Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/44

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§ 32 allmla .$.m.a;xaooa1aa aaaaaajam

 Quarterly reports aa ta andltiw of hmmm-—·-·--It shall _

oo {lla dat? of liao aaaa of-aaah ax ; .- l ilva cla@rtmaat, os: l G-xw-oraaaaal @talzliahmaa: at tm aaat ot govammoag m aa axooatlva azlaparlrmoat, lo mako at ma axplsratzl H at aaoh qaaaxta: of tha flaoal ymr Rl`W1’i¥{l»€§-1‘€§Qi**{Cll”t$, the President as f to ooaoltioa of taa paallg la his axocatlyo Govan- moat ar Gowamalaat wlzaollahmaat, aaa wlaothor any branch lllaawi la la armaza. (liar. 15, 13%, a. SS, 5 ’2',3-0 Stat. 316.) -- $& Ywoaaaa éarl§*a.——·`\l§·’oam may, la the dlacmtioa ot. mo i ka-ad of may dapartmaat, be agipoloatad to aay-of the clorkalwim J is llaswoia aathorlaaol by law, apoa the samo requisites aadaooadllloaa aaai witlx tha aaxila oompaaaalloaa, as ara pgromribod for j zaaa., (*111*. S. § 135.) · , { · 1 o ‘ ‘ v_ 34. Raaoralziioa to positions of craplayeos called into active

ailHa:y s§ér3¥iaaL—~—..-lll oaloors aaa oalistad mm of tha National -

Guard also oofnrtaa Medical Raaarva of taa Army who are Goaoramoat . omploya& and who regional to tho - pall lot tho Pro-sidaal; fof; aorvloa shall, at tl1aoxpli·a_l;io:1 01%-Ntho lmilitary , aawioo to which tlsoy ara called, m,rastorod to tho., fpoaitloua oooaaloé by them at tho i;i1a€of _-tha call; {Aug; 29, 1916,. e, 418, , §l,@(Stat..€24.} o — * _- 5 1 Pfefaromec-ia ,apmia£mcats to ha-aatably &sch¤rgod aol- __ éiara, milom, and maxiacs, aad , widows 1 wivas thereof.- , P-amoaa hoaoraooly diséhargoclB—1fi·om tho militaiy or aaval serve loo lqby xfoas-on iof. édisaoiliw otgaaltiak f1*0l}l`;*P§’Ol1llf{S`(}l' `siokuoas iaoarrocl ia the liao of datf, shall .be1pratc:.·red for appoint-?

 to. clvil;o&<:-és, pf-ovldod they , ara folmd to- posaém the

oaaiaaas oapaclty aocgsaary fo? itilé proper dischaxfgo of Ltho datioa of saoh owcos. -,111 makiagoa;:poiat111oa€s_ to- clorical and other gosltionsl in tho aiocativo ’braa¢hio£ tho€_KG0?{l1’l3l1l€i'HZ "ln tho District of Columbia or elsowhorol profozfoméo shall be givéa to hoaomoly—-discharged, aoldiors, sailors, and Jll1&I'l!`l€S,··__&Bd widows of such ami to tha wlvos 6fkiIljl3l¥`Gd. soldiers, sailors and asa ria-os wlaolizhomsolyw are not qaa1i$od, but whose wives are · qaali§aydVto.l1old aaoli posltiooa. _ (R.- S. '§Y Mar-3, 1919, o. 97, ,5 6, ,40 Stat._12%l;-Holy 11,, ,1919, c. 8; §- 1, 41 sat;.) 37.) - 35. Employlaoatlof fives of éoldiors and sailors.+———-The wife of a '-solaolozi -01* sailor who served ia, lhé. Woiild Wa-1*--shall aot_ bo diaqaaliaoé for any position: or appointment {xml-or tho Gov- `o:·a:aoat-l>aLa11aa sho is, a_marriod woman, 1 (Aug.- 31, 1918,1:; }€$,§,§,40S£§t.`956·l)`l_` -  » ‘,, *1l_ f; . Mmiaatiégagor oaiacroaso of mxmbei ofoclérka.—+eIn,1lm,al<el lag any? ¥€dl1€‘tl¥3llw~<>f.fof{l€-,111 any of- the oxociitlvo dopart—· lmozzta, wtho lx-aaa of auch glopazitmoat shall retain those ,4 por-! soma Ywho may be oqaaally , ,qualiHad who 1 have ‘bco11.hoporabl_y - · adisohafgoé, from tho military, or naval-aorvico—oI`t11ofUaitod Staloa aaa fao wido and orphanaof docoasod soldiers and sailors. {Aug. 15, 1873, o., 287, 5, 3, 19 Stat; { §3. Details of o§:om, oo-mployom, or-l clerks within. départy .R1£I!$.····—·F»3€h,hQ§d of a dopal·t1¤aat,a1ay,_from time to time, °altor o tho dlalrlbatioa among the various baroaua and Q o@oos of his doparotagont, of tho malaria and ota-or omployooa- allowed by law, oaoopt ouch clorko or amployooa as may be arequi-rod l by law to bo oxgclaiaivoly oa-ugagad· aooa soma- work, as ho~g-may aad it nooosaagzy a:1c1 ._p1f~opcr to do, but) all dotallao lhorouador shall be laado by writton i‘01’(l€1'R0f. {aha ho-acl of tho lelopartxaoat, ’ and ln no `.lbo ·wtor a period of timo Eaxéoodiag one llaadrod

