Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1027

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS., Sass. II. Cu. 39. 1927. 9871 counties, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations, for the accomplishment of such purposes i For the investigation and im rovement of tobacco and the methods 'I`°b°°°° °'°"°°“°°· of tobacco€ roduction and handling, $58,740. · i For the Ereeding and plxysiological study of alkaliwesistant and md md °'°°°· »·.F¤r, ¤¤s¤‘·pl¤¤t. invest-nagwns, imludmg studies or adiseases and uggggf ¤*¤¤* *¤*·¤*· the improvement of sugar ts and sugar·beet seed, $171,255. For investigation, impmvement, and of wild plants "’“*”* ‘””‘”·°"‘* and grazing·¢hnds,»and;§for—detez1aining the distribution of weeds andmeans of their control, $45,380. e For the investi tion and improvement of methods of crop pro- ,,,{2§,{,,§,°},‘§f· °*°·· °"°" duction under sublilumid, semiarid, or dry—1and conditions, $208,050: Pmim grqviyied, the; limitpticgs 311{this Act ashtolpthe co; of fi;;1/:1 gpgdipgég dm im ui dings no a s ara a : 1·omd` t ·,,,,m,,,,§,,,_ ‘ That no part of this aipgrlipriation sliiall gg gsed in the freef1&stri3 tl bution or propa ation or free distribution of cuttings, seedlings, or trees of W1ll0W,%)0X elder, ash, caragana, or other common varieties of fruit, ornamental, or shelter-belt trees in the Northern Great Plains area except for experimental or demonstration purposes in the States of North and South Dakota, and in Montana and Wyoming east of the five thousand-foot contour line: Provided further, That N°°°w°°l°S°u°“ no part of this appropriation shall be used for the establishment of an; new field station. · Um. . W t or investigations in connection with western irrigation agricul- eisiliairiiiiialis m m` ture, the utilization of lands reclaimed under the Reclamation Act, and other areas in the arid and semiarid regions, $109,095. _ For the investigation, improvement, encour ment, and determi· {,°‘§§E,}{’,,‘,§f‘§,"’,;,,,,,,,,,,,,_ nation of the ada tability to different soils ah? climatic conditions ¤¤l¤i¤¤»¤¤¢· of pecans, almonclis, Persian walnuts, black walnut hickory nuts, butternuts, chestnuts, filberts, and other nuts, and ?or methods of growing, harvesting, packing, shipping, storing, and utilizing the same, $29,040. i . Fmm For the investigation and im rovement of fruits, and the methods Ggpwgiiig, handling. of fruit growing, harvesting, Eandling, and studies of the physio- m”‘°"”“‘°°°‘ logical and related changes of fruits and vegetables during the processes of marketing and while in commercial storage, $197 ,660. Exwimcm, garden To cultivate and care for the gardens and grounds of the De art- and grounds. D. o. ment of Agriculture in the city of Washington, including the upllseep and lighting of the grounds and the construction, surfacing, and repairing of roadways and walks; and to erect, manage, and maintain conservatories, greenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses on the grounds of the Department of Agriculture in the city of Washington, $89,500. For horticultural investigations, including the study of producing ,§§,§§l°“1°"’°ll“v°S*i' and harvesting truck and related crops, including potatoes, and ,Bg{;**j§¤¤ °‘ "°¤** studies of the physiological and related changes of vegetables while ' ` in the rocesses of marketing) and in commercial storage, and the study oi) landscape and vegeta le gardening, floriculture, and related sulgjects, $115,000. _ _ N 1 ts or investigpting, in cooperation with States or privately owned c$1¤°£g¤ivs$°:Avesra- nurseries met ods of pro agpgifnig fruit trees, ornamental and other $2;% ,,?',m"gQ§‘f'L°€€ plants, the study of stodlrs in propagating such plants and ¤¤z¤.¤¢¤- methods of growing stocks, for the purpose of providing American sources of stocks, cuttings, or other propagating materials, $21,800. _ H V _ For continuing the necessary improvements to establish. and p$l¤€€?§°am?'éaix maintain a general experiment farm and agricultural station on the M"’“°°”“”°"· °‘°· Arlington estate, in t e State of Virginia in accordance with the V0, 3, D ,,3 provisions of the Act of Congress approved April 18, 1900, $57,000: ` ' ` `