Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/610

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°§» 401 G ·’ s*1:rmt 19.-AGES: . f t \ — · = appraiser `thereon, he inayjle, yvlthin ten edaysndattcr ‘the"`d•tc·T of the mailing of the`0Secretsry‘s notice; an ,{01‘€_8.' me-l ·- appraisement in the semeymenner end iiith `sime eicct ·_,` as \_ an nppesl by s consigzxec under the =provji§0m of said section ? (Sept.,21,"1922, c._%6,·'1‘itle IV, 5 5}6(n),‘42 Stat. 970.0) U 401. Sine; clnssidcation of and nterof duty upon ‘ imported ,mcrchandisc; ·pi·ocediu·c thereon; `by Anteri- . (Jean ninnnfsctnrcr, - etc;-—'1‘he Secretary of -.the`_TrcasuryQ shall, upon written rqxest byjigln American manufacturer, producer; or wholesaler, .furnishfthe classiiicétion of and ‘the'rate.;ot duty, .it any, imposed upenn designated ixnported merchandise. of a class or kind .manufactm‘ed, produced,° or sold at wholesqle by him. If such minufqcturer, producer, or `wholesalee believes that the p1‘oper°ratteY of duty is not being ‘nssesséd_,· abc may ille li g complaint with the Secretary of the Treasury setting torthm _ _ `description ot the merchandise, the classification; and the rate ° or rates) of duty he believes pi·qpci•f and the. rénsons {or his Fbelief. It the $ecreta1¤y belieifeso that . the · classidcation oi or rote of {duty assessed upon sthe=merc1in,ndise is not correct, he , shall notify the collectors ras `to\·t1ie_properclessltlcation end rate of dnt? and shztlleol inform suchjmnnufacturer,. producer, J or wholesaler, and seuch rnte .`of_ outy shall be upon ‘ all merchandise imported oréwithdrawn from yvarehouse after thirty dc ye after the date of such notice to the collectorst It `the Secretary believes that the classidention and tote of duty are correct, he; shall so inform suck" manufacturer, oproducem, or wholesaler. It dissatisfied with the action"ot the Secretary,

 _. such manufacturer, Y producer, or wholesaler I may me 'vyith him

a' notice that be desires to protest the classihcation or the rate of duty imposed upon the '_mercl1andise,i_nnd upon `receipt ol much notice the Secretary shall furnish him with such iuformw tion as to ltheentry, the consignee, and the port of entry ae _will enable him to protest the clussiiication ot? or;tl1e rate oi ` duty; imposed upon the m‘erchandl,se V when liquidated at an; port of entry. Upon written request therefor- by such 1i1`s.nul _ fnct¤rer,,produce1·,; or wholesaler, the collector of such port 01 • entrysianll notify him immediately of the date°of 1lquldntion 0 Such manufacturer, pmo¤ce¤,°or‘wu¤1ee¤1e¤·m¤y tile, rwithix sixty dnysitter the date of llqriidstion, with the collector 0: such port a protmt in writing setting _1'o1‘tl; a dmcriptiou of thmerchandise- and the classlilcation andthe rate of duty hc. be lieves proper, gvith the samectectns e" protest ot a consigne med underfbe provisionsof sections·398 and 399 of this-title %(Sept. 21, 1922; c.! 856,·Titlc IV,] 51601), 42_ Stet. 971.) Z t .402. ’ Same! copies of pppcnls end protests for `eonsignee eppcnrgnce by consigneé before Bonrdof General Appraisers appeal to Court of Customs ~Appcals.-g·¤—A copy ot every sppes and every proteet `dled by an American manufacturer, [-prokluceu or wholesaler under the ‘ pnsovisionrs cfs this section shell -b mailed by the collector to the consignee or his agent withl dve days utter thé_Hlit1g·there0t,u and such- conslgnee or hl agent shell have the rlghtpto appear and to be; beard ai e part ln interest before the Board 6t;Gcnernl Apprelscrs. The co lcctor shall `trsnsnait me entry and éll`pnpers end ·eil1il:»l1 accompanying or connected therewith 't0·t¤0`B0&1’d of Genera Appraisers for due emignment and determination of the. propc value or of ‘ the proper clsmidcstion and rate of dutyr Th decision ot the Board ot. General Appraisers upon {ny suc appeal or protest shall be duel end conclndvc upon all partly unless an appeal is taken by" either party to `tlgo Court 1 Customs'·`Appesls,_ns provided in sections 381 end 399 of th title; (Sept. 21; ·c..356, 'I‘itle_ IY; Q 516(c),~42 But. 9714 403. Snow inspcctionof dowgncnts, ctc., of ‘·! American mknnfsctnrczf, etc:-—·-In proceedings `lnstltuted _ und the provisions of sections 400 to 402 of this title an Ahxerlcs manufacturer, producer, or wholesaler shell not hue the rig! to inspect an;} documents or papers ot the or ix porter disclosing any information which the general upprsis

