Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/899

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835 _;T{ TbE‘ ;8.g—21vv1c·;A;. aq t .` /" `> · {vm; on Hgrch 3, 1911, to his (R. TS. 5 54*0; Har; 1 3 1911, —c{ $1, §_91,`_36` Stata 1117;.D®. 22, 1911, c. 8, 37 1

  1. 11..51; Juno 7, 1924, gc. 319, 43 Stat. M7.) c W _ { _ _
1`? 2. (J&&l Code,   92.)_ ·§®a¤¤.——The State ot

` gmumoo shall oormit¤to·oue`*jo<1iom1 @$1;;-ic;,»m bg_kxww11 gg me dtsgriot of Béoxgtaxm. Tcfms of the disttict court shall my held ai; Hoiooaé on the dm Mohdhys in Apr;} and November; 4 at Ratio on tho §rat in February and heptomboki at croat Foiis oo the hrét LMOud~a"ys in Bia: and -Oct0bor; at B1i.~o¤»a¤1o 85 tho `hrst Mondays in January `aud Jqne; aud. at ¤ nimhgs on the Erst M<m®y3 in A&a1·@ anda August. ~ éivil and crimiualy P18! obo tranderrctl by the co-urt·. or judge 5 moroof frw Holoni to.Butto'or from Butte to Helena, or from. lioiooa o1·.'Butte to Great Falls,-cor from Groot Fhlls t0‘Hele11u h or Butio, io tsa¤id*dist17ict..wheh` the cohvouionce "ot the partiesur the 833dvS of justice would be promoted by the t}f&DSf€1'§ 8.I1d Qu); iutor1ooutory»’0rdor may ho moo by the coprt or jtidge wom: 1¤_e1¢m·»p1Ao¤. (Feb. 22, ww, o. 180, a 2_1, 25 sm, q;.§:?; Mm: 3, 1911, cQ_ 231, 5 $2, 36 Stat. 1118.) r 1 1 _ _ " ·173.`(J&M•l Code, section 93.} Nehraski.~—Thé*_State of Nohmska shall constitute oouovjudicial district to be kqowu gs the districjtiot Nobrash. `Said dlsttict is divided into eight divisions. '1}ho_te;·ritory c¢bruced on tlio 1'gtdhy of July, f1910,_ _` in the ooa;¤€im_ of Douglas, Sorpy, Washington, Doégo, Colfax, r1¤tté,`Nooco, Boone, Wheeler, Burt, Thurston, Dakota, Cuxhing, (`odarg a:1d·Dixon,-shdll constitute the Omaha divwion ;_ tho. j;ér- ·‘ xjtory embraced on thodate lost méntiom-xd-in tho.`c0untios'of » Madison, Antelope; Knox, Pierce, Stanton; Wayne, Holt, Boyd, Rock; Brown, and Kcya ~ Patna, shall constitute the Norfolk eiiyigion`; the. tem·itqry_·embx·acod on the data- iastl, mentioned in -

·ho_<~0oo¤os of Cmrry_,`SIxeridah, Dasces, Box Butte, and Sioux; “R

shall oogamtute the Chxdmu division; the territory embraced 011 ` _xho daté la@ 'm&tioned ih the ootmties of Hall, Merrick, How-, ord,. Gioeloy, Garhold, Yalioy, Sherman, Bufm1oQ Custom Lonipg §;{1oi‘:;o, ThomnB,‘Hooke1·, and Grant, shall coxzstitutotho Grand . _ Ioiooall division; the territory embraced on the date last men- » ’ xioood in the counties of ‘Liucoiu, Dawson, Logan, `M<:Phcrs0n; _ iioim, Deuel,.Gau·don, Morrill, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, and —~ SGs{t°S. Bluff! shxill oonstitiité the North Platte xiiviéiou ;. the . 1o1·_ritory embraced on tho date lastmentioued in tholcounties 01* ‘ (Tzis§Q (noe, J ohusou, Pawnee, Richardson, Gage, Lancaster, Sauhdors, Button? Seward, Saline, JeKe`rso¤,‘__ Thayer, Fihmoro, York, Pork, and Hahaiiton, shall coostitritotho Ioincolty odivwion ;. the territory embraced `onjthmduto last mouticigod in mo L·ou¤§}<&.~0f Clay, .Nucko1_ié, Webster, Adams, Kearney, Fianklio, Harihp, and Pholg, shui! coustgtutcgtho Hastings divi¤\\_0h; ` cmd the tcrriteirj embraced op tho last mentioned `in `tho _ ¤·¢>u,mics of Gospér, Fumas, Bod Frohtiotj, Hayes, Hitchtcock, Duudy, had Perkins, `shhll constitute the McCook division. Tormsot thé district. court for tho Omiha division Q shlill be hold atoknha ootho drst ”M0¤day_in April ond the ‘ fourth Monday in mémbosgioi tho`Notfo1k`.divisio¤, at Nor; folk on tho "third Honddjr in Sevtcmben; for tho Chadrou di· ‘s·ioioo, at Ghadroaioh thomcond Monday in September; for the ,Gi‘&I1i1 _I§{IDd division; ut, Gorahd on the Monday- ix: Jommtry; (or tho Ebiocth Platte divigiou, at North Platte on = tho liohduy in Jgmo; for Lincoln division, at Liuoolh on the second Monday in Mai and the hrgt Houdai iu ' Qctobcr: for the Hastings division, at__Hastiugs’ GQ tho 8BC0lid_ Monday ih March; auditor the-McGook·divisioh‘, at McCook on ‘ the host Monday in March; `fvovioéd, That whoro.pmvisi0h is_ h Y made herein for hoidihg court at places whoro there are no Foooml buili11n@; ’o suitable room in which to hold court; together with light and hoot; shui! be .provid od hy tho city. or county whore such court is hold, without any ospehsoto the Unitod States. ·'1?ho olork of tho coainjt shall appoint} doimty t fo1‘.€·a<:h divigioh of tho district xix which he doéofuots himaalt. 5

