Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/836

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5 TITLE $8.·—-—INT§1 {6) estate m· tmst at which my beueécinry is A ¤<>m—@e¤£ aiic:1. Q. Kb) Sade: such reglatiam ·é8 tm at _In* t l Revmuc with the kppmval @”`% @rct§r§ of tha

 may pmscribc a Uremm ms® by dm ct two cr

` mare jciut Mmkdm gud Elcd in tw c§ce of the ccilector at she district when smh Qquciary resides shall m sumcient cmmiume with the nmve mqniirémmt. Suctf Qduciary R@hH mhz ami: (1} that he has kmwlédge at the affairs of the individual, estate or for whtci; the remm is made, `tc annie him to `make the return, and (2) that the mum is, tc me bex of his kmwledéa and belief; tme and correct. Any Aduciary required §.t0· make n. return under this chapter &a1i be subiect tc all the pfcvisbm of this chapter which apply ta individmsia. (June 2, IW!. 4.01#p» m., c.`234, § 225, 48 Stat. %&) _ 2 _ _ _ @57. Sane; time fox asking; $9 wha bade.-—(a) Retums (except in tm cm ot mmresidwt elim:) be made gil or before the 15th dny of the third month tcllcwing the cloég ctthe¤sca1yca1·,m·,it;hemt;1misma@mtheb¤$sctthe cnlmadnr yds.-, than mé rgtmln shall be ca or before the 15ti1daybtltnr~&. I¤thecnse¤t•®m&tn§wi¤dividua1 ·x¤et¤rns snail be made on or before the 15th day ot the sixth mvnth {allowing the dom ot the ku! ygr, br, M the rdmi is made oa the basis at the year, than theretxirn shall he made an or béfcre __the·15th day of June. .The

~ ¤= :»>:. 0¤cr of Internal Béemm may gmt n reasonable
 of time for Mig remrm, it amkchtion .t§eretar

is made bcfcre the. daté by hw for Sling the feturn, whwver. in his judgmut good yawn {emu, and keep i rgcord of every G extension and the misc; therefor. Ex-

 111- the use   who are abrmd, no such extension sm}! be for more ih six months. .

(b) Retqrns shnilbe `_ c io the cclléctcr for the district Vin which » is located the Igal or principal place of msiw 0; ;the mmm making thé return, or, it he has no legal rawdencc cx- -pri¤ciml· plncé at in the United States, then to the collector qt Baltimbre, Maryland. (June` 2, 1924, 4,01§.m.,c.%4;$@7,·$;3Stat.%1;) — . 96& an dnmge fmm isa! té Qalmsrjear, or vice vena; q¢¤%ti¤¤ of act image.--(a) It a taxpayer, with me apmcnl of the Gommissiangr `qt mmm! Revenue, changes the basis c! computing uéet income from Mqal war to cal@dar. year n scmrate return shall M made for the. period · &e!cl£0so of the lm Fw: fér which return was ma® had tha f¢§low1;:g·Dmember 31. It thq chimge is from cglwdui yar to ascal Year, a separate return shall be made fdr the

 hetwem the dose ot; the last calendar] gear for `whiéh

saturn was made and the date designated ¤.s·g:_!1é cl@· of thé mm; year. 1`{tho chmgé w' (wm to another Qgcal wear n I separate mmm shgil be made for the period mtwcéu tiggclcse of the tome: h yea; and Hate desig- ¤stc—d§¤the‘c1cséc£the¤»ew§@yea:; . (b) Where a separate ntéin is so made, and in all lother mm where an séphraté rcttufa is Wreq¤irm‘ or permitted,. by regplmjous p:e§cribed by tha Ccmmimiomr of Internal Revenue with the appmval ct the Secretary of the“T17msu1·§r, tq be made {cr g tmctionai putt ag a. yehr, than the incoing shall be computed on the mais of the périod for' ivhhch segarate rct¤rn ismade. , ._ ·· . _ (Q) If; smrnté return is mad; under mbdiiiéion (n) ghemt income, computed in acccrdamo with the m=ov;simis of subdivisima (b), shall be placed qu ah animml hssid by multip1yi}1g'the amount thereafby twelve and dividing by fhg number of menths included in the Is! which the wmrgte mum Mis mgde. Thgi tax shall be auch, part of th; tax computed on such mmml bam as the number @ months in such period is of twelve months. '  » ·

