Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/713

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iggg a TITLE Sl lt he both of food and clothing, or either of them, or of an; kind of supplies, to report to the Cozamlmeuer ot Indian Atalrx the number ot Indians present and actully receiving the same (R. S. § 2109.) m»2PQSIT, CARE, ANDINVESTMENT OF INDIAN MONEY8 151. Demits in bank hy dishursing agmta.—Any United states Indian agent, smperlntendeat, or other dlshurslng agent {,5 me Indian Service may deposit Indianomoneya, individual og tribal, coming into his hands as cmtedian, in such national beak or banks as he may Provided, That the bank or make so selected hy him shall Hm execute to said disbursing agent a bond, with approved surety, in such an amount as will properly safeguard the funds to be deposited. Such hand shell be subject to the approval ot the Secretary of the Interior. (Apr. 30, 1908, c. 153, 35 Stat, 73.) ‘ K _ 152. Proceds of sales of Indian lands.-—All moneys received from the anla ot lands that have been, or may be, ceded te the United States by Indian tribes, by treaties providing tor the lnvesment or payment to the Indians, parties thereto, ot the proceeds of the lands ceded., hy them, respectively, after deducting the expenses ot suryey and sale, any sums stipulated to be advanced, and the expeneesot fuldlling anylengagemeuts contained wereln, shall be paid into the Treasury in the same 'manner that moneys received from the sales of publik: lands are paid into the Treasury. (R. S. { 26%.) ’ ~ 153. Appropriation to carry ent treat§es.—4Al1 sums that are or may be required to be paid, and all moneys that are or may eo required to he invmted hy the treaties mentioned in the preceding section, are appropriated ·in conformity to . them, and shall hedrawn Erom the Treasury as other public moneys are drawn therefrom, under such- instructions as may from time to time he given by the President., (R. ·S. { 2094.) ° A _ 154. Pr ¤ of adm of lands not to certain deduei tions.—No part of the expenses of the public lands service shall! be deducted from V the proceeds of Indian lands sold through the General Land O&ce, except as authorizged by the treaty, or agreement providing for the disposition of the lands. ~ (July 4, 1884, e, 180, § 10, 23 Stat. 98.) _ . _ W g n 155. Disposal of proeeeds of pasturage, sales of timber, coal, or other pr0d¤ét.—-'1‘he proceeds of all pasturage and sales _ or timber, éoakaor other product of any Indian reservation, ex- _ cept them ot the Five gtliyilized Tribes, aud not the result of the labor of any member of such tribe, shall be coveted __ into the Treasury for the benedt of such tribe under such regulations as the Secretaryof the Interior shall prescribe; and the Seeretary ’shall report his action in detall'to·C0ngress at its hext aesaloa. (Har; 3, 1883, c. 141, Q 1, 22 Stat. 590.) , 156. of funds from sales of lands and property of Five net receipts from the sales 'of surplus and nnallotted lands ana. other tribal property belonging to any of the Five·CivlL1zed Trlbes, after deduéting the neces-_ sary expense _ ot advertising and sale, may be deposited hr national or State banks in the State of Oklahoma in the discredon ot the Seeretary of the Interior, such depoaitorlesé to be designated by him under such rules and regulations governing the rate ot intermt thereon, the time of deposit and withdrawal thereof, and the éechrity therefor, as he me! p&ihe. The interest accruing on such funds may g be used to defray the expense ot the per `capita payments- of auch funds. (Mar. 8, 1911, c, 210, S 17, 86 Stat. 1070. )» 157. Investmats of stock requird by treatin.-—·AIl investments; ot stock, that are or may be required ’·by treauea . with the Indiana, shall be made under the direction ot the Presldent; and special accounts ot the {unda under such treaties shall be kept at the Trweury, and statements thereof be aunually laid before o _(R. 8. { 2095.)

.-—-mnrazvs M § 162

r 158. Invutment of preceods of landa.——The &cretary of the n Interior sbau lnvm in a manner which shall be in his jndg- . ment most safe, and benehciat for the fund, all moneys that may be received under trmtles containing stipulations for the payment to. the Indians, annually, ot interest apon the proceeds · l of the lands ceded, by them; and he shall make no investment [ of such moneys, or ot any portion, at a lever rate of lntermt

than 5 per centum per annum. —.(R. S. { 2996.)

e Y 159; Mmeys dm v incompetent; or orphans.--The Secretary { of the Interiorls directed to cease settlements to be .madc” · yvith all persons appointed by the Indian cenncils to recelye

,meneys due to incompetent or orphan . Indians, and to require

{ all lnoneys found due to snch incompetmt or orphan Indians o to be returned to the Treasury; and all moneys m returned shall bear interest at the. rate of 6 per ceatnm mr annum, until paid by order of the Secretary of the Interior te those mtltled to the same. No money shall be paid- to any person · appointed by any Indian council ·to receive moneys dna te incompetent or orphan Indians, but the same shall remain in the Treasury of the United States until ordered to be mid y by the Secretary to those entitled to recdve the same, and ` shall. bear 6 per centum interest until so paid. (B. 8. { 2108.) »160: eamayysr stocks or held in hw fos All stocks, bonds, or other secnritlm or evidences at indebtedness held- by the of the Interior an Jane, 13, 2, 1876, Yin trust for the benedt of certain Indian gall, ‘withln thirty days from that date, be transferred to the Treas urer of the United States, who shall become the canadian thereof; and it shall be the duty of said Treamrer te callect all interest falling due on said bonds, stocks, and so forth, and deposit the same in the Treasury of the United States. and _to issue lcertillmtes of deposit therefor, in fever of the Secretary of the Interior, as trustees {cr varlona Indian And the flrusurer of the United, States shall also becm the” custodian of all bonds and stocks which may be purchased tor. the benefit otany Indian tribe or after the transfer ot funds herein authorized, and shall make all and sales of bonds and stocks authorised by tnmty stipulations or by acts of Congress when requmted so to do by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, 'Ifhat nothings in this section shall in any manner impair or affect the snpervlmy atmosppellate powers and dutlm in regard to Indian shire which my be vested. in the Secretary of the Interler as twee fer `varlous Indian triba, except as to the custody of, said Mads and the collection of interest thereon as herelnbetore entiened. r“(June"10, 1878t_c.{122, 19 Stat. 58.) _ , _ t 161; Deposit in of trust fnnda.-——The Secretary of the Intwior is autherlsed tp ydeposlt, in the Treasury of the United Staten any and all sums held by him on april 1, 1880, orwhich may be received by him, as Secretary of the Interior and trustee of various Indian tribes, on acconnt ot the redemmon ctn United Stats bonds, or other stocks and securities belonging v to the Indian trust fund, and all sums received on account of ales of Indlan trust lands, and the sales or st& tely purchased ’ for temporary alnvestmmt, whenever he is 0 the opinion that the best interests of the Indlhs, will be .s s gmoted by such deposits, ln· lien ot invesments; and the t uited Statu shall pay lnterwt semiannnally, {rom the date of deposit of any and all such sums ln` the United States Treasury, at the rate per annum stipulated by trmtles or prescribedhby law, and such payments shall be made in the usual manner, as each may become dug, withont further appropriation by Congress. ·‘ (Apr. 1, 188b, é\d_I, 21 Stat; 70.) ’ 162. Segregatien, deposit, and inveatlnentaf tribal fnnda.— Thabecretary ot the Interior is ·au¢¤¤mea,·¤x1ae:ns¤¢n rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to withdraw from the United States Treasury and segregate the common, or commu-