Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/660

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52 _ ° X TITLE IGISB charge of ceestxletce geeerel er` eesselstm when me prieclwtl P seféeers shell be lterspersrily ebseet er relieved {mm duty the;e. 1

t s :    tlecmed te cleceete cgeestalsx ebleers who sliell be »si1b—

a s teted,¤tee:peee:ily, tc fill the pieces ei said cergsuls Igeeerel 4 erieetzsels. I , · · K ”_ ‘ . - - , . " 1 Feexlll, “Ceesuler e§lee:· ” deemed tesieclucle ccesuls s generel, ceesels, elec ceesels, ~·_ieterpeeters‘ I ceusuler oéecs, _: I stetleel; }‘B¥€*3I`}H`€{€f8,_z ees eeeseler eene others. · (Feb. 1915, e, %, § 6, 38 Stat. @6.) ‘ ` l T : 52. A x . of ceeselae ;e§ces;-··——gTl1e offices of vice, 1 eeesel geeers.l,· .,eeesel` general, esti clepaity _ consul are , sssseas.7 {ees. s, 1915X,c.123, ss, sm. see.) s l Q , I —&3f gapelicetiee of preyisienslte ‘·cemst;1:t· e@¢ers.--? Thee ceeclees ereelslees Qef this ~(!h§§{€1‘e·i\5’h§(!hF· ere, expajessed Lie of cge11erel epfrlieetleu tc eey particular classes of ' I ~ceesele ¤· cf§eex·s,`»sl1ell be deemed te ejaply es well ml;11 étlier ` “ »0t_-such geiiieers, se fer ee mey be eeeslstetatxwltlx the ~` eel>jeeei;~eéstter of the settle site with the- treaties, ct the United , States. ,(R.·_3. § 1%.} J _ ° of Y_ ~ 54. ,_&§§£l`¢i§1 agentssbelssled;-—·1:1»;__gr_ttl1e cffcemmerclal sgeet is ebelisléetl. (sql}:. 5, 1968, c. 1366, §_3, _34 Stat.; · · X 55, Extent. of ·eeaxs1;letesQ--—'1`l1e; .Presltlc¤t_ is eutherizetf to deeee the extetit of c0m1try_te,be embraced `vqithln any cou- * jselele. {R- S.e§ _ _‘ Q5- · [ _ _ · '· `_Z `—— ‘ — 5% Csesular clerks`;sppeietment.—G0a¥suler clerks, yvhenevec I sepeletecl, slasll; se ter es practicable, be egpomted iumlexr civilsetvice end regul:1tlc`11s..· (Feb. 27, 1925, c. 364, 43- Stat. cl$3Z?.)%_,» ., ll · ‘ 57. Citizenship requirement as to consular clez·ks.>-—-N0, pep see who is zzetise Americas citizen shell- be sppointecl lu any t ceeselete geeefsl er consulate ·`te any clerical pcsltlcp the cselery ~efe.·hlch‘ls $1.000 11 ‘yee1·,0l· more. _ (Ap:. 5, 1906, c.·

 §‘§, Sgt Stat. wl.) · ‘ · _ 1     . _

' 58.. allewence te viceccuselste or censular agency.- The eel? nlleekence te any vice ccesulete cr, ccusulexj. egexlcy - fer espenses shell be an emeueét ssflicieet te psy fer staticxzery ( sed postage ee olbciel letters. S, §` 1696.) ‘ PGXYEQS, ,DU’I‘lES AND LIABILITIES OF CONSULAR ‘ QFFIGERS GENERALLY · ` 71. General ceneirectien es te, wwers and duties;--The speci- t eeeeiee is isectlees- $2, tc 199, inclusive, of this chspte; of cet- ~ tele pcejecs tu_ be exercised engl duties to be pc1·£0x·med‘by eeesels end ‘ elec ceesuls, shell nel; be ceixstmed es implying the c€Xi;1l§1{§I1b of etlacrs ;·csultlng `frem the nature of their epgaletmeets, cr by say txesty or convention tmeer eislcb tlxeycmey ect], (R. S.·§ 1714.) l ° I e c 32; Selemeisetien of ¤gx·1*isges.-g=-elsrrlsgess in presence ct es; cessseler emcer ct the United States is 21 foreign country, , lsetweee pcrseus who vrceldlgbe gutherised to merry it residing t V-is me e£.Gelue1bis, shell, be ivslld tc n.ll‘ii1teqts uml esstsses, sed; shsll+· he.ve_=tl1e sense e§ect as lfyse1erq.nized·v5iithi¤ geellélltetl States. And eecb ceesulsr c cer shell, mall cases, give to the parties sarees betere them ca certmcste of such e:m·rie ;:e, sed shell semi escthea: eertlscete therecf to the Deeertmeetb etw Stste, tlae·re`,tc be kept; sgxch certlbcste shall sgeciiy the names of the psrties, their ages, places ct birth, sml ,·· I residence. (R. it 4082.) .. - 73, ?rmmts.——·Cee.suls and vice ccusuls shall have the right, le tee cr places te svlxicb they are severally appointed, ef eeeeivieg the pcctests cx §ecl1li·stices_ wbieb captains, masters, excels,) pessetagers, cr merchsutls, whe ere citizens of the United Stsites, respectively cheese `tc make them; sud also such essay fmesisgaaer may cheese lc make befcre them `relstlve to the perseeel. interest of stay citizen of the United Ststes. Copies of slick sets <luly·t&ut,hcntict1ted by ceusuls erwylce censuls, made: tbe seal ct their consulates, respectively, shell be