rdus.1>.U`Tms " {596 of me~Ba¤rd of General Appraisers shalldeeiu um1ecesam?{m· . improper to`·be"dtsclosedr to him. -_·(Sept, 21,-:19@,`¢, 356{rpme IV4?3_.613`(d), 42_ Stat.·971L) - ._ l l · " 404. Frivplemr appeals or pmteitbg penaity; Elia; [appeal,. ppm Ernqtiou `,.’ pi the eoxmsel ter the Government, it smut bg

 the duty bt the B0§i‘d ot General Appraisers to decide whether

’any· appeal for ’reappramemeut‘ *01- proteatlailed uude1·_ the pri}- __ visibpsz pt sections *381 uml 3981,0 403 péi this title is frivolous; -_ ` and it mid board" shall eq declcle, a-penalty of cnet less than 2 · Q5 my {mm zum;} me ¤1m1_ be Tassemdl mum we person lllirlg- such r appeal for reappraisémeut mé appeals q for reappraigemeut -911 protests med by the pereega amt raising the same. issue shall, it ihgld frlvoleus by wld board, becdnsnlidated and deemed quelproceediag for purpose ot imposing . tue, penalty proinaea m Qrson against whpm suclfpepalty ia ·a <‘l- msyx here a revierv by pthe Court of Custbms=?Appeals bi decision afraid beam ~ by ming an` appeal in éald court within the time lu the . mam1er·provided’by eec¤cn.`_316_o$ Title 28. (Sept. 21, 1922,

c.·350, Title IV,·§_517=,.42 StatQ M1.)   - _ _ . Y " ’ f - t l

_ 405; . Board · of Gexteml. Appriigers; , members: vacancies; salaries; remcial; e8¢e;nmw=ers· of and wnembers > thereof; president; egpertsea; retirement.-$’1‘he Board of Gen- " eral Appraisers shall conaist of nine members and `all‘vacarreles`~ ° vin said board shall be sued by appointment by the `Pnwdém, J by and yith the advice and qeuseutscf the Sqnge, ‘¤9t_‘morc .1 than five of whom ahall be appointed {mm fpplltlcal ¤ 'party and each bt whom shall reeelve almlarjy of @,000, a year;

  • Tliéy shall not engage in anyf other business, v0P£ti0¤, cr eé- .

T Lplnmentg and shall hold thér omée `during behxvjler, but j may, after due hearing, be removed by the ret the { followipg causes and lno ether: Neglect _0f‘duty,· malfeannce ln, E oflice, or. inefticiency. ;The· office bf sale! board; shall be at the `· V Yport of New York, arfde the beard and each membu {thereof ·_ .shqll have and pomess all the pewara of s‘ éistrlct_e¤m·t_ef_the E United Statea fdr preserving `prder, éoxixpelling the attendance l- Ip! wituesms, the °produ=ctiea of eridebge, and in punishing for 1 contempt. Said: board shall have power tp establish time Y #t0` time such rules of evidence, praétice, procedure, not ¤* inconsistent with law, aa may be deemed necessary for the can-

  • ‘ duct, of lta proceedi¤gs;`l¤-esecuring tmltbrmity `ln, its deciaioms

6. aud. ln. the- proceedings ·a¤d.»decisieus ct mamemnm th~ere0i',` >· and fqr the production, 'care, and custody pt samples aa;} of

the reecrds of said   One otytbemembers at eek) board,

P: desig·nated fer that purpose by the Preeident ot the United s; States ehall act xs. preéident of the Bwrml 01‘General Apll rpraisers, and in his absence tlxe mmber yet the beard thai: - P, { present.who_ls sealer as to the dnte_o$ hlaepmmlsezlea shall act ‘ e_ as president; Tlmefpreaieleat. ot the board. `Qr the acting presi- ¤ dent in his absence, shall have centre! of the Local aytalrae and iS at the clerical-force. ot the;b0qrd,`¤1aklngaaI1 -rec0mmendatiaas 3 for appointment, prcimotloiuyer otherwise n¤ecting meh clerical l»· jferce; he may at any time before trial, under the rtxleb et the FS _@id board, assign or reaaslgn nay can ter hearing er deterl!· miuntimi; .0r both, and almllcleslgpate, la general appraiser or l! board of three general appraisers and mich clerical assistants ¤¤ as mai be necessary? me procqeed to any port within the ,;}m·ls·` fh` diction, otnthe United States. for the purpose othearlpg or ot. B8 hwrlhi md;. determining cases. assigned for bearing at such if port, and shall cease to be prepared nauael promulgated dockets il therefor, General appraisers, steaegraphlc clerka, and Govern- ·) ment eetmsel shall each he allowed and paid his necmary by exD¢l1¤¢Q of travel and his reasonable expensed, not to exceed er $10 perday, in_ the ease at general- appraisers Tend Gorerameut nn pounael, and SB` pen; day in the case. at steubgrapble clerks, bt actually tor-maintenance while absent from New York n- an omeial business. Said general appraisers skill lpe· divided er Into three beards of thru members each ter the purpose ot
