Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/999

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955 Q t TITLE 815-MON. R rlmll, on the eortmmte of the TILSFITGI that such*amount has i ryan deposited in the Treasury, be credited by. the General · ,&<=t·tm1lti1ng 0iEee_ on the books of the department or establislznaent, to the omcer in whose Mme ll: had stood on the

  1. lmoks oij the General .Acc0untii1Z 0Eee/.tor1-such·department

QH- pstriblishinont, if it appears tllathe is entitled to such cmdit, (1:.S,.‘§309.)’_ — · ~¢ ;;._ _ ·_ ·;'45redit, and the détep,. respectively, of the lustxcredit and the lust tlehiomude-to each account. .(R. S._§ 310;;July 1, 1916, e, 209, §. 5,_ 39 Stn_t.`_336.)-` l ‘ _ ,_v _’ _ _, · { _1$4. Reports of unnaid checks bi General Accounting"()f- fice.——At the termination of- each iiscal year the_»Generul AC- · wanting Otlice shall `report tofhe Secretary ot the Treasury ` l all t·l4eteks,is;suejrby [any qlsbursing omceror the Government as 'Sll()\VIl by his accounts- rendered to the General Accounting 0mc·g=,` which shallythen have been outstanding gud unpaid for three years or inore, stating fullyjn-such report the numq euf the payee,. for what purpose `each bheck was given," tw otlioe on which drawn, the number of the voucher, reeeived ·tl»e:·t»for, the date, the number, and the amount for which it was tlrgzyvn, and, when··‘knovs?n, the residence of the payee. (July 1, 1916, c.- 209, § .5; 39_ Stat. 336; Juué 10, 1921,1:. 18, .§ 304,,42 Stht. 24.)-* _ A _ I Y r A · 155. Restrictions ·épon— Treasurer.--No` person appointed to the onine of Treasureryshall directly. or ‘indlreetly‘be_concerned or interested in carrying on the business of trade or commerce, or be owner in whole or in_part;of anywesrvessel, or purchase by himself, or another in ltrustrfor hlgu," any public lands for other bublieproperty, of be concerned in the purchase or dis? penal ot any public, securities ot {ny State, or of the United States, or take or apply to his own use any emolument or éain fer nnegotiatlngor transacting any Vbusinégs 1¤’_u¤e Treasury _ Depqrtment, other thin what shall be allowed bi law; unt!. every person who oi!ends,¤galnst>zm$· ol? the prohibitions of thl_s’ ‘ sevrlon shall bedeémed guilty of a high mlsdemeanor=sind`.torfelt to the United States the penal-ty ot $3,000, and shall upon ronviction- he removed from oiilce, and, forever thereultgt be

 in;·apable ot holding ani o¤¢·e ungler the Uuitég1`St¢tes; and if;

tally other person than g public prosecutor- shall give information o/t any. such of ense, upon which a prosecution and conviction shell be head, one-Eg]! the aforwid penalty of $3,000, when- . remvered, shall. hg/Yo: the use of the person éiving 'such information. '(R. S.?} WSJ 1 _ -. Clmpter 4.-—-THE _BE(§IS'l'EB. ‘ * · FSP?.  » *5 ` lll!. Reglgter; 1132. Same; mlutles; °, [_. - ·· 163. Restrictions upon register. H __ 164. .x_»;¤l»m¤t register. “ 1435. Same; dutiéf. · ·_ ‘ · 1GB. Temporary acting insistent register. Section 181. Register;·——·'I'here shall be in the Department ot ’ the Treasury in Register og the Treasury, who slialllthe up! , " pointed by the President, by 'uud with the advice and consent l `qfr the Qenate. (R. S. 5,312.) ··" T . 162, Same; duties,-·-The duties of the Register` of the Treasury shnll be such as are required ot him ln connection with the public -debt and such l¤l°tl¤€1° d¤UQ¤ 88 ma! P*’€$€‘¥°ib¤i ( _ js

