Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/57

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43 TITLE ·5.--—E‘.\°Ef"{¥7’Ii?E‘ DEP.! RTMEN ye?. 4·, ZY, § 1, 40 Stat, 118; Mar. 4, 1921, c. lot, § ll, #1 Stat. 1 e- x e z E Restrictirms upon clerks in departmeat.»———P>ae~3 clerk l ,,al~;·e<l in the Treasury Department who carries on any e

 ur lsusiness in the funds. or debts of the United States, 4

—· we any Stute,io’r int any kind, of public property, or who we m- applies to lxlsown useyany emolumeut or gain for a »,·,;w§§flfi1%i·T or tz·ausa<·ting any business in the department, 1 troll he dooxnetl gujltyt of a-misdemeanor, and punished by a w · ·, 1 ot $300 and removal from oflicé. ‘_ (R. S. 5 244.) 1 2,3.5, Division·_of bookkeeping and warrants.—·#—Thcre shall be l is Nw (Alive of the Secretary of the Treasury a dlvislou ot 7* l=·~§<€<<*<*{>i11;l‘ and warrants, which shall be under the direction 1 , alto ·Sw·r&·tary of the Treasury. ‘_Up0n the books of this divi— `l

 il élmll he kept all accounts ot receipts and expenditures of l

,,,zhli<· xnolrvy except those relating to the postal, revenues and, < or ¤»x;;··nditures therefrom; It shall be théduty of the Secretary -4 .;‘ me Treasury to make appropriateliules and regulatlo11s` ll

 ¤· ·—m·rying out the provisions- of this section.- . (July 31, 189Q s

t·_ Hel. §§ 10, 22, 28 Stat. 208, 210.) . _- ‘ ‘ - r 7 1 236, Commencement of fiscal year.e—The tlsca1tyear..c.'f the fl ,‘1‘;·l-;mxl·y· of the United States in all matters Mof accounts, c Y1 XY wpts, oxpenditsures, '_ ‘ arid npproprlatlous, except 2l('¢*!NUltS of the`_Secretary of oganaa for compensation and e' 1;·;l\"t*tiIl§.;` expensesot Senators, and accounts of, the Sergeant af. `. Arms of the House of Representatives for compensation and 31 mileage of Members and Delegates, shall commence on the first l (lily ofeluly ln each year; and all accounts of receipts and 4-x;»··mliture,sJrequlredl,by law- to be published shall 4 la- propared and published. for the Escnl year, as thus estab- I lislwtl. (R. S. I 237; Oct. 1, 1@0, c. 1256, 5. 9, .26 Stat. 646,) U ` 257. Contingent expenses of Treasury Department; control of appropriations fyi}!.-·r·Th€. Secretary of the Treswry ts au-- ' slloriztal to place the control and expenditure of the various _ ~;l;»propriationslmade forcoutingent expenses of the Treasury I l>.·p:nrlment, at Washington, District oi Columbia, under `such ··l»llt·or or oilioers ot the Treasury Departxnent as he hay from- _ time to tlmedqterralue qoper or necessary. (June_°25, 71910, _ <·. 385, 36 Stat.,776.l) _ _ _ V s f . . _ 258.- Same; accounts of, expwéituros for.--No account for », 4»··min:;eut expenses at apy of the bureaus of the Department I or the *1*l·easury~¤na11 be allowed, except on the certlhcate of , ·h•· olliwr or oQcers deqégpafed by the preceding section th¤t , surln eaxpensea are necmary and D‘1'0I$€!'.·-and that the prices t

li•| are.- just and reasonable; and the superintendent shall keep J

u full, just, amiaccurate account .l¤p,detall ot all amounts , v?x}l(!ll€l{%‘d under theheadof contiuieut expenses for the several t j l·m·<·aus_of the Department of the Treasury. (R. S. K 240; J lmao 1910, tt.385, 36 St&t.776.)'l _ » · _ It t , 259; Accounts of receipts of lnterrialt reve1fue;————Separate me-t»»n:lts shall be kept at the Department `ot the Treasury of ell zmmoys received from tuteraalwdutles or taxes in each of · no ¤·ee>=pective States, Territories, and collectlou districts, and , of the amoutlt of each spevies of duty and tax that shall accrue;

 mr to exhilait,_as far as may be, the amount"- collected from o

··:¤<·l¤ source ot revenue, with the moneys pald_a‘s,`_cou1pensati0u tzléfl for allowances to.·tlw·col%ctors &Hd·d(‘])HtY_G0]10Qt0¥S, in- ‘ »;s.·¤·tm·s, and other otilcers employed to each of the respective "·~l:•t<>=, Torrltorles, and oollectlorl districts., The Sul•lYSecre$ 7, wry shall annually, ln the month of December, lay before <wme.;·ress· an abstract, in,tnbular.for1u.. of said accounts. ~ (R. S. A

 itiiil.   ;` Feb; 18, 1875, o. 80, ci 1, ,18 Stat. 317.) Y _ p

260. Accounts of expeniitures for furulture ¤ndj‘repa.irs.—-—··i Tino c·xpondi·ture for furniture and repairs for the bureaus of = the Department of the Treasury shall bemtade by the d&cer or 1 <·¤i<·ers desigpatedl by seotion 257 `of this title, subject to the ,2 approval or the Secretary ot the Treasury; and it shan be tlme 1

