Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/897

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`8$3·` ·"‘ TIl'LE 2§e—;v1>1c1Az, 4 165. Sgmc; change of iregue nr fénti:mnucc.—~Nqthing in sections 1@ to 165_0f thisjitlé shal *be cmstrucd to clepriye ther (—lmx·t mi judge of the powmj to a clmnge ot venue or miltlxanaaxlcé in any wusc, ptpceeding, or tuatter wlmatsoeverl gwyllmliiag to law gud thé requlrgmcuts qi! justlcex _(,Sept, . 8,··£ pm; e. 4’i':’5, § 7,39 Stat. 851.) _ Q _ _ l— 1 j J IE5. (ladicial Cade, section 86.) Mai·ylmd.—·-The State ct]

"`j;;;;·y14nm1~shail »c6m`=1‘itute one jqdlcial clistriqt, to kzmwxyg

as the district of `Marylaml. Terms of the district cvurt shall · iw held at &ltim0re, ou t§c first Tuesdays fiu March, June, _ Sv;m·ml¤>r, and December, at Cum§¤·la.n.d emthe segondt Mou- .d:w lin Ma! and thé last Momlay lu September; and at Denton UQ me third Mcnilay in January and tl1g“·first" Mondgy in July: Pmvidcd. That suitable accouxmtldiitlolis far. holdirlg mus! at Dmmm are 'fumished free of expense to the United

<;;m~>:. The clerk of the éuurt Tsliall appoint `a deputy who shall
·¤·¤id¤· and maixltaixr an_0fHcc at Cuxuperlgngd,. Unless they clerk

mall lximseli rééide U1€l‘€;`8lld tlié `murshzil shall algo appoint ·¤;; {1l·;mty, who shall i·0si<ls~.q11d maintnin`.ai1_0Hice my (lumber- 1 laml, unless he shall lnimsélf résfde`tl1crc. '(R. S. § 531; Mar. Ja, mil, li:. ZH, § $6,36 Stat. _‘ 1114; Mar. 3,'1925,'c, 422, 43.* stat. 1106.)_f. ·`_ ;_ W · 1 I __ ._ _ _ 157. (J ildjéiii Code, section 87, amended.) _ Massachusettsrg- The Statc‘_0f· Blaésachuwtts shzill. copstitnlte `one-judicial dis- { trivt, to bélkumvn asjthe district of M8SS8Cl1US9ttS._ 1 · _Tv;·rms§i>f the district court sliall bc held at Boston on the third Tuesday in Ma;<·l1,·the fourth Tuesday in *2} une, the "Seég . u11<l"'1`_11e·sQ:;1y in September, and the first Tuesday in D<·ce·mber`;‘1 aa S;;i·iugtk=ld,‘0n_the sccbud Tuesday in May and Deccmbe;·;` ' and i1{Z`N·{£\\" liulfurd, 9;; the first Tuesday in-August :_ Provfded, _'1`lzaa;·sui1tal.•lc moms and accommodhtionsfor holdiugcourt ait

