Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/689

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(W5 TITL¤E< 24.-—-HOsS’PITALS, Ai ’ Y ii;. Money illotted by Vctcmuzf Bureau fqr support, etc., ot World —Wur veterans not to be used for support of home. Mi. Appropriations for buildings; available mgtil expended. · gm. Appropriatioxgs for branch homes, immediately available. _ H6. Appmpria ions tgt repairs ctw bxtauch home; not used for pew buildixgé. zi?. Security for deposits.; kgs, Supervision ot accounts. i §s¤_ Disbursements; accounts; supplies; posthumous fund.

_;u, Expcudittlfw subject to laws 0u disbursement; audit. .

2:1. Auditing and settlement of accounts. . _ . . 2;;:. iimployment of clerks; appropriations; estimates; requisitions; accounts; · '··· $:3. Statement of expenses tri Budget. I _ F BENEETQZIARIES AND PENSIOHS zzz. 1’ex·s<>¤s entitled to bcnciits ot `homtz. . 1 4 2;;:. Assignment to different branches of classes eligiibldto admission.

—;. Outdoor relief; trapéfcrs fron; branch homes. ‘ t

wi. Aid to State or Territorial home. l ~ . 1;;;. Persons entitled to qdmtssio-xi to bo;pitaL.¤t.Pacii1c, braqgh. axes, Disposition of personal property ot deceased member;. ' ,i2$T, Inmates subiectté Articles of War. » ” · 1;;:3. Paym»eut—0t pensions cfiumutes ot bomé. ‘ 2 1;.9. mspcsitiqu oi balance ot pehsiqn money due deceased inmate. - BATTLE MOUNTAIN sANrm¤’;UM RESERVE 151. Battle jlountaiu 'Bauitarium Résefvo; establishment; rights to . lands, not n¤ectcd.’ —‘ K tt _ ( ,~ 252. Name; cmtrolymlu and trgguktions. t A · . 153; Pcrtectigg bona hda claims terlsuds; exchange of private Jgndn. 164. Unlawful intrusion, or viqlatkm qt gulcq and regulations. ;_ Eswwmsumzm AQND MANAGEMENT, V t t Section 71. Organisatiouo of bm¤¢t,5—The_`,Pi¢q}g1ent, ·Séc1·§tary of War. Obie: Justice, and such other persons as from time ta time may be withthem, shall constitute a, Board o£_ Managers ot qu wtablishméxzt sor they mrc nugl Tre1ic£j_0f' tgxc disabled »vo1untecrs‘ ct the United Statw Army; to bé known by the ugme ptyle ct f' Th0LNati0lm1 Home}. for Dishbléd Volunteer Soldiers}? and have succession. with Lpgwqxs, to take, hold, am} convey fault aqd personal pmpertsg mstabliah at ccmmenilscalyqud to` and be gugd in courts of law and equity pand to make byelaws, rules, not incom sistent with law, to: on the busiuew zoverndent cf the-home, gud to penglttcs thereto.- · (Bt St Q $825.) 72. Hesdqunrtuu •f gheadquartgrgs `ot_ the National tm: Disabled Volunteer _Boldiers`shq1l be estabw lished and at th¢ National Military Home; Ohio, wd, occupy ·t0r 0 §'Witb0Ut·‘QX[)§Dd1tI1!8 for rent, my or building. Q (July 1, 1916, c.%9,,§1,%8tnt. _. · ‘_ _· _ 73. af msnngeis.5-Seven gpanagexrp pt the National Home for Voluntmx Soldiers shall be from time to gm va W ~ occur, by joint twolution of C01Z§$'K. dtizens jc! United rw two oftmm phnli of; the1&mc·Statte. The ct 0$ce `ct »=» ¤» mamgers be Years Va¥ Buccessct islclmed. (R S. i June $1924. c. 291, Title _ II,43§te;t.518.)_ ‘ ._ _ _‘ (74. of owen of of ten _i mguagera at the Natio;m1H0me £0r*Dis¤bled Vc1;mteer‘S¤1die:s t sha1l£¥¢¢£_f1'0m tHeir own number a @ide¤t, wpd be the chief executive cme: of ·tba?b¤ud, twat yice and n secretary.~ at the bmrd, qt wh¤m·thé*pr t tig: ot me vice yvesidenim tramuca ot at ci tm (RQB. |‘4$27;Jum 7,’1924,'c. 291,1*1tle II,§3St1t.·518.) * _ 75. qi and 0§cg¤.-e-·Né Vmcmbet ct the Bmid ot ot thaJN¢t1¤¤aL tar Disabléd_Vc11mtm" _&iva any mw tism 01* my for my services or dntim with the home; but the traveling ethz: actual •· · :—=-»¢ `bf {member,


while upon the business of the homé, may be reimbursable to such member: Provided, That me president and secretary vi S s tbl? Bélltd of Mimagsrs may receive 9, reasonable c0mp<ms3ti0H for theixf services as such officérs, not exceeding $4,000 and $2,000, respectivicly, pcrlaxmum. (Aug. 18, 1834; c. 301, § 1, 28 Slat.

 i ’ ’

76. Duties cf" Board of Managers.--5Tha· Boards of hisnugsxs shall mziks »an'anm1al report of the condition; of the National Home for Disab1cd_Valimtéer_ Soldiers to Congress on the iirst Monday of every J anuary, which shall include a` detailed statcs ment of the expénses of the board; and the board shall examine sail guditi the accbunts of the treasurer and evisit the imma quarterly. , (R.; S.;§ 4834; Mar. *3, 1885, c. 360, 23 Stat. 510; · Mar. 3; 1887, c. 362; 24`Stat. 539.) ° s 77. Sites fo1··'h0m¢S$. Dllichase and ercctbn of buildings.-- . The_ Board-- bf Manz1‘g,¤3rs shall have authority to pméurs from time to ‘ti¤$$:, at 'snitableiilaqes, sites for military homes for all { pérsonsz sérving ins the Arm}? bi the United States at any time in, me War ot the Bebellkm; not otherwise provided for, wha bays béem ‘_0r may be disqualified for procuring their own suppcrp lay reason of wounds received or sickness contracted while A in theline of their duty during the rebélliem; : #""to have the méccsskxy bulldixrgfs ercc_ted;§, having ldue regard to the health of ‘ lqgzayon, facility oi, access, gud cspacily to accommodste the _ pers01isTéD_tit1ed·t0 the`, beuslits tbércof. (R. S. § 4830.) ‘ ,78. Condemnation df . ,la1ids—~—The pmvisiorls of sections s 257 and 258 of Title 40, @@11 be construed? to apply tb the Bqsrd of. M8D8§Q1'S_ of the,N£1tiona1 Home for Disablm I Volunteer Boldlessj. is l (July 19, 1897, c. 9, 30 Stat. 121.) — ' 79. J prisdiction. over sites of branch! Mmcs cckd to Stnt¤.+·'1‘h¢ Jurisdiction over (tho places p¤rch@ and uses! ‘ for theslocationy Q; the branches of the- Natioml Home for

 Dlsablegl? Volunteer Soldiers, in Milwaukee Cexintyf State off

_Wis<;0nsinQ_·and- in tho. wunty of Lavenwotsh, State of Ksnws, sud iilpon-lwhich salcl branch asm located, is to A ltha rsspcctivé; Ststss in whlchysald are locaisgl aim

 by _ the Unitpd Btstm; and  the Uwtcd Statgg

` shall clsim (gr exercise _;n0 ,j¤;·isdiction bvs: said plgca after M¤¤·p¤_ g, *1901: Tnasmmxsg sms sw `gzlop sllsll _ be construed to impair the powers pr tbmégs-· store upch 9: exenzlséd by the Board 0{jH rs of “ » tus Nqtionsl Home for Disabled Vclmxteer is and oa said places. (Mar._.3,_1901,lc. 853, 8 S1 Stat,1175.) . . j 5 80.— of applies in new b¢iH;· `l¤gs.¢—·Al1 purchases or sugiplies tm sum awt _$l,&00s at A any `0m_ s.lml1_be?Vm&de upon ~ due advérnssuzisnt, had . the expenditure fog qsw éxprgssly atlthqrizegl in grriting. .‘(Ms1¥.·£& 1879, c. ¥1&,· § 1, {W S¢¢¢·'3$0·)l `. s l " ( .`· ‘ ’ I 81. Sg1pplie¤q···£1_suppliss fe: the Natlmml Home for ~Dis;_ gbled Voluntegr Sbldjests shalt. be and distributed: as T be dirscte§ by the `at Manners. ` {July 1,‘1%8,‘¢; 546, I°1,sM Sfst._640.) · Q ‘ l _ ' __ __ 82, supplies.-—Upc¤ p1·0psr_a_ppllmtlo¤ therefor, me smiim1.D¤mrme¤: or me Army is suth01:lzé§.t;0 mu m‘2a1e·s1 and hospital suppm at- its contract tq the Rational 'Hciué ··foxt Disabled Vcluntset Soldiers; _(J¤¤s H.; , c. 4%, l mam. 445,) C *‘ 5 _ l l · 83.,1uui at qmolsts cum¤n` ar ¤md¤ancc.~—·-'1‘hs` Secremry l to! ‘War is a§$b0i·im "sncls dirscted.._subjéct to meh reéulaliorgs gg gsmy l ns, ta dglivsr to my of thé “l~!¤tl¤m1 Rpm for —Dl¤§bled Vcluntésr Soldiers ” and tc any ht. the, Stats `homssxor cxfeither, now of ms.r@cr dal? _ éstabliéhsdind Stats sm§h0rlty,.such qcbso- L lgts ssxvlcmblé cr iron, fem Bring _ I

     im hapd  _ 2 • •<s=—• of, {wt   two to

· ani one home. TM Chief. of Qrdniance is authorized so issue such _-obsolete dr crdnaixcg gun nucl eq}-