Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/941

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923}, . TITLE 88.#—JUDIQIAL C im: from said .c0urts.» N0 constructive or double mileagesfew mlxl be all`0wed1 by l‘é&S0¤ of any person being summougd was wal: :1» witnéss aiu! juror, oraslq witness in two` or more vases ~ pmuiiag in the same court a_nd triable at the same. term thereof. {Amy 27, 1908, c. 200,”—§· 1, 35 Stat. 377.) _ _ · 683. Nc QEET af court to have witness fees.--No officer of we United States cpurts, in aiiy Smtepr Territory, "‘01;· in the `glisttictwf Golumbiu,_shall bé entitled to witneswfegs fqr atzvxlading before may court or_ commissioner where he is omyémizzg. (R. S. ”§ 849.) · N _ A 694. Expenses of o§cerB cfg United States as witngsses.-— \\flusm any clerk lor other smear of the United States is sént

:zu:1y_fr0m_hiS place `ufbusiuegs as a gvitxiess ·f()I'** the GOVé1‘I1·.`

mwxt, his _§ae<.·~essary expexisés, stated in items` and sworn _§0,' in guing, ¥etuming, mid attendance on the. court, shall be "audited {ml paid; but no mileage or other compensation in addition fo l;§s salary, shall many énse-pp allowed, (R, S. § 850.) . · 1 -685. Sehmen as wit¤e;ses.——Them shzill be paid to éach_ séa- mm; cr other person who iskgcut to the United States from ·‘any_ igréign port, station, sea, 0: 0·cwu,'—by aixy United States mini»qe:·, chargé d’BE&il`$, consul, captain, `6i· {commander; té give tvstlmamy ixrhny criminal 08.86 depending in`any cpurt of the A I':1i·t&d—St:1tc8, such- compensation; exclusive bz subsistencejand_ 1:·zms;mrmtiun<as such ccuiitlmay adjudigc to be Q¥0Il€1°,_I10t cx-· iawmiixag $1 for each day necessarily employed ii; guéh v0yage,.andais: ar · wing at the p¢lacé·o£ cxaminalsloh or trial. $1 ilxiug such m lacxzsation, the cosxrt shall lake. into conélderation the condit‘ xx- of said seaman or wltxiess, hud. wl1ethel· his voyafgc has been bx·0kax1·`up, to hl§ injury, by his bélng sent lo the United Jiélaziiés. Q . _ · ‘ ,1 l . \\'l;cn su<éh_ seaman. or person is ·_tmnsp0rted in hu armed swsel of the Uuitéd States uq chérge for subsistence or trans;-

.m·mtit>¥a shall be allowed, `•Vh€11_b@_ is transported in any

mixer vessel, the compensation fo1·.hiS transportation and subsixtexiice, not exceeding ln amy caSef5Q cents a ldhy, maybe Hxed_ 1 by the court, and. shall be paid to the ._captain— of said vessel accordlngljy, (B. S, § `851;)Y A i' R { . " L PBI1'§TERS’ FEES @6. P;·i¤ter9’ f¢c•‘;——-—Fox· pgbllshlng any notice,. .91* order, required by law, or the léwtul order 015 auycouyti, department, bureau, cx alba: pérs0¤,l in any newswpexj, winters shall be A1`1}l§W€d__8-@8 of 40 cents per Iblio tm! the mst iuaertimm,. and y 20 cgnts per folic to:. kehch pubsequent lnégrtion. '13l1e»c0mpcn— satir;11 herein provided 311;.11 include the tumishlng of lajwful A lgzvidespce, made: oath, ci publication; to be mhde and furnished by the priigtex ur publisher making. such publléation. (R. S. » 9.853; ¢187§;.¢. 80, { 1, 18 Staff 317.) 1 » A » · ` , 687. Meaning af. {alia.-·—-’1‘he t.e1·"m~;¢.»1ii>,.l¤ this éhawpter, shall I`11€§’i§ me hundred words,. ccmiting `esch égura as; 1 g w6x·di1 . 1`When there are ove; MQ agd under c11e·hu.dred. wardé, they 1 . slxallcj be camata-cl as {me tolls; halt A lass {number than Htty 1 wargls shall mt · be ccuntgd,. exept when tha. wlnple statqvte, 1 amine, or crdexilconmins lm Luau éfty wopds. (R. S. § 854.) . » FEES, HOW PAID AND RECOVERED M 698. '.lm·¤rs;· py m•.rsh•l.·—-In ca.seg—wl;ere the United Statés are panties; the lml shall, on the crdex; ct Liga court,; to bé entered- on its minuim, paypta the jqrnrs md wimgsses all tm td which theyf xpm: hy' such mdér tp be entitled, which sm M sllqvmd him at the Tieasgry isi his ac- . €0l1Hf.$.r (ILS: I ‘ , .4 \ if E ‘

     at -f¢u.···—··—Tb.g* mes and ·ccmp餤at loiq.s of the

oflfecers/and hareiubémrc menlimzecl, ex¢;·ept·th¤se which - am dlr¤ect&d‘ to, be pgld mst of the Trwsu rX.. sha111be. reéavered ~ in like mahum, as the téés oi Y0m{!£1'S of u1B~§lT£t€S` respec= tively tar llklegsgxwiceé .are.wc~qvea·ad._ (B. S. $.857.) ·

?ODE AND {FDIOIARY § Chapter 17.---EVIDEN(}E. Sec. · · 631. Competency ct witnesses geverued by State laws. 632. Same; defentlants in criminal cases. 633. Same; husband or wife of detenclent in prosecution for bigamy. 63—£._ Testimony of witnesses before Congress. _ 635. Pro0`Y.?§n commdn-law éctions- _ 636. Production otjwooks and writings, 637. Proof in equity and admlrelty. . 638. Comparison of handwriting to determine) geneineneee. 639. Depositions de be¤e esse; when and where tqken; notice. 640. Same ;. mode of iaklngi. — ’ 641. Same; transxnlsslbnjto court. 6·1Ze.Dep0sitiona, acknowledgments, and e$davits taken by, neterlee · public. · ’ . e 643. Deposition ; taken In mbde prescribed by State laws. 644. Deposltions under dedlnxus-poteetntem and in perpetuate. 645. Deposttions. in perpetuem; admissible at dlseretlen ez court. 646. Deposition under dedimns potestatem; how taken. 647..‘Same; subpcena duces teixumf " - 648. Same; witnesses; when reguired to attend. _ , 649. Deposttions in District of Cplumbiai in suits pending elsewhere. 650. Same; commissioner notice. . · _ ' 651. Same'} manner of taking and tumsxnitting.: _652. Saxne'$ witness. ees. · . - ` 653, Letters mgnto y; rocedure. 654. _Witnessee; bpcena ; maywun lntc another district. 655. Sgme i_ subpoena ;—£0 •"attendance under. “ _ 656. Same ;` for indigent defe ants in crfmlnel cases. . 657. Same; recognizence; at hearing ez chargeein criminal cases. 658. Same; recognlzence; Vermont; e 659. Same ;‘ recognizanee; when required. ~ . {660. -S&me; attachment without previexis enbpcena in preeeentlens.

 661. Cepieeot department records and papers; sdmimibtlity.
 662. Same; in .0mce pt Solicitor of the Treasury. _ - `

{ 663. Instruments and papers et Comptroller e!— Currency: edmiesthilirty. § 664., Organization certineetes of netienel banks; edretseibillty.

 665. Transcripts 1'rqmj books of Treasury in emits against dexinqtzenté;

t admlssibility. 5 ‘ e · . - ° 4*366; Same: certincete by Secretary or Assistant Secretary. 667.. Regulations for carrying out provisions et eecfien 666. 668. Seine; 'indlctments for embezzlement of public nzenen. 669. Copies cf" returns in returns umm admissible. } 670. Admlssibility ez copies 0_f‘ stetemeets et demands by Pest 05ee t - » Department. » . .. . F . t \ _ 671. Admieslbility ot copies of poet-emce recerdei and statement et _ , eceennte. _ . ~ _ · ” ‘ A — 672. Admieslbiflty of copies et records of Genera.! Lsné 0@ce.. W 2 ·67 8. Adnileslbfifty of copiee of recerde, and ee forth, et Patent 0@ee. 674. Copies ot Iereign letters patent ea prime tncie evidence. X, 675. Copies of epecmeeticne and drngingk et patents eglmiseible. ‘ 676. Erttraete from journals et Congress ndmiuible when lnj¤.n=etien et . secrecy removed. ; * - l . 677. Copies ee receree ln e¤cés» et Unitee Staten eenaels xdeeteaehw. ,678. Books end papers- in certain district `cenrts. ‘ _ 679. Records in clerks', emcee. Wfettern district of North Carellne. .680. Recerdn in cIérkn’ emces et termer district ei Celifernxa. — 681. Original leet-er,deetreyed, eertwed eee: edmkesieie. 682. Same; when gertined een: net ebnieeble. · 683. Sexnei on remoeel_~.te Supreme Cenrte 68gi."; notice and meet et. service. 685. Same; certified CGD! of owen! papers. ` 686. Same; restoration by district atterney. _ . 687. _Au·theixticetien et legislative sets; preef et indicia!. proceeélna " · of State. `S ” ·- . · ‘ ` 688.* Pmets of reeerdn in cmcee net pertaining te eeert:. 689. Qenieg et Ierelgn reeerdn releting te lens! tftlee. A690. Pmemry netiqns ter reeevery e£ymtn1ng»¢.


701. Taking. ' 702. Privilege et wltneaef · _ 703. Punishment éfwitneesg fer contempt. ` 764; Fees and mileage et witnesses.

 631.. Cempetency. of witneeeee gevemed by State

lawes-—-The competency of n mtneee. te t®tify in any civil `netien, euitQ or pr0~eeding‘ ln. the cenrte of t11e United Statesshelln be determined by the laws et the State er Territory in which the "cenrt is held. (R. SI 5 858; June +29, 1906, e. 3698, 34 Steti 618.) ~» ‘ " .1