Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/987

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{W3 _ _ anzqrzzs Q0.—·——~}iINERAL ·1 C- S . F

I;;;m;y` of San Bermardiuc, shallwve held salwjectto lease, and .

may he leased by the Secretary of the Interiors through ada I W;;;1ea;sloatQ {?0mD€YitiV€`·biddil3g, er such other methods as my 1 may by general regulations adept, and ln such areas ag" he- I ahallhx, het exeeedihg’two theusami fiyethuudred and sixty areas; all leases to he cenditioned-upon the paymenf by the 1 hwee of streh reyaity of `Hétc less than one-eighth of the · aaamat er value of the preductieuw astmay beiixed ih thelease, 1 asa the payaaentin advance of arreutal of 50 eents.per'._acre { fer the arst calendar year or fraction thereotx and $1 per ]

it·;·e· periaxmum thereafter during the c0ntinuance"o1’ the lease, 1

me rental haid fer any ehe year to be credited on the royalty . 1 for as that year. Leases may be for indeterrhimrte periods, °] §;;i;_§ee_t tojeadjxzstmeat at_\ the-end of each twenty-year period, I mean auch ceuditi0§s¥neLjueensistent herewith as may be g gmmpomtetl in each lease e1W>res<;rlbed inj general regulation 1 tharetefere issued by the Secretary of the Interior, inelutling] i


See Title `22, ·FORElGN _R1§r.A·rr0 pm~rrs_ him Ass See Title 31, Mower. AND 1Tma1 _ fmssissrrrr Riva See_.'Pltle 33, *NAV]GATION Ama`] y Meh1uzA*n0N 0 see Title so, wl;. _ _ M / ubxm c See '1‘itle"_,39, P0s·rAL· Smwicrz. M

zazvns- AND ,M11v1No¤ W § 263 covenaxits relatire to minina tmetho<ls,,w,aste,. period of prelinii-nary development, and minimmngprotlzxction, and a lessee under this section may he lesgee ot the remaining lands in- his_ permit. (Feb. 25, 1920, c. 85, § 24, 41 Stat. 447.) - 263. Permits touseor lease of nonmineral lands "fot camp sites, and so forth:-—In adclition to areas of such mineral land whlchfmay be incluclethin any such prospecting perrnits er leases, the Secretary- of the Interior, in his discretion, may gfant to a_ permittee or lessee of lands containing sodium deposits, rand snibject. to the payment of an annual rental of not less than 25 cents. per acre, the cxclusiveright to use, daring the lifeiof the permit br“1ease,_`_a tract of unoccupied nemnineml T public land, not exceeding forty acresin area, for camp sites, refining works, and other purposesconnectetl with and rpecessary to the proper _-develop/ment and rise of the depovsits cerareq by the permlteor lease. (Feb. 2§,_ 1920, c. 85, 5 25, 41_ Stat. 7447.) ‘ " ” o 2 ·Ns‘ Ann In_·rnacoUasr:.. sn ·orr1cns_ nom; ` 1n_comussron" » >IAyr0AnL;¤: Warrmns. F INDUSTRIES. V IRDERS · . _