Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1038

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998 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS.»S&s. IL. *Cn.¤39; a 1927. C°°°°’°“°¤- lirestock and liyestock·\prcd¤mts on inicooperation with the

 Service, md¤_otheniFederal tate, and local, agencies,

· ,m._·$78’Z,7§$f{:.lfrozagded,»=Th•t §69,660¤sh•llrbe·vva1labl•¥§or4 co ectx:§ g;*<:&¢·;(¤r¤¤•¤¢>,;¤§:; to A.¤ier1can¢piioducara,i1mg>rtsra, exgirters, ia ··"¥‘°“"*"" $“.. ‘”‘“.,m¤¤i.»’“"““ ’§“""'° “¤.% "°” i'“"*£tZ,.i? ' . — , _ , · — W » ‘: time ’

 indtother factors, a .ol·w iis neces-

,' sp c ~aa¤h=rprodicta‘i¤<$fomign

 of the Government, Stateegvlcies ,  organi-

zations, and;persona· e·»truns,porti.tion, marketing, and

 cfthrm   ‘·pr0dnets,·»mcluding the purchase of
 as mayba»necemry~inrc¢mnection with

.,.,I°,,i°'.‘§?,,°°i.,*'Zg?”¤T;°§4?Z iiork: Provided further; That no art·of the funds herein ` i · V ; iappropriatisgishall; be aglilable ior`my i:1};:ident to asceri tammgoo ` ·orp ·ShIDg·—B·R " ' . eintentionso N t uu bh I farmer; as to tlhlghcreage to be_planteg(il; cotton: Provided further,

__,.i..d“ .0;.,,. ..25 'illolncino pu·tof»t§o»h1(pds’hir
1m shall. be svauspe gr

· t rpreparationio mi ·mon reports o cotton estimates or e · ths f Jul August, d Ny be . P¤rLsh¤b1•h¤¤i>¤>d· Imlilor etiiabling the Sec:d1tary0;i%mAgi`riculture to investigate and

‘°¢*i,}»;u,;¤,,.,d;¤,m certify to and other interestedjiarties the class, qiiality,

,,j¤l’·,?",;°j§°‘·"°°“‘ and/or condition of cotton fruits, vegetables, poultry, utter, hey, and other peridiable farm products w en ofered for interstate ghgpment orfwggrn rplcgved at sugl; important central! markets as the reta zo ic rema* mtimstotime esi ate"rat points which may be conveniently reached therefromfilinddrosucb rulea and regulations as he may proscribe,g including tpayment of such hes as willbe reasonable and asnearlg as may be to cover the cost for the service rendered: Provided, T at certiiicates issued bly 1.,,,,, the authorized agents of departments shall be received in al ”?·¤•¤*¤*¤¤’¤¤· courts of the Umted Statastas (primafacie evidence of the truth of ' the statements therein eontazne , $3§8,4§5.- _ ‘ -1 _ ,,.··i`·-··Y”’°*"'*·*’-“”·*·’i* ¤»%·»m”1’°°T%»t§"mi»»mi”`h“‘§t»“£°¤¤d?;’?Ei‘§‘$f¤’§¤’ t—E{,p‘§°;‘;`E”§?am“2§i§; m *g°g¤g, commercial movement, location, di 'tion, qualit , condition, and mom' condition or répjket piricesrg livestf;-ac-1;, meats, Qvd animal, pnrgducts, dlagréy ‘ po _ Kn 24:35 tsan veget esgipeannts theipxp — ucts, 111, y andseeds, and other mgriculturai p ucts

 aixd inpooperation   branches of the Gov;

ernment, State agenciw, tppmhssinglgnd consuming organizations, mg  ;¤gu£•d»iu ' n, t1on, marketing, an ' ' ion ~ ~, ’ 1 ,54,355. ‘{°¤¤•*?“'• m°’*°•‘· Cooperative Marketing: To enablg the Secretdry of Agriculture to

}_ y:m~ carry mtoeei!eot=theiAct-entitled "An Act toicreate ia division of

an., p.w1. ' vooperatwe Rae Department of Agriculture; to provide for theacquisitionand dissemination of information pertaining to caoperatiomvto promote the knowledge of cooperative principles and p‘B0$l0G° to provide for calling advisersto oounselitnthtthe Secre- taryo! on cooperative activities; to authorize coopera- tive: associations to fguire, interpret, and disseminate crop and marlnégnformatxon, for other purposes," approved J nly 2, 1926, $2207 ' ‘ ) In all, salaries and general expenses, $3,682,491. 0,°,§’§},°“ §}‘,'i‘},‘§‘,§§‘,‘§ nxroncmxnr or rms Uxrrm sums oorrror: rrrronns scr imo mvrrm> we V c ’ srnns corron srsnnnns scr p¤£i"°°m°°° °x` To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry intoetfect the pro- · y,v°?‘1;?§;_"‘ "°‘ v°l‘ visions of the United States Cotton Futures Att, as amended March . D