Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/916

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§ 304gj TITLE 88.-—JUDI6‘IAL i $@4. (lmidal Code, section 191.) Clerk ;· appointment, al-, ary, aud duties.--·The court shall appoint a·,cIe:·k, whme omee shall he in the elty of Washington, District of Columbia, and who shs1l· perform and exermse the same duties and powers in rxurd to"all matters within -the.jurladlction of said {court as were exercised and performed oa March 3,- 1911, by; the clerk of the Supreme Court ot the United States, so far as the same may be applicable. The clerk shall receive a salary which shall be in {ull mymeut for all mrvlce rendered by such clerk; anu all few ot any kiud whatever, and all costs shall be by him `turaed into the United States » Treasury. , Said clerk shall not be appointed by the court, or anyjudge thereof as a_ commissioner] master, receiver, I or referee. The cmts and tea "ln thesald court shall be uxed. and established by said court in a table ot tees to.-be. adopted and approved by the Supreme Court oi the United States. The costs and fees so nxed shall not, with respect to any item, exceed the costs and tees charged ini the Supreme Court of? the United "Statw; and the same shall be expended, accounted for, and paid over to _ Treasury, or me Uauec states. (Aug. 5, .1ooo,‘ c. ,6, t 28. 6 sm., 91, .105; Feb; 25, 1910, c. @, »36 Stat. 214; Mar. 3, i§l9 1, §191,36Stat.1144.) _0 . ` 395. (Judicial Code; section 192.) · Assistant clerk, stenographic clerks, sand; reporters-—In `addition to `· the clerk, {the court may appoint an assistant clerk, five stenographic clerks, one stenographic reporter, and such other employees as may be approprlatem for by Congress," whose, salaries shall be payable in equal monthly installments, and all of whom, including the clerk, shall hold Qomce during me pleasure of and pertornursuch duties as are assigned them by the court. _Sald reporter shall prepare and transmit t0"the Secretary of the Treasury once a week in time for publication. in the Treasury_Declsions copies ”of all decisions- rendered to that‘date_ by said court, and prepare and transmit, iunder thedirection of said court, at least l ouce a year, reports oth said decisions rendered to that date, constituting. a volume, which shall be printed by_ the Treasury Department in such numbers and distributed or "sold in such manner as .the’ Secretary or the Treasury shalldlrect. (Aug. 5, 19%, c. 6, { 28, 33 Stat. 91, [105 ;. Feb; 25, 1010,1,c. 62, 30 Stat. ` 214; Mar. 3, 1911, cr 231, §-192, 36 Stat. 1144.) __ · f SM. (Judicial°»~Code,,scction 193.) _ Rooms for holdingcourt; killin messengers.-4`he marshal ot said court for the District of Columbia and the marshals of the several districts in which said Court ot Customs Appeals may bef held shall, under the direction ot the Attorney General, land with his approval, provide, such rooms ln the public buildings of the United States as may necessary for said court. In use proper- rooms can not be provided in. such buildings, then the said marshals, ivlth tm approval ot the Attorney General, may, from time to time, lwsé such rooms as may be neces- , sary .£or said court. The ballits and messengersot- said court

 shall be allowed the- same compensation for their respective

» mrviees as are allowed for similar ¤el·v1¤e¤»1¤ the district . courts existing March 3, 1911. In no ease shall said marshals secure other rooms that those rmularly occupied by the dis- -trlct'..courts; existing March 3, 1911, or other public omcers, except where such can not, by reason of actual occupancy or use, be occupied or used by said Court of Customs Appeals. ('Aug. 5,.1909, c. 6, § 28, 36 Stat. 91, 105; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, i§ 193, 36 Stat. 1144.) , , C . " 1 307. (Judicial Cde, section 194.)* Court of record; seal; rules; decisious.—·-The said Court of Customs Appeals shall be a court ot record, with jurisdiction as ·l¤ this chapter established hud limited. It shall prescribe the form and style ot its seal, and the form of its»wflts and other process and proce— 1 dure, and exercise such powers conferred by law as may bg conformable and necessary to the exercise of its jurisdiction. It shall have power to ‘establlsh_all` rules and regulations for