TS,. OF`F!(JE£S’, AND Ee;PI.OYE§ES § 256 iluty of such 0{licer or`ol·Hcers to keep zrjnst and a.~.¢m·:xte xgrcwunt in detail of ull the nmoims paid fer the puz·chsz:¤e of Furniture, and also for the repairs thereof, as well as at full statement of the disposal of the eld. feerniture. (R. § 241 ; lime 25, .1910, c.°385,'36 Stat. 776.) . p . 261. Rules for government of agent; representing claimnits.-·-The Secretary of the Treasury may m;<»z·:¢-ribe rulee uml regulations governlngpthe recognition» of agents, (attorneys, or other persons ‘representing‘cl·aim:1nts before his department, and may require of such persons, agents and attor eye,. l>efm·c being `recognizede ns ererhesentatives of claimant}? that they shall show that they are _0f.go_od..chamctot· and in good i·epnto,e possessed of the neccssaty qualifications: to enable them to renderu such claimants valuable service, .:md‘ ·other=wise' `e¢m1— petent to.advis‘e` and assist euch_‘cl§1liments in the presentation of their cases. Ancl such `Sectetafyemey after due notice and opportunity for hearingéuépend, andklisbar froml further px·ac·· A tlee before his department any such person, agent,_or‘nftorney shown to beuineoxnpetent, disreputablef or who rereeee to €s1!l1—» ply_witl1.the°¤ald rules and tegulatlbns, or·who~$hall'»u?ith_ intent ` to defraud, in {any` un1ni1er— "wlllfully i-and knowingly Aee—ei‘ve, mislead, or threaten any claimant. or prospective claimant. by _ world-, circular, lette1·,..o1·°by adve1?tisemeut.” (July 7, ISR4, c. 334, _§ `3, -23;Stat.·258.) _ a,`i· ” l ‘ l . i ( 262· R¢P0!‘¢8 of $€¢1'¢'¢8·PY -0f T1‘e&S\ll‘y.-—The setwezeryl of the Treasury shnlll make the following annual reports to C<mgress: p We . t l A. t p First. A°repo;·f buthe subject of finance, containing estiinsntes of the public reyénue uml public expenditures for the tiseal yen; then°_cu1·;·ent,~ und plhnsefor improving and `inereasdng the revenues from tline to timejfor the purpose of giving internmtionv to Congress, in badopting modes of raising the money requisite tomeet the publie expendlturee. . second, A rep0rtcouteluing”§§ta’tement of all contracts jiur supplies or services .whl_ch__ have been made by him or uniier hle direction ‘durlug·the’year preceéing, me also a statement of the expeuditupe of-the inoueys·uppropriated ter the discharge 0f·_miscellaneous“ claims uct. othetwiseetprcvided for, paid at t11e.Treesury. (R. S. 5 257.) .b " » I Q 268. Same; postal revenues and expenditures.--The Secretary oi‘·'_the Treasury shall include in his annual peport, in the , statements `ofynctunl and estimated receipts and expenditures of the Government, the revenues from and expenditures on . account of theipostabeervice. (Sept. 3(),`1890,‘”`e.`» 1126, §`1,`26 Stat.511.)' ‘ { _ `J . ‘ . ‘

 264. Same; receipts and .cXpendi,tures of public moneys.-L-lt

shnll be the duty; of the*Sec·retnry of the Trenstrryi annually to lay before Cotigiess, on the `lhrrsli d¤y‘er.1—ne mgu1a»..St·s_S1..¤, thereof, nn accurate, combined statement of the receipts sind? expenditures during thelaist preceding flsenl year .ot,ell` public. moneys, iz1clu`dlu;;. thoee. of the Pust——(-}fIi<ie Depui·tn1ent.`<lesi;.¤,=- mating the °amoun.f* of the »re<·elpts, wh¢—nevex·_ pm•gtile;1l>le_, hy ports, districts, and States, nnllothe expenditures. iby e:1‘<·h seperate head of·:1ppropr§atiou. > · (July 31,1&9—1,‘e..174,`§_`l5,` iii Stat. 210.)_ 4 u ‘ »__. — _ ~ ( ( 265. Same; estimates of U revenue and expendit1zres._—`~—'{‘l1e ` Secretary of the TrenSm·3*’sl1ull each year llIIYC]).lll;€_t1I’Id sul·mi@· in his annunl feport to Congt·ese estixnates of the public revmme. and the public expencllt·ure:~; for the}lié=¢·;;l` your current. nnslé also-for the Seoul yenr nerd enéulnp: not the time. said x·e;n»;·t is $nbmitte¢l,.t<»getlx<2r with a eljatmnexnt of the rc·<·eipts mul Q5:-A penclitures of the G0\’(`$I’Il`lllt“*ElE` for the prc<·¢~<‘ling '·(‘f!Ill[)](.‘i¤'ll decal Yeni. (Feb. ‘.Z(l,·1907,e c; 1635, 34 Stat. 940.).; l `_ , 266. Same; cleims?ull.owed.—~—'1‘l»e _S<>lirel·:1ry of the 'lfrljznétgvv shall, at the commex1l·cu1e1it-ofu exieh stesion efpfflpnngress, re- p port the amount clue eaezrh claimant uklmee clnim Inns; ·Ylt'(`7lI nl-' Idwed in Whole or in part to the Speaker ef.-the House of ltopw resentatives and the presiding omcer .of<tl{e Senate, who shall