Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/78

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§ 636 TITLE 5.———EXECUT1VE DEPARBMENZ examiners, and may atwsmy time substitute any other person t in F2lifi)EéEf\`i('€_1iX’iI§g in such State or Territéry ih the place of It any me s0-se1e<} t{;·<L- Such RL>ma1—<,1s qif;exammei·s Shak} be so s _ lwmvxl asm make i&.rbz1snmabiy cunvc11ie;1t,ar1d ineicpensiver 3 for applicaxns to attend befofe them: and wherefthere are P peetsmxs to bécxixmizxed irrauy State or Teuitcry, cxaminatioixs t shall be held thprcixz at léust twicevin each year. It s1m11_ r the dxgty of the c<;»l1ez·zrt01·_, postmaster, and other OHiC€1‘S` of the _United States, at any plé¢00u tsi<lé of the District bf Columbia _0 where exauxinmtioxis are »diret·?é11_by {the ‘PreSi dent* or by- sgid 4 b<.>a*1~d·t0-"be_·held,.td allow the_reasuq;1b1_c asc of the public. ° l·uii<i§ngs for holding sm·h_ examihatiims, and iuvall `propet. t Wwvanys to facilitate the samgi (Jan. 16, 1883, c. 27, § 3, 22 Stat; g 404,; June 12, 19:%*2, c. 218, ,42 Stat. 637.) . _ 0 " 636. [Detail of empIcyees.————The `Civil Service- -C_0mmissi0u a shui! Iiavc power in case of emergencyto transfer 6:} detail 2 any of its 'employecs to or from, its {viiiéé or Held force, (Mar.: , , 3, 1925, ti, 468,* § N1, 43 Stat. 1200,) . . _ , lr 637. Violation of duties by. commissioners or cliicers, etc.--—_ p Aizy said commissioner, examiner, `ccpyist}·0r messc11ger, Q1", ,6 may personv in thepublicvservirée who =shall=willful}y* aud hor- L ruptly, by himself cr in Cbopémtion withjme or n1ore 0t11e1·*. 3 pcrxcus, defeat, d,&cciv0," ?0r 0bStruct__·dr;y pers0u—in_ rc$pect of jfs hiscr ‘her i·ight 6f, examination according t0_auy such rirlncsig or rgggiimzions, "or who shall willfully, cdrfuptly, and falsely S mar;k‘,- §`§1=adé,Uestii11ate, or report upoq the .`éiamina_Li0u or proper standing of any perscxicxamiued hereunder, or aid in d so doing, dr whs sliallwillfxjllylmmd botruptlygiake any false ~S ~ representations cemceming the s:1mg*`0r c011ccrning th·> person, L (§X31§i!13d, 0lt wha) shall willfully and ccrruptly fxnrnish to Gil? t person ’é¤y special cr, sécret ii1fol‘I11HCiO!1 foL‘ the purpose of? e

 either, imbr<}vii1g “¤r  i11j;13·i§»g  the pxjospects or chapcczs of any , tj

'perscm so gxamixzed, OIT t0·be_ e__xami1ied, bei{1g',8pp0i11€e<1, em- ·t

p1cye=gg_or Npmiimied, shél.1 for, each such, oflmise   déemed b

guilty of a·misdémean0r,;$nd up0n4ccmviction_, thereof, shallybe 11

 is§§is‘hé<i’”S§i”§•?`é" 6?”`zST6€T”eéé“"iha¤ $199, nm- mom, umu $1,C00,· i v

ur by impris<mmeut not lass than ten #days,i¤0r more than one i1 year, 0;* by bath inch time and i1;i1pri$0n1n1é¤t.(__{Jan;_ 16, 1883, ,§ c.27,$5,22StaL405.), » , l~ , c — & Apwqtdents had promotion; ini, clapsi§ed.aervice;,gx· 1, ». s¤i¤itims,.~¥;·N0 0Ecer cmcierk shall bejai1p0in;éd, arid no , gm, small b€,`€iI1]}R)]€d. tc enter `or be promoted, ‘iKYgither,—0t théf m claweq of empléyeca cxisti1*xg on Ja;1g1ary,1,6, 1883, as ,th¢tNm¤y 5 ,t}1gmstt¢1·» eziiatyxgutil, he has ,¤em a n axsmiuauqu,"0r is p shgwxs tc} bé Qspecially_ exempfécf {gpm such examination mn u éeafbxjmity °here¤9vith. Ncthing herein contained shhibbe cqn-i § —smmd,to take from {ham hnuqrably dwligrgml immxhé, mili- n

 , tary mj xngml seriiqe any  pmfc1jence conferred ,.3113* section 35 of, wa

,11115, title, 1101* to take from the President any authq;·1ty*¤¢§T r » ‘iui2pinsiste¤t withksccticué 632, 633, 635, 637,_,‘638, 640 tE0’·Be&2_ -in is! this titie, ccuférxicqj by,w<:tion 6§1~0t‘ this ,title·$ nonvélxall .p

 amy ,umL·ei· bait in ·‘theZ ex@1;tive, b i·:.m<;·li otthe government, or 11

_ m1 y.;$eréc>¤,,;w1er¤ly emp1c»y&U qs,“a‘ 1a§01éér or wm?kmun,,be g

  r·;·qui1•ed, m be clussiiicd heréumfer;. 110;, unless by direct on , lz

of 1b;<Le·Sangte,j shan any mrspn €vhq·_has been ubéimgted or ia •.:<.mQr¤1afi0x§» the Senate be re<jui1‘e¢1 ,t0,bé`k;1§ssi*iiéd 0: to, fa wggzg-ian ezgamimxtiouy‘(Js11 1..‘16,_1883, cx. 27, S I, 22 Stat. 8

 639. ·D¢puty# c0lle<;t¤x·s bf _, in¢erna.1_ vrevemne pad` zdeputyw `c=

_¥§%arshals.~—-—-Axzy deputy ¢;·0llectr»·r c;ef,ix1tc·rx1a1l»,re»·cx2ua ,?drfd¢:p-U H

my l!“lfQ‘$h§1]` who may bg requi;·e{l” b;·.}1;.1iv—or 5y“m1§th0rity or ii

eliéemioxi ict -.§l1e$_ colléctL>rv§0f’ intrerx$§1;Vré\‘ei¤1w»·[0frt hc_ ,UI 1&&£}` 54 Smtcs xxmrzslml to exgzcum `zx bond to the tollcqtms ,0£_.ii1tm·1m1i c.

 l`¢:\`€lH1€ qi? [;I \i¥Qt¥d,_`S`¥.1ltQ25 ·x;;jmLr¤lm1 to .séc:u1§§ fuitlrful p0·rfur1{1~—i
m•;—<~ of ciiicin} duty .Il1&§’Tbg?,t1[lDOiD,IQ£l by ·th0 Asa1id éollector or I

unumlnnl, who m3y irequ‘§re_such bknidyvithqut regard toathe.-pg¤—· b, s·§>·¤imm,df .&€Ct;0`l}S` 632, 633, 635,* 637,. 638, 640, 641,'¤ml 642 ot, u ‘ ;1»i·~¤· title, mr mry run; °ér reguluxzlqri mzxdé in _‘pur$iE:mce"there¢,>t,, av m;<L=_t11(·jMli¢·ér·yrequiriug said bond Eimll,1mve.`p0xx* szr tcicvaka sl 0

FS, O1—`1-YCERS, AND EMPLOYEES 64 lie wposputiuont of any subordinate oflicer or employee me,.} ,,,3.- loint his successor at his discretion without regard to sasl ections, rules, or- regulations, aforesaid. {Oct.·{2_i.:, 1€ll3,‘e. :4; LS Stnt. 208.) V K » _,  » . ’ 640_.· Hsbitusl users of intox.icsnts.mNo person llsl»iinllll¤.· lsingemtoxicnting beverogesto excess slinllbe appointed to. or

  • etuined_ in, any o$ce, appointment, or employment to wlmll

p€(ppovisl.ons of sections 632, 633, 635. 637. 638, and 640 to mg, lf this title are applicable. ‘ (Jnh,16,‘1883, c. 27, 5 S, Slut,

 641. Members of same ,fpmnily.—¢—\\’henever there are ei¤·,,.l,·

woor moi·e‘tne1nberse3p£··h fsmily in the pnblic3,se1Tviee in lll; rades covered by settions`632, ®3,_635, 637, 638, and 640 to 64;: lr this title, no other member of such fomilrsllnll. be eligible in lppointment to any of said 'grsdes." (Jan. 16,,1883, c. 2T, il, F2 Stat. 406;) 3 _3 . 3 3 _ 642.. Recommendations by Senators or Representatives.-——No eeomrnendation of any person who-shall Qspplyfforyomee or llace under itbeiprovisions of sections 632, 633,635, 637, 638.,aml 40 to @642 of this title which may be given- by any Senatoror llember of the House of _Repl‘eSehtat·ives, 3ext;*€pt as touthe (‘ll€llT• lctor or residence or the applicant, shall be received or gonlidered by any person concerned in mnkinssny examination or ppointnnent under sa-id sections. ·.(Jnn;.16,‘18833, c. N, § 10, 22. l,tnt.`3406.i)¥ ·· i e- · » 3 , ‘ i 3 43 5 . i 643. Applications for examinations; scertihcatn of resilence.»-Every npplication for eexnminntioln. before the `e“‘·lvil lervice Commission for appointment in the dsplnrtmentm serve ce in the District of Columbia, slmllfbe necompanied by in ceré iiieate of an omt·sl·,n with his dillclnl steel 3 nttnclied, of the ountyi and State of lwnxenpnae npplicnnt clsimsito be 3s citizen, bat such applicantwas, at thePtlme of making such appliesion, an actual End bomndde resident of said. county, wtlllilll leenl such resident for ll period. of not lem than six months who nmy be in33_the3’ser»·ice_and 3seek33promotioiB,_ or nppolntnicint n otl1er__bgng_hes_,of the3Govermnent. ~(J3uly 11, 1800, c. 667, 1,.2ssm¢.»2ssE·),· e g3 *·_» ‘ 644., Place of examinations; persons gdicted iyith p tnbcrcn-e mais; certiécste of healthei ,sppointnient•_fro1n use fsmily.·————· lll iexamlnstions»—o£,lnpp1lc¢nts for~p_osltions3§in» the G0%€*l`ll* nent serviw. froxnnny State or_'1‘erritory, shall be bod in .tl1e` ltntn l or ersmtoey in irhidr snch jtpplicsnt resides, and in lerson shell be eligible tor, mich exszninstion or appointment mlom he or she shell here been setmlulyb domiciled in, such ltatoyor 'Iierrltory`5for at lean one yesrtpreyions to such examils tion. Q_ ei The Civil [Service shgll hold examina tions ·f —appli3ct•,nts texnporsrily nbsent from the pieces of their legal esldenee or domicile in ‘the3Dtstrict ot Columbia and elsewhere njthe sense States n·heré_exnminstions are `usnnlly bold, nzpmi lroéf sstissfsctory to the commission. thst such spplicunts are one tld¤r®ldents of the States eoriterrltories injwhich snob pplicsnti claim to have legal or domicile. Nothing lslélp shall so construed as to springs, theexisting law of pportionment or change the rm uh·ement•» of exislins , laws $*8 0 legal resdence or ’don1lcl1e.‘of>.snch sppliesnts. No .person Micted with tuberc€losis_3shsll he sgwolnted and each npplie Bnt for- Tsppolntmenfshgll. swamps, y his or _-her, 3appl`ivntion rlth ag<.ex·ti6cnte ot heslthtrom some repu,tah1e 3physicisn. In 6 insluncég shnllniorei »~sl th:mhone3person“ appointed from the Rlnofanxily. (July 2, 19®,'c._ 2, § 7, 36 Stat, 3; Mar. 27, 191 .*27, ,40»#—Stat.'459; Mar. 3,, 1919,c. 97,,5 fl, Stat, 1293:) i . _‘ ,6¥t5. Civlljservice__ statn•°o£ s•ilors,‘and ¤arincs·-—·—· The periods! time dnrlnghwhlch soldiers, ssilors, and nmrlnos. oth enlisted and draftedrnen,»jvho1'p;·lor,ito.entering the w‘l*l<+‘¤ I their country, buds eivil serviseestntus, end whose nnxnts ppesri npon the eligible llstotp the Civil Berries Commission, ball not be counted against them in the determination of `tlwlig