  • a,ad tal-gllty Goya.- Qctalla so made mak on EX{.ll1*8.Ll0ll,,‘ b8f ra-·_

aaa-od from time to tla1a`-byjavrittoa order ot; thaheail of 1:haY dapartméat, iaaac:11 garticular caaa,»1£o:.;>o1$ioas ot not oxéeosb log oaollhaadroal aaa taoaty days. (B. `B._$·1%; May 28,411%% ,e.'252, 53,, % Stat. 179.) o _ i Q _ - . 39. Samo;__o1;taid-o for daisy »wltbi¤~ Distrid.-·-It l' be unlawful to dotail ·iais*il1o&oara, or other suhoxdlaala 4 eiaoloyooa who- ara authorized o1·* é;_aploym- aodaxYo1* paid from ,

 approprlaltiolla made} for 1 tho Military or Nav8.l(EStabli@ol1ts,

or any other braaélx of tho- pablicaorvlco ootsldé of the District-

HTS, QFFI€§® AHB EMFLQYEES 3Q gg oxoom o@—oom ood omoioytm wow, ggmg gm .  » provided by, Eow, mt dot? io my bureau, Gffigig gg &:·vMoo so my oxocotito oowrtmom to tho Di§§ig»£ go! . oxoopt temporosy éotoiis to: otsty oomzootoci oito toot; wmuvo Moog, 5. 18%, e. 3%, % 4, & Sm, Tom %, 19w, o. §14, 5 8, Etat., 449.) t , ’ ,49, Same; dteiails for hw mj Bepm*t1¤o¤t.»~;t,,t;;- Jigg in otrthis title shall ho, oonotxm to protons mo ' Sacmtofryof t}w_‘fx<msury from ootoitistgt o§®r from tho Special Agency Service, and ooo from tho Gmtom sgtvxgo. so speetivoly, for duty, at the rmoot at; wagxjmg. mg, not to pmvmtumo Cowisowoor of Iotomal Hovoooe {mm detailing onogrovozmo xgéma lior éttty to i his o§<s2·; (Aug. ijé, _1%2, nsw, Q1, 22sm;.22o.;_ to · to > , T to ‘ *

