Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/622

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‘·§ 572, rxrm me-cx g under any statute embraced tn, or changed, modlded, or~¤ peeled ___by this chapter, may be prosecuted and punished 1 the same manner and with the same eltect as if thtschapts had not been mssed. _ No acts of limitation in force on Septen _ ‘ ber 21, 1922, whether applicable to dvll muses and proceedilw " or to the prosecution of okmeee or for the retpvery ot pcm _ ‘tl€8_-011 forfeitnren embraced la, modified, change, or repule by this chapter ahnll be adeeted thereby ao tar as they aite any suits; procwdings or prosecutions, whetlmr civil or crim ylnal,/for cauaeearislng or acts done or committed prior to thn date which may be commenced am proaecnted e=lthln·»the san time cad with the same eitect as it this chapter had not bee passed. (Sept 21, 1922. c. 856, Title IV, 5 041, Stat. M.) 572, (Treaty with Cuba and law enforcing not a!e¤ted.· .Nothiug inthis chapter shall be construed to abrogteoor 1 any manner lmmlr or a€ect the provisions ~ of the treaty ·< commercial reciprocity concluded between •the United State and the (Republic of Galway; December 11, 1002, or the pr visions ofwctiona 124 and of this title. (Sept. 21, 1922, 356t Title III. $320, 42 Stat. 947;) _ _ 573. a¤sEected.~·-·Nothlng in this chapter shall be cow etrued to repédl or in any manner attect eectiona 128, 130, 13 of this title, section 487 of Title 26 or section 2% of Title (Sept.,21,‘1922, c. 356, Title III, § 321, 42 Stat. 947.) (f' , ~ D D ,.,\Sec Title 7, Aomcutryam; 3


See Title 16, Coneaavamoa

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See. Title 40, Smrmnc. I lneraerunurs See Title 5, Flxmcurrve D ~·· cms Ama Eurmrmms. _ . . DEP1 See Title 8, Atmue nm O1 \_ ° ¤ ‘ . our See Title %, muon:. Com ( lm · See Title 40, San·x·mo.~ - · ·_ Uma See Title 43, Pvetro Lune —" .____c_, See Title E, Foemoxllme »DISQIPLIN See Title 10, Amer; · » S m l _ See Title 42, Ptmuc Hmm __ msm·movxs¤an‘ saav See Title 10, Aamr. o t _ DISTRIGE Bee Title W, Jun!91Ar Com

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o Bee. Title %, Junxorlu. Coos onermcr Bee Title 40, Ptmuo Bmw: “ Bee Title 44, Puauc. Puma F ml Beee'1‘lt1e 48, Puauc Leno; Bee`Tltlc 21, Fooo Arco Dm

USTISIIS DUTIES - e- E74. Exeaptten from ctkrldilme-—·Nnthtng cqutalned ` in ln this tltleehell beeoqmued teu@ttlwm¤er¤e=r ewners ar ot www {mm melting sm any mm @1red by a- any laws or the United Stems net lmmwhedi relntim to the sg collection ‘ct the dudes on tm lmpertatloa et mwemmiee into JT the United Stltw, (B.’B. · $4.) _ Q 5 7575. Gt bVm$I! IH] » dillt, RHCQHCQ, ct paragraph, or part et this mbtme asl}! tec my mama be aqne jqdged by any mutt efcemnteut in exe 10 be invalid, at meh ·judg*me¤t mall net meet, impnk, er l¤v¤Hclate the ze remainder of chapter, but En!] he in its operasn tion ho the elsme, mnteum, mragrsph, er part thmeei directly involved ln the ccntreversy in whim m& jud@t bball have -· been rendered. (Sqnt. 21, 1922 c.¥856, Title IV, S 645, 42 ln S$8¢.`&.)~~ W _` ‘ ·_ nt 576. Clthtbn of chapte1·.··-··4ct Septmber 21, 19m, chapter ee. Forty»seco¤d Statutes page 990, ecmtalned in this ehapm 0- may be cited "BI the "'1‘nrm Act ei 1m" (Sem. 21, 1922, C. L!. 858, 'I’1tle‘IV, { 647,42 Stat. W.) , _ ‘5’•'7. _ nprilicsble .t•· as emawlse n- provided by law, the rot _&b£iG¤ IV G! this clnpter

1, shall apply me all articles i¤¤¤ the United Statm {mm

5. the Philippine rAll"¢hip¢}880. (MII. 8, IV, 140, 8, M BMC. 55.) ·· ·A1R!§ Title 21, Foeu Am: Danes. l, DAMS r. < EAS BY WRONGFUL AC'! ' ‘¥ . s oi covznumnni e PARTMENTS AND GOVENMQHT OHI- 0§‘!‘A1'l0N

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