Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/912

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§ 255. ~. t, *TITLE`:§.—JUDIOI4L I . 2, ¤_ Stat. 45;__Mar._8,'1887, c. 359, ji- 12, 13, 24 stat. 507;! Mar, 1911, c. 231,} 148, 38 Stat.- 1137;) l ‘ - Q

 (JHiéialeCodc,   149.) Procedure in cases transmitted by departments.-1-·All   transmitted ·by —the'_ head;

of . any department, or? upon the eemaeate of the Comptroller `General of the United States, according to the provisions. of section 254 this title, shall be proceeded ln-Yas other cases pending in the"C0urt `of Claims, and shall, in allrespects, be subject to the same._rules and regulations; $(1%. S. Q 1064; , Mar. 3, 1911, -c.’_231, S 149, 30 Stat.- 1188.) , _’ n . ` 256. (jadicidllode, section 150.) Judgmentsin- cases- trans- _ mitted gby ”depeitmen.ts.—-·The emount of any nnal judgment [er-

 rendered lin favor) of the claimant, in`any case trans--l

mitted to the-Court of C1ajins‘ under sections-254 and 255 of this 5 title, shall. be paid out of any specillc appropriation applicable ·· to the case, if any such there be`; and where he such approprla-~,T e tion exists, the juagmest or decree shall be paid ··in the same . manner as other judgments of thesaidlicourt.- '(R. S. § 1065; l Mar. 8,*1911, c. 231,.5 150,36 Stat. 1138.) . _ ¤ · __ - 257; (Judicial Code, section} 151,) Reference of claims by . Cengred.-Wheneyer any blll, except for -a pension,. is pending 0 in either [House of Congress providing for the payment of a ~ clalm against the United States, legal or equltnble, or" for ‘a grant, gift, or bounty to any person, the House in whichsuch hill, pending may, for the investigation and determination`! - of, facts, refer the same to the Court "of _C_lalms, ·— which shell, Y proceed` with the same in accordance_ with such rules as lt may ndopt and report to such House(the"facts‘ in the case and _-the amount, where the. same can be liquidated,_.lncludlng· any facts bearing upon the question whether there has been delay i `orlaches in presenting such claim or applying for____such‘ grant, o gift, or bounty, and anyhfacts bearing upon the question whether p - the ber of any statute .·of limitation should be removed or which shall be claimed to excuse the claimant for not ghavlng ¢ reoorted to any· establlshed" legal remedy, together with such conclusions as shall be sumclent to inform Congress of ithe nature and character of the demand, either as a claim, legal; or eqnltable, or as a gratuity `againstrthe United Smtes, and ’the*amount, if any,”legally or equitably due from the United ‘ States; to U1B`Cl8l111tll1L’ If lt shall appear to the satisfaction of the court upon the.'facts established, that under exlstlng_ la-ws or the. provisions of thisf chapter, the subject matter of {the bill is such that it has jurlsdlction to render`j'udgment· or`. decree thereon, lt shall proceed ito do so, giving `to elther=par»ty · such further opportunltyfor hearing as in its judgment justice shall require, and it shall report lts proceedfhgs therein to the. House `of ‘ Congrws by which the.; same was referred to `sald ‘ court. l- (Mar.'8, 1887, c. 359,] 14, 24·Stat. M7; June 25, 1910,’ ‘c. 409, 80 Stat. 837; Mar. 3, 191.1, c. @1, `§ 151, 30 Stat, 1138:) _ . · 258. (Judicial Code, section 152.) ‘ Costa to prevailing party.-··-·-It the Ge»·emme¤t· of the United_States shall put in lmue the rlght of the plalntlit to recover, .the court may, in _.its discretion, allow costs to the prevailing party from the time of joining such lssueg Such costs, `hdwever, shall. include only » what is actually incurred for witnesses, and `for summoning the same, and fees`paid. to the clerk of the court. (Mar. 3,, 1887, 359, 5 15, 24 Stat. 508 ;_‘Mar. ·3,· 1911, c. 231, !_ 152, 86 gmt;. 1138.)- (y ~ .` _, _- ·_ _ ' `2 9.__(Jadiclal Code, section 153.) ocular growing out of -bunch.--The jurisdiction of the said court shall not extend to pany, claim agalnét the Government not pending therein on December 1, 1862, grow:1§hout of_. or dependent on any treaty stipulation entered into o .m»—ergi¤ nationsor with the Indian trjbes. _ (R: S. { 1068; ¥ar. 3, 1911. c.i%1.·I 158, 30 Stat. 1138.) " (Jwcial`Code, section 154.) Claims pendiniia other oo¤rta.—Q-—No person shall flle or prosecute ln the Courtlof Claims,. or ln the `Suprcino Court on appeal therefrom. any claim for or . i 0-