arm AND Jvnzcrdnr . § 177 reslde,_who shell keep his 0Qcc and reside at the pla of holding court in the division for which, bells eppointed. ( .S._ §.531;' Mar. 3, 1911, c.- 231, 8 93, 36 Stat. 1118.) - . · ` 174. (Judicial Code, section 94.), 1*Iev&da.~¢·—-;I'l1e State of Ne·· ` vmla shall constitute one judicial district, to·be,km>wn as the district of Nevada. Terms of the district courtshall 'be held · at Carson City o;1`the Krst Mondays in.I·‘el>mm·$*,, May, and October. _ (R. S.— 5 .531; Mar. 3,"1911,.c. 231, § 94,*36 Stat.- 1118). I75.'_(Judi¢ia1 Code, section 95, amended.) New Hampshire.--The State of New Ha1np:5hire-shall eemsfimte one judif cial district, to be known as the district of §.‘~l'ew Hampshire. Terms of the district `court shall be helel at Portsmouth on the last Tuesday in October, at Concord orgthe las; Tuesday in April and the second Tuesday dn December, and at Littleton on the third. Tuesddy in September;. (R;.-S; S_531;_Mar. 3,.,1911, , c. 231, § 95, 36 Stat.1119; Aug, 23, 1912, c.’344, 37 Stét. 357.) _176.· (Judicial Code, section 96,% srjte¤ée¢) _,Neir Jemey.¥—— The State of New Jersey _ shall coixstitute one judicial district,`to be known ·8`S the. district of New Jersey. Termsof thedistrict court shall be held., at Newmjk on the, été: Tuesday in April and' the first Tuesday in November, and at *'1‘reut0u on the third Tuesdey in ·Jm1ua1=y aud the decode} Tuesday, in Sep tember of each year, The clerk of the court for the district of Ney? Jersey. shall maintain a11,o$ce, in charge ct himself or a deputy, at Newgrk and at Trenton, &ch of which owed shall be kept open at all times for the trggséctidu of _&e busi- Q ness orc the courtg;'a1id_tl1e"marshgl.'él}all also IB8iHlQ&iB an omce, in charge of himself or a deputy, at Newark and at ‘ Trenton, each; of which omces shall .be’ kept open dc all Umm for thetrazrsactionlof the business of the éou~rf._ (R. S. S 531; Mar. A 1911, c. 23-1, §» 96, 36 Stat. .1119; Aug. 9, i912,`i:. 277, 37 . Stdt. 265, Feb, 1yi; 1913, c. 53, 37 Stat. Gil;) · 117. New Mexic0.—+—The Stuteof Neu; B5€Xi€fo,‘_SE1§»}{f¢0BSti$Ht€ ` one judicial district to be known as the district of New Mexleot "1`erms'ot— the district courtslrall beheld at Santa Fe ou the first Monday - in March dud Seplémher, at Allguquerqde m the llrst Monday in June aud December, &t_Roswell on theirst Boa-? — day in May and October, at Las Cruces on the Erst Monday ih Novemlver, at Silver Citi on the,5rst4Mo1iclay` ina `lmmdry, at Las Vegas on the Brat Monday in Februai‘¥» hud at Baton on the iirstl Monday in April. ”_It‘_at~ the time of the holding of the terms ot said court in any jear in the cities or townsot Las Yega.s,,Las _ Cruces,. Silver City, or Raton there is insu&cient bdsiuws to justify the holding of any such term the same may be ad- » jopmed or continued by order of the judge- of said court made ` dt any pl&ce.`_in_ the district. otcourt at Sll¥$ City, town ol Las Vegas, and Baton shall not be held u¤@-£aclli· ` ties, therefor are. furnished by the county of Greet at ‘Sllver` City, the county of San Miguel at towu of Imp Vegds, ded the 7 county of Colfax dt Raton, without jam} expeuse to the United States, \}lltU.‘Sl1Ch time as court roomd ind other necessary facilities here been constructed by the United Stdtm , Q Causes,_civil and criminal, may be transferred by the court or either judge thereof from any of- the aforesaid wherw court éhull be held in said district to nil? `Qf the plscw hereinabove mentiohed hi said dtétrlct"whenevet ld the 0$¤io¤ of the court or judge the comténiexzce ot the parties o or the `euds oz justice would be promoted by the transfer. · — ” " Thdt the marshal and clerk of said court shall each, respecg tively, appoint at least one deputyto resident and who Shall maintain an wee dt each of ‘ t.he‘clties of Albuquerque and Roswell, dbd the marshal `and the clerk of said court may each, respectively, with the npyirovdl of the Attoriney General, ai? ` `polnt one deputy it each of the cltiw of Las Cruces, Silver City, Biaton, and the town of; Las Vegas, Ubou completiouwot the Federal ibulldirxg- in the city of Las Vegas, the_,¢.·ourt shall, be trausterred to and held lu the city ot Las Vegas instead of the • • 1