Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/905

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$@1 TITLE..:2S.~—~»-Jl,FD1(’I,llL Cc ihwl me·mi<,>ne=d in the counties of Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, ~ _;,,_, wells, Liv<· (mk, Nm><·0s,,S:1n I’atrici0,_nml Willgwy, whigh 1 l;,;,l§ mustim$0· the Corpus Christi division. Terms of the ` ll2~lz·i<-; <·<mrt for, the Galvcstgnu division shall bé held at Gab

·~<mal ml th;} second Monday in January Emd the first, Mopday

iz; Jmxce; for the Iloustqn division, at Houston tm the fourth 1 jlgllllllllpz in Fvl>ru;u‘y and S€Qtl‘Hl`b01`§ for the Laredo division, 1 iii? I.,:11·<+lll_; én the third Monday in April 4lI1d.S(}C()Ild" Monday les Nm;•;=mb<zx·; for the Bxwwnsvillc division, at Brownsville on "C ,l;§l· sllleuxzxl,E\I<m<]:lyT in&·May and the first,M0nday in Deccm- .1 3};-; fur thv \'ictpria,divisi011, at Vlptoria on the iirst l\Iond':1y in 1\{ay· and that fourth Monday in November; and for the {·,l;·p;zS Christi division, terms of the digtricbcourt shall be T will rwiccliu eucl1‘yc~>ar a§_ the city of Corpgxs Christi and, ·Q will ellhvrwisé provided by law, the judge of 'szfid_ court ghall i @5;; 'tlw times- at which _,said. Court shall be ~_h·e1d_ gt Corpus l‘m·isli, of wl1i%;h.hc,— Shall 1m1ke_p.ub1icat§01i and give dué : lllllipgv, The cle1*k~ of »§h€·(fO1ll‘t for_·fl1e southern district shall lll§li,Ll¥3iI1`8I1 <>ificl0_ in charge of himself Gr .:1 deputy at_\each of 1 lhv placesldesignzitgcl on March 3, 1%),11, for holding court 'in Q mill <li$t1=ict. `(Mar. 11,1902, c, 183, 32 Stg1t.·G4;‘Ma1·. 3, 1911, l·, *231, §`1l`§S, 36 Stat. 112.5} Ma§ 1912, 0.. 144, §§, 1, 2,-37 gat. 12U;· Feb. 5, 1913, CQ 28, ,§§ 1, 2, 37 Stat. 663; Feb. 26,, 1 MIT, c, 122, §§ 1, 2,,39 Stat. 939; Mar. 1,.1919, 0,*87, 40 Stzlt. l 12%}; BfiiI‘.~·2, 1923, c. 172, '§§-1,··2, 42 Stat. 1373; Apr. 3, 192#§, ' c. ,s2,·· 43 Stat. 64; May 29, 1924, c`. 211, §§ 1§2, 43 Sfat.'25L—1.) _ 199. (Judicial Codc,__Sgcti6n1109.) Utah.-4-The State of Utah , £}l§lH"(”’l¥1lS[itUt{3( mm judicial district, to lic knnyvn as the disiriét C {lf fikh. Itjs divided imo two diviséionsgg to be known sis the

