Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/607

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593 » · A ·. _TI`TLE 19.+0; (5) ’ report his decisions to the collector. (Sept. 21, 1922 C, 356,_¥J.‘it1e LV, { 590(s), elf Stat. 965.) . - , _’ ~ · 374. Bf; review of reports of gssistant .•p_pnbers•-e-A1 ports lwli __ ,. there assisturt spmalsers provided by mtv. the appraiser shsll._l1n%ie,power' to reyiew nnd telrevisc and correct theQ reports of Such sssistaut Qspprnlsers. · ( 21 1922, c. 358,__".l‘itle IV, { 50G.(b), 42 Stet. 965Q) ~ — · P l · 315Q Duties of sssistnnt spprgisers.4-It shall be the ·duty,.q . enyassistnht &pp1'&iScr—— " · _ _ , rs. __ (1) To examine ~·and· inspect stkh merchsmllsel a.s _Ee sp prslser msyl direct, dnd°t0 report to him the yalue‘.thereot§.__ _(2`)” To 'revise and co1:rect't11é reports andto supervise sud direct,·the~ work ofWst1ch·'&¥kantiners and other employees as the ejwrelser may designate; end A t _ "_ L ul) ;To assist the ai>pralseg,` under such regulations as thé xsocretsry of the Treaeury or the apprelser`_niay·prescritbe (-sep:. 21, 1922, c. sae, wma- IV, 5 socal), 42 .Sec._ 965:). ‘ 376; Seine; port of_·New York; repert deemed appraise xnent.-1-Suc·h· report bytsn (assists appraiser lat the port/oi New York, when approred b}LhL12;:ieil1‘ transmitted to the mllector, and shall be rdeemed an l1pprniséme.11t*l>y__the United States local apprnlscr of the district of such niercl1l$1ndlse_required by law. (R. Q § 2615·)--‘_ L · »_ . hl Q 377. ‘·Duties of examiners.-4-It shall be therduty of an exsxn iuer to examine and insilcvt imported merclmndise and report the value em] such other facts_.ns_ the appraiser uiay require lx his apprhisement or report, and t0_perform suchother duties as may be prescribed by rnlesand regulations of the Secretsrg of; the Treasury or the appraiser. Q(Sept.·21,‘1922, c. 356; Title 1V,`§ 5Q0#(d),l_42 Stat; 966.) · _ E _ · 378. Appraiser as speciil examiner.--0ne ot the seeasmm appraisers at the port of New York; to be·’a,ppoiuted_witt special reference to his quallllcations for such duties, shall, iz addition to the duties that may be required of hiin by`_tlu appraiser, perform the <1uties`0l a lspeeinl examiner ot drugs megligrlnw, chemicals; and so forth. _ (R; S. ll 2938.) l 379. Instructions to prevent il\l~|)0!tI¢i0R•·*?Tllé Secretary ol the_'1‘r&8utfy. shnllglve to the collectors ot qiistricts for which ‘ an examiner ot drugs, medlclnes,nnd»chemlca1s is not pro vlded by? lqw, sdch instrcctions as he may deem necesssryta prevent the importation ot udulternted sndspurlous drugs ant niedicinm. (R. B. { 2tl12.) . i Y _) ·‘ · 389. Acting ·nppraiscra.--·The, Secretary of the Treasury ll authorized to deslgnste Man omcer bt the customs as actin; appraiser nt s port where there is no appraiser,. Such acting appraiser shell take the oath, perform all the d'hties, ant possess all the powers ot sn appraiser. _ (rpt. 21} 19%, c. 356 »Tltleg U', 5 500(e), 42 Stat; 966.) K I ’ _ _` 381. Appeal for reavvralipement to Board of General’Ap prsisers.-——-The decision ot the appraiser shall be uns! and con elusive npen all parties unless ·s._ written sppeuli for s resp ·‘preieement is filed jwith or msiled to the Bogrd of General Alwrsisers by thelcollector within sixty dsys utter thedate 0: the sppraisefs report, or `dled by the conslgueell or his agent with the collector within ten days after the date of‘persone delivery, or it mailed the date `ot mailing-ef written notice ez ·· npprelsement to the conslgnée, his agent, er his atterney. NQ such appeal med by the » censlgnee, or his agent, sl1al·l“b< deemed vslld, unless he $ss complied pvltlrell the provisionl ofthis chapter relating toithe entry and hpprsisernent ot suc! merchandise. ~Every“snch appeal shall be trsnsmltted withthl entry sud the accompanying papersfby the collector to the Board ot General Appraisers and shall be assigned gto one to: the general appraisers, who `mull ascertain end. return; n the value or the merchandise sndfslgnll slve resscnable notice te the importer and to the person designated to represent the Gov ernment in snchproceedlngs of the time end blsce of the bei ' 88270°·--26-——e-SS ‘ — ‘ t

