Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/938

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5 575 TITLE 88.——JUD1C'I4L 1 di as many witnesses int g cause hz such subpoena as convenience - in wrving the same will permits . _ · · ‘ , In 111 mace where mileage is allowed to the marshal ~he\may Q elect to receive uma _01' `His` actual. traveling expensm, to be ‘p1·0ved· on his oath, tdfe the satisfaction oi; the ccurt." (R. 8.·£§ 823; 829; Hay 8, 1&6, c.· 262, §§‘6,_7,·12,-29.$t1tQ 179, 180,1%.). ·e 1 .·. .$ · * 575. Warfnnts in prosecutions under internal revenue laws.- N0 part of any money appropriated to pai any fees to the United States ccuimiwioners, marshals, Qreclerks ah9Qll_be used . for any warrant iéued 01; griesf. wmadc, for other fees ih prosecutions under the intermil 'revcnue {gws,’ unless. paiq °fees‘ have been taxed and `ccllected from the defendantjor unless the- prosecution has been `commenced upon g' sworncomplaint setting forth the facts constituting the otfense `and n1le@ug them to be Within. the knowledge not `the nH¥xint,"01·—up0i1 a sworn. complaint by]? United States district attorney, c01Iect0r,»0r.*_{1eputy collector of internal revenue or revenue agent, setting forth the .facts upon .in1'0rmati0¤···und belief, gud apgmvm either before, or after such anfcst by a` circuit or dist ét judge _0r the nttcmei qt the United States in the `district where th; offense is alleged to have ‘béen com- _ mitted or the indictment is found. (Aug. 18, 1894, c. 301, 5 1,!_28” Stat.·416.)_ · _ ‘ ~ _ __ { _ 576. Sué; e;ecutio¤~ er of wiiti.-—No marshal or deputy marshal; shall be alloyved mofe than one mileage for each mile actually and necessarily traveled, iztespective of the number of "wiits he iuay uecute in makixg such travel; mor shall any marshal onpdeputy marshal be allowed any additional mileage incident to the executibnxor Jteturn of ani writ of mrrest, commitment; or removal other than the V10 cents a mile allowed by ·~1aw tot each deputy, prisqnéxg, and guard; and ‘ no mileage shall bq allowed upon any writ not ergecutcd or when the travel was witheiut cost tomurshal cr deputy. (Aug. 18, 1894; c. 301. 5 L 28 Stht. 416; Juné·6, 1900, c. 791, I 1; 31 Stat. 639.) · e " \ _ SALARIES, EXPENSES, AND AQCOUNTS OF DISTRICT MATTORNEYS AND MARSHALS _ 577. Accéunts of fees or costs ubt r¢examincd.·—-·`STo accounts of fees 611 cogts paid to any wituesecr juror, upkm the order, ct any judge [or commissioner, shall- be so reexamined es` to ahargefmny marshal 1591* an errqneogs taxation of puchVfees·o'i·· costs. Where the ministerial owcers of Qzhc United Stnteqhave

ox· shall iucqé extraordinary expense in executing the laws

xhereécf, the payment of which is not spécihéally provided tor} the _,1{residex1t# ot t§e; `United States is autharized to allow the payment thereof under the special taxation ct the district écurt of the district ein which the said seryices‘h¤ve been or shell bexendergd; to be paid from the. appropriation fo1··dc£rayiug the ~·· cxpeuseétof rthé judiciary. (R. S.'§ 846; Feb. 18,· 1875, c. 80; § 1, 18 Stat. 318; Feb. 2.2,. 18'i’5,`c. 95, I 1, 18 Stat; 838; May `%, 1896, c._ 252, § 13, 29 Stat. 188; Mai 27, 1908Q c, 200, 5 1,. 35 Stat. 375; Feb. 28, 1919, c. 49,] 1, 40 Smt. 1182.) — 578; Salaries tch district altbmeys and darshals in lieu of fees, and. sc forth.-—-=·Except as' p1jovided i¤_•ecti0¤ 591 or this due, A11 fees and emuluments g,uth0riied'by law to bepaid fc United States district atkogucys iuplqdiug thedistrict attorney and his amistnnts {qt the Disféict of Coluhabin and United. Stgtesv margmls shall he mclmrged am collected, ng tar as sible, and paid to the clerk ct the court: having judsdictiod; md by him covered into the Treasury of the United 8tates·;` ¢ud_ said cmcers ·sh_aI1 be paid for their eww anim, which, in the case.o£·d1strict attbrneys, null in the _ circuit cduxts 'ot pppcals of » their biréuitn hum; ¢ver· sitting, .&1&1'i£8 and cqmheimgtinn hereimfter·_ provided and not athetwise. Thisisoctgon shall u he mamma- to `re- quire or authorize tem to be Charged against er collected fro!]