<pa·i1a;:tigld and New Bedford shall be furnished free of expense

m tm-. Uxsiitcd States. All writs, precepts, and processesi shall he wtumable tq the terms at ‘Bus·tou,‘ gixgd all court, papers shall be kept in the (3l(’I`k`S cilice at Boston, unless otherwise spcéially cnidered by the court, mul the terms- at Boston shall; nut be tgarminatcd or aifcctccl by the terms at Spriugield Or New ‘Blcdfvtid. ·` ` 2 " l. . · t W '1‘lle'mar:<l1gl und the clerk for said dlstrlct"sh21lreacli appoint zz! lqast uma deputy tu reside in Springiivltl qnd to .m&l·z1t21in an ~1li·r·0 at that place., (R. S. § 531; Mm-. 3, 1911,%.-.231, §_87,, Isls Stat. 1114: May 1, 1922, c. 173; 42 Stat. 503.) j I. M ’ 168.; (Judiqial Code, section 88.)‘ lMichigan.-—-·Th¢ State bf Biiclligéu divided iut·Q» two judicial dist¤x·icts;.to_be ‘ku0wn as tl1c#1aast¢>m and \’\’0St(*l‘I1.(llSIlfi(ftS oi Mléhlgan. The eastern district xlmll includ}: the tc·rrit0ry embrakzcdoxi the -1st day of July,_1910_, lu ·tl1e»c¢iu;1tics of Alc0n_a,· Alpena, "Arermc, Bay, {’lgel•<>;·gun, Cli1l‘0,`Cf&·\\’f4l¥d, GéueseeQ Gladwln, Gratiot, Huron, Jmeco, Isabvlla, Midland, Montmorency, Ogeinuw., Qscoclgx, Ot— ‘s<:g0, I’;·g¤sque_ Isle, R0s<·0mn10n,_S2igli1k1w, Sliiawnéscé, mult il`us··qla; which slagll énxlstitinte the zjopthern division ;‘ alsq` the] tcirrimry ¢.·i11i»x·accd 011 the dhte 1uSt meutlqued in the countiesn of Branch, Calhqun, Clinton, Hillsdale, `I¤gham,_Jaclis0;x,_I»a¥t ·—;i¤·¢r, Lcmxwx,-e, LiYll1§$YY0ll,‘ Macomb, Mtmrbe, _Oakl:;m(l,_ St. Clair, Sguilac,. Wilghtenaw, hud Wayne, which shall constitute 1 tl1c`suutl$¢r11 division of mid district. "Icrms of the district} court fur the qoutl;éfu"divislo11 shall be held at Detroit 0n_._tlxa mst Ttleqdays in March, ]l1!1B,‘8lld Novehxber; {cr the 11i.>rthe_r1; _ division, at Bay City on the first Tuesdays in May and October. ma-and at_P0rt.Hur<m in the discretion of the judge Q said court 1 anal at sucl1 times as BQ shall `appolnt tlxercforf Thére s11gll 1 also be held a speéial qrudjpumed term of the distzlct ‘co_urt at Bay City {of the hearing ot s1dmiiulf§"Ea`mS.—· pi11g in the a month ‘ of F4·brua.ry__l¤ each yéllr, fljlm western dls`fi‘létf¤h&ll{ tiuclullcrthe iercitory embracal on the lst day of July, -1910; 1 in thécnuuties ot Alger, Baraiza, Chippewa. `D€¥f¤. Dickinséh, ` Gogcbic, Houglnttm, lr¢m,' Kawecuawl Ilucey Mackinac, Maw [ quette, llcmfminyée, WOHKLODSIQOII, {md Sclwqlcrstt, ‘wl1ich`_ sllall}