`_ • ’\ ·._ I . r USTOHS DUTIES § , lng, `etz which the parties and their ottorneye- shall have an opportunity to introduce evidence and to heer and crosst_ examine the witnesses of the other party aud to iugspeet all r- pomplee "eud all papers admitted or omzred as erldeuce. In l .flnding’ such, volue aflidavits of persons} whose atteutl-etree can . , » not reasonalglyibe had, price lists, kzatulogues, reports or depositioinsj of; »consu1s,_ speeiol agents, collectors, eppmisers,. assistt ant apprriisersy examiuers, mid gotlxer omcers ot? the Govérw _ ?meut[may`_l1e considered. Copies of omeial documents, when ·' certiiied by au 0$eiel~duly! authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, 1iu&y` be admitted in ericlence with, tlie some force L"orlginal—d0cu»meuts.‘ .— , ` , » , z Y _Tl;e_ declsiou of the general eppralser, _ after argument on . the part of the interested parties if requested by them or by 2 either of them,{’sl·1al1~be final and `cohclusfve upon `81l.pert·ies` . .uul¢SS? within ten days » from the déte of the .§llI1g.0f' the __ decision; With:_—‘th€ collector on appliczitioxr torolts review shell ._ Abe filed with or melledeto 'eaid hoard by the collector or other E person authorfied by the Secretary,_·0f'._tl1e Treasury} ond ca ‘ a copyof such-`opplicatiou to the couslgnee, prhis agent I or? attorney, ¢H",f{léd by`tl:{e·eonsigriee, or his agent or attorney, - with the‘,;:ollector,- by wlnompthe same shaltbe forthwjth for- ` worded, to tire Bee rd of General Appraisers, Every ouch ap- Q plication shall be assigned by__ the Board of Geeera1 Appraisers t (toe b0zird` of three general appraisers, who shall consider the n · case upon the samples of the merchandise, ff there be amy, end s the record made, before the geimeral appraiser, and, after argu- 7 ment onthe part of the parties if requested by them or either of 2 them, shall utlirm, reverse, or qxiodlfy the decisionlof the gem eral appraiser or remand —the· cose to the general appraiser for ( further proceedings, and shall state its action in a written

decision, to be Torworded, to the collector, setting rormrteue
factsyupon which thehndiug is based_and—the reasons therefor.

e `Tlne decision of the Board `ot Géherhl Appraisers shall pe Baal ` ,' ond conclusive upon all parties mums nneweal shall be "takerrby eitlier party to the Court of Guétoms; Appeals upon a g question. or questions of law only withlh the time aud, in the I manger provided by section 310 ot Title 28[ `(Sept; 21, 1922, . c.356,Tlt1eIV,§‘501,{l2-Stnt.966.) _ ¤

·* 3821 Hegulgtioho for oppraisalg and tlasgihcatim auch as-
qessmout of duties; control of opprsisers, de.-——'1‘l1e Secretary

'ot the ·Trée.sury dshell mtablieh grad. promulgate such _ rules B and regulsltlous not lncousletent with the law,i and may dis-

eemlnate suché iuformotiouas mey be ¤e€&ry to secure a

{ just, impartial, aud unltorm appreieement of imported- mer; I » cchandlee and the Aclasetdcation and weeesment ot dutlw there-

_ on at the rorloue ports of entry, and Hniy dlrect any ep·

, praiser, {deputy appraiser, oeslstsmt appieiser, or examiner of _ -mercl1$Qudlee,to. go from one port ot entry to another for the _ purpose of allvfalslug or assisting in appreteiug merchomlise Q_ imported _,ot such port. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, _Title IV, Q 1 §02<¤). 42<$t¤f· 96%) ‘ _ . ` l [ _ 383. Reversal or mediication of¥ru1ings_of Secrctny of t Treasury.--—No ruling or decision once made bysthe Secretary; { `of the Treeeury, gliding construction to any low imposing ( customs duties, shell be reversed or modlded adversely to the , United Staites, by the earueor e succeeding Secretary, except B in coucurrerice with an opinion of the Attorney General rec om;· 5* meudlngftbe ·sa`me, or a duel decision of the Board of General 1, Appraisers. (Sept. 21, 1822, c; 356, Title IV, § 502(b), 42 B Sm, wr.) - c ·._ . - { , _ 4 B · 884. Execution of instructions of Secretary of Treesury: [ decisions ’ of Secretary binding-glt shall — be the duty ot all B oweers of the customs to execute and carry into edect ell in- , etructiope .ot· tHe `Seeretary of the Treasury relative to the , -exeeutlou_of therevenue laws; and in cese any dl®culty arises k, as to the true construction or meeuiu: of mgy port ot the t ’ \ . .•