UODE LAND J U DI OIARY 902 _ the conduct of the budnem of the court, md as mai be nm},. at tnl tm the uniformity? oi decisions wtthinlts Jdrimiction es. T contcrred by law, It shall have power to review· any decision 3 or matter within im juridictiw, md ml! i¤rm,' modily,’ gp reverse the gsame end remand the eaae with meh. orders esmay seem to it proper in the premieu, which shall be executed 1 accordingly. (Aug. 5, 19®, c. 6, 5 % 36 8mE, ,91, 195; kim, 3, 1911, c. 231, Q 194, 36 Stat. 1145.) j - · .1 _ , (J\1did•IC¤¢¤» hectic: 195, a§en&d.) n of»§nal ” decision of Board of Gmeral Apwahm; rcikq by Saprem Com-—j-The Court of Customa Appuls shall} exercise excleeiyo . appellate jnrisdlction to review bfcsppul, as kreiu provided, Hnal decisions Sy ·a board of ;l Swraisers in all cases as to the construction ot the law and &ecting the classification of zmercbanése and the rate ot duty imposed r` thereon under such classiucadom; and the {eu and charger; · connected , therewith, and all Appealable lqneatioml as to Ltlxe jurisdiction of said board, and all appulable qmtiene as to the flaws and regulation; gorernlng the collection of the cus- O . toms‘ revenues; and the judgmeni:8 and d , of said ·(Lfor£rt. of Qustoma Appmls shall bendnal in cam: Provided, houzevér, That in any case in which the‘1\¤}S¤¢¤t·or decree ol ‘ the Court ot 'Customs1Appeals is rnade hnal by theproriéoné or this. title, eifsha1l be competent for the Supreme Court, upon the application ot either party, duly made as required by ·tion·350 ofthi§’tl't1e,* in any injwhich there is draym in question the construction of the Constitution ot United States; or im? ..Dart thereof, or of my trwty made tl1eret0, or] in any other case when the Attorney General of the} . United States shall before thendectsion of the Courtjof Custems - Appeals is rendered, the= with the court a certincate to the ' eiect that the case is of such importance as" to reader ex— 1 pédient its review by _ the Supreme Court, to rqnlre; by cer- ·uQ1°&1‘i" or otherpvise, such case to {be certmed to the Supreme t Court for its review and determination, with the smc power and authority in the case ag if it had been carried by appeal or writ of error to the ·Supreme”.Court: And wovided further, That the first proviso jot thia Section shall net apply to any `case involving only the construction of section 1,’ mi any petjtion tliéreof, ot an Act entitled “An. Act to' provide revenee, ·` equalize duties, and encourage the industries ot tue United · 'Sta-tes, .andr for other ‘purpoaes," approved August 5, 1969 »_ (Thirty-sixth Statutes,,page_ 11), nor to any case. lnvolvlngthe construction ot section 2»ot an Act entitled- “An Act to promote , l‘€C;l[}1'0C8i'tY&£l¢'IEllICi0Il8 wltln. the Dominion of Canada, and for ~ other purposea,"_ approved July % 1911 _('.l‘hlrty·mventh · Statutes, page 11). {Aug. 5,1900, c. 6, S %, 36 Stat. 91, »‘ 105; Mar. 3, 1911, c.’231, fd 36 State 1145; Ang. 22, 1914, c. 267, 38 Stat. 703; SeptQ‘6, I916, c. 448, { 6, 39 Stat. 727; Feb. 13, 1925,lc. 229, l 8, 43 Stat.—940.) · _

*.369. (Judicial Cohf section 196.) Q mstma

t __c¢des.·-——No appeal shall be taken or allowed from any Board

oi United States"°Geiiere_l Appraisers to any courfother— tlmn

a the Court of Customs Agpwls, and no appellate jurisdiction

 shall bef exercised or allowed by any other courts' In cases

r decided by said Board of United States General ADl>¥¤laegs; · but all appeald allowed: by law hom such Board of General r Appraisers · shall be subject to review only in "the Court ot , Customs, Appeals, according to' the provisions of this_chepte1·. (Aug. 5, 1909, c. 6, Q 28, 36 Stat; 91,105; Mar. 3, 1911,, c. 231,

U 196, 36 Stat. `1145.‘)_ _ —_ . '- ·

» . 316. (Judicial Code, section 198;) Appeals from Board of - General ¢Appr•isera,·—-·-It the importer, owner,. consignee, Y or ¤ agent of any imported merchandise, orithe collector or See-- » · rem ry of the Clfreasury, shall be dlssatisded with the decision 1 g ot the.Board ot General Appraisers as to the construction of the , 1 law and the facts respecting the clamincation ot, such merchan- · ,dise and the rate of duty imposed thereon under auch cla=%5i· Y