‘· \ . mb! AND .'UDIOI4RY " 898 A in to whiclf he ornny ussignoo. of his has pending in. quybther court muy suit og procws against any person wm at tho timé_when. théicausex of action alleged in subh suit 0;- ppneegg agose, was, in respect ° thereto. .&ctin§L_ or protesgi¤g__ to get; mediately- or "immediately, under thsauthority or the .· United States. (R._S.~·$ 1067;° Mar.'·3, 1911,_c./231. Q 154, 36 _Stdt.113s.) .1 . . ‘ ¤ · ° , ‘

 261. °(Jndicial_ Code, section /155.) _A;}iens.··-—A1iéns who Que

citizens. of sub.i£¢s of nny Government Which accords to Em- ‘ ze-ms of the United States the right to prqseéute clgimsagexinst such Government in its courts, shall have t _ vtleée or prosecuttpé ‘clk;iii1¥s ngntnst the United Stat¢d in tho Court or Ginims, whereof such c0u’rt,, by reason of thein subject mmm- 'nud Ch&lT8Ct9l°,;lI1iKht take jmjisdiction. (R. S. _$ 1088; Mar. 3, _ 1911, c. 231, §¤155,`3§ Stat. 1139.) .° l ‘ · s W 26;. (Judicial Code, 156.) Chim: to be Eléd within _ six, years.-4——Every claim sgginst the United States cxnizsble by tho Gonrt of C1nim§, `shsll bo? forever barred unless they petition setting iaith nstntement thereof is mod in the count ori t1iansmittéd· to .it— by they Secremry of the Senate 01; "ths Clerk of the House oi Representatives, ns` provided. by law, " within six years after "thé claim first accrues. The claihns or Y married women, first nacérued during of persons { muder the age o£··twen,ty-on¢s years, tiirst accrued during mi- » noxity, `.n_1jd‘ ot id1ots,‘ flnnatics, insdnc persons, and 'pcrsons beyond `the, seas · at the time tlig claim accrued, `éntitléd to the claim, shsll not be barred it the petitionabe dlcd in the court ' or transmitted, as atorpsnid, wnmxnsjznm years after the disability has ceased; but. no other disability tnan those ennmer·— ated shall prevent sny claim Lrom being barred, not almllnny ot the said disabilities operate cnmnhtiéely. (R. S. |`1069§° °Mai·. 3, 1911; c. 231, 5 156,.36 Stat. 1139.) . V ` · '

-263. (Judicihl. Code, section 157.)_ Rnki of practice.--·The

said counjt shall havn powet to-·éstgb1ish_ mlm td; its gogeminent .8.nd_ for the regulation} of practice thé!'Qi¤»_ and it may punish fox? contempt in the manner prsscxjibw by théoommcn Alafw, may appoint commissioners, and may cxercisc‘suo1_.1 powers as are necessary-to carry` into effect _U1€}IQ0W8l'8i.§!Q1lt¢d t0·it by law; ·(R. _S. $.101'0;_Mar.` 3, 1911,. c. 231, { 157, 36* Stat. 1139.) ‘ ·_ . d J _· · ` . 264. (Judicial Code, section 158.). Ontng and acknowledgin¢ntp.——;The judges Zsnd clerks `ot snid court _·mny adxninister oaths and amrmations, take acknowledgments ot instruments in writing, and ’giie·certi»i1§:ntes of the same. · (R. S. 5 1071; Mag: 3, 1911, ·c. @1, _§ 158, 36 Stat. 1139.) ,) ' ` `265.` (lndidnl Code, d section 159.) lfetitiom and ve;i§cation.g=-—Tho`-‘(:1aimantAshall in all cases fully set forth in his petition- the claim, the action thereon in Congress or by any J of thé départments, it such action has; been had, what persons are owners thereof or intetated therein, when and npon' what consideration snob pérsons becaune so interested; that no nssiinmént-or transfer ot said claim o1·_oI any part thereof or interest therein has _ been made, except stated in the petition; that-said claimant is justly entitled to thé amount tnerein _. claimed from the United Stntm after. allowing all just Ctédits and offsets-; that the ctaimnt and, where the‘c1nim' has boon assigned, the original and every prin? owner thereof, it a citizen, hasf dt all times burns truo nliminnco to the Government of the United States, and, whether ncitixen or not. has not in/any way voluntarily aided, nbettcd, og given enc0iur¤8¤· ment to nrobsllion against the dsaid Governniént, and that he believes the fict: as stated in the said petition to be ttue.- The said petition shall bs verltléd by the andavit qt the claimant. his agent or attorney. (R. S. Q 1072; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, 5 · 159, 36 Stnt;1139.) I t . _ _» · .» . 266. (Judicial Code, n section ,160.) Petition dismissed. 'Wl\¢ll•·r····Th8 sold gllegstions as to true allgginnco and voluntary