soma AND Jvnzcnmr ·§ 169 _ constitute ‘·the.'northern division;·als0 the territory emb'ra<·ed' on the said date last mentioned in the counties of Allezan, Q ·Autrim, Barry, Bvnzie, Bcrrien, Cass, Charlevoix, Eaton, Emtiet,-Grand Traverse, Ionia,kKalamazoo, Kalkaska, Kent, Lake, `Leelanau; Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Missankee, Montcalm, eMuskegon, Newaygo, Oéeana, Osceola, Ottawa, St. Joseph, Van Buren, and Wekiiord. which Shall constitute the southern division of said district, Terms of the district eourt for the southern division shalllbe held at Grand Rapids on the ilrst Tuesdays in March, June, October, and. December; for" the northern division, at Marquette " on the second. Tuesclayo in April and' Sebfember; and at Sault Saint Marie on_ tlxe second Tuesdays in Jam1ary_and` Jfalyl. All issues of fact shall be tried at the terms holdin the division where saéli spit shall he commeneed. Actions oi rem and acpniralty may becbroixght in whichever division ·_of the eastern district service can be lied upon the res.; Nothing herein contained shall prevent the diotrict `court of the western division froin reg, ating, by' general 1 rule, the xqenue of transitory actions eitherlatflnw or in equity, or from changing the same, for causey The clerk of the court ‘_ for the ·yveste_rn. districtgshall reside and keep his o§ee at Grand _ Rapids, and shall also appoint a deputy e1erk.for 'eoid court ·l1e1d nm Marquette, who shall re$1e and keep big omoe at that place. The marshal for said westerritdistrict ehalla keen an ` otilce and _.a deputy marshal at Marquette. The clerk of the I court `for- the eastern district shall keep his o§ee at the city of . Detroit, and shi1ll.appoint.a’ deputy for tile eonrt heldlnat Bay ‘_City, who Shall reside and `keeplris okiee at tl1at/plaee. 1The ` marshal forlsaid district shall keep an omee and adepoty mor- 'shal-at Bay- City, and mileage on service of procew in Said northern division shall be computed from Bay City. (R. _S. §· 538; Mar. 3, 1911, e. 231, § 88, 36 Stat. 111-1; July 9, @912, c._222, 3_1.Stat.. 190.) · -_ _ - v ‘ _ _· " · _ `,16,9;'(Judicial Code; section 89.) Miimes—ota;—¤-The State of Minnesota shall constitute one judicial district, to be known as _ the district ,0`f Minnesota, It is divided into six divisions, to".

 known as the ilrst, second, third, fourth, Sith; and-sixth_

divisions. "The tirstldlvisiou shall- ineludeithe territory embraced on the lst day of July, 1910,:in the counties of Winona, _,Wabaslia,_0lmsted,_ Dodge, Steele, Mower, Fillmore, élld-}‘I0l1S¥ ton.- The, second division shall include the territory embraced on- thedate lastmentioned in the counties of Freeborn, Faribau1t,_Martin,· Jackson, Nobles, ,—Rock, Pipestone, Murray, Cot- __t9nwo0d,°iV\’atona·an, Blue Earth, .»wase¢·a, “Lesueur, Nicollet,

  • §rown, Lyon, Lincoln, Yellow Medicine, Sib1ey,»and

Lac··qui Parle.`; The third division shall include the territory enanbraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Chi$ago,._ `Washington, .I{2lI11S€¥,_' Dakota, Goodlme,· Ripe, and Scott. _ The` =fourtli division shall include the territory exnbracedion the date last mentioned. in tltliepounties of Hennepin, Wright,. Meeker, Kandiyohi, Swift, Chippewa, Bei elle, 2»1cLeod,·Carr0r, Anoka, Shorburue, andlsauti. The fifth grloion shall include the terri—` tory erpbraced Ion the date last nxentioned in the counties of — Cook,"Lake," Saint · Louis, Itasca, Kooclliching, Cass, Crow Wing, Altkin,.Carlton, Pine. ·Kanahee, MillejLace, Morrison, and Bentono. Cl."l1—e lsiirth division shall lnelude the territory i embraced on the date last mentioned in- the eounties of—Stearns, ` Pope, Stevens, Bigstone, Traverse, Grant, Douglas, Todd, Otter- _tail,_ Roseau, ,W_ilkin, Clay, Becker, Wadena; Norman, Polk, _Red Lake, Marshall, Kittson, Beltrami, Clearwater, Malmomen, and Hublgard. Terms of the district conrt for the Bret division _, ·sl1all·be held at Winona on the third Tuesdays in May `and November; for the seeonddl-Yision, at Mankat0~_on`tl1e fourth flfuesdays in Ap-rll and October; for the third division, at Saint! P`ElH"0l\ the first Tuesdays in June and Deirenxber; for the fourth- division,Yat Minneapolis on the Eret Tfueselays in April and October; for the Qfth clivision, at Duluth on tlm second Tuesdays in January and July; and` for tl{E"$iixth\¢li»5i_ei¢»il,yat