     Bf;  it     G¤i!é•**I€€¥thi§g il} $€·*¥i·

zion 39 ot t this title to mohibit the otétgi;- mg ot omoers ot tho Coast Guard in thei_Di$r“ict ot Gohzmtzia for sock- t Vgrio¢3s— as that _Socre»tm*y qi tho 'Prwwry may doom necessary, but number of owoors so»éotei¥e··t1€shot1 Boz extppggg ten.? 1Mtr;j4, 1s>oéz,_¢.m1s, s1, at sm. · o ~ t 42. Same: to istvmtiettrow oénsm ` outside Distri¢·—-Persons Yin the olosswod sesvioo io the Hts- _,u·ict‘o§¥ Columbia shall. not be to:. Sérvicoo outsioo of the ’Distript of Goltombia oxoepi, for with~ wotki ·pertaining_d§roctty to the service at the soot of gotemmeot of t tho_;depo1—tfnot1t~ oxj Aothei " `Govommot osthbiishmout from whiéii.t}1€Aeta_il is mode., [This seééon stall oot bosoéemod to apply. to tho investigation of matter or thé "prepm·otio~o, ‘ fll‘()SE€{§ti0It, or do§e:xso’of tsnyxuit EY the Detmrtowxxt of .}t:s· tics. Q t(Mor.·‘8, 1917, tc.* 1&, S 5, % Stott. 1121; Mor.3, 1921, ¢·.12=£ €t¤;’_41LStat. .13QS·>J e * _ * *`“

 43. otxuehorszyt to employ clerk; said   eopky¤·o.—+E2i‘·¤ii ·

_`head’ ot or .doi>m·tmo¤t‘ is ,ootho;·izod_` to emma? to his- depot; {

.ment , su§:h° number og tomployeoé of tho. various ctassos moog-»
 nizod by (chapter, 13 of ,tI:iis, title ss mss? The opprootiated for by

CO§1g?€SS‘offQID;. year toycar. (It; S. 5,}.69;. Liar. 4,19%, é. 265, t42tStoti,1488.,) _ —-  ; , *44, ° _ D iobtxrsiog derks.-—-—;·Tho disbotsiog oiorks taothorizogt by las} ixir the sovoml shéii bq * o ¤ tc—€t,»y the hoods of tho respective deportmonm; and aah oath site s. boml to tho, United States for the faithful é$ohorgo~.o£, tho duties .o1§h;ié.,oHi¢o ao<:oroiog to`1o¤w iB·`8*t1€ht amount as gtgatl be dimétotl by the Secretary ot °t11e Trmsury, ond, with’_`$oro— _ ties to; th tisfoértto.i1gtto£*`the Solicitor: of tlolo .TIf€§S¥ll‘Y ; and Shall from ti@é `toi time. renew, -qtrozxgtI£;oo, food inorosxoe his ’oH1cia1_ bono. as the Secretatf of thér T1‘¢SgS`¤FY ma? <"m‘€“€"t· (R. S. t§ 176; Mm-. 3, 18%, to. 128, `§» 1, 22.Smt. 558..) — 45. O§cors;gc1o1§ks,gmd»_omp1oyeo¤.-—-No} civil ~ omtcér, clerk, agéimtg drmx·ght§mon,— copyist, t_messooge1·,. assis,to¤.t» §mo$s@¥}g&r, Jinéchanic, oogiooor, wotohmoo, laborer, or other employee _$h¤H

 lomployod in any of; tho oxoctxtive dopartxizgots, or stitbortii-

Hate buroaim ot oméos thereof of the soot S! government, except , as provided by goctioo 43 title: (Aug. 15, $876. c. @7, ti 5;,19 Stat. 169; Aug.t5,` 1S&, o. 389, § 4, 22 %ot. %5;Mm·. 4, 19%,c; 2%,‘,42 sme.14ss.> , Q _ ,_ t _ t· * ’ t_,, t ‘ ,46. Paymom for éervicorfrom appmpriatiooo for ooxttin-> _ gent oxmnseé or- forj gmciéc or general .pmfposcs.—+—··-No oivit .o$cor, blékk,. ,dmughts@m:,» oopyist, messorxgeg omiotant. mos- Soxziéos, mochénic, °`W8QtC}lm&.B,. nom-er,, or othet émployco §holl ·b6r ¢m;21oyod .at the seat oi. ‘ government in any oxcuttvo do- ®#t¤1€¤¢ &Q‘!',E11U0¥di!$§·YC6.QbI11’B8»¥.i.t6X_ o$oo* thereof or paid from my appropriation cmado for icoottugoott expenses, or, for a.¤$· t or _ goooml anim such, employoxont is aqtmrized iam! poymont tmemm provided in fthe low granting mo? nppropoiotioo, and Em oniyjor qgrvices. aotuglly tmudored-

 With had for tho   ~»oi' the appropriation

from whiékmymoht " made, ooo gt the {rote of compensation