waz. aaverve B2?. (d) The said ce lssloaer with the approval of the Sergetary ct the Treasury shall by : Q time prearlbe the aeethee ci applying the provial® of mbdlvléem {b) aad ie) gl, ~waea where the taxpayer maker a &parate returaauder sae, division (a) and it appcare that for the perlm for which the return ld ee made he has derlred a www ae; gala, er sae talaed s capital act lost, or xecetvw earned . (e) In the caee of a retarn i a tw a part of e year, except a return made under eahmvmw (a), the credite prevlded la aqbdlvlateaa tc), (dl, and te) of ncetloa 957 ee this title shall be reduced r@tive-ly tp a ts wh@ bea; the sam¢ratlo to the full credits prevtdcd in meh sabdlrlaleee as the number or mentm in tk palod for which retarn is -made-b6r~a to tiwclre menths. (Imc 2, · 4.01 p. as., c. 234, 5 226, 43 Stat. 281.) · — Part iII.e-·O0RPO A'H0l€S’ . \ ‘ » , . Secthn 981. Rate.-»There Mllbe buried, $@1 spd paid for each taxable ygnama the net _ of ereryr itl¥§§*-.\ ataxo£12$§per turnotthe@mtof the¤et-beomcla cxcew er the credits provided lei mam 9% and title. (June 2, 1924, 4.01 p.» m., c. %4, §~·%,_ § »&t. %.) — 982. Organizations exempted.-—The following organlzatleae ) ’al1a1l‘be exempt from taxation that ° Labor, agri;ultural,_or` cr ¤ 4 " (1)·Labor, agricultural, or horticultural . - Mutual savings hahha.--(2) Muteal aavln§ banks act har- " lng acapltal stock represented by shura-; ‘ . , ._ Fraternal beaemary soclqjea; orion, od- ao forth.-· (3) Fraternal benehclary societies, order, or .‘am&tlom_ ta) operating uader the lodge system; or for tm exclaive bmcdt y - of the members ofa fraternlty its&*opent@ unda the l&e . ` system ;; and “(b) providing for the pay&at_ ot life, ®,“ml·,.·» dent or other benedta to the members of ¤u&_°•oéety, ordu, or association 'or dependents; s · _ · p wma; me eemnaveurna operated without pro6t.-1-(4) .'Domwic `lmlldtng and loan amoclationa substantially all the of `whh:h—‘ is `ceM@ to making loans to members; and cooperative banks capt—· tal stock` orzauired-and operated for mutual am ·with· . Cemetery conpanles for ofmmhera.-—-(5) Cmemy _ compamea owned and operated exclealrdy fer, the waw sa of their qemberapor whlchare not operated fm' proht: and any corporation chartered solely for brutal aa a corporation and not permitted by its charts to engage la any hualmsa act a rlly liaddent to"&at purww, ao part or

 net earning otwhtch lnurea to   b@t or any private.

shareholder or lndlvldual;-_ ‘ .- _ ·— `

 I Cerpqratloma, eoraimrlty chest foarrdations.   no forth, for

irclixieus and dtarita$e p¤rp£—-<(`6) C@ratlo¤a andany ‘ gcoxmnunlty chat, fund, or {c ation, · . w e a ¤ and operated exclusively for religious, charltahh wientidc, literary, or educational er terthe prerentlen otuuclty te mildrea or animals, no part ot the act earning of which inarea to tw heneac or ary private shareholder er mdlvaceans , » _ ¢anbera of me¤em,¤ forth-- (7) Buainm leagues, ehambera ot commerce, or mrda or, trade, notgorgnlm for progt and no wrt ot the net ·earni¤s¤ ot which luurea to the `bencdt ot. any private ahareholder or . individual:. ‘ . . _, Civic organizations for promotion of social wel- . fare; aaa¤ciat@na' of elblwecae-—(8) Civic lagoon ororgni. ratloaa. not orgunizm for protlt but operated exclusively for the promotion ot social vrétare, or local axoclatlom. ob em-- 2 fployecs, the membership of which ir limited to·`t& empneyeea y ot a dawned permn or personaln a particular municipality,