ll»:·sEmrn ami cevutml divisions. Tl1e_ northern division shall ‘

,i¥§{‘]lldE‘ the territory embraced on the lst day of July, IQIO, ~ in the vlmuties of lllakelllcer, Cache, Davis, Morgan, Rich, sind ° \\'l~l,w:·.`.'1`l12 central divisiqn shall include the territory cm! ll;·al·l?ll km the date last mentioned in the counties of Beaver, ~ l‘£§·l¤_»:s, Emery, 'Garhvd, Grzmd, Iron, Juab, K&lH9,!1`Iill'&1Td, · l*i1m*, tlaxltllllzlkie; San Juan, Sem Pete, S0vi01*,·Sunm1it, Tooele, lima,} fmh, Wusatcll, Washington, and Wayne. Térms of tlw dilstrlcb court ·fm·· the -nm;tl1ern _•:1ivisl¢m» shall be jhcld at lsgllclx (im,. the sc+é0nd~`1&i<»nd:13fs in Biillfll and September; and W 23;;: the central division, at Suite Lake City 011 [‘1l€>·`S€?(°0{1d Mon- ‘ <l:lyz~; in April and Nmwvmlwr. '1`hse clerk of {hc court for said di~t;·ic·t‘.:<l:all m;ai11{z1,ln £iI1.”lJm(}€‘ in charge of himself 01··}1”' lllqluly at ;~?:u·la of tlll:,p.1:xcés wlwfe the court was r<~qu,ired"0r;i _ 33;1r<*h 3,1911, m he held in tl1éQdl$trl‘ct’. (July 16, 189-1, c. 138, §§ 14-16, 28 Stgt. 110; `Mur. 3, ·1911, c. 231., § 109, 36 Stat. 3:112*2.) _, ,· . ’ .., .i_ 191. (Judicial Code, section 110, gnlexadcd.) Vermont.--——Tl1c‘ Smw of V<»rm0:1f.shz1ll c~éustl,tutc mic juificlzxl district, to be 'k!l¢3%%’I} as tlgge district of *V€KHlOI1tt Terms of the -(].lgTl‘l(‘C‘Q01lI‘li» ~ shall bg,-wld at lsuyliugtcxx dn the fourth T‘1;esday in Fe-bruzary, lat }$'imls<:»r cu the tlaisd Tucxclay. in ,_May,. at Rutland ori thé, lima; €l‘ucsda_§ in `Ccicber, aryl at Brattleboro on thé ·third P 'l`l1l»sda5· in Dlzccnalam; In leach year one of `the Stated terms ·<>£ thee district court may, véhen adjourned, be adjourned to 3}ii‘€’t zat,Bi012tp1>lil$r‘:£nll {me ai Newport., (R. S. 5 531; Mat. 3, l 1911, c. 231; § 116,36 Stat. l127; Féb. ,1, 1912, c.» 26, 37* Simi 58.) 192,. (ludicial Code, section 111,, amended.) ‘\firginia}—é—- ` The gémté at ¥irgii1ia—~is divillcd— imc {wo districts, tcrbc known ms the vastarn and wcst§ru,GZ.¤tricts of Virginia, Y _ M ·· ~ The em-=·tarnl disxrlct shall include the territory embracadl cul . the 1:;=t»d:1y,0f July, l910,‘in;the (}Oi1I1ti€S of ‘Accmnac··, Alex- ,_ madria, Amelia, Bmnswlck, Caroline, Cl1a;·lcs‘Cl@y, _Cl1éstc1·§eld, Culpeper, Elxawiddia, Elizabeth City, Essex, E‘alrfa.x,, Fmiquié17,_‘ Gloucester, G¤0Gi(‘}l]3.l1d, Gteenssrille, H.:,an05·sar, Henrico, Isle `cf l Wight, “J¤.mes_`Cily, Kim: and Queen, King Geébrge, King Wil- _ Ham, Lan cs,éte1·, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunéxlburg, Matllééws, Méckleublgrg, Middlesex, Nmasgsmmzd, New Ke:1t,lNqrfolk, Narthémp ~ ton, Nortlaumberland, Néttoway, Orangg, jfowhatgu, Prima Ed-

