Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/636

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6 “TITLE 2}.-·——;FG6B

  imas_ of the United Smtas. The woré “perm¤”   be 4

masimed tc impart both the plum! Lim as the 1 use demands, and shall` include carpcrgtiens, sw $4 ciatias, and asscciatiqgasg _(Jm1<e· 39, 1968, c. 39§§Q ‘§ 12, S4 Stat;. . < 6. Same: *‘ ¥mtt¤1·."=·--·For tim pux·p¤w° at seetions 1°t@_15,, giuéimzim, ia! this} title, * ‘ butter ”`sha11_ be understand to méau) 1 tim mm prcdamt usually knpwn as buttéz, and smicl; is` médc°_ 2 ex::}usi ve1y*fr&m milk _0r {cream, or both, wit;h q1·*with9ut c0m·— 1 mma salt; mm with ar without additionpl culoring I§}8 tZt€1F; and 1 La

 cmtaiuing act lass than S0 per cmimm by weight qi milk ’fat,  1

ai} taieraaaw paving bee:} a319*§g`ed tor. K (M&1¤ 4, 1923, c.i 268, ¤ 32 Smt, 159G.)‘ ¢ ‘ `· i‘ - y' 7. Same; “dmg”·a¤d “f _ .”-e-5Thé term "drug,” gs used V ~ ia ,sc·ctiu;as 1 to 15, inclusive, of this·-Bile, shall. include all 1 nwxliviuas ang pxefmmtisas recognized in the United"' Stnteé 4 F11-§¥i338(‘ii3l}®§§* or Natimzml Fof§1H1&fY_{G¥ interqal ct Vextemui 4 use, mad may substance or mixture ot substaacés intended td 1 & uwd far thé éura, ”mitigati0:1,`0:jpr<évéx1!;i0x1 of disease of I éeiihmj mss ,0: ather animals. The mrmx ‘* f¤0d,” I as used in g Qsaid sections, wal! includé `gll artkéiw , for fqod, drink, 4 mafactimety, or c<>ndi;11e¤t by man or other animals; whether 1

 simpie, mixed, or compound. ” (luis 30, 1906, c. 3915,  _ §° “ 6Q

6. Aéaitcrsted articim.—-·For [the purpases of sacticns 1 to 15, tzxciuwse, of this title; an article sh&l1_be* deemed to bé `adulf Q - tamfed; ‘ E ~ . » < " »1

·¤gs.—i::casE§0f<;1:*i1gs; _ . _ , s
 {mm recognized 18¢ £!·#%d£U"d·8,’ cxzplamgtory émle- 1
 saw ies 60$l»f@£$®6T.——Fif8t.\ If, when {Qing is sbld under {

’ és: §$· a name rgéagnizcd in the Uuitciig States Ptiarmaéopmié or 4 ,§ati *a1‘Fcrmuis·ry, ii; diffsrs from tc smmlmigi of stfexxgth, quglity, ur purity, as determined by the test laid dovm in the , ”; Umtm States ¥hm·maéc;$cai& or·1\§’ati6u¤1 Formulary 0@ciaI· at 1 Q the time at ·im*&Siii,gm1m:1; Q Nia dr11g%»de§i1é.d· in the United Stétés { Pm H  ; gz- Ahfatimm Famulary shall be`. deemed tq be z adxxitemted u12&éi·` thié pmvisimi if {hi:] sts;;é1ard§ of strength; q:1aiity,$_Q:& pm·i;ty* be plainly stated the bcttlci box`, or. _; other mstaimx there0£~_» aithétagh the Standérd may differ from- timt detgg.·mi§ed· b? the test laid dawg; in the United `"Sta·tés» . Fmmammia or Navlomi Formu1aryQ F · . Y` W IP 4 Bcicw praféascd $m¤é'{ard.—+Sec0nd. It its Strength "of pi,i1*i·ty C. ia11‘ www thé ‘pmfeSséd `st¤nda.rd,`c~r 'quélity lander gwhich it [is

 the case of confectmnery zz     4

_ swbsiaéneeg, ygciscsmua color or 'rkwora, other delQ·· a

 €·¤~§’#*6¢`¥£$s¢¢s§é  l£qu§0ra or smrcbtics.-¤.—I! iy co;1ta.i¤  terra

nlm taxa? éhrcaug ‘ye11ow,`§m· other »mi¤e;·af “s11b$ t;a.¤ca·· or @6191: pr flavor; 01- othér insrcdiené gleletericns 5 ar detrixmntai t¤ health, gr any ¤xix1¤¤s, malt of éspirltukms 1 Hquar ¤m¤mp¤u¤a ¢ mf naxcatic dwg, ‘ ° V ‘ Fa¤¤dQ·——·-in t m_c&se ciiimdz ‘ . · R _ I; ~ Isjuricmimixturaa.-q-·—Fi1*st.',If any substance has beeufmixed 1 pad packed witi1— it as tr; reduce or lower cr injm·i0usly 1 ééfeci im quality cx strgsxgth; I , · x · ·· _· ’ 3 .Sub#tit¤¢es,»~Se¢cnd; It may substance has been substituted ·

whc»1iy cx·»i¤;pa.rt‘£¤:· the article,. ·   _. . 1.; _  ~:
 Falsmbla ¢;»·¤a¤;st£$·a¢4ee:z ¥a. a»&;trqg¢sd.——Thi»rd.M It E5; valuable  1

i cmstzitéeut gat `thé grtiéig hhs been *wh01ly‘c:“i¤ part abstéséted. 1 _ §¤#¥»é9$ 9r infmiwétyi <;t<>rmmted;———;iT<.¤ 11rt12, It it ebg mixed, I ¤¤§;>rgecL v¤3¥¢1<;¥:·ed, sz: stained in a mam.1er wbereby_ 4 damage 0!·‘i¤ferim71ty mumgiw, f L * A _ " _ 4 B—¢¥¢w:·i¢s;; iwrggisats ; pressrmtima in akipmeny m·nd~£» Y . timmky. ·¢z¢ep:¢d,~gFi£th} Ii ’it <:¤$ta,i¤ any added pbiséxmus 4

 m~’ct;be1·‘ géded déicteriaus ingredient which may xje¤d¤1·_ such A`1

- `artiyéeg injuriaus m health. When in £h¤ preparaticn pt {ood 1 pm¥d¤c1;s· f91•`__$1aipm€x1£ they ééa préserived by may ezttgmal appiicatiag applied in such manner {hat the x};1*&1*¥§£i’\i€ Q3 1

IANQ DRUGS = 622 a ari£y remaved mlechmzicnlli, or by macemtlmn in water, ar gud directichs for the removal qt saiql presermuv,

   printm cg the ecvcrlng OI the package, the pmvislems

of sections 1 to 15, lmgluéive, of this title shall; be ccnstrliéd is applying cnlly when said products are mady fér ccusumpticm, Animal or vcgc;_mble · écqzstdliwea amt fm? mod; products af miami: dismsed cir ‘he;w~£»a»w dice! c—therw€.ss than by smlssylstcr.- , Sixth. .113 U; ccmgisfs in whc_le‘ 0:: in ci a Blthy, decampssed, air putrixl animal for xegetable sujystgnce, qt any mrtiau ai ah animal 11I1HtlfQK' food, whether: maxmigctmzed E0: gat, or it it LS tlia lprogluct of a tlisadséd animal, or we that [has; died a€he1·~ » wise itha11~=by·slaughter., V(Jxmg,,30,· 1®6. é. 3915, S 7, 34: Stat, res;) 5 _ _ ~ I- . l ¤ l ‘ · » 9. Misbranded; meaning and applicatian.-—·The term " misbraizded,"· as used in- secttcms 1. to 15, "i¤clu§ve, of this title; éhall apply tg all; drugs, .0r articles of fwd, qt attlécix wlm;h enter i§1t0'th&'C0mDOSi£iGB df food, the package mj label ét which shall any Statement, design, or device smaréing smh article, or the ingredients or substances ccntai¤ed¢;tl;e¥eiq whisk; shall be» false -01-* miéleadixig in ény pargicular, and to any imc} mf drug product whichiis-falsely branded to the State, '1‘e:·:·i= tory; or céutntry ii: which ’it is lmlaumfacturéd or pmduseil. (June 30, 1906, c. 3915, _§ 8; 34 Sta;. 731; Aug. 23,1912, c. 352, 37 Stat; 4`16;lFMat.~ 3, -1913, c._1i7, 37 ·Sta§t..'732.) i Q _ 19. Misbrhnded §rticles.¥—Fcpr the purpoéess of secti0»¤s_ 1 to 15,, inclusive, of this} title, an article shall be deemed to` bc misbmudedl; '_ l 1 M ’ · ·‘ l a [Dmgs.—·—In case at dgggs: _ Imitqtimp br use of name; ofo tkcr’¤»r¢icIe.—E*lrst. If it be xm imitation of For omered for sale? under flick name at another article;. l 'e’— · - Q `V_ ` _ Rémoval and ‘subat€tut¢Zo~n of contents M package; or isiham l to state Qu Zabel qum:£ity qr pmporticei of narcotic; tkw·ei—n.—·-·- Sécoudg It fha conténis oi thé package as originally gm: up shall hlnie been removed, in `whule c1: in part, and other ‘·c¢m- témsj shall have been placed in such -pac:ka,·:;e, cr if the giackage fgi1_t0 bear ya= lstéatemcmt mr the label qt the qzxastity éziprapbrtltpri of·a;1y=glc<2>l101, marphihe, qpium, cocaine, heroin, alpha or`· péta cugeaine, ‘c;hlorcfo¤m, canugbis iadica, ¢::lilm·&1‘ hydmte, ar racegénilide, or any dériv¤tiYe br prepamt;icn‘ of any meh subxtaucehzontaincd theminy _ ., g l- » Fglsdstétenzefézt of c>m·at£z·e. or tkérap€¤s;ic`c¢1Ycct.¢—Tlxird. It ltgs packggé dr labél shall {bear or contain amy, state:11e¤t,.é@ign, or devicé regarding? thé curative or ghempémtic `e§€·é£ of meh article O1'. any Qt [the irxgreéiénts dr substances ’c&i1;ainm l:herein,l wllicli is false mid `fmuduleut, ‘ ‘ 1 ;E00ds.—¢·I1;’.tl1e_caxsa of fwd: ·` * l ~ » Imimiion. or use of zum-élof éther srtic1g.——-—First% It it be an lmitaticm of cir cffgred for sale undef the distinctive mule at a1wthé;j;`art’lclc. l ° “ ·· _ · · “ 2 ’ _ Bhéss lam! br brand mmémlimd aubstitutiéa af‘cm¤ms ts of l pc,ckdge,.or failure Ito state label qmmgitgraé pmportmx of rmrcoticai thwclinl.-—‘Se¢c::;d. It it be laheléd `cxj branded so as ta ,» deceive or mislead the imr<:Ease:,··a;` purport _ td he »s foreign p oduct when m1tgs0,·t>r if the mutants at the {mckuge as riétginally pp; up .éha,ll· have bgen removed in whole ax in part a d ether —é<mtents»~ shall lhavé been placed in such package, or It it fail .t0. béar :1 statement -— on the label of the qimmtity or pmpcxsttiéla at smye morphine, apitxm, mcalne, hemin, alpha or beta éucalue, chmmfomx, 'caxmabis indicé, cblaml hydrate, ur Héetanilide, or any derivative at prepax·&t*ian_ ot mmy of such substanceaycoxntained thegem. l Pcwksgss gmt nmrkad with uwigfzt ; mrlicetioazzs and me·mp££mz.s: pé:·—m£$t6¢{.——Thirdl It immckage farm, the `quantlty at the; c:mnQ tems- be mnt plainly and conspicwmxly marked em the emtside uf the pagkafge in terms of weight, maasxire, or nxxmérical ‘c•;>unt. R&&S9B8,bi& variqticxns shaly be gwrinittml. and tcxleramcmé lzmd? also e;éf11pt,i0x1s·a.s tg} small packages shall be. aséztgblislned by