee,` nr employs a_ny`pérn0n to {perform ~tbe,elnttles of any l nriiee, . he shall forthwith notify the 'Secretaeryef the mireeettry ‘ therecf, and ihe1S9·cretary of the Treasury bball thereupon c·0minuniéate' been nntiee ttf Gwen.! Accntmtlm - rn. sg @1774; Jane 10, e. 18, it 301~—318.a42, Sm. E-27.) ’ .. 14._N¤ti§catien nf amminatiens nr Secretary of the Senate shall, at the clone nt thereetgldeliver 1130.thB ”S&Cl?t.%lZ§BY`0f the Treasm:y,__an d to each nt tm, Aaniatant Secretaries of the xTreeenry,_ and tn, the ’Geneml_TAeebun—ting Office,. and in the- Treasurer, and t¢>__th,e` lleglsternf the l!1`rensanry, tt {ull and complete list, duly certlned, et, all — pereens e who hare beeufnnminatedyte, and réj , by the Senate nur- - ling Such sensslnn, and e like >Iist~ et all te; which bbnixiinatiom havebeen made, undef not _;cemlr@_d and `nlled at such sesaizin. 1(R. S. /§‘1?'i'5.) _ Q · ‘ Q l at 15;; Disability abby Abe ·•qmenen, re—— teenth _8.l1l€Il£ll11l€‘l1I- in the tCe¤s£ltutid»ut bt the Unitgi Stews incurred lli‘lQ1’_{lt}~_JHIl€»_`6, l@§, ls, berebylremnved. ·<(Jun_c . 6-, 1893, ¤-~389.,30,S¢¤l» , t“ _--_ Y ` e l ’16.‘0ath `nfi·'¤§ce.———+'1‘he;eeth**t0§be taken by- any pereony-t ,. elected, or appointed toany nmce of lmner cr ·p¤·qb;_ either in e the civil, milltar}, ter nayu service, except the President ct theifnlted Swtesu anal! satbllowszt “I, B, do snlemuly e swear` l(er»an‘lrm), that I avril! and defend the Cimlstltntion et the `United States against all enenniea, _ f¤1*€lS¤ 3*1*1 ·don:leetic_; that ,1 `Wlu_.bé&al'·—·€1‘Y!lB talthlnndt al1di¤¤¢6r W the same; that `i~`[8k§“_ this, nbllgatlnn freely, BU}? i¤€’¤¥¤l· reservatientnr ¤flevaalc¤n,: and tthtifl §_§L§PiL faithfully dlecharge the ilntlen nt the ~whl&EI?am about tf! I enter; S0 help me God? ‘ This getter; bball net, a¤ect. the baths nreacrlbedg by _!f&t§¢88_`lB·-1’G}Q¤®@.t to the DBP- fornrlancéa of duties in ” spednl im- particular nnhqrdlnate, 0Q<r¢S and empleymenta. The prorlslnn; or seetionxphall lin 'n¤