DME AND JL'D1CIARY/ § 193 wzml, Prince George, Prince William, Princess Am1e,`Rieh— munG, Seutlxmnptorn, Spotsylvexzia, Stafford, Surry, Smeex, Warwick, Westnxbrelmld, and York. · ‘ Terms of the district ceurt sllatll be held at Ilichmeml rm the firstw Momlays ln ”A{l]°il and October; at `Norfolk on the first-Mondays in May {end Novemlqer ; and et; Alexainclrizx en the first Mqnllays in June and Irlecembcr. g » The westerh district shell include the‘territm·y embraced en thelst day cfllulyg 1910, in the counties of Allegheny, Albemarle, Amherst, Appoqxpttcvx, Auguste, Bath, Beilferd, Blend, Bpletourt, Buchanan, Buckingham, Gempbell, Cermll. Cherlotte, Clarke, (Jraig, Cumberlaml,;Dir:ke1isi>¤, Floyd, Fluvarma, Frzmklain, Frederick, Giles, Grayson, Greerte, Halifax, Henry, Highland, `Lee, Madison, piuxxtgemery, Nelson, Pagta, Patrick, Pulaski, Pittsylvzmia, Rappahaxmoek, Roanoke, Reekhrldge`, Rockinghaxlx, .RusSell, Scott, ·Sl1emmd0ah, Smyth, Tazewell, Warren, 1Vas,hingt0n, Wise, e1{d W§the. · , ) ” . ‘ · ‘ Terms df the district court shall be. held at_Lynel1bm·g 011 the first Mondays in January End July; at Roanoke on the Qrstj Monday. in June and the fourth Monday in Nmrember; at Danville on the first Monday in March and the Seeeml Monday ine September; at' Charlottesville on the iirst Monday ie`Feb·_ ruery and on the Wednesday after the Hist Monday in August; _, at Harrisonburg on the third Monday in Merch and the {earth Mondayln October; at Big_St0ne Gap cm the first Mendeys in May and October; and at Abingdoir on, the second Memieys in April and Nuvexrxbér. ·“ r ’ j _ l The clerkotthe court for the western_,distrlc·t shall metre tain an 0i‘Hce°in élmrge of himself or a deputy at Lyuelxburg. Rpzmoke, De¢m·ille,’ Charlottesville, _ Harrisonburg, Big ‘—Sttme Gap; and Abingdon, _-t£·hic¥lr shall be kept mepege at all tixeee f6r. the transaction of the business of the court. l(R. S. § 549; Mur._·3,_1911, c. 231, §‘ 111, 36 Stat;. 1127; June 13, 1918, c. Qi}, 40 Stat.; Apr.»» 30, 1924, e. 144, 431`Stat. 114; Feb. 21, 19%, , c:290, 43 Stat. 9§2.) ‘ é , — . 193. (Judicial `Cedc, sertiqn’.112.) Weshi¤gten.~The_;Stete o{.·\\'as,l1l11_gton is_`divided inte two districts, t0_be,km}w1,z as the ezgsterp andhvesftern districts of Washington. The eestem dis- > trict(‘Sl;ell`Liuelude` the territory embraced en the Ist dey ef Jnily, 1910, in the counties of Spokane, `Stereus, Ferry: Okeeeg gem, Chelan, Grant, Douglas, Lincoln, m;d`Ademe, with ther waters thereof, i1ig;·ludiuge.al1 Indian reserx*`etiens»__rrithi~¤ eeid counties, which -shell·" constitute the BOFYHBPB·d»iYiSi§}E1;-&ESt} the territory em braeed `on the {late lest mentioned in the counties of Asotih, Gertieltl, Whitman, Columbia, Freulileiu, Walla}. ‘Walla, Benton, Kliekitet, ,—Kittites, and Yieklme, with the waters thereof, including _ all imlieu resers*e.tiee.§ gwltI:it.x ézlid coumies, which shell céustitute the settthem tlirislee ef said elistr_il·t, Termeroc the district ceurt fer the northern elivisicm slgpall be held at Sppkeee en tlie erst Tuesdays in April &l1d.S€[lt€lIlb(·}l”; for the ·S0l,Il§ll€§'I1 division, at Welle Welle tm the `first *Tue.edeys in J lme and I)e<;ember, end et Nertl; Yekime , emtlne Hret,Tueedeys in May and Oetelxer. The western die: trict; shall ilnclmle the territerf embraced ezrthe let clay ef July, 1910, in the counties of \Vht1t(`*t}l}l,r Skagit, Seelxemish, King, 'S&l1 Juan, Island, Kitsap, Clallem, and jeffereen, with _ the waters thereof, including ell Ieglien reeermtiexxs witlsixx nmitl counties, wlxieh shell eenetitute the northern division; else the l;erriter5=`embratced·0rx@tI1e date lest mentieeed in&tt1e’cmg:1- tles of Pierce, Mesessl, Tlmrsttm, Ulxehelie, Pecmc, “Leeiie, Wahkiekum; “Cewlitz, Clarke, end Skemlmie, with the _ waters efficreef, including eIl’Imlie n jreserretions within eeid <;·—0untiez~s, , whieh shall ccnefittite the eeuthem cliviele:1 of eeid clistrictg Terahs of the distrietceqrt furthe leertheret clirieiee sltell he held at- Belliughemen the first Tuesdays in Apr;} eee} €)efehe;··; at Seettleou the met Tixesdeyeie May end Kerember; uml for the southern division, ut Teeexxme on the Bret Trzeedeye in February and July. The clerks of the courts fer the eastern