     * 646

ceceiveé ia evmeace equally with their erigiaala ia all ccurts ia the United States. (B. S. § 1797.,,) J — j , — " 74. taxa and returns of 'acasaea vmsela etc.-—¢Eve:y consular efacer eha1l_keep,a_aetaitett itat at all aeazaea and may- mers shipped aaa discharged by him, epecltyijag; their aameal and the aamw of the veeaele oa watch tkey are aaipeped aaa r;-em, which meg am discharged, and the mmeeata, it aug, made an aceeaat of each sc discharged; ataaf at the aaxaber et the vga. eels, arrived and _§}€iftSl°€€d, the azaaeats cf; their miateeea me. nage, and the member of their aaa mariaciea, aaa ef those who are lpteteetea, aaa whether; eitiaeaa at the Haired States or net} and as nearly as ',p0s$ib¥.e‘ {ke eatare aaa calm at tlmeir cargoes} and wae»·e“;a¤aeca1 ,,,;—aaa shall make retema cf the same, with their accmiats aacl atlger rctarae, ta the Secretaxjy of the·Treasm·y.· _ (H. 51768.)* U · 75. Emates of decedents geaerally: I Geaeré Acceaatiag 0Ecc aa peuservatar.-·+·It aitall be the duty of ccaaala aaai vice een.suls, wherethe lawscf the tc0antx*y·permit——— First. To take -pdes~eseiea of the `peracaal eetate left by any citizen of the United States, etherthaa aeemea beleagma te any vessel, who. shall die within their eeasalate, leaviag there 110 legal repfeaeatative, partner in trade, ” ex; traatee by him, appcin ted to take ca-x¤e»»—ef his emects. . _ l Second. T0 inventory the same witlikthe aaeietaace at tee merchanta__0f»°tl1e United States, e1·,.£et· want et them, of any otherseat their choice. = · _ _ A _ Third. T0 collect taedebts due the deceased ta the ceaatrg where he died, and paythe debts dee frem_his estate which ‘h,e· al1all`l1aye.tl1ere centracted. · I . °

 Fourth. To sell at auction, after reasonable iiabltc aeticc.

Si1ch_7part_ of the eetate as shall be of a perishable nature. and sxich further wrt, if any, as shall be m·ccsQeary fer the pagmeut of hist debts, and, at the eipiratiea of eae year free; his decrease, the residue. , _ _ { · — — c . Fifth. To tra”nsmit the balance of the estate to the_,Treasm·§· — * dt the United States, to be heldeu iatmst fc: the lcgal»cl aixa· ‘ ant; except that if at any time betere sach`traaemiasiea_ the legal repteaentatiee et the deceased shalt appear aad demaad his effects in their »11&.X}dS.the€y shall deliver them ap, being paid their fees, and Shall ceaae·tl1ci:· pmecgdiaga. . ` % ‘Sixth.. The,Geaeral Accounting Omce shall act as ceasereater

of such pact pt theaecetatea as ma? be received at the Treas-

° ary, aad fer its protection the Secretary of the Treaaary may erdet such effects te be sold `aa may eeaelst of jewelry eg other articles? which have lxeretofere or may lieseatter be receivetl at the 'Ireasury, and pay tlietexpeneea et each sale eat et the preceede, provided aapllcatlea fer these ealecta ehall not have beca made by the legal claimant within twe years after their recelpt. The General Accounting Qfflce is authartzea ee iadem all bills of exchange, premiamry— notes, and other evtd ef indebtedness due te auch eatatea, nad te take auch ateas as may be necessary for their ecllectietx. The pmceeae of each. aalce. together with such other meneya as may be eetlected by it, ahall be deposited late the Teeaaury ia twat fer the legal claimant, and- be reported tc the Secretary at State. (R. S. § 1709; Mat. 3, 1911, c. 2%, Stat. 1®3; Juae 19, 1921, c. 18, ‘ Q 304, 42 Stat. 24.) , . ~ 76. Netiécatiem of death of éeccdeatg traasmiesiee of invcatary of €§€CtS.·····Fo!? the iafemxatiea of the representative et the dececkemtlxe ceasul er vice causal, ia the settlement ef his estate ahall immediately aetlfy his death in cue of the gaaetteaipublialaed ia the cenaalate, and atm to the Sm.·retary_ of State, that_tl1e,aame may be actlaed in the State te which the deceased belonged; and he shall, aa scan as may be, transmit to the Secretary at State an inventory of the effects; cf the deceased taken as befcre directed. (R. S. § 1710.) 77. Following teatementary directiana; assistance te testameatary appeintee.——\\’thex1 any citizen of the United States,