3'ODE AND JUDIOIARI 924; the Urilted States, except ne provided by sectiens 583 anu ,580.ot this title. (May %,»1896,;c. 252, §_ 8, 29 Stat: 179; Mar, 3, 1905, c, 1483, 5 1, 33*Btat.`1207; July 19. 1919, c. 24, { 1, 41 Stat. 209.) . , _ . { 579..Sal•i·i¤. of United Statu stteneys and ¤•r¤haliQ Except uprcvlded lp section 501 ot this title, the salaries of the“jU¤ited Stgtes attorneys §i1cl_U¤ited States mgrshals me the seifernl judicial dmrlctéct the United States Bliall be iixeu _by the Attorney General., at rates _¤¤t las than $,000 ’nmmore thug $7,500 per am-mm for lattomeys dud it rates not less than $3,000 nor more than"' $6,500 per annum for mnrshgls, the amount to bebised iu_eich_ insumm upon the badness tramacted during theltout years ending June 30, 1923. The salaries bf the pnitecl States attcfneys ter the southern district of New York, the northern district ot Illinois, md the District or 1 Gnlumbia may be ixed et rates not exceeding $10,000 per en. '¤um`£o1··each of said dietriétsh L _ - . . -.The Attoruey"Geueml may iherease or decrease nixy of the salaries.·1ixed,__as aforesaid, within ·' the limits prescrlbm ~·inr the i'01`¢80i¤g’ if; uponi. investigation, `_Be` finds that there has been a. material increase. 0: decrease vélume of busi- "uess_ transacted: °Pr<rvidcd, -Thnt no salary'2»¤xed_ under the provisions of this section shall bgchaézed more than once in `any yegors. ,(_R. SL $5 823, S24, 829, 830; Mir. 3, 1837, cc.) 362, 24 Stat. 5-11; May`28,"1896, c. 252,,8 -7, 9, 29 Stat. .181; Mar. 11, 1992, `c. 183.}. 15, 32 Stat. 09; Mui. 3,-1905, c. 1483, 5 1, 33 Stat. 1207; Jime 30, 1908, c. 3914, Q _1, 934 Stat. .753; Feb. 27. .¥907, c. 2073, 9}.13, 34 Stat. 1000*; Mer. 4, 1907, c. 2918, "§ 1, 34 Stat. 'Méy 27, 1908, c. 200, { 1,r 35. Srtaé 375; ‘Mar. 3, 1909, iz., 269, §_ 21{35 Stat., 843; June 1910, c._397,. 36 Stat. 828; June 25,1910, c. 411,,36 Stat. Mai, 4, 1911, c. 285, { 1, .36 Stat. 1426; Ap;. 8, 1912, c. 71, 37* Stef. 79; June 23, 1913, c. 3, § 1, 38 Stat. 54-; Mer. 3, 1915, c. 10Q _§§ 3, 4, 38 Stat. 961; June 13, 1918, c.·..99, 40 $tnt. 605; Feb. 26, 1919, c._ 51, 40 Stat. 1183; Mar. 4, 1923, c. 290; 42 Stat.1$60.)”` · Y · _ 580, district attem?!F‘$ expenses of dietrlct utter-· ney md assistants;. c5cinl i·esi¢ie¤ee.#—¢Except ua provided- ln · section 531 ct this tltle,—¤ssiste.nt~&listrlct ittoméys including those of the District 0t_·C0li1mbla, shall be paid. such salary · as the Attorney General may {mm time to time detexhxlpe as to each, which shall 1.11.130 case exceed $3,500. per annum except in the case ct the, assistant. district attorney for me. eastern- district of Penusyltanla,. whose salary shall not exceed $4,000. »·(May 28, 1896, lc. 252,} 8, .29 Stat. 181; Mar, V3, 1903, c. 1007, § 1,_ 32 Stat. 1141; Mar. 4,"100‘i', c. 2918, § 1, 34 Stat.1300; May 27, 19%, c. 200, § 1, 35 Stat. 375: July 19,*1919, c. 24, § 1, 41 Stat. 209; Jan. 3,19%, c. .21 Title II, 42 Stat. 10%.)* “ . ’ . ,, · _ 581. District attorneys and asnlétnitsg per diem m lice/of éubsisten¢e.——United States district attorneys and their regular assistants i.uey-be‘ grunted; `pet diem oi not to exceed $4 in lieu of subsistence, instead of, but under the `conditions p;jescfibed ter, the present- allowance for ecttunl expenses of subsistence. · (June 1,19%, c. 204, Title II,_,-.42 Stat. 610; Jan; 3, 19%, c. 21, Title II, 42 Stat. 1083; Apr. 2, 1924, c. 81,313 Stat. ·i4;_ Mdy"%, 1924, c. Title II, 48 Stat.220; Fel;. " 27, 1925, c. 304, Tldell, 43 Stat. 10%.) . » , `_ 582. Mgnhalst nlnriu and expenses of eEce depetles md elefk9.·—·~···Except "previded in éecticn 591 of this title, owe deputies uml elerical awémnm bt the emarsbal shall tecegve élarim to be Hxed by the Attorney Qeueml, trim time to time, and paid as provided in aectkm 588 got. this title. When any ef Such ewce deputlm is eumged in `ZhQ`0é1'Vi¢8 ct my wilt, ~

 étibpwue, or ether.   of the .c0m·t, or arhen neces-
 nbeent _-Irom the Q plgce of his rwlar iempleyment, ei

emctal business, he', be nllewedyhis ectunl ~tmve1i¤g· cxpénees only, and his pecwnrg land · actual expenses for 1odg·_ .