Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/520

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` { 571 TITLE 18.-—0RIHINAL CODE A. of the said court, to be subject, however, to they provisions of 4 section @2 of Title 28. (Jan. 7, 1925, e. w, 43 Stat. 725.) ¤ . 571; (Criminal ‘ section ·337.) Construction of _, . words.-——?§Yords used ln sections 1 toi_553, 567, 5%,.and 511 to . 573 of thté title in the present tense include the future as well as the present; words need in the masculine gender include the —• feminine and neuter; the singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular; the xvord f' person " and the word » " whoever " include n corporation as well na or natural person; g writing *includes,,prlntlng and tYD€W1T1tlng, 'and signature or l subscription includes a mark when the person making the same : intended lt as such. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321,1 S 337, 35 Stat. 1152.) 1 572.\(~Criminal` Code, section 338.) Effect of · omitting. " hard l§bor.”——The omission et the words “ hard. labor “I

 the provisions prescribing the punishment in the various e

sections of this ,title,· shall ,not he constrned as depriving the l court of the power to impose hard labor as a part_"of‘thei$punish= *1 ment, in any case where auch power now exists. (Mar. 4, 1909, · c. 821,} 338,_$5`S1:at. 1153.) . _ ~ . _ Y V _~ 1 573. (Criminal. Code, section, 339.) Arrangement and clam- 1 sincatw of sectionae-No inference or presumption ot n =legls~_ l latlve eonétrnction of sections.1 to 553, 567, 568, and 571 to 573 1 or this title is to be draw? by kasoir of the chapterh {under I ‘ which an! Dérticnlar section thereof ie placed. (Mar, 4, 1909, 2 c.821,`§839,‘85 Stat. 1153.) _ t l » [ ‘ -. Y

 574. Jurisdiction or ofenaes under certain sectlionse-—-’1fhe "

several courtsiot Brat instance in the Philippine Islanda and the district court of the Canal Zone Ishall have jurisdiction oi j . offenmsmnder. sections 25, 27, to 38, 98, 180 to 132, 343 to 845, gand 611 to &33_ of this title, and sections. 213, 220- to 222, 4 @1 to and 238 to 245·0f_Titlé 22, comnxltted within their ‘ respective districts, and concurrent jurisdiction with the dis! : trict courts of the United States of olfellses under ram, sections l committed upon the high seas', and of conspiracies to commit I auch offenses, _ as de§ncd by, aection`88 oth this title, p and the ~ provisions ot sectione88 of this title, tonthe purpose ot the sec- U tions herelnbefore enumerated; are hereby extended to the 1 Philippine Islands and to the Canal Zone. In such cases, the "l district attorneysrot the Philippine ,1s1m1¤ and of the*'0anal —i Zone shall have the powers and perform the duties”provid`ed— in` -l the sections hereinbefore enumerated for United States at-‘ ”< torneya. _(June 15, 1917, c. 30, Title XIII, { 2, 40 Stat. 231.) , A 4 . . { \ ‘ | Chapter 16.-·-LIMITATIONS. Eec. . f 584.. Capital offenses. » I 582. GEense•‘not capital. I 583. Fleelng from justice. 1 584. Crimes under slave trade laws. 1 585. Crimea under internal revenue laws} . °'. .

 Same; prosecutions instituted prior Zto amendment of preceding Qi

‘ _ section. ‘ I ‘ ·_ ‘ I ‘-—_ J Section 581. Capital offenscs.-No person shall be prosecuted, 1 tried, or punished for treason or other capital offcnae, wlllfull I murder excepted, unless the indictment found within three ‘ years next after anch treason or capital oEenee`_ is ~ done or U committed. (R. S.} 1043.) _ l _ l 582. Olfensea not capital.——··No person shall be prosecuted, * tried, or punished for any ·loHense, not capital, except no pro- " vided ln section 534 of this title, nnlessl the indictment is found, or the information ia instituted, within three years next after such offense ahall have been comtnltted: _ Provided, 1 however, That in offenses involving the dofraucllng or attempm- p to defraud the United States or any agency thereof, whether by conspiracy or not, and ln any manner, and now lndictable nncler any exlatlng statutes, the period of limitation shall be aix years. This election shall apply to acts, oHenaea, or transactions whore the existing: atatute of llmitationa had not yet fully run O11'N0\‘€ll“lb€1' 17, 1021; but the proviso shall not

NSD CRIMINAL PROCEDURE · 506 apply vo acts, oteneee, or transactions which on that date were already barred by the provisions of existing lews. (R. S. 5 1044; Apr. 13, 1876, .c. 56, 19 Stat. 32; Nov. 17, 1921, c. 124, S 1, 4:: Stat. 220.) _ » . 583. Fleeing from justice.—·—Nothing ln sections 581 and 58:2 of this title ‘·sl1u11 extend to any person Seeing from justice. (R._S.$1045.) _·» — , ,· -584. Crimes under slave trade hws.——No person shall be prosecuted, tried, or punished for any crime arising under the slave tradeilaws of the United States, the indictment is found or the information is instituted within nre years next afterethe committing of such crime. ·' (R. S. Q 1046..) Y 585. Crimes under internal revenue lawsQ·—-No person shall be prosecuted, tried, or punished for. any ef, the various offenses arising funder the internal revenue laws of the United States unless tlge indictment is found or the informtion instituted within three years » next fufteg the eommimion of the omznse. For okenses involving} the defruuding or attempting to defraud the ·United,_—States or guy agency thereof, whether by conspiracy for not, endl in any mnnner, the period of limitation shall be six years, whieh period of, limitntion shall not apply to acts, omenses, er trnnsaktions Whiéh were barred by- law on June 2, 1924. (rye time during which the person committing the offense is absent from the whereln thesame is committed shall not be taken as any. part oPQhe·tlme limited by low for the commencement of such- proceeding., The provisions of this section shall. not apply Pto oi-'tensesr committed prior ;to_ June 2,1924; __Where u complaint shall be lnuituted before nrcomrnissioner of the United States within the period above limited, the time shall be extended mtil the discharge of — tlge grand jury nt its next swsion within. the).di$rict. This section shell not apply to offenses committed by omcers of the United ·States:·é· (July 5, 1884, c. 225, [1,,% Stat. 122: Noi. 23, 1921, c._136,‘ 5 1321(@).` 42 Stat. 815*; June 2, 1924,4.01 p. m., t:. 234,1 1010(-a), 48 Stat. 841.) _ U _ ‘ _ 586. Same; prosecutions, instituted prior to nmxnent ef preceding sections-—Auy prosecution or proceeding under. snr indictment found hor iurormsgoe instituted prior to November 23, 1921,·shalI not be affected ineny, manner- by section·585 of this title, norsby `the`·umendment_on. that date of the low new embraced in thut section, but such prosecution or proceeding sliullbe subject to the limitations imposed by law prior to that date. (June·2, 1924, 4.01 p, nm., 1:.234, { 1010{b), 48 Stat. 342.) Chapter 17 .-g-ARREST, BAIL, AND ·COMMITMEN1‘. S¤<z··"Y ‘ ‘° ' 591. Arrest and removgl for trlel. . . 592. Arrest end rengovul to or from the_Philipplne Islands- 593. Operating llllcit dlbtkllerysi arrest: bail, I J . . 594. Violations of internal revenue laws; wnrrnnt for arrest, 595: Persons IIXTQIKH] taken before nearest omcer for bearing. 596. Belly: cases not capital. 591. Same; capital eases} · · _ · 598, Same; eases removed from State courts. ` 590. Surrender by bell. _` 300. New ~ · . 801;. Remission of penalty of recoznixgnce. ’ 002. Write: several. indictments •.:”§§`et mma person. 803. Same;. copy an J•iler’• •.utbo`rity. 3 e 604. Same: for reinovnl. of prlconer. 605. Same; to bring prisoner inte court. > Section 0591. Arrest and removal for triel.—-For any crime or odense against the United Stetesythe odender may, by uuy·jus— dee orjndge of the United States, or by any United States commissioner, or by any chancellor, judge of n supreme or superior court, ohio; or ¤rst judge of common pleas, mayor of a clty, justice of the peace, or other magistrate, of any State where he may be found, and agreeubly to the usual mode of process against odfenders in sucn Stuté, und ut the expense of the United States, be arrested and imprisoned, or- boiled, as the ’eesemay be, for trial before such court of the—UnIted States as by ‘