Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/819

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Q 5*1  %,···-·~IN2 wg fs}! 1%, nad (3) meh wt deduction, fysmx {ke amcaai ta paid th2r&¤»¤d&:‘, at thaftax by msiim $38 ar SB4 at tw révmm act ci 1§21_; than vendc: ,,,» ;l/www shall mmm- tutlaa www as- sa mach at me ggliéuat af @.1 RS; is Vwt sn M } fl is be claducted {mm me maztract l l l R  » * {cl} The, taxa, payable by the vwéee as lem under subl<§i s·$sla¤ (la.), shall M in t¤ vgmlmr ar lesser at the lime all? we as leasé is uaasamma m mtg W , and §%i*i§§4» lla; @1% the glglqpes and subject ll ta tm interest ng pguvided by gw $—§s"a§ ,.,:2I i , . » · _ · _ , _ · ie; Any` by ·mmlm· $1'*~} 1‘ subdivisltm fia} m- lc) mall be made at me Qima the sms or lcsw is consxmamaied. Uma the failure of the www cir lsmor" sc tc

  • s;§f¥.1ilG, he S§8H be uS.®}€ {9, $€H{}B8v G! 2%; : 2,* {Gt l ,2 les :,; r.»

las me HU at nmxxntjstpuch and will? mmfshall lmmda in any 1 ¤ ., ~~ in favor ot the vendes gw in any mit im the 1'E€0”7éllY~B{; such damaggs, coms agi Sm suit, axd a reasonable attscmefa tm to- hel by the mart. , 9 , ." _ __ ;·‘ ii; A www who purchases nrticlg with latent to use lx iq me mmmtactum 6: of wéthér articlé lnfexlded im- sale mall be mclaéed in the térm “_c§e¤ler,"` as used in ihié mvtlca,. {Same 2, __1§§¢·,, 4.61 p; m., c. ~ { M5, $8 Stat. $4.) Clmpte: 18,.——S’£Al\iP TAXES ON SPECIFIQ GBJEQTS. &ec, - M V ’ . $$31. Tu aa certain documents md instruments, @$12. Sam; cxcmimcas. l · - ° $@1%. Sams; dumps; pt¢§:§tigm and (isttibutlcn, $#3%. Same: as at at . “ » ., @@3,  ; ui ¤mi o§.,. ’- · _ $@8. Same; sugpn ls: fxtmasgzer Gmsral; dlsuihvtlcn and sale. @@3*. Sam; stnwps mx nssiatan trcasurers,. __ desisxmted depositarles, ~ sr AStste agmig; beads; aégehle of mxes. ” · ` ,¥>®$. sham.-~_ ’ ‘ ‘ `“ $1%, $@=n;_ ethz: ’¤=¤'¢¤ms, $19. Tu gxg,piny$.1ag{csz·dsI E , _ , @11. Sam¤;.m¤¤!a,c$¤rem tc ‘_ j ” , ‘ » . 93*2. Same; gk, p:=e;>¤m_tl9¤ nga tumimplng of stamp;. _ M3. Same; sglilug cr to; ml; witmgt ’ g$xln§ sttmps, SH. S@; *mwwvin§,st,gmp¤_,qr auxin; — . " ’ 915. sulllpg `withmst ifsmp•.` _ * · ~ _ 1 , 9m. Sam; ma.,n¤!¤c t;u1—c1·_ tc pay tix; who deemed ms.¤,u£¤cturer;_rtor- -j¢w¤*m¤a.¤u,£actu¤;." , Q A , ·' · I , _ _

 991. Tu   wrtaha anuwrsted dmguments md ingmmwis.-——·Theré  shall be levied,   and paid. for. and

in mspecg of the _ several bpads, dcbehiums, 0: certi§»®teS_ di swck and at ixxdcbwduesg, and ether d0£¥11B€1ltS,——iH8tIlHiD€Ht8, mattérs, and {mags memlonmlaad in SCh®ll1E A . 01 this sectiag, 0; for la: in at tghe vellum, ‘p¤xcl1me.nt, ,01 paw upemi which lnstrmeats, mattc1—s,‘c~r thmga, or any ef · them, am written ax, pmtacl, by may -—p—ermn wha makes, Signs. removes, ccngiw, or ships lthe same, mr fc: www uw ar be11—c§t‘ the B¥£·,¤%§·d€• si§¤¤€`L` issued, wid. mmmiad, consigned, or the scvaral taxes Specmed in mc:l»¤.;¤ea¤1.e. l _, ‘ , _ , _ l SCHEDULE A*~ST,é.M? TAXES (1) of imebtcdxwm and

     l      all       `cr céx·—

umm qt by my mmm mmm, Mwave: m, by l s mjtim1 with interest ccumns ox 411; mrm,.lg10w;1 geszemlly as corporate securities, am each $160 tack mlm cr 1§rac¤a¤;themci', ·5 wat; : Thqt every mmwnl ,, ,, icregciug lslzall lm taxed ag glam U fur$Iw·, That w ‘·;Abc¤d éitlcsgd tc? the xfémymmt ar, payment at money in given in ai

upon the ammmt

’ERNA.L {www rw § 901 . (2) Issue; ci zamitdptsck.-·Q¤ wah srigiml mma, whemev

  1. an organization or rmrgasimticm, ei certmestes at stock, cr

r of pramts, or of interest in pw rty ar sccumaiations, by my s · c¤rpora.ti¢¤Q bn $166 at g@1vs.1¤¤e ar trauma, thereat, 5 nh {semis: —»Tha.t where a. c·zrti§c¤ te is without face value, the ·~ tax shall be 5S mats per mam, rmi me mms.} . v1lu a is mr exéess at $160 per sham, in which mae the tax s shall be 5 cents em meh $199 at actual valve me tmictim thanx, I or umm ztheactual val M is lm than $199 per shake, in which 2 case the tax- shall be 1 cent c·§ wah of aéétxml valm, ar · traction `themst, Q g The stamps rwmseuting mx immw by this mbéivismn n shall be attached to mg stack bgceks md act ts certi§·mt&$ » (3) Sales pr transfers of e.s§€a§ dad.-·—0¤ gil mlm ar ¥ h%g ts $0 wif, mi memoranda at sales- 62* %fiveri¢s ei, or l' 'traxxsfgrs ct legal this to _ cx at $mk‘ ar at s. prokts gr cl interwt in property er # u1s€iam in my cm·—· a. mation; or to right; tc mbsciibc is: és ce méeiw n or 1ri1ether {upon me Y; ‘ w¤ by mais at · the corporation, oxfby any w c m'b1m:k, » m-“by my a Helivery, cr by any et agmmnt ar ax l other évidxmce of ¤‘amf®: or mln, whnther the h6%1' s; in any manner tdthe of stack, or rigts, · K0: not, xm zack $10Q ot face €a.Im'c1·· memcf, 2» mms, and when meh ghirés are withemtv par cs: meg vaiue, wx ' shallm 2 cents on the transfer cimie ar ts mk} on each share :_’Prw£d¢d, That it is by this ekspter to impcw 11 tax upon sh agreement evi@i¤; n ®m$t cat ` certmcates as collakeral security tm: mane: which 'ccrtiucates arsvmt écmally md, wr msu tm deitvery Or trd:1sfe1·` for s:1ch~pm·pcse ci certiékzates wr demited, mr) _up0u mera loans of étcck mg: was the qt smck wa ' loéned: fwrtkm, That the tax be updn cleliieries cr z ttansteis to d broke: tv: me, mt M 4 deliveries 0:»tra¤sf<:rs~by ,¤ `qmker ta. s emtamer fc: wham ` ai1d_ up<m.whose`0rdgm hé has purchased egkut @h éciiv-* . ade; cr tpamfers shall gxcccmpanied by _¤ certimte ‘ `térth the facts: farther; ’1`hdt"£¤ mimic where the evidence qt trzmsfer· is shown amy by boats af the ccrpomttau étgmp shall bak npcs- and

 where Qhe change of ewuership is by tmnst  of the €e1·¤&ate

the stalmp shall be glanced umn the écertwcaha; mé in um ai ' an ggreement » to sell or? where the trmuer m by éefivery cf

the e~ert1&catg` hssigaed in blank there she.!} be made mé QQ-~

· fivegccl by the seller tc the béyex ab bm ar xgemazauéum at { such_sa1e, ta which the stamp shalljbe &§:ed ; had every ·_ or `mémorahdum of sége cr agéeement to sell betegia hsentiémii `· shall show thefdata. thereof, the néme at the aeiier, the émemm ' of tho, sdie, and this matter or ¥thLn g to which it. refers. Any

  • person iiable to pay the tax éé he;·ein` pmviéed, or any sha

`_ whci gctis in we imatter as agmt or bmket mr meh pemm,k · who makes any suéh sale, at who in puzsuggm of any sack ¥ sale delivers any certmcata or evidence of the me at guy stack, interest 0: right, cx bill or memamndam theréaf, as herein réquired, withoat having the pr¤pm·_ stamps awxed therem with: intent to evade the famgoing »prévisio¤s,· shall be deémeil g guilty of B. R1iS€}&m€&B£}1‘,. and upcmw émwicticn *t§hermt shall · V pay B mm at rmt ex<:&esiH¤g $1,wQ, ax;. be imprisanm nat, mam · than mzmths, ox hath. · W l z an (4) an exchange far fnttzre delivery.--——Up0n each saw, p ¤grmme¤t of sale. ¤z.a.gmemex; t to se}.! (mx; mckuding S&·€&I} €d§ i transiermd 01: scratch sales) . BEF pmdacts or merchandise}. at, ¤ ya: unda: the rules cr umgas ct, my exchange, For beard of · trade, or rather similar place, for Qtntpxre delivery, ta; each $100 . in value at the covered, bf said or agreement i_ ct mls or agreement to sell, 1 cént, and for each additional $100 or traseticnal part thereof in exéess ot $100, 1 cent: Pm-