mr un »1¢·11v.41v0u. “§ 172 _ ,_ by the Secretary of the_'1‘reaaury. (July 31, 1894, c. 174, § 10. * _ 28 Stat.»208.)_, l. · Y J . _, ~ ·· ’ _ 163. Restrictions upon rcgister.—No‘ persoxi appointed to the owce ot Regl_ste1;`o£_[tl1e Treaeury shall directly,or· indirectly · be concerned or interested in carrying on the Business of trade or coxumerce, or be ovyner lu whole pr iizipart ot any sea vessel, o1·_‘pumzme`_by himself, or another in trust for him; any public lands br other public property, or be concerned in the purchase -— or disposal ofany public securities of any State, oro! the United States,_orftake·0r apply to. ·1iis,0wn use any emolumeut or gain for onegotlating or trausacting any business in the ffreasury Department, other than what shallfbe allowed by law; and every person wh0 0Ee¤da against any of the prohibitions of this sectioushall 'be deemed guilty ot a high misdeuieauor and forfeit to the United States. the peualtfof $-3,000, and shall upon con·i " viction be removed from ofllce; and forever thereafter be incapable ot holding any omce under the United States: arid it any other person than a public prosecutor Shall give informa- ._ tiim of; any such olfeizse, upon which a proaecutiou and convic-

tiou' shall. be had,- oueéhalf the aforesaid penalty ot ·$3,000,'

when recovered, shall be for the use of the person giving such ingformatienf _(R. S. § 243.) ‘ ‘ __ l , /

 Assistant »register.—'1`here. shall be in the office of the

‘_Register of the Treasury an assistant register, who- shall. be i appointed by the President, byand with the ailvice and consent ‘of the Senate, (R. 'S. § 31-1.) n - li . . _“» ’ - j _165._` Same); duties.——The assistant register shall perform such _—duties as may be devolved `on him by the register,/gm, iu;the* absence of the register, shall act ln. hisistead}- and any oiliciar record, certificate, or other {document, excepting warrants, beads, and drafta, signed by the assistant regiater, shall have thesame ettectas it siéued by the register. (R. S. {315.) 166. Temporary acting assistant regiéterq->During the" abaeuce of the Register ot the Treasury, and while the assistant register is discharging, under the law, the‘”§daties 0t_ register during his said absence, the Secretary of the Tre&$*11'i may, by appointment under his hand and seal, delegate authority to any chief oi . divisiou or clerk in the omce of register; to act as · assistant register during the said absence of the register. (1>e¤.1a,1se2, N0.`1,2@' am;. ·zs2.>_ .· _ _ Chapter 5. -5- THE _ BUREAU OF; ENGRAWNG AND - PRINTING. " ` Sec. " . ‘

  • 171. Powers of and reports. by director. _ ¥ '

172. Leaves of abnpnce to employees. 113. Same., · . 174. Impressions ot portrait]; . _ o _

 175. Engraved plates of ‘gortralts» of deceased Senators and .Repre— _

, eeutgtives. ‘ .`_ _ ‘ _ ‘ _ _ - 176. Disposition of receipts for nplscellaneous york. v 177. Bonds, noteq, and tchecgs: printing on presses and power . preaaea directed by Secretary et Treasury; interhal revenue _. .|-tampa. · _` t , ‘ · 178. Appropriations for Bureau of Qngraving and Printing. 178. Limitation on expenditure of fuadn. _ _ _ Section 171. Powers of and reports by.director.;·—¢—All the busi— \_ nesaotlthe Bureau of Engraving and Printing Shall be under ‘ the-iinmediate control ot the director of said. bureau, subjeege. :2 to the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the __ director of J the said bureau shall report to and be responsible directly to the Secretary of the Treasury. , (June 4. 1897, e. 2, 5 1, 30 Stat. 18.’)· . _ . ’ _ . _ 172.- Leaves of absence to employees.-—-The employees of the Bureau of .Engravlug and Prlntixig; including the piecewm·kcrs,” shall be allowed leaye of absence with pay, not exceeding thirty days in any ope year, under euehc regulatioas.,an1d..‘at such, time or times as the Qireetor of the bureau, with the appreval -ot*the Secretary of at Treasury, they prescribe and rleelguate: