Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/648

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S § 131 aww 21.--14*00 tho destruction of animals affected with contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and for the ppopor disposition of their hides and cogcooms; to pros€x·ibo regulations for disinfection, and such other regulations as they may doom necessary to pro vom infection or- coutagiou being communicated, and shall roport to the Secretary of Agriculture whatever they may- do in pursuance of the provisions of this section. (May 29,-1884, c. 30, § 8, 23 Stat. 33.) ‘ ‘ _ 131. Fences along international boundary lines to keep out diseased` a¤imals.——The Sgrotary ·of~ Agriculture may permit the erection of fences oloég international boundary hues} but outiroiy within the territory ot tho United States, for tho gnarposo of kooping out diseased animals. (May ,26, @910, c 256, 36 Stat. 440.) _ A 132, Inspection of dairy products for export.~—-Soctious 71 to 94 of this title Shall `bo »deomod` toinclude dairy products intended for exportation to` any foreign ·c0uutry,_ and the Secretary of Agriculture may apply, under rules and ‘rogu;( ~ Lotions to be proscribed by him, the provisions of soid sections, for inspection and certification: appropriate fof hoscertaixmiug _ the gurity and quality of such products, and may cause the · sam to be so marked, stamped, or labeled as tosoouro their identity and make known in tho markets of toroigtx oouxfntrios to which they may be sont from tho United States their purity, quaiity, and grade; and all the provisions of said sections relating to livo· catt1o_ and products thereof for { export 'shall apply to dairy prwgiots so inspected and certified, (May_23, 19GS, c, 192, 35 Stat. 254,) " ·l ·_ ®¤ptor 5.-4-VIRUSES, SERUMS. TOXiN S, ANTl'1‘O·XiNS, AND ANALQGOUS PRODUCTS, ` 151. Pvomratiou and mic "oi worthless or harmful products sor éomvmtic animals prohibited; preparation to be in compliance ‘ with rmos at liconood cstoblinlxments. _ . 152.·!oxpog·£¤tioo__r¢_g;;latod and prohibited. · 153. imspoction of Imports; denial o1' entry and destruction. 154. Eegulatioos for preparation and uio ; licenses. 155. ?:’o:·m§ts for importation. . 158. Licongoo conditioned on permitting inspection; suspension of 1*57. Same; humotioo daytime or mighttimm _ ‘ 158. Qieosu; puniohoxem;. · · W ,_

151. Pmpgrntiw nw sole of ttorthkm orxharmful`.
 fu     pmwhitcd; pmmrgtion to be

on wity mln at Hamed msbtishmzots.-;—1t shut he ooiawtm for any - permp, Ham, or corwi·;tio¤· to grepsto; soil, ·b¤rtor.ooor exchange in ‘ the District of Colombia, or in tw Tcrritoriu, or in any place undef the `j-uxfiwictioa of the United States, or to ship, or,de1ivm·” for shipment from one Sato or Torritory or tho District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or tho Dis&1ct of Columbia, aw vworthiws, · contaminated; dangorom, or harptul rims, serum, toxin, or analogous product iutoodod for uso iotbo trmtmont otdomootio onimoh, iond no ixarsou, Arm, or corporation; shall prepare, soil, barter, oxchongo, or ship as oaformaid any- virus, somm, toxiti, or onaiogoms product manufactured within the United States and intended for use- in tho trcmtmout of? domestic mais, unless and amtli the sold virus, ‘oemm.° toxin, or analo- [ gona prod11ot,olm1i%1§os*o tgoou proporod, undo: and ia with regulations pmscribod by. the Socxrotgxy ot Agrioulturog at no estsbikhxmrnt homing tau om¤@mod ond imrevokod Hoonmo by the Socretngiy of Agfieultuxo to horoingftor &l.l£h43i’iZ&, {Mar. 4, 1913, c. 1Q, 37 Etot, @22) 3 _ l 152. and ‘ tion into Huitod Statm, without n permit from the Bomtary _o£~ Agrlcuituro, otguy virus, xw toxin, or anm1®oo¤~m·od¤ct for io, tho trootmom:,.o£_ domwtic animals, ond? impo;·t¤· tion ot mmamimm-ed. or aharoatnil

»1> AND zmvas 634, f virus, serum, toxin, or analgous product for use in the twatyment of domestic animals, are prohibited. (Mm:. 4, 1913, Q_

 145,37 Stat. 832.) Q _ ‘
 , 153. Inspection of Imports; denial, of entry and destruc.

e t.i0n.—-The Secretary ot Agriculture is authorized td sense am; Q Bureau of Animal Iudustrytb examine and inspect all viruses,

 serumq, toxins, and analogous products, for use in the treat-
 ment ot domestic animals, which are being imported or offered
 for importation into the. United`"Statm, to determine whethe:

j suchxviruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products ere worm-

 1e,ss,’cQntaminsted, dangerous, or harmful, and if it shall appear

[ that any sueh virus, serum, toxin, or analogous product, for

 use in the treatment of domestic ztupnals, is werthless, contemi-
 hated, dsi1ger0us,_0r harmful, the same shall be denied entry

t and shall be destroyed oxvreturhed at the expense of the es=s;x.·er

 or?imp0rte1·. (Mgr. 4; 1913, c. 1245, 37 Stat. @8.)
 154. Regulations fer prepardticn aid sale; li —'1`he

{ Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to mgkei-and promulgate

 from time to time such rules and rmulatféizs as my be seces-

, sary to prevent the preparation, sale; bnrtex, exchange, ur

 shipment as stowid of any werthIem,,c¤ntsmis¤ted, damzen

l pus, or harzetul virus, serum, toxin, or product for use in the treatme_1;f of domutic nnimts, sud te issue, sus- , pend, land revoke, licenses for the maintenance at estab£ishm»eut.s for _ the preparation of viruses, semms, toxins, and stialegous > products, for use in the treatment of domestic animals, intended ffor sale, barter, exchange, or shipment las aforesaid. {Mar. 4,

 1913, c. 145, 37 Stat. 832.} I `

1 155. Permits fer importati0¤.—·——Tl1e S0¢!‘¢¢•1’1 M Agriculture is authorized to issue permits Qfor the impertstimr inte the United States oftvimsés, serums, toxins, and Qkngses pmd· V ucts, {ku- use lu the treatment of dowtie animals, which are not worthless, contaminated, dangerous, or nsrmfsl. (Mar. 1, 1913, e. 145, 37 Stat._&~I2.) h _. ` 156. Licenses m per ¤e L _, mapsm-

 sim. of licenses.--.111 licenses issued under awtbority bz tt,

chapter to establishments where fsueh virtmw, semm, toxins, or mmlugsus prod,ucts`·sre prepared for sale, better, exchange, sr shitimmt ss nfm·esaid,, shalt be imued as cwdlttw that the licetisee shall `permitthe inspection of mach wblfsiwgests and et such prodwts and their gfrepareticn ;. sed the Seéretsry et Agricntlturelmsy sums:} erievoke any permit br ki immd _tl¤d`er authority at ssid chapter, uftw, egmtuéttmity fer hearing has been granted the licensee er importer, wher; the Secretary it ot Agriculture sstisbedjhat smh er permit is being used to fgcilitate mr e¤'ect the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or shipment as aferesaid, gr the importnties iétq the United Ststw df any worthlws, esmnmlnatenl, dangerous, er harmful virus, serum, toxin, or anslogew pruéact ter use is the treatuient at demmtic (Mar. et, 1913, c. 345, 37 8tst.S3L2.) __ " ·‘ · ». -‘ _· ,157. Same; imspsctiea daytlne at ¤i§htti¤e.?-—·Asy `omcer, agent, or emhleyee ot the mpsrmem: ele gully asthurizextby the Secretary ot Agriéultme for the p¤ my, at any lwur dxiting the daytime or nighttime, enter and tss@ any establishment licensed under the iarevisicss at this cbepter where, any vlms, toxin, or ianalmss predm {sr me in the treatment ot dommie enimais is Pfwartd t0’l·` sale. big tes, ex&asge, or shipment as aforesaid.- (Mar; 4, 1913, c.`a1 37`Smt. @2.) · , ‘ `_~ t ‘ 158. Magee; pmislz¤ent.·———A¤y penmn, sm, er cerporstiegm whe shall violate they of the 'pmvlsions of this chapter shall be guuw at e misdemcnxmr, sud skill, upon- cenvtctioxi, be lpunlshed by n ém el not excéettisg $1,0m or by tmpm0s· mmt set excmlug one yeug, sr by beth such mae me imprissbment, , in the of the court. (Mn:. 4,*1913, ~c. 145, 